GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #4

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My heart is broken. Hugging my Grandbabies so tightly today.........

I'm so sorry Ferretmommy and Cherubcollector have to read these things.....
TY so much, Cheese!!! :blowkiss:

My head is spinning right now. I don't know what to make of this new info.

So CE was still incarcerated when she relayed this alleged jailhouse confession to her sister. Unless CE had access to regular media reports about baby Elaina's disappearance during her time in jail, I don't see how she would know anything about the case, unless AS told her.

If what CE says is true (that SK is the one who assaulted poor baby Elaina), I still don't understand why AS helped SK - nor do I understand why she would have participated in throwing her own baby into the river. :( Ugh - I hated typing that, especially because Ferretmommy and Cherubcollector are both members here.

I don't believe AS's claim that she was threatened if she told anyone. Try as I might, I just don't believe it.

At this point, the only thing that makes sense to me is that perhaps both AS & SK assaulted baby Elaina, which could explain why they both participated in the cover-up, if this new info is true and accurate.

Here's another thing I don't get: where was AS when SK allegedly threw poor baby Elaina against the wall? I'm assuming she was there & witnessed it, because CE stated that "The two then put the toddler down for a nap".

I hope to God that little K didn't witness this heinous abuse.

I feel that AS thought by having the 'don't know' attitude, she would be skipping out of jail just like Casey did!
Thinking more about that theory though - Elaina was still ok (at least, didn't appear to have a bloody nose or black eye) when she was shown in the video from Frank - and wasn't that filmed that evening right before they went to JK's house?
I wonder if Elaina could have gotten into somebody's drugs. Could there have been suboxone or methadone within a child's reach? It doesn't take very much to depress the respiratory system and the baby would have fallen asleep and not awoken again. If Elaina had been thrown against a wall she would have been screaming in terror and the whole house would have heard it. I can't believe that NO ONE would have intervened!

And O/T....HLN is talking about Jodie's LMN movie. You would have to nail my body to a chair to watch that crap. Oh course, JVM is showing the sex scenes just like they played that darn tape, over and over, ad nauseam.
I wonder if Elaina could have gotten into somebody's drugs. Could there have been suboxone or methadone within a child's reach? It doesn't take very much to depress the respiratory system and the baby would have fallen asleep and not awoken again. If Elaina had been thrown against a wall she would have been screaming in terror and the whole house would have heard it. I can't believe that NO ONE would have intervened!

And O/T....HLN is talking about Jodie's LMN movie. You would have to nail my body to a chair to watch that crap. Oh course, JVM is showing the sex scenes just like they played that darn tape, over and over, ad nauseam.

Entirely possible, IMO. Which would explain why nobody in that house is talking.
Thinking more about that theory though - Elaina was still ok (at least, didn't appear to have a bloody nose or black eye) when she was shown in the video from Frank - and wasn't that filmed that evening right before they went to JK's house?

I couldn't see anything wrong with baby Elaina in the video either. That was filmed right before she goes to SK's or has him pick her and the kids up. I wonder where SK picked AS up from? Well, now I'm thinking again that whatever happened took place at JK's. Could something have happened on the way to JK's? I don't really think so, just putting it out there. It seems that all the various pieces of information we get leads me back to JK's house, with AS doing something to baby Elaina and SK possibly witnessing what happened, and helping AS with the disposing of baby Elaina. Sigh. ...
If Elaina's older sister K. said Elaina was sleeping with her on the floor the night before she went missing, I'm inclined to think she wasn't visibly injured prior to being laid down there. They were on the living room floor, everyone would've seen the injuries. Seems like Angela might for a change be telling the truth, or the closest to it that we've heard yet. IMO it sees likely Elaina woke up cranky from her thrush that she was suffering from and wouldn't be quieted, and either SK or AS threw her up against the wall as stated, then laid her down in the bed, etc as stated...she was already crying inconsolably, other than the loud thump I guess her continued inconsolable crying might not seem entirely suspicious to the others in the house. I just can't decide if they took her out of there during their 12am - 1am trip out of the house, or during the later "Family Dollar" trip. I guess it must've been the midnight trip, because it'd be crazy risky doing something like that during broad daylight. But I'm having a hard time making the timing work, that'd mean she was thrown before midnight and then was checked on and found dead before midnight, if they took her out of there at that point. I wonder if there was another late-night/early-morning trip?
Gail St. John who was "featured" on NG tonight is the same "psychic" who inserted herself into the Caylee Anthony case. IMO - she is NOT credible and not believable. I would be shocked, absolutely stunned if LE, including the FBI, asked her to help or allowed her or her dogs near the property. Not trusting her, her dogs, or whatever she said tonight. :moo:

Last night Gail St. John (who I have called "Dog Lady") was able to get access to the neighbor's crawlspace (along the side of 704) and their backyard with her dog. The neighbor gave permission for his backyard and the crawlspace area to be searched and the Kings let her through the gate as their fence went to the neighbor's house on his property.

Even tho' the King property had been searched before, they allowed Gail to take her dog thru the backyard last Monday and in the garage. The alley was done then too and the baby carrier. Wednesday Gail searched Navarre Park with her dog while searchers lined up and did a grid area through tall weeds and wet areas. This eliminated a large area.

I am glad to have places eliminated by the cadaver dog. And even eliminated a second or third time. I give her credit for getting this done however she worked it out.

I just met her, didn't recognize her but knew her name vaguely. Do you think her dogs aren't trained? I don't get it. As just a regular person going down to help with the search, I thought it was a great idea. Maybe not??

I previously said the baby carrier and stroller were sniffed by the dog but found out RS has the stroller supposedly. Wish LE could get that and check it out.

Thanks for all the transcripts! I'm going back to catch up. Here's hoping Elaina is brought home soon!

Tip Line: 1-800-CALL-FBI
But see then you can work our "night shift" during your days! :)

(and everyone knows, like that old song from the 80s goes, "the freaks come out at night!")

Perfect... Works for me, when the I've got the kids home for two days then back in school/care so ill listen to what I can, can you link me to the scanners??
So JVM isn't going to cover anything on baby Elaina tonight?

UGH....sick of Jodi Arias. She's in jail. Just stay focused on the victims we might can still help!
RS does have restricting order to TJ from January he claimed TJ came by house flashes a gun good for 2 years can't be within 500 ft or 2 blocks of him he is suppose to leave immediately if so
Just said on HLN
No one will enforce with this going on

TJ was just driving down Valleywood and RS threw a snow shovel at his car. TJ got out, they ezchanged words. TJ does not/did not even own a gun! RS LIES to whomever will get him the results he wants.

An example: RS called TJ's supervisor at his job and told them that TJ "beat the crap out of Angela and broke her arm". Not true, he was just trying to get him fired! It was verified that he did not do anything to her. RS is just an evil man whose main interest is (beside his "buddy") is to try to make everyone's life HELL.

And a restraining order works BOTH ways, RS is not allowed near TJ either. After the crap at the courthouse yesterday, if RS comes near him, TJ will have him arrested.
Ok I got swept up in the moment with the news release. Here's what I believe to be fact..... ( ferret please dont read this ) the baby was thrown against the wall and then thrown in the river. But I don't know why for one split second I believed Angela when she says to a cellmate it was SK. I just got bamboozled. Of course she's been denying responsibility from day one. I think she got as close as she's going to to the truth. But the fact that SK is still walking the streets makes me feel pretty certain he helped HER cover up her crime but did not participate. Equal scumbags and they both should get the same punishment. I just wanted to clear up because Angela spoke to someone does not mean she told the whole truth to that cellmate about her own responsibility !
FerretMommy-- were K & Elaina sleeping in the living room or the bedroom?
Ok I got swept up in the moment with the news release. Here's what I believe to be fact..... ( ferret please dont read this ) the baby was thrown against the wall and then thrown in the river. But I don't know why for one split second I believed Angela when she says to a cellmate it was SK. I just got bamboozled. Of course she's been denying responsibility from day one. I think she got as close as she's going to to the truth. But the fact that SK is still walking the streets makes me feel pretty certain he helped HER cover up her crime but did not participate. Equal scumbags and they both should get the same punishment. I just wanted to clear up because Angela spoke to someone does not mean she told the whole truth to that cellmate about her own responsibility !

I def believe AS played a huge part in the injury/disposal of sweet baby Elaina. As far as SK, I just don't know that I believe he's involved, except maybe AFTER the fact. If LE truly believed Angela's story/stories, SK would be sitting in jail as well. Jmo
I wish I could read the article. Just now, and a few days ago, when I followed a link to toledofreepress, my virus protection software alerted me that it blocked a malicious Exploit Toolkit Website 4 virus. I closed the tab immediately.

Just offering a heads up to those who may not have updated virus protection.

You are right - The Blade, which is usually up on this story doesn't show anything about this new information.

Can she be stupid enough to have told that to a totally unknown (to her) person within a short time of meeting??? She is probably no bright light but she is probably street smart.
Ok I got swept up in the moment with the news release. Here's what I believe to be fact..... ( ferret please dont read this ) the baby was thrown against the wall and then thrown in the river. But I don't know why for one split second I believed Angela when she says to a cellmate it was SK. I just got bamboozled. Of course she's been denying responsibility from day one. I think she got as close as she's going to to the truth. But the fact that SK is still walking the streets makes me feel pretty certain he helped HER cover up her crime but did not participate. Equal scumbags and they both should get the same punishment. I just wanted to clear up because Angela spoke to someone does not mean she told the whole truth to that cellmate about her own responsibility !

ITA! And everything keeps pointing back to whatever happened taking place at JK's.
It has *just* been reported that a cell mate named Connie Elam was told by AK that Baby Elaina was fussy Saturday night going into Sunday morning - and would not calm down/be quiet. SK was the one who beat the baby. He put the baby down afterward. Sunday morning, Elaina was no longer with us. Sunday morning AS and SK took the baby down to the river under the high level bridge and threw her in.

AS later took LE to the place - which is where the clothes and the diaper were found on Tuesday. Connie Elam called the authorities - asked for no reward nor is interested in a deal (altho other inmates have offered information in exchange for reward/deal) - and has stated that she has a baby close to Elaina's age and the story just has her upset.

I apologize - That's all I have.

The story will be posted within the hour on the TOLEDO FREE PRESS site:

OMG!!!!!!!!! WE HAVE NOT HEARD THIS!!!!!!! TRYING TO VERIFY!!!!! :please:
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