GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #7

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I don't understand how AS got the plea deal she got. If she wasn't going to admit to anything, why not just try her? Makes me so mad
I don't understand how AS got the plea deal she got. If she wasn't going to admit to anything, why not just try her? Makes me so mad

I agree! It sounds like a conviction would have been a slam dunk with SK's testimony but maybe the family wanted it resolved w/o a trial and this is what it took. She deserved a much longer sentence though. She was Elaina's mother and had a duty to keep her safe.

I have a horrible feeling that it won't be long before we hear about RS fighting to be allowed to take K to prison to see Angela. I really hope that a good lawyer will step up and offer to help the family deal with protecting K.
Angela went with an Alfred Plea. Of course she did.

"At Tuesday's sentencing, prosectors said Angela threw her daughter across a room, off the bed and onto the floor before having sex with King. The girl cried the next day as she was suffering from a bump on her head, bloody nostrils and a black eye."

I think we all agree that AS should no longer be considered a victim in this case. :facepalm: I'm so sorry for baby Elaina's family and the posters here who truly love her. :tears:
JMO - seriously, JMO -

I think he's still lying. The whole "I tried to save her" bs smacks of an attempt to mitigate his own guilt. I doubt very sincerely that he tried to help that precious little girl.

Again, IMHO...

Well i doubt he did much to try to help and is mitigating his guilt, i felt from the very first he was the primary in this
Interesting follow up article.

I'm angry and I'm going to rant, so feel free to ignore the rest.

Apparently JK and the rest are walking away from this horror with NO legal repercussions. JK and the rest are apparently deaf and blind. All the brutality visited on Elaina by those monsters must have been done in utter silence. In that tiny, filthy house JK didn't hear Elaina crying. JK didn't hear the body hit the wall. JK didn't see the blood on the floor, on the bedding. JK didn't notice KS was in shock. Maybe the blood was indiscernible in the amidst the piles of rags and refuse. Maybe JK couldn't smell the odours of death because they were masked by the raw sewage on her floors.

I am very disappointed that the adults in that house of horrors have been cleared of any involvement in Elaina's murder. It's pointed out that JK passed a lie detector test. Well big freaking deal. So did "Angel of Death", Charles Cullen. So did the traitor, Aldrich Ames. So did the "Green River Killer", Gary Leon Ridgeway. (
JK may not have participated in the physical abuse in the bedroom, but common sense makes it clear that she knew what had happened. IIRC, Ferretmommy posted that JK was telling people early on that "all" SK could be charged with was desecration of a dead human body. If JK knew of the desecration of a body, then she had to have known of the death, and that was long, long before SK told LE where to find Elaina's remains. JK's being given a pass on this obstruction of justice is inconceivable!

The article's last sentence was a sucker punch. "Investigators now say they are comfortable saying that no one else had any involvement in the death of baby Elaina." How pleasant that they are comfortable. They've decided that no one was involved in allowing a child to be denied medical care. That no one was involved in the coverup of child abuse. That no one was involved in the coverup of a murder. That no one was involved in lying (by omission or commission) to LE about what happened to Elaina.

One more thing. On June 18th, Delcamp interviewed JK. He asked her why SK had been beligerent with TJ. JK responded that SK was upset because TJ had "kind of thrown, like pushed Kylee in the the va-, his truck. And he got upset over that...". (My transcription of the raw interview.) She was, IMO, obviously projecting the Steven's behaviour onto TJ, implying that TJ was abusive towards his daughter just seconds after she had told Delcamp that she wanted to get the children away from AS and into TJ's care. She's contradicting herself. JK even started to describe TJ's vehicle as a van (SK's vehicle perhaps?) instead of as a truck. (Could she have been describing what happened to Elaina's body when SK took it away from the scene of the crime?)

IMO, JK had no problem maligning TJ's character and pretending that SK was being protective of little KS and, further, that SK did not have a history of abusing KS and Elaina. (Interesting also in that SK framed his allocution along the same lines.) She had, again JMO, no problem trying to deflect attention from SK to TJ as though TJ had deliberately upset SK. In light of the revelations at the sentencing, JK's baseless comments to CD serve to magnify the tragedy. JMO.

Perhaps if a case is brought against AS on behalf of KS, as suggested up-thread, there will be an opportunity to bring charges against JK et al regarding child endangerment of KS.

End of rant

I'm saddened, and tired, and frustrated by what seems a very casual dismissal of the role JK and the other adults played in this tragedy. What I'm feeling must be miniscule compared to how heart-sick TJ, TS Sr, Ferretmommy, Cherubcollector and the Steinfurth family must feel.

However, I'm so glad that CD kept asking questions. I hope that he follows up for a while yet. He's so right when he says that many questions remain to be answered. Maybe he'll get the chance to find the answers to a few more.

Justice for Elaina

Mods please snip if I've broken the rules. Thanks.
RE: AS's plea: The Alford Plea

I was intrigued. When is a guilty plea not a guilty plea? Why is a guilty plea not a guilty plea?

As part of his plea bargain, an allocution was required of SK so that his conviction would be seen as justified, there would be no question of a possibility that SK was innocent of the charges. He had to admit in open court to details of the crime and so take responsibility for the horror of his actions, at least to some extent.
Other websleuthers have posted their doubts about the accuracy of SK's allocution, and the judge, IMO, seemed skeptical. When she asked the prosecution if the "sanitized" statement was acceptable to them, to me, it seemed to imply that she knew much more had been involved.
Apparently SK's allocution met with the prosecutor's acceptance, if not approval. I wonder, if the allocution had not been acceptable. could that have negated the plea bargain? Could the death penalty have again become a possibility?
I agree with previous websleuthers who believe SK was skimming over his actions so he would not seem so much of a monster, but I believe that much more happened to Elaina both before she ever got to SK's house, and later on in that cursed bedroom. However, at least he made a formal admission of his guilt. (And, like AS, he had to agree not to appeal the sentence.)

Allocution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On the other hand we have AS who also brokered a plea bargain. She entered Alford pleas to charges of murder and obstructing justice. (
It was not incumbent upon her to make a statement in open court since she is not admitting her guilt. She is maintaining that she is innocent, BUT, acknowledging that the prosecution has collected enough evidence to have potentially gained a conviction had the case gone to trial. The prosecution, by accepting this plea, is saying they believe they could have won based on the evidence, but, in a jury trial, the outcome cannot be predicted with any accuracy. AS's treatment by the courts is the same as if she had pled guilty and does not affect the sentence the judge has chosen to impose. IMO, by choosing this course of action, AS will never have to admit her guilt or take any responsibility for her actions. She will be able to maintain a facade of innocence with her family and with the public. The pleas allow her, I guess, to even lie to herself about what she did and did not do. Her choice does not mitigate her sentence. So she's treated as though she's guilty, she admits the evidence would support a guilty verdict, she's accepting a sentence that's predicated on her guilt, but she will always be able to deny that guilt.

List of people who entered an Alford plea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If I've made any errors or mis-statements, please let me know so I can correct them.
I agree! It sounds like a conviction would have been a slam dunk with SK's testimony but maybe the family wanted it resolved w/o a trial and this is what it took. She deserved a much longer sentence though. She was Elaina's mother and had a duty to keep her safe.

I have a horrible feeling that it won't be long before we hear about RS fighting to be allowed to take K to prison to see Angela. I really hope that a good lawyer will step up and offer to help the family deal with protecting K.

I'm sure you're right, but I hope that can be forestalled. Posts 658, 659, and 672 discuss something along these lines.
What the Heck! How can they even say something this absurd!
does this make everyone as mad as it makes me?

Prosecutors said they didn't think they could seek the death penalty because it wasn't clear if Elaina's injuries from being thrown could have been fatal on their own,,20762535,00.html
RE: AS's plea: The Alford Plea

I was intrigued. When is a guilty plea not a guilty plea? Why is a guilty plea not a guilty plea?

As part of his plea bargain, an allocution was required of SK so that his conviction would be seen as justified, there would be no question of a possibility that SK was innocent of the charges. He had to admit in open court to details of the crime and so take responsibility for the horror of his actions, at least to some extent.
Other websleuthers have posted their doubts about the accuracy of SK's allocution, and the judge, IMO, seemed skeptical. When she asked the prosecution if the "sanitized" statement was acceptable to them, to me, it seemed to imply that she knew much more had been involved.
Apparently SK's allocution met with the prosecutor's acceptance, if not approval. I wonder, if the allocution had not been acceptable. could that have negated the plea bargain? Could the death penalty have again become a possibility?
I agree with previous websleuthers who believe SK was skimming over his actions so he would not seem so much of a monster, but I believe that much more happened to Elaina both before she ever got to SK's house, and later on in that cursed bedroom. However, at least he made a formal admission of his guilt. (And, like AS, he had to agree not to appeal the sentence.)

Allocution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On the other hand we have AS who also brokered a plea bargain. She entered Alford pleas to charges of murder and obstructing justice. (
It was not incumbent upon her to make a statement in open court since she is not admitting her guilt. She is maintaining that she is innocent, BUT, acknowledging that the prosecution has collected enough evidence to have potentially gained a conviction had the case gone to trial. The prosecution, by accepting this plea, is saying they believe they could have won based on the evidence, but, in a jury trial, the outcome cannot be predicted with any accuracy. AS's treatment by the courts is the same as if she had pled guilty and does not affect the sentence the judge has chosen to impose. IMO, by choosing this course of action, AS will never have to admit her guilt or take any responsibility for her actions. She will be able to maintain a facade of innocence with her family and with the public. The pleas allow her, I guess, to even lie to herself about what she did and did not do. Her choice does not mitigate her sentence. So she's treated as though she's guilty, she admits the evidence would support a guilty verdict, she's accepting a sentence that's predicated on her guilt, but she will always be able to deny that guilt.

List of people who entered an Alford plea - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If I've made any errors or mis-statements, please let me know so I can correct them.

Wendiesan - I agree 100%. Thank you so much for your informative, insightful, well-thought-out, and eloquent posts.

If I didn't mind a time-out, I would lapse into a verbose rant detailing my thoughts about SK's "admission", AS's refusal to take any responsibilty for her daughter's death....however, once I got started, I wouldn't be able to temper my words of disgust and would most likely end up typing some very, very nasty and immature words that went on to insult both of them in the meanest and smallest ways possible. My oldest son tells me that sometimes my "Trenton" comes out when I get upset.

Prayers, love, hope, and healing to FM, Cherub, all of those who love Elaina and KS, and everyone here. You guys rock.
Interesting follow up article.

I'm angry and I'm going to rant, so feel free to ignore the rest.

Apparently JK and the rest are walking away from this horror with NO legal repercussions. JK and the rest are apparently deaf and blind. All the brutality visited on Elaina by those monsters must have been done in utter silence. In that tiny, filthy house JK didn't hear Elaina crying. JK didn't hear the body hit the wall. JK didn't see the blood on the floor, on the bedding. JK didn't notice KS was in shock. Maybe the blood was indiscernible in the amidst the piles of rags and refuse. Maybe JK couldn't smell the odours of death because they were masked by the raw sewage on her floors.

I am very disappointed that the adults in that house of horrors have been cleared of any involvement in Elaina's murder. It's pointed out that JK passed a lie detector test. Well big freaking deal. So did "Angel of Death", Charles Cullen. So did the traitor, Aldrich Ames. So did the "Green River Killer", Gary Leon Ridgeway. (
JK may not have participated in the physical abuse in the bedroom, but common sense makes it clear that she knew what had happened. IIRC, Ferretmommy posted that JK was telling people early on that "all" SK could be charged with was desecration of a dead human body. If JK knew of the desecration of a body, then she had to have known of the death, and that was long, long before SK told LE where to find Elaina's remains. JK's being given a pass on this obstruction of justice is inconceivable!

The article's last sentence was a sucker punch. "Investigators now say they are comfortable saying that no one else had any involvement in the death of baby Elaina." How pleasant that they are comfortable. They've decided that no one was involved in allowing a child to be denied medical care. That no one was involved in the coverup of child abuse. That no one was involved in the coverup of a murder. That no one was involved in lying (by omission or commission) to LE about what happened to Elaina.

One more thing. On June 18th, Delcamp interviewed JK. He asked her why SK had been beligerent with TJ. JK responded that SK was upset because TJ had "kind of thrown, like pushed Kylee in the the va-, his truck. And he got upset over that...". (My transcription of the raw interview.) She was, IMO, obviously projecting the Steven's behaviour onto TJ, implying that TJ was abusive towards his daughter just seconds after she had told Delcamp that she wanted to get the children away from AS and into TJ's care. She's contradicting herself. JK even started to describe TJ's vehicle as a van (SK's vehicle perhaps?) instead of as a truck. (Could she have been describing what happened to Elaina's body when SK took it away from the scene of the crime?)

IMO, JK had no problem maligning TJ's character and pretending that SK was being protective of little KS and, further, that SK did not have a history of abusing KS and Elaina. (Interesting also in that SK framed his allocution along the same lines.) She had, again JMO, no problem trying to deflect attention from SK to TJ as though TJ had deliberately upset SK. In light of the revelations at the sentencing, JK's baseless comments to CD serve to magnify the tragedy. JMO.

Perhaps if a case is brought against AS on behalf of KS, as suggested up-thread, there will be an opportunity to bring charges against JK et al regarding child endangerment of KS.

End of rant

I'm saddened, and tired, and frustrated by what seems a very casual dismissal of the role JK and the other adults played in this tragedy. What I'm feeling must be miniscule compared to how heart-sick TJ, TS Sr, Ferretmommy, Cherubcollector and the Steinfurth family must feel.

However, I'm so glad that CD kept asking questions. I hope that he follows up for a while yet. He's so right when he says that many questions remain to be answered. Maybe he'll get the chance to find the answers to a few more.

Justice for Elaina

Mods please snip if I've broken the rules. Thanks.

BBM, is this at the time TJ came for both of his daughters and was informed that one of his daughters was not coming out of the house? Followed by being informed that daughter was missing? So he's trying to find his child and figure out what the heck and he sets K down abruptly in his truck ? I can completely envision this. K may be like trying to climb out and what not and TJ's mind is swirling with every kind of ' what the HECK' thought there is about what AS is saying and he cannot have K wandering around and needs her to sit in the truck and wait . SK , in his mind, thinks ' well he just set her down kind of rough, see there? he's no better than me and what i did' .

Agony :(
Interesting follow up article.

I'm angry and I'm going to rant, so feel free to ignore the rest.

Apparently JK and the rest are walking away from this horror with NO legal repercussions. JK and the rest are apparently deaf and blind. All the brutality visited on Elaina by those monsters must have been done in utter silence. In that tiny, filthy house JK didn't hear Elaina crying. JK didn't hear the body hit the wall. JK didn't see the blood on the floor, on the bedding. JK didn't notice KS was in shock. Maybe the blood was indiscernible in the amidst the piles of rags and refuse. Maybe JK couldn't smell the odours of death because they were masked by the raw sewage on her floors.

I am very disappointed that the adults in that house of horrors have been cleared of any involvement in Elaina's murder. It's pointed out that JK passed a lie detector test. Well big freaking deal. So did "Angel of Death", Charles Cullen. So did the traitor, Aldrich Ames. So did the "Green River Killer", Gary Leon Ridgeway. (
JK may not have participated in the physical abuse in the bedroom, but common sense makes it clear that she knew what had happened. IIRC, Ferretmommy posted that JK was telling people early on that "all" SK could be charged with was desecration of a dead human body. If JK knew of the desecration of a body, then she had to have known of the death, and that was long, long before SK told LE where to find Elaina's remains. JK's being given a pass on this obstruction of justice is inconceivable!

The article's last sentence was a sucker punch. "Investigators now say they are comfortable saying that no one else had any involvement in the death of baby Elaina." How pleasant that they are comfortable. They've decided that no one was involved in allowing a child to be denied medical care. That no one was involved in the coverup of child abuse. That no one was involved in the coverup of a murder. That no one was involved in lying (by omission or commission) to LE about what happened to Elaina.

One more thing. On June 18th, Delcamp interviewed JK. He asked her why SK had been beligerent with TJ. JK responded that SK was upset because TJ had "kind of thrown, like pushed Kylee in the the va-, his truck. And he got upset over that...". (My transcription of the raw interview.) She was, IMO, obviously projecting the Steven's behaviour onto TJ, implying that TJ was abusive towards his daughter just seconds after she had told Delcamp that she wanted to get the children away from AS and into TJ's care. She's contradicting herself. JK even started to describe TJ's vehicle as a van (SK's vehicle perhaps?) instead of as a truck. (Could she have been describing what happened to Elaina's body when SK took it away from the scene of the crime?)

IMO, JK had no problem maligning TJ's character and pretending that SK was being protective of little KS and, further, that SK did not have a history of abusing KS and Elaina. (Interesting also in that SK framed his allocution along the same lines.) She had, again JMO, no problem trying to deflect attention from SK to TJ as though TJ had deliberately upset SK. In light of the revelations at the sentencing, JK's baseless comments to CD serve to magnify the tragedy. JMO.

Perhaps if a case is brought against AS on behalf of KS, as suggested up-thread, there will be an opportunity to bring charges against JK et al regarding child endangerment of KS.

End of rant

I'm saddened, and tired, and frustrated by what seems a very casual dismissal of the role JK and the other adults played in this tragedy. What I'm feeling must be miniscule compared to how heart-sick TJ, TS Sr, Ferretmommy, Cherubcollector and the Steinfurth family must feel.

However, I'm so glad that CD kept asking questions. I hope that he follows up for a while yet. He's so right when he says that many questions remain to be answered. Maybe he'll get the chance to find the answers to a few more.

Justice for Elaina

Mods please snip if I've broken the rules. Thanks.

^^^Above respectfully BBM

Wendiesan, when I read this article, I found myself screaming at my computer in anger and disgust! The reporter was quick to point out JK passed her poly, stating LE is essentially comfortable that no one else was involved with Bably Elaina's death. But to me, that statement does NOT address complicity AFTER the FACT! Those charges haven't been properly addressed, not even close! Your rant is well deserving, in my humble opinion, and I am in total agreement with you! There's NO way Elaina suffered as we all know she did in SILENCE! JK can try all she wants to paint herself in a different light, but the bottom line, is, well, it's still lipstick on a pig!

I will NOT be satisfied until LE truly looks at everyone in that house of horrors, and truly holds them accountable for their responsibility to the children in the home! There are no words to describe how I feel right now, but your rant certainly did an excellent job of stating what my own words could not! :banghead:

Mods, please snip if I myself have stepped across the line.....
What the Heck! How can they even say something this absurd!
does this make everyone as mad as it makes me?

Prosecutors said they didn't think they could seek the death penalty because it wasn't clear if Elaina's injuries from being thrown could have been fatal on their own,,20762535,00.html

It just means that it would be pretty hard, if not impossible, to prove that she would have died anyway, considering the amount of time between when she was thrown and when SK smothered her, which was several hours, IIRC. It helps to understand that knowing something and proving it in court are two different things.

I realize that this is frustrating to all of us, how a mother could do such a horrible thing to her child, and not be punished to the fullest extent of the law. But this beats the heck out of the possibility of taking her to trial and standing the chance that she would be acquitted and not sent to prison at all, like Casey Anthony. I'm just glad to know there was some justice for Elaina. Maybe AS will have a long time to THINK about what she's done.

My prayers for the family. I hope all can find some peace, if not now, then some day soon.
It just means that it would be pretty hard, if not impossible, to prove that she would have died anyway, considering the amount of time between when she was thrown and when SK smothered her, which was several hours, IIRC. It helps to understand that knowing something and proving it in court are two different things.

I realize that this is frustrating to all of us, how a mother could do such a horrible thing to her child, and not be punished to the fullest extent of the law. But this beats the heck out of the possibility of taking her to trial and standing the chance that she would be acquitted and not sent to prison at all, like Casey Anthony. I'm just glad to know there was some justice for Elaina. Maybe AS will have a long time to THINK about what she's done.

My prayers for the family. I hope all can find some peace, if not now, then some day soon.

Perhaps the worst part is that her initial injuries may not have been fatal. In all those hours that she was still hanging on, it seems medical intervention could have made a real difference. :(
I'm just glad that someone WAS held responsible for this baby's death. Too many times, a parent or whoever kills a child, and there is never any punishment for it. It is not the punishment most of us would have given these 2, especially the mother. But at least it is something.

Another thing is, see what happens when people are arrested, charged with something? People in jail are thinking about things, more willing to come clean. I think about Debra Bradley and Justin DiPetro (?) and they both should be sitting in jail somewhere right now.
Another thing, unless a person can afford a private attorney OR the attorney takes the case totally pro bono, the person should be given the next public defender on the list. It still gripes my azz what the taxpayers in Fl had to pay to defend Casey Anthony. If Bozo wanted the publicity, he should not have been paid by the state.
All moo.
JMO - seriously, JMO -

I think he's still lying. The whole "I tried to save her" bs smacks of an attempt to mitigate his own guilt. I doubt very sincerely that he tried to help that precious little girl.

Again, IMHO...

Of course he's lying. His story makes no sense. There was no need for CPR if he knew she was breathing. His reaction to her breathing was to kill her. I doubt this demon ever gets out on parole. Ditto for the child's mother.

What the Heck! How can they even say something this absurd!
does this make everyone as mad as it makes me?

Prosecutors said they didn't think they could seek the death penalty because it wasn't clear if Elaina's injuries from being thrown could have been fatal on their own,,20762535,00.html

Add it to the long list of absurdities about this case. Not only did the prosecutor decide not to seek the death penalty, she also apparently decided not to bother with a trial.


EAST TOLEDO, OH -- The front room at 704 Federal Street on Toledo's East Side is where an 18-month-old Elaina Steinfurth took her last breath on June 2, 2013.

The night before, Elaina's mother, Angela Steinfurth threw the 18-month-old against the wall when she wouldn't stop crying, according to investigators.

Toledo Police Captain Wes Bombries reveals information never released to the media, "We found blood, as it was stated in court, on the walls, on the floor, on the blanket, that sort of thing. Then we had to verify who's blood that was."

The crib where Elaina slept was to the right of the front window, against the wall.

On June 18, WNWO obtained an exclusive look inside that room. It had been torn apart by investigators."

WATCH: Exclusive look at the room where Elaina was last seen

More at link.

Reposting, as link posted above didn't work. First sentence in this news article is interesting. I thought baby Elaina had died in one of the bedrooms, this says the living room?
With all the blood they said was found, WHY didn't they take EVERYONE in that house into custody?! And, it's clear that precious baby Elaina suffered even more than broken bones, and that is horrifying enough. JK and everyone in that house had to know what was happening! They did nothing, and are not going to be held responsible? REALLY?!!

I so wish I could post what I'm thinking, but I would probably get banned.

OH, and WHY did it take so long to find baby Elaina?!!!
Of course he's lying. His story makes no sense. There was no need for CPR if he knew she was breathing. His reaction to her breathing was to kill her. I doubt this demon ever gets out on parole. Ditto for the child's mother.


Your reasoning is my exact feelings. I was hesitant to post them since I have only been in lurking mode for the past few months.

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