GUILTY OH - Johnny Clarke, 21, & Lisa Straub, 20, murdered, Springfield Twp, 31 Jan 2011

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If this is the case, I don't see it being a robbery, home invasion or drug deal gone bad. The fact alone that they were asphyxiated is unusual. That is a method that is personal. It's a slower death and doesn't seem to be about rage but about power or maybe even vengence?

Yeah I think it is about revenge/power too. BTW when I referred to drugs I didn't mean a drug deal gone bad, but more like possibly angering drug dealers.

It seems like the work of someone that has experience based on the sketchy facts that are known (and no known sperm or sexual assault weirdness going on). I agree about the power aspect, the feeling is whomever did this had a definite plan and a reason.
Nice post, Freshbait. Welcome aboard.

You touched on a few things I've also been thinking. The friend that went over to check on them.. something fishy about things. The phones on the bodies.. the Mom did say ON the bodies. Very strange.
I can't speak for anyone else but me, but with regard to the comment about someone "having his phone on him," I have heard that expression before. And all it really means, in my experience, is that the person has his phone with him, in his possession at that moment in time. Not necessarily that the phone is literally laying on the person. KWIM?

I do think though that this was personal. This was about suffering. Whoever did this wanted these two poor young people to suffer, so it seems to me.
Yeah "he has the phone on him" is a popular phrase but she made it sound like it was ON him. She said "they're unconscious with cellphones on their bodies! He only has pants on!"
If the phones were literally placed upon their bodies while they were tied up like that, then I believe even more strongly that it was personal.
I believe that this was not some random crime, I believe the person(s) who did this knew Lisa's parents were away and not coming home.

I also think that whoever did this knew Lisa & Johnny's schedules and/or saw them out and about a lot and maybe even drove by the house a couple of times to stake out the place.
It could even be like a big F-YOU to them and whoever was on the phone (the friend). Like the killer knew someone was on the phone when the attack started and left the phone on the bodies as an F-YOU. Although that mucks things up even more for me.

If you were the killer and interrupted your victims while they were on the phone wouldn't you be thinking.. I better hurry the hell up because whoever was on the other end of the line will most likely be calling police. You wouldn't have time to be tying them up, put bags on their heads, pose phones, remove clothes and all this stuff. Something about that friend is irking me. It really could be a setup of some sort.
It could even be like a big F-YOU to them and whoever was on the phone (the friend). Like the killer knew someone was on the phone when the attack started and left the phone on the bodies as an F-YOU. Although that mucks things up even more for me.

Yeah, you would think the killer would feel obligated to rush. On the otherhand something similiar happened here in Georgia just last week. A woman talking on her cell phone was carjacked and kidnapped, the sister heard it on the cell. They shot the victim in a field and she died then dumped the car. Those fools were too stupid to realize the car would be reported asap due to the cell convo (but then again they are half-wits and this killer probably wasn't).
When the mothers said "these people" I started thinking drug related. First thing everyone suspects is some lone male nut, not "these people".

If you run afoul of M13 you probably won't recognize the killer, they have new recruits that want to prove themselves with these jobs as well as seasoned killers already on the payroll.

They do? Why would they automatically think it was just one person and always a male. Men and women team up to do a myriad of horrible crimes together. Men team up with men to do crime together also.

Is there any evidence to show this was drug related? I havent heard a word about a drug connection at all.

I can't speak for anyone else but me, but with regard to the comment about someone "having his phone on him," I have heard that expression before. And all it really means, in my experience, is that the person has his phone with him, in his possession at that moment in time. Not necessarily that the phone is literally laying on the person. KWIM?

I do think though that this was personal. This was about suffering. Whoever did this wanted these two poor young people to suffer, so it seems to me.

That is how I have always seen it used. "Had his phone on him" meaning he had it "with" him at the time.

They do? Why would they automatically think it was just one person and always a male.

Is there any evidence to show this was drug related? I havent heard a word about a drug connection at all.

The mother not only said "these people" she clearly stated she believed her son knew the killers, that it was not random and that it was premeditated.

I thought up the drug thing on my own because it seems like the most common way for kids like that to get involved with dangerous people BUT after reading the comments on the actual 911 call story (below) some posters are saying they were involved with drugs, and one poster said "well he couldn't be doing drugs because he was on probation". The probation comment if true is telling, and it certainly wouldn't rule out being associated with drug dealers etc...

Course if he WAS on probation that opens up other possibilities. What was he on probation for and did he cut a deal?
I thought it was strange too that the perp didn't feel the need to rush. It will be very interesting to find out if the probation comment pans out.
New article and video. FBI now involved. Also mentions Johnny had been convicted of robbery in 2007 and served a year and two months in prison.

Now this adds a new twist. I had thought connections the parents had but now I'm thinking connections that Johnny had - connections upset about something he did/said. And the mother may have suspected that he had somehow upset someone, which is why she was so quick to react to the phone call from the friend.

As for the phones, if they were indeed on top of their bodies, then I think it was taunting them. I'm sure one or both of them (Johnny/Lisa) tried to get to their phones or kept eyeing the phones during the ordeal. And so after tying them up, it was like, "Oh and by the way, here are your phones back." :no:
The mother not only said "these people" she clearly stated she believed her son knew the killers, that it was not random and that it was premeditated.

I thought up the drug thing on my own because it seems like the most common way for kids like that to get involved with dangerous people BUT after reading the comments on the actual 911 call story (below) some posters are saying they were involved with drugs, and one poster said "well he couldn't be doing drugs because he was on probation". The probation comment if true is telling, and it certainly wouldn't rule out being associated with drug dealers etc...

Course if he WAS on probation that opens up other possibilities. What was he on probation for and did he cut a deal?

I don't really know. Maybe he got probation for a first time offense on having marijuana maybe? ETA: I see it was a robbery he committed several years back.

But being asphyxiated with a plastic bag just doesn't make me think it was a drug dealer.

I wonder why she feels that way. Didn't the girl that was talking to Johnny say he said Who are you? What do you want? That sounds like he did not know him/her or them.

I did just read that the police aren't sure if this was an intentional killing directed toward both of them specifically or was a home invasion. They did mention part of the house had been ransacked.

I guess they will have the Staubs do an inventory and see what... if anything... is missing.

New article and video. FBI now involved. Also mentions Johnny had been convicted of robbery in 2007 and served a year and two months in prison.

From this article it seems like Johnny didn't have blood on him but Lisa did.

Clarke's mother Maytee was there when her husband found the bodies "and found Johnny tied up with hands behind his back and a bag over his head with tape all around it and he rips the back open, he touches his face, it's stiff, he can't move it. She told me to call 911 then he goes to Lisa and rips the bag off and she's tied up too and she's got like a pile of blood on the floor but a bag over her head and then dry blood on the side of her head."

If the blood was already dry these murders had to have happened many hours before the parents got there.
That is how I have always seen it used. "Had his phone on him" meaning he had it "with" him at the time.


I agree, but on the 3rd 911 tape the mom does say something to the effect of 'their cell phones are on their bodies' (I can make out the exact words)... She's screaming hysterically, discussing how she had called before and tried to tell them something was wrong - and I just couldn't listen to it all. :no:
I agree, but on the 3rd 911 tape the mom does say something to the effect of 'their cell phones are on their bodies' (I can make out the exact words)... She's screaming hysterically, discussing how she had called before and tried to tell them something was wrong - and I just couldn't listen to it all. :no:

I just read the article up above and it mentioned when the father (I think) looked in the window he saw Johnny's cell phone over in a corner.

This poor mother had to be so distraught that she probably didn't explain things clearly at first.

I agree, but on the 3rd 911 tape the mom does say something to the effect of 'their cell phones are on their bodies' (I can make out the exact words)... She's screaming hysterically, discussing how she had called before and tried to tell them something was wrong - and I just couldn't listen to it all. :no:

Here is where it mentions his cell phone,belimom.

Sheriff deputies checked the house on Longacre Lane twice and found nothing. Johnny's parents went to the home. "There's a back window but the blinds are closed but they're just cracked enough where you can look down in them.My husband looks in. He says he sees Johnny's cell phone like in one corner in the room and then my little cousin is looking in and she says she sees my son there tied up."
Y'know. I was thinking if I had a house as nice as the Straub's I'd have cameras and an alarm system. Has there been mention of any? And going in the house with the occupants there and making them turn off an armed alarm would be one way of bypassing it. If there are cameras what does it show? And if there is an alarm system what activity does it show?

I keep getting a vibe this is something similar to the murder of the couple in Florida. The ones with all the adopted kids. God forgive me, I can't remember their names at the moment.

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