GUILTY OH - Doyle, 88, & Lilian Chumney, 79, Tuscarawas County, 21 Jan 2015

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
So... the elderly parents were supposed to drive their adult son to the airport?

I don't find this odd, actually. My grandparents are close in age to this couple and often drive my uncle to the airport (and he drives them too).

Prayers to the family. Hope for quick answers!
The Chumney's owned several rental properties. Wondering if the perp could be someone that did work for them or maybe a disgruntled renter?
Original story was that they were to take their son to the airport. Where is he and what is his story? Coming or going, to where and why. What where when why how...etc. I dont like what I'm thinking here at all.
Yes and it says the sister called from inside the home where there were no signs of any home invasion or anything. But that the inside was ransacked. And I dont like what I'm thinking here at all. How much were they worth, and of course brother and sister, would inherit all I assume.....
The Chumney's son is a minister and was flying from Ohio to Florida to attend a conference there. Mr and Mrs Chumney were to pick him up in Massillon at 10:30am Wednesday morning and drive him to the airport.
He was a milk delivery man for 36 years
They drove a very old car
Unless he invested extremely wisely,or had a massive insurance, I can't see a huge inheritance here
Of course, money is not the only motive for murder

I hope they catch him/her/them quickly

HMM... just read about the rental properties
Just read about the rental properties
I wonder if they evicted anyone lately
Just read about the rental properties
I wonder if they evicted anyone lately
Doyle & Lilian Chumney: Strasburg couple found dead in car was abducted, sheriff says
11:50 AM, Jan 23, 2015

CLEVELAND - The elderly Strasburg couple who were found dead in their car Thursday were abducted, the Tuscarawas County Sheriff told the Associated Press.

Chief Deputy Orvis Campbell of the Tuscarawas County sheriff's office said Friday that it appears an accelerant was used to set the car on fire. The bodies were found in the front passenger compartment, he said.

"We know they were abducted," Campbell said, adding that there was evidence of foul play inside the home.

Authorities have not identified any suspects in the abduction.

Autopsies and DNA testing are needed to definitively determine the cause of death of Doyle and Lilian Chumney.

Doyle Chumney, 88, and his 79-year-old wife, Lilian, were reported missing Wednesday morning after they failed to pick up a son in Massillon to take him to an airport.

Friday morning, the Coshocton County Coronor positively identified the bodies as the Chumneys. The bodies were then turned over to Licking County for full autopsies.

One of the couple's daughters went to her parents' home in Strasburg and found it ransacked and the couple's car missing. Strasburg is in Tuscarawas County about 20 miles south of Canton. The couple last talked with the son on Tuesday night, authorities said.

The same make and model of the car that belonged to the couple was discovered around noon Thursday by a motorist in Bakersville in Coshocton County about 100 miles south of Cleveland.

Campbell said the sheriff's office is helping Strasburg police along with the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation. A timeline is being developed to determine who else might have had contact with the couple, Campbell said.
Who would know about the safe? I wonder if they had repairmen in their home recently.
Just because they drove an older model vehicle does not mean that they were poor. Many of the older generation refuse to waste money on a newer car when the one they have runs just fine. Especially if the extent of their driving is just local.
It's been my experience that the ones that look like they have no money from that generation have plenty, if not lots ! Put that with the fact they owned rental properties leads me to believe they probably have saved their pennies and invested wisely over the years.
Just because they drove an older model vehicle does not mean that they were poor.

I know a few people who own properties etc.. and they don't drive the latest BMW's.

I'm curious, who would know the safe was there if they did. I've just read every post here, my hinky meter is going off.
I would assume that the couples children knew about the safe.

Whoever ransacked the house could have come upon the safe.
It could have been in a closet.
It would take a minute to find mine.

It was open, IMO, one of the Chumneys opened it under duress
I wonder if any other fingerprints were found on it
Just because they drove an older model vehicle does not mean that they were poor. Many of the older generation refuse to waste money on a newer car when the one they have runs just fine. Especially if the extent of their driving is just local.
It's been my experience that the ones that look like they have no money from that generation have plenty, if not lots ! Put that with the fact they owned rental properties leads me to believe they probably have saved their pennies and invested wisely over the years.

I was about to make the same observation. I have known more than one millionaire in my lifetime that drove older cars and wore older clothes. You would have never known they were wealthy by looking at them or observing their outward habits. So you can't always determine what someone has by those factors.

I feel its someone they knew as there was no forced entry. And I wouldn't be surprised if its a child or grandchild. Sorry. But I just had to say it.
The neighbors report the garage door was always left open. If they always left the door open, my guess is they didn't keep the door to the garage locked either. It's very likely the person just walked in, taking them by surprise. This would account for the forced entry. Same goes for if it was a tenant/former tenant. The couple may have welcomed them in, even if they were suspicious.
This is terrible! What a tragic case. I can't even imagine having healthy parents at that age and finding they'd been murdered. :(
This is terrible! What a tragic case. I can't even imagine having healthy parents at that age and finding they'd been murdered. :(

I know. It's heartbreaking, it would personally destroy me. Thank the lord that Ohio has the death penalty.

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