OH OH - Harley Dilly, 14, walking to Port Clinton High School, 20 Dec 2019 #2

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I’m really beginning to despise these blanket useless announcements.

snipped by me

I totally agree! It is very frustrating to see that the focus of each message continues to be “no new information,” and “don’t blame the family.”

While the public may not be entitled to a play-by-play of daily police investigation practices, there is a lot the chief could do/say to inspire confidence that they truly are doing everything possible to locate Harley. These lackluster “updates” imply otherwise. MOO.
Was there a half-day that day? I work at a high school and we had a half-day that day. Also, none of the classes had remotely anything substantial going on. The kids wore pajamas and snacked and watched movies.
Please tell me what you define as the dark web...

I could give a lengthy explanation but I’m very familiar with the dark web and one can google it if they want. And yes, teen boys are all over it.
I spend time volunteering with teens and I'm pretty young still so they think I'm "cool" (lol) and tell me lots of thinks and there was one time we made fun of how adults think teens use the dark web. So I guess that experience stands out to me a lot. MOO, of course

They do that here too. But gamers use it to hack / cheat / buy and trade codes/ steal gaming accounts/ etc. The guy Harley asks “how’d you find me” makes me wonder if he wasn’t doing that. That guy is a known account thief , scammer and gambler.

Could Harley have owed someone money?
Weeks have passed since 14-year-old Harley Dilly’s disappearance: Here’s what you need to know

Port Clinton Police have been called to Harley Dilly’s home five times since 2016, with at least four of the five calls being made by Heather Dilly, Harley’s mother.

Most of the calls were to “calm [Harley] down” or to settle a dispute within the household, according to police records.

Port Clinton Police Chief Rob Hickman previously said in a press conference that officers had once been called to the home after Harley previously left the home following a family argument, and he didn’t return in that instance until the next morning.
I’m not victim bashing, forgive me if this comes off that way. My home life growing up was similar because my Mom would call the police to my home whenever we argued and it began at this age. My Mom was manipulative and gaslighted me so when she would involve the police it was after she worked me up so much and used it as a threat to show her power. When the police came she was the victim and I was the out of control teen. It was awful. I am not saying that’s the case here, but it seems a bit excessive to have the police involved so often and for that reason.
I would spend as much time away from her as I could, seems the case with Harley too. So the fights would only occur whenever we were forced to be together. I hated the holiday breaks because my friends with normal families would be busy, there was no escape of school and I would be forced to be with her. I can see him wanting to flee...I also was very open to strangers because anyone was better than the monster I lived with.
Just my opinion
ETA- I had a sister who was 13 years young than me. Before her, I was an only child. It didn’t bother me that she was there because it took the attention off of me, which was appreciated. I adored her too.
When my second son down was 14 he could quite easily be found exploring all sorts of stuff online purely because it was prohibited!,I asked him about it once,he was very sheepish but I told him i just wanted to know how to access it and what I could find there,like could I hire a hitman for instance?(scared the beejesus out of him with that question :D),anyway long story short,yes he had been on it,yes it was easy and not so easily traceable(doable,but takes time),yes I could hire a hitman (WHY MUM??) and no,nothing nefarious,just curiosity on his part.
I guess it depends on the kid.

that made me spit out my coffee lol thank you
i'm thinking that he did not want to go to school because he did not want to meet somebody who he knew was going to be waiting for him. so when he left home he walked in the opposite direction hoping to find a place to hide.

the more I think about it, the more this makes sense. Initially, I thought he wanted to stay home so that he could meet up with someone during the day, but I had not realized/considered that both his parents may not be out of the home working during school hours. I also wonder if he didn’t leave so early that morning hoping to avoid whoever was going to be waiting for him. And a part of me still can’t shake the idea of self-harm in this case. People miss suicidal and depressive signs every day. Unfortunately I know all to well how easy it is to miss. Not saying HD was either however in a case where even simple facts can’t be verified, one can only speculate.
Microsoft launches anti-grooming tool 'Artemis' to tackle sexual exploitation of children and stop paedophiles targeting youngsters online
  • Tool is free for 'qualified online service companies that offer a chat function'
  • Scans messages in an app and software gives the conversation a 'rating'
  • Apps can determine at what severity an alert is triggered for human review
  • Child protection charity workers can then review the conversation and report it to the authorities and law enforcement if necessary
Microsoft launches anti-grooming tool for online messaging apps | Daily Mail Online
It’s estimated that 89% of sexual solicitations made by a predator to a child were done within chat or instant messages. Microsoft is determined to help change that, with the release of “Project Artemis.”

Project Artemis is a tool to help identify predators in online chat. It was “developed in collaboration with The Meet Group, Roblox, Kik and Thorn,” a tech nonprofit specializing in technology that helps protect children from sexual abuse.

The tool is designed to evaluate conversations, looking for communication styles and patterns predators use to target children. According to Microsoft, “the development of this new technique began in November 2018 at a Microsoft ‘360 Cross-Industry Hackathon,’ which was co-sponsored by the WePROTECT Global Alliance in conjunction with the Child Dignity Alliance.”

Once deployed, the tool “evaluates and ‘rates’ conversation characteristics and assigns an overall probability rating. This rating can then be used as a determiner, set by individual companies implementing the technique, as to when a flagged conversation should be sent to human moderators for review. Human moderators would then be capable of identifying imminent threats for referral to law enforcement, as well as incidents of suspected child sexual exploitation to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC
Microsoft Unveils Tool To Help Protect Children From Sexual Predators
I'm not sure where the claim originated that HD might've been having "midterm exams" on 12/20--do you have an MSM source? The way I read it, PCHS's own website states that "second semester" (really a "trimester") exams will be held the week of January 13, 2020. Principal's Message

And perhaps I'm misunderstanding how they conduct exams at this particular school but I do not think it is at all likely (for reasons previously discussed on this thread re: the typically laid-back, celebratory vibe many high schools have on their final day of classes before an extended recess) that any high school without a major sadistic streak would hold midterm exams on THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL BEFORE WINTER BREAK. Based on the school's own official Facebook page, it looks like the ethos in the Port Clinton HS on/around 12/20/19 was (at least in part) much more relaxed/festive than I'd expect to see were most students trying to focus on taking exams. Log In or Sign Up to View


RSBM. Thank you for the link regarding 1st semester final exams. I had looked for it, but couldn't find it.

Our local high schools do have finals the last week of school before winter break. The decision was made a few years ago to change them from after break, to before break, so students wouldnt spend their entire break stressing out over exams. This way students can relax and enjoy the break and return to school rested and ready to start the 2nd semester.

Imo, and this is my theory, someone close to the family groomed both Harley and his mother, gaining their trust, and harmed Harley on the 20th. Perhaps Harley was ready to tell, or stand up for himself and that person disappeared him to keep him from telling. There was a reason Harley didn't want to go to school that day, perhaps it was to avoid the person responsible for his disappearance.

Stranger abduction is incredibly rare, and I don't see it being possible in this case.

I'm also leaning toward LE having a POI, but just not ready to publicly announce one.

There's not a lot of verified facts we can work with here... Is this intensional on the part of LE ? That leaves just a couple of options. They (LE) know wayyyyy more than we do or they know just about as much and are searching for those facts that can be verified. US Marshall's are very good at one thing in particular that may be in play here, searching and recovering RSOs that are not registered and are able to do things and not be scutinized...
However the blanket statements can also hold off releasing info in regards to POI being investigated as well. I believe that may be someone in Harley's circle of friends/schoolmates/family. Start close and work outward. MOO Still looking you Harley, praying that you will be found soon and unharmed, praying that this family finds the strength to see this investigation through
I totally agree! It is very frustrating to see that the focus of each message continues to be “no new information,” and “don’t blame the family.”

While the public may not be entitled to a play-by-play of daily police investigation practices, there is a lot the

chief could do/say to inspire confidence that they truly are doing everything possible to locate Harley. These lackluster “updates” imply otherwise. MOO.

I am of the exact opposite position. LE is not going to show their hand, and will keep saying 'no new news' until they are ready to charge whoever is responsible for Harley's disappearance.
I am so sorry that you and your son both have to deal with this every day. It must be hell to live fearing what may happen. I lost my oldest son 4 years ago and, try as I might, I worry every time my younger daughter (18 y/o) and son (16 y/o) go anywhere. I walk a fine line between letting them go out and have fun with their friends, but also telling him of dangers to be careful of - but I did this with my older son, too. I do make sure that they text me when they get where they are going (if it's at night or the weather isn't good or if it's a little farther away). I try not to text them to make sure they are OK when I hear sirens. I try not to be afraid of a knock at the door or seeing an "unknown/unrecognized" number on my caller ID when they are out. But I do.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your son. I struggle all the time with trying to be sure they are fine and they are old enough and responsible enough, I still don't want anything to happen to them. My daughter and grandson live 1700 miles away. They are on my Live360 app so I can be sure that there isn't a problem or concern if I can't reach either of them. My daughter recently went to LA to a concert for 4 days and even at 33 I made it perfectly clear that I was tracking her every movement and expected to hear from her a minimum of twice a day by a phone call, not a text. I guess being on WS for the past 7 years+ has made me a worried parent/grandparent.
This is HD’s YouTube video from Black Friday where the person was watching Harley’s live-stream from a NSFW Discord server.

I looked up that server and I can assure you that it does include *advertiser censored* and IMO highly inappropriate for that server to be interested in watching a 14 year old boy playing a video game.

No, not all Discord servers are NSFW but this one certainly was. If you’d like me to send you the link to that server, I’d be happy to do so as it’s against TOS to post it here.

I (kind of traced) one of those people down, via a friend (probably internet friend) who streams gaming on twitch. The madden game does actually come up in conversation, so I actually believe there is a understandable link between those people and HD. Regardless of whether it was inappropriate
I am of the exact opposite position. LE is not going to show their hand, and will keep saying 'no new news' until they are ready to charge whoever is responsible for Harley's disappearance.

Agree that LE is going to continue holding their cards close to the vest.

I would simply add that we shouldn't necessarily assume that a crime has occurred here.

It's entirely possible that the only person involved in HD's disappearance is HD.

It’s estimated that 89% of sexual solicitations made by a predator to a child were done within chat or instant messages. Microsoft is determined to help change that, with the release of “Project Artemis.”

Project Artemis is a tool to help identify predators in online chat. It was “developed in collaboration with The Meet Group, Roblox, Kik and Thorn,” a tech nonprofit specializing in technology that helps protect children from sexual abuse.

The tool is designed to evaluate conversations, looking for communication styles and patterns predators use to target children. According to Microsoft, “the development of this new technique began in November 2018 at a Microsoft ‘360 Cross-Industry Hackathon,’ which was co-sponsored by the WePROTECT Global Alliance in conjunction with the Child Dignity Alliance.”

Once deployed, the tool “evaluates and ‘rates’ conversation characteristics and assigns an overall probability rating. This rating can then be used as a determiner, set by individual companies implementing the technique, as to when a flagged conversation should be sent to human moderators for review. Human moderators would then be capable of identifying imminent threats for referral to law enforcement, as well as incidents of suspected child sexual exploitation to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC
Microsoft Unveils Tool To Help Protect Children From Sexual Predators
Microsoft has done quite a bit to help track down pedophiles. A few years ago there was an officer in Canada that had to go through thousands of child *advertiser censored* images daily to catalog them. Out of frustration, he sent an email to Bill Gates. He received a reply from one of his admins a few weeks later and they developed a digital fingerprinting program that could catalog all of the CP images and track other cases that had the same images. They took it a step further and had that tool scan online file share sites. My brother is LEO and he got a call from the FBI and Homeland Security stating that one of his guys on probation had one of the largest caches of CP including files they had never seen before which they suspected he created. The FBI said it could take a couple of days to get a warrant, but he was on probation so my brother could visit him any time. He went to his house and knocked on the door and said he was coming in. "Oh, and I brought some friends along..." That's when the FBI and Homeland Security popped out.
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