GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #7

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DNA Solves
My thoughts on this case are: If the mother didn't do something to kill the baby, she knows what happened to her, and is protecting someone. She wouldn't be the first mama to let her baby die and protect the boyfriend.
If she was abused by the boyfriend, she's the one who went to his home. She could have stayed at her step-fathers house. Oh, I forgot, he wouldn't let her smoke there. Got to keep your priorities straight.
Slightly off topic but please bear with me. Another case I've been following involves this mother >> It never struck me until yesterday how much she looks like AS, but blonde, especially her eyes. A few weeks prior to Elaina disappearing, this mother's little girl disappeared as well. The case is in France, so it's not had as many followers because of the language issues in reporting. Mom said her child disappeared. Poof, she vanished! All of the adults involved were arrested this week and now according to mom, her drug addicted boyfriend beat her child to death . So for about four months the whole of France searched for a missing child who would not be found. She's been buried very nearby all this time and mom kept her mouth shut while even PRAISING the wonderful man who was her boyfriend and how good he was for her and her other child. Anyway, it's off topic for Elaina but I wanted to point out how frequently this type of thing is happening, a mother covering for a boyfriend who has killed her child and letting people exhaust themselves searching for a baby that cannot be found . Their eyes are what made me draw the connection. I never had before.

SCHMAE, my computer uses Google Translate to make the article readable, so here's what was written about the case background.

Fiona disappeared May 12 to 17h, while playing with her ​​little sister for two years and their mother, six months pregnant, was asleep twenty minutes on a park bench Montjuzet on the heights Clermont-Ferrand. Although the runaway accident had quickly vanished after extensive searches failed in this steep park of 25 hectares, an "Alert Removal" procedure could not be activated in the absence of concrete evidence. For his part, the prosecutor in Clermont-Ferrand assured q u'il "there was no reason to question the word of the mother" , several witnesses attesting to the presence of Fiona in the park the day of his disappearance.
Initially, the investigation was focused on the entourage of his mother, including a 34 year old Algerian against whom she had complained a year earlier for "rape and kidnapping." Mrs. Bud has also been heard on this issue in early September as part of a civil judge in Clermont-Ferrand. The floor was then presented the case as a "distinct" in the disappearance of Fiona.
For four months, investigators have also scoured hundreds of calls on the national hotline (0800 958 081) set up after the disappearance and Fiona located around the country.
"Remarkable dignity"
These testimonies, in June, a woman claimed to have seen the girl on a beach in Perpignan, where her grandmother lives. This summer a child ensured also seeing "a strange man" in the park Montjuzet the evening of the disappearance of Fiona. But it was an indirect evidence, and collected more than two months after the fact. In August, Cecile Bud said he was "a little disappointed" by the testimonies that have "achieved nothing" and confided to La Montagne that she felt "a little abandoned."
His lawyer, Portejoie, explained his side to share with his client "the theory of abduction by someone who is not stuck," and described the mother as "remarkable dignity and courage." Prosecutors in Clermont-Ferrand opened on May 14 a criminal investigation for "kidnapping", entrusted to two judges. Fiona's mother was a civil party to have access to the file, as well as the father of the girl, Nicolas Chaloufais, she said no news for over a year, and his new companion, father of her third child she gave birth this summer.

Mods, please delete if in violation of TOS.... Thank you!

You're absolutely correct, the parallels to AS, not only in appearance. Her story didn't fool investigators, and I hope she and her boyfriend ("close-father" as it translates) are held accountable. It is beyond infuriating. Thank you for bringing this to our attention!

More so, I am deeply saddened for yet another little girl, Fiona, as well as the sibling she will never get to see.
So I have been doing some thinking, and I apologise in advance if this is too soon.

This situation is absolutely beyond devastating, but sadly is being replayed in various parts of the country over and over again. The amount of families who are having to bury their babies because of one parent and/or their partner is frightening.
Everytime something like this happens it is near impossible to find the good in it and with good reason. The "Amber Alert" has most certainly helped in many abduction cases, but of course that like anything else has flaws in it. For example if there was no car used etc. The point I am heading towards, is would it be possible to petition for a new law. Elaina's law.

A law that would state, that if a child under the age of 2 (ie: unable to remove themselves from a situation without assistance, unable to walk away on there own per se) goes missing, or is reported as missing from a dwelling, that every person over the age of consent who had been or was present at the time be held by law for a pre-determined amount of time for questioning and to allow LE and search parties to search a 5 mile radius as thoroughly as they can. It should also be mandatory that atleast one sniffer dog is brought in immediately.

My reasoning behind this is:

Babies do not wander off to start a new life because they don't like their own lives
Babies do not accept lifts off strangers they meet on the internet
Babies are so susceptible to the adults in their lives and their poor decisions
Babies don't disappear

Obviously there is way more to think about in implementing that law and yes it wouldn't fit every situation, but neither does the Amber Alert. How many times have we seen a baby reported as missing only to be discovered some time later injured or deceased at the hands of one of their parents, located within 5 miles of the place they were last seen.
Elaina, Ayla Reynolds (not found), Levom Wameling and the list goes on.

For one reason or another Elaina has landed softly into my heart along with her family and while I couldn't be there to search, or donate funds or attend vigils, I don't want her passing to be in vain.

I honestly hope that this hasn't offended anyone, and I apologise for my long winded message.

FM & CC you will be in my thoughts over the next few days as you face the next challenge in what must seem to be an unending nightmare. Rest easy precious Elaina
Do it Abstar ! I can name about a dozen babies under 2 right now that this has happened to in the last 6 months or so on ws alone that I've seen. It has to stop!
I also think that a parent has a responsibility to know where their child is, ESPECIALLY a child too young to even walk ( which Elaina was not ) or talk or open doors, etc. It's just beyond maddening.
Do it Abstar ! I can name about a dozen babies under 2 right now that this has happened to in the last 6 months or so on ws alone that I've seen. It has to stop!
I also think that a parent has a responsibility to know where their child is, ESPECIALLY a child too young to even walk ( which Elaina was not ) or talk or open doors, etc. It's just beyond maddening.

There is one major issue with me proposing a new law...I don't reside in the states!!! And I am pretty sure your congress (?) wouldn't take too kindly to a non citizen wanting to change the laws!! But by all means if any of you who live in the USA have the drive and determination to kick it across the lines I strongly believe that it should be done..
whew! All I can say is a child should be a parents top priority. A child is not an accessory or a toy or something you have cause its cute or cool. If all of this happened on TJ's watch and he sat in jail saying nothing, nothing about his baby girl or what really happened I seriously doubt he would get much sympathy or compassion. Men usually dont.

If anyone killed my child or caused them to disappear then they better pray to whatever god they believe in and head to the nearest jail to turn themselves in. Cause incarceration and divine intervention is the only thing that would protect them from me.
It just seems that such a law should never be necessary. When a child that young is reported as missing, le should already be calling in the dogs, searching the area and separating witnesses from each other in order to question them. I am just so heartbroken over the number if children that are simply thrown away because of some parent not having their safety first in their priorities.
There is one major issue with me proposing a new law...I don't reside in the states!!! And I am pretty sure your congress (?) wouldn't take too kindly to a non citizen wanting to change the laws!! But by all means if any of you who live in the USA have the drive and determination to kick it across the lines I strongly believe that it should be done..

You'd think a law such as you suggest would find a welcome place in international law--so children can't just disappear while on holiday or while a family is moving without repercussions. I think laws and penalties regarding child abuse and the reporting of child abuse need to be changed, and quickly, across the globe. So many problems and flaws within the systems set up to protect children have been revealed as this case progresses, IMO. When I started checking, I found that penalties for many infractions are laughable and have no value as deterrents, IMO that is. That's on both sides of the 49th parallel.

Abstar80, I think you've got a great idea, and I think public opinion would support it.
I'm afraid that a law that strict would make people afraid to report the children missing. Especially low income people who may be struggling with childcare, or associating with criminals. I think continuing to enact the "Caylee" laws is better. I think we know that in most of these cases, the child is dead before the first call to LE is placed. (And that's really what "these cases" are about – the cover-up of a murdered child.) So detaining everyone in the house wouldn't have saved her. In this case, LE also dropped the ball on searching. It just isn't possible to legislate in a way that would have protected Eliana. So we are left with trying to make sure justice is done, meaning a successful murder charge is brought. Again, here, detaining everyone wouldn't have helped--SK was detained for months before he talked.

It's too easy to hide a dead child, and the typical perpetrators seem savvy enough to wait it out a long time. LE fumbling in Elaina's case didn't help, either. But I still can't see an easy legislative solution that wouldn't spawn more problems. I think making sure the child MUST be reported missing, which I don't think is a law in all states yet, is a good first step though.
I'm sure you're right about reluctance to report. The emotions arising from the articles I've been reading lately got the better of me I'm afraid. Thanks, ArianeEmory, for the gentle push back to reality.
I'm afraid that a law that strict would make people afraid to report the children missing. Especially low income people who may be struggling with childcare, or associating with criminals. I think continuing to enact the "Caylee" laws is better. I think we know that in most of these cases, the child is dead before the first call to LE is placed. (And that's really what "these cases" are about – the cover-up of a murdered child.) So detaining everyone in the house wouldn't have saved her. In this case, LE also dropped the ball on searching. It just isn't possible to legislate in a way that would have protected Eliana. So we are left with trying to make sure justice is done, meaning a successful murder charge is brought. Again, here, detaining everyone wouldn't have helped--SK was detained for months before he talked.

It's too easy to hide a dead child, and the typical perpetrators seem savvy enough to wait it out a long time. LE fumbling in Elaina's case didn't help, either. But I still can't see an easy legislative solution that wouldn't spawn more problems. I think making sure the child MUST be reported missing, which I don't think is a law in all states yet, is a good first step though.

Unfortunately I don't think these people give a hoot about laws, they simply don't deter. If a murder charge doesn't deter then a law saying they must report a missing child won't either.

Most of the time the child is killed in a snap situation imo (not saying there isn't previous abuse but that the actual incident is from temper) The first instinct of theirs is to hide that it ever happened and not reporting seems to be a first step. And they end up reporting as an abduction anyway.

I think the most helpful new law would be part of abstars idea, where in the case of a missing baby or even child under 10 that the house and property can be immediately searched thoroughly> This would give LE a chance to treat it as a crime scene right away and not have to wait for a warrant. I don't suppose it could be as blanketed as i suggest but perhaps guidelines for a judge to give a warrant could be enacted that allow them to issue it based on the child gone missing and no other evidence.
I'm afraid that a law that strict would make people afraid to report the children missing. Especially low income people who may be struggling with childcare, or associating with criminals. I think continuing to enact the "Caylee" laws is better. I think we know that in most of these cases, the child is dead before the first call to LE is placed. (And that's really what "these cases" are about – the cover-up of a murdered child.) So detaining everyone in the house wouldn't have saved her. In this case, LE also dropped the ball on searching. It just isn't possible to legislate in a way that would have protected Eliana. So we are left with trying to make sure justice is done, meaning a successful murder charge is brought. Again, here, detaining everyone wouldn't have helped--SK was detained for months before he talked.

It's too easy to hide a dead child, and the typical perpetrators seem savvy enough to wait it out a long time. LE fumbling in Elaina's case didn't help, either. But I still can't see an easy legislative solution that wouldn't spawn more problems. I think making sure the child MUST be reported missing, which I don't think is a law in all states yet, is a good first step though.

You raise excellent points there, and I had considered that when I was thinking of how to put the idea forward.

Unfortunately as we all know too well, laws don't prevent tragedies like this happening. I wish I could save all the babies in the world that are in precarious situations and ultimately prevent any of them going missing etc. But that is just not possible.

I guess my point was that there needs to be something in place that allows LE to come in and treat is as suspicious from the get go, because lets be honest anytime a baby disappears its suspicious.

If LE brought in a sniffer dog and were able to search and question everyone at Federal Street on the 2 June, I am willing to bet that TJ would not have spent months and months searching and hoping and looking for Elaina.

Why are individuals who were the last to see a baby who is misisng treated with kid gloves. Why aren't they hauled over the coals immediately. As I stated before babies just don't disappear.

I guess I am just feeling rather passionately about this at the moment as I read more and more about babies being mistreated.
I totally agree with Abstar. If you knew that as soon as a baby under even say 4 missing that the person whose care they were in was treated a suspect number 1, with everything and everywhere being searched, then that would find a lot of these babies sooner. And if you are a good parent with nothing to hide then you would welcome that intrusion if it was going to find your child. People are far too quick to hide behind rights. Look at Terry Smith Jr's mom who won't give LE his dental records. That raises alarm bells for me.
I've stayed out of this for good reason... This is the Cummings vs Croslins all over again... My husband has family within that block....
My prayers are for Elaina and her big sister..!
Precious Baby Girl...I know you are now running in fields of flowers, laughing and playing with all the other baby angels, no hurt will ever come to you now. You are loved and will never been forgotten.

Praying for the family that God will watch over them in the coming months.

God Bless!

Thinking of Elaina's family today !
I just cannot say how deeply I LOVE your little girls, both of them.
Elaina is one of my first thoughts every day and shortly after that,
I remember baby K , sisterless and confused.
This world is cruel and there is no way to undo what is done but I'm
confident and at peace knowing little K has a wonderful family holding
her together and that baby Elaina did know love on this earth and that
her memory and this tragedy will make her daddy an unbelievably strong
man . I think TJ is only a year or 2 older than my own son and thinking about him going through this is unimaginable. Be strong TJ. You have so many prayers and supporters
hoping that you feel one little sliver of strength from us.
I totally agree with Abstar. If you knew that as soon as a baby under even say 4 missing that the person whose care they were in was treated a suspect number 1, with everything and everywhere being searched, then that would find a lot of these babies sooner. And if you are a good parent with nothing to hide then you would welcome that intrusion if it was going to find your child. People are far too quick to hide behind rights. Look at Terry Smith Jr's mom who won't give LE his dental records. That raises alarm bells for me.

Exactly! If my child went missing I wouldn't be offended if LE tore my house to shreds looking for her. I would welcome the extra manpower in fact.

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You raise excellent points there, and I had considered that when I was thinking of how to put the idea forward.

Unfortunately as we all know too well, laws don't prevent tragedies like this happening. I wish I could save all the babies in the world that are in precarious situations and ultimately prevent any of them going missing etc. But that is just not possible.

I guess my point was that there needs to be something in place that allows LE to come in and treat is as suspicious from the get go, because lets be honest anytime a baby disappears its suspicious.

If LE brought in a sniffer dog and were able to search and question everyone at Federal Street on the 2 June, I am willing to bet that TJ would not have spent months and months searching and hoping and looking for Elaina.

Why are individuals who were the last to see a baby who is misisng treated with kid gloves. Why aren't they hauled over the coals immediately. As I stated before babies just don't disappear.

I guess I am just feeling rather passionately about this at the moment as I read more and more about babies being mistreated.

I wish I could agree with you on this, but based on the circumstances of how and when Elaina was found (right there, months later, when alleged dog hits had already happened), I'm not sure there was any way anything in this case was going to go right. That doesn't mean your proposal might not help in other cases.
Exactly! If my child went missing I wouldn't be offended if LE tore my house to shreds looking for her. I would welcome the extra manpower in fact.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Free

Exactly!!! And I would be tearing my own home apart which makes me shake my head that the people in that home did not do the same....
My thoughts and prayers are always with you Ferret, Cherub, and family; but even more so today and tomorrow. I can't imaging how difficult it will be for you laying Elaina to rest. But I am glad that you are finally able to do so. Maybe it can bring a little peace. I am so sorry that this happened, that such a sweet angel was taken from you. I believe with all me heart that she is watching over you all every day.

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