GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #7

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I don't know what I feel most --- glad the family does not have to go through all the details of a trial, glad the two will be in prison for a long time. Yet, I still feel that was not enough punishment for what this adorable little girl endured at their hands. My heart is so heavy and sad right now.

Tulessa, MDATCA, Ferretmommy and all others who know the personal pain of these tragedies, I can only repeat Tulessa's words. "Til the end and beyond" .... I will share your sorrows, and I will be here.

I was in counseling until I found you guys. You connected with me on a personal level, a counselor just doesn't have the time (too many patients) to do that. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Praying for this baby, and those that loved her!
I'm confused. AS got 18 yrs flat OR she will be eligible for parole in 18 yrs?
I must have read it wrong. I thought it was 18 yrs and shes' sprung.
WHAT THE "$%&"" :banghead: ---and they gave this monster the possibility of parole? I am feeling sick friends.

Considering what she did I dont see Ohio ever giving parole. I dont know if she will live long enough to try for it. Oh I have sympathetic words for both. ROT IN HE!!.....:maddening::denied:
I'm confused. AS got 18 yrs flat OR she will be eligible for parole in 18 yrs?
I must have read it wrong. I thought it was 18 yrs and shes' sprung.

Hi, 18 years and she is eligible..never happen. IMO.:seeya:
Hi, 18 years and she is eligible..never happen. IMO.:seeya:

In 18 yrs Elaina's sister can go before the parole board and tell how her life has been without her sister. I'm so relieved. For some reason I thought she was out in 18 yrs.. so glad that is not true.
:banghead:Yep, he will probably say that she really isn't guilty she just had to plead under durress.

Hi, I hope I never have to see her father again. Any parent who will make excuses as to why~ is just as guilty as she is. He should learn to keep his mouth shut or someone shut it for him. :banghead:
Ferretmommy I'm so sorry that those ******** did what they did. I can only offer my sympathies to you, TS, TJ and the rest of your family. I'm sure you still have so many questions, and I hope you get your answers in time. Goodnight Elaina sweety, sleep peacefully x
Maybe they were both shot down on dope they don't really know the sequence of events and Elaina already had a broken bone or two so she was crying and inconsolable and then the throw against the wall to silence her?
snipped by me for space:)

ETA Per Irisha's post above that on HLN it was said AS threw her to put her out of her pain. That's why i wondered if someone had previously broken her bones. :(

What you've described so vividly, and so well, was not silent. There is no way in hell that JK did not hear this. The others present would have heard this horror going on and yet no one lifted a finger to call 911. Such behaviour is callous indifference to the welfare of every child present in that home--Elaina, KS, and any other child staying in that house. Has CPS evaluated JK's fitness to even be in the presence of children?
It is beyond disappointing that JK has not yet been charged for her role in the crime and the coverup.

Today there has been found a measure of Justice for Elaina.
Bless you Elaina, fly high with the angels, sweetie. We will make a thread in our CAPERS forum and set it for 15 years. We will keep an eye out for when these whatever you might like to call them come up for parole so we can be sure to write letters to the Parole Board and remind that Board of the horrible things that were done to you. 18 to life - I think we can work hard to make sure it is life. :(

Prayers to the family that loves you.


King's CAPERS thread: Steven King, 25 to Life for murder of Elaina Steinfurth, 18 mo (Parole approx. 2028) - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

AS's CAPERS thread: Angela Steinfurth, Alford Plea, murdered her daughter, Elaina Approx. parole 2028 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Oh, poor, POOR, Angela the bereaved mother, sobbing her heart out over her lost child--THAT SHE MURDERED! :stormingmad:

Bury her under the jail and leave her there.
Bless you Elaina, fly high with the angels, sweetie. We will make a thread in our CAPERS forum and set it for 15 years. We will keep an eye out for when these whatever you might like to call them come up for parole so we can be sure to write letters to the Parole Board and remind that Board of the horrible things that were done to you. 18 to life - I think we can work hard to make sure it is life. :(

Prayers to the family that loves you.


King's CAPERS thread: Steven King, 25 to Life for murder of Elaina Steinfurth, 18 mo (Parole approx. 2028) - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

AS's CAPERS thread: Angela Steinfurth, Alford Plea, murdered her daughter, Elaina Approx. parole 2028 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

Ty so much Salem! The thought of these 2 one day walking free makes me so angry. They stole the life of a precious child and shattered the hearts of all those who loved her. They should pay for that every day of their miserable lives. I won't wish harm on them (though I won't shed a tear should it happen) but I hope they are forever haunted by what they did to her and are never allowed contact with beautiful K or SK's young son.
how sad is this...she was badly hurt from mommy throwing her against the wall, mommy had sex with boyfriend, after sex boyfriend finished it...dear God in heaven...what a pair!! i'm just at a loss for words here this evening...

he put his big hand over her tiny nose and mouth and smothered her...what a brave man...NOT!! (our baby was smothered by his daddy and this is really hard hearing what he did to her)

will be back after I have calmed down and can control my feelings about this...say a prayer...
how sad is this...she was badly hurt from mommy throwing her against the wall, mommy had sex with boyfriend, after sex boyfriend finished it...dear God in heaven...what a pair!! i'm just at a loss for words here this evening...

he put his big hand over her tiny nose and mouth and smothered her...what a brave man...NOT!! (our baby was smothered by his daddy and this is really hard hearing what he did to her)

will be back after I have calmed down and can control my feelings about this...say a prayer...

I'm so sorry this is bringing up so much anxiety and turmoil for you grandmax6. Words aren't necessary when your heart speaks so clearly. Sending you hugs and prayers for peace.
From what Becky has said, she has never asked even once about her mother. She has told me how she misses Elaina so much. Last weekend, she and I were in her bedroom playing, and she asked if she could tell me a story. I said yes, then she proceeded to tell me how the wicked witch flew down and took Elaina away with her, and now Elaina watches her from the clouds. I said Yes, and at night when you're sleeping she comes down to kiss you and tell you she loves you. Then she stuck her finger against her eye, and I asked her why she was poking herself in the eye and she said it stops her from crying. I tear up when I think about it...
Post 268 this thread

The confessions to LE, and subsequent "sanitized versions" (according to Judge Ruth Ann Franks) that SK and AS presented in court outlined just how they murdered Elaina. Knowing that little KS was probably a witness to her sister's suffering and AS's deep betrayal, gives another perspective from which to view KS's story. What did she have to do to keep from crying in her fear of all that went on in that room? How could she be sure that she too wouldn't be thrown into a wall? Or worse. Now, the wicked witch will be tethered and won't be able to swoop in to take K away, or hurt anyone else that K loves, and K can cry without fear.

My hope is that no well-intentioned legal beagle spouting chapter and verse about "incarcerated parents' rights" will attempt to force TJ to bring little K to whatever prison will house AS for the next 18 years, or so for court ordered visits.

Justice for Elaina
Post 268 this thread

The confessions to LE, and subsequent "sanitized versions" (according to Judge Ruth Ann Franks) that SK and AS presented in court outlined just how they murdered Elaina. Knowing that little KS was probably a witness to her sister's suffering and AS's deep betrayal, gives another perspective from which to view KS's story. What did she have to do to keep from crying in her fear of all that went on in that room? How could she be sure that she too wouldn't be thrown into a wall? Or worse. Now, the wicked witch will be tethered and won't be able to swoop in to take K away, or hurt anyone else that K loves, and K can cry without fear.

My hope is that no well-intentioned legal beagle spouting chapter and verse about "incarcerated parents' rights" will attempt to force TJ to bring little K to whatever prison will house AS for the next 18 years, or so for court ordered visits.

Justice for Elaina

K is a victim as well. I cannot imagine any legal body forcing visitation and I would hope, if they have not already, that the family will get a small case of AS against K , so that K is a legal victim and can receive victim's compensation in this case from the state. I'm not sure how it works state to state. She may already be classified legally as a victim due to the specs of the case. If not, AS could ' plead guilty' to an assault case on K, now K is a victim and can get state funding for counseling and such from now on. I did not know this could happen but when my niece was a victim of a felony many years ago, the DA told us to keep record of every penny spent in gas and co pays for meds and she was going to the court house and back and to counseling, many trips a week, and even gas to the pharmacy to fill her meds and time off of work to take her to said places. The state reimbursed every PENNY of that expense. It was invaluable because at the time money was so tight and the court house and her psyche drs were over an hour away. Few trips a week like that adds up in gas even at 10 or 15 $ per trip , few times a week for months to a year or so.

ETA Not to mention after that there would be no question about visitation and TJ could have her rights permanently removed very easily .
Wow! AS and SK sentenced! Once they were indicted, things moved fast! AND, they gave up their rights to appeal, which is good news! I knew, and I expect most here did, that AS planted that diaper by the river. I wonder if RS was involved in helping AS do that? I'm so sick of AS crying only for herself.

Whatever AS and SK did to baby Elaina, I don't want to imagine. AS threw baby Elaina off the bed against the wall, huh. And SK did the rest, huh.And then they have sex?! How depraved. Well, I don't think they will ever tell all they did, but they are now going to Prison for many, many years, hopefully for the rest of their lives, or a good chunk of their lives. I'm glad the State offered them these Plea deals, because, even though I believe they would have both been found guilty in a jury trial, who knows for sure? AS got 18 to life, SK got 25 to life. That doesn't mean both will get out once they become eligible for parole. There's that TO LIFE part, and I hope they serve more than the 18 and 25 years!

I don't believe AS feels any remorse for what she and SK did to baby Elaina. All AS's tears have and are for only herself, and the only thing she's crying over is spending a good part of her life in prison.

SK was trying to minimize his role in this, which does sound ludicrous, but he's going to be spending most of his life in prison, so, he can think about what he did for the rest of his life.

What a freakin' waste! Why didn't AS just give up the children before this happened? We'll likely never know just what was in AS's mind, but I have my own thoughts on that, but now the fact they both have been sentenced is what's important. Nothing will bring baby Elaina back, but these two didn't get way with murdering her either. And, I doubt Prison will be easy time for either of them.

There's so much I want to say, but for now, I just want to say to FM, CC, TJ, TS, K., and the whole Steinfurth family, I pray that with these sentencings, Peace WILL come in time. You all have conducted yourselves with the kind of Strength, Grace, Dignity, and Persistance that is rarely seen these days, and I hope that this will be the start of true healing for all of you. You will all be in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless all of you.

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