GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #6

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HLN on now. I'm ticked.

So, Angela says that when she (AS) woke up, the baby had a black eye and bloody nose. Then, Angela says that SK threw the baby against the wall.

If AS was asleep during the initial assault, how did she know what happened? SK just told her about it later? And how does one sleep soundly when a man throws a child against the wall in the same, very small room? There was no crying? SK just up and picked up a sleeping child and chucked her like a football?

It all screams to me that AS hurt her baby, SK helped by hiding/storing her.

And that in itself, storing a child's body is such a horrific. In a filthy, rickety old garage that looked like a strong wind would finish it off. Above a junker car, boxes of car and bike parts, rusty old tools, and in back of rags and trash. I can't even imagine what was in the box with her. Some trash to cover her if it was opened? Don't imagine it was a blanket or roses with baby's breath.
I hope they both get life in prison.

This is, every word, my own opinion.
HLN on now. I'm ticked.

So, Angela says that when she (AS) woke up, the baby had a black eye and bloody nose. Then, Angela says that SK threw the baby against the wall.

If AS was asleep during the initial assault, how did she know what happened? SK just told her about it later? And how does one sleep soundly when a man throws a child against the wall in the same, very small room? There was no crying? SK just up and picked up a sleeping child and chucked her like a football?

It all screams to me that AS hurt her baby, SK helped by hiding/storing her.

And that in itself, storing a child's body is such a horrific. In a filthy, rickety old garage that looked like a strong wind would finish it off. Above a junker car, boxes of car and bike parts, rusty old tools, and in back of rags and trash. I can't even imagine what was in the box with her. Some trash to cover her if it was opened? Don't imagine it was a blanket or roses with baby's breath.
I hope they both get life in prison.

This is, every word, my own opinion.

Weren't the living conditions in the house pretty horrific as well? Child abuse convictions usually result in pretty stiff sentences. Every adult in that house belongs in the slammer.

With all due respect, it is irrelevant at this point whether or not the perpetrator of this horrific crime was a victim of child abuse. That is a point that may be used by an attorney as a mitigating factor in the sentencing phase but a jury is only asked to consider guilt.

It may be irrelevant, but I like to get a background story of perpetrators of crimes. While many are from abusive childhood situations, many are not and I find it interesting. Since this is a forum, I don't think that the legal aspect is the only topic. Maybe you would like us to carry the psychological possibilities on to different thread?
It may be irrelevant, but I like to get a background story of perpetrators of crimes. While many are from abusive childhood situations, many are not and I find it interesting. Since this is a forum, I don't think that the legal aspect is the only topic. Maybe you would like us to carry the psychological possibilities on to different thread?

The perp of this horrific crime is still currently unknown. I think the TOS of this forum prevent us from purely speculating about specific people.

I cannot believe that NancyGrace had this case on her show almost every night
then nothing was said about it I thought she would say something last night
I don't enjoy watching her show like I once did I rather come here and read.
I cannot believe that NancyGrace had this case on her show almost every night
then nothing was said about it I thought she would say something last night
I don't enjoy watching her show like I once did I rather come here and read.

It is disappointing. Once the Zimmerman trial took way, it was totally left behind.
TS Sr. & RS are both being interviewed to be on Nancy Grace tonight. 8:00 local (eastern) time. I can't hear what's being said, but TS Sr. keeps saying we gotta watch this tonite. Tune in and watch if you can...
TS Sr. & RS are both being interviewed to be on Nancy Grace tonight. 8:00 local (eastern) time. I can't hear what's being said, but TS Sr. keeps saying we gotta watch this tonite. Tune in and watch if you can...

I'm not near a television so if someone could post a summary, that would be great. Thanks.
I'm watching NG now. So far its all been about the DC shootings yesterday. Is it me or is she extra annoying tonight?
Now a blurb about the 14 yr old kidnapped in Atlanta today. I'm sorry, I can't remember her first name. Last is Perez.
I'm in the UK so can't get to see this. Can people let me know what happens?

JMO - Why would any mother, drug addicted or not, want her child living in a filthy dirty house, with human sewerage on the floors, and allow her boyfriend to black her baby's eyes? That makes me so angry. This person, I can't say mother because mothers actually give a damn about their children's welfare, allowed a man to physically abuse her baby! She put her children in a neglectful, abusive household. How could JK live like that too? What possesses people to live in those conditions?

I feel for TJ, TS senior and all of Elaina's real family, who have had this little angel ripped from their lives. If AS couldn't care less about her children why didn't she let TJ have them to bring up in a safe, loving, nurturing environment?

RIP Elaina.
Looks like they aren't going to be on tonight. It's 7:55. I think I've had my NG quota for a loooong time!
I think it's going to be on Dr. Drew shortly
Well, TS Sr. was told it was supposed to be on tonight. He just found from another guest that was also to be on that they taped it tonight to be on sometime later this week.
Could Angela been involved?
Angela didn't harm that baby. When she seen that blood, she should have reported. She was told to go outside with the older kids. He says they have the murderer in jail, and it's SK. States again he was in garage, and the baby wasn't in there.
And I can't type and listen at the same time! HAHAHHA
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