GUILTY OH - Johnny Clarke, 21, & Lisa Straub, 20, murdered, Springfield Twp, 31 Jan 2011

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DNA Solves
listening to NG at the moment. One man on the show (unidentified) said when police first arrived they looked for fresh prints in the snow and none were found. This led police to determine whoever came to the house entered through the garage.

Thinking here because I'm wondering if the driveway and walks were cleared. Just thought I'd bring this up. Second point being that it's believed more than one person was in on this crime.

Currently no suspect or person/s of interest.

BBM That was Lisa's Uncle. He also said he believed there was no way one person could do this crime.
listening to NG at the moment. One man on the show (unidentified) said when police first arrived they looked for fresh prints in the snow and none were found. This led police to determine whoever came to the house entered through the garage.

Thinking here because I'm wondering if the driveway and walks were cleared. Just thought I'd bring this up. Second point being that it's believed more than one person was in on this crime.

Currently no suspect or person/s of interest.


This makes sense to me b/c I think whoever was on the phone with him was actually involved in this crime. Whether they were there in person or someplace else, their function was to make sure that he was going to be opening the door at a certain moment - and the perps were waiting just outside the door, which would be in the garage if that's where the vehicle Johnny/Lisa were using was parked.

I think there's a motivation beyond drugs/money - or, let me put it another way: beyond the immediate need for drugs/money. I do think the perps went in, asked about the security system/demanded it be disabled/turned off, tried to extort "something" from Johnny by killing Lisa as a threat (wasn't it stated that she was killed first or had been deceased longer?), and eventually (whether before or after killing Johnny) used up whatever drugs they found in the home.

With the scales, ziploc baggie and baggie pieces, it sounds as if someone was in the process of re-packaging drugs with intent to sell.
Someone knew this was taking place and wanted the drugs and any money involved. jmo

I wonder about the security booklet. Did Lisa have time to push the panic button? Was the alarm not disarmed soon enough and the company called? Was Lisa forced to give them the code word from the booklet to prevent them from coming?

So many questions.
With the scales, ziploc baggie and baggie pieces, it sounds as if someone was in the process of re-packaging drugs with intent to sell.
Someone knew this was taking place and wanted the drugs and any money involved. jmo

I wonder about the security booklet. Did Lisa have time to push the panic button? Was the alarm not disarmed soon enough and the company called? Was Lisa forced to give them the code word from the booklet to prevent them from coming?

So many questions.

Hmmm....Good post - I think you may be very close here.

This makes sense to me b/c I think whoever was on the phone with him was actually involved in this crime. Whether they were there in person or someplace else, their function was to make sure that he was going to be opening the door at a certain moment - and the perps were waiting just outside the door, which would be in the garage if that's where the vehicle Johnny/Lisa were using was parked.

I think there's a motivation beyond drugs/money - or, let me put it another way: beyond the immediate need for drugs/money. I do think the perps went in, asked about the security system/demanded it be disabled/turned off, tried to extort "something" from Johnny by killing Lisa as a threat (wasn't it stated that she was killed first or had been deceased longer?), and eventually (whether before or after killing Johnny) used up whatever drugs they found in the home.


Very possible scenario and I do not know who was killed first but some things seem odd about the circumstances reported. I have a couple questions circling my head and hope people correct me if I'm wrong.

One is around the initial phone call by tiff, it was mentioned she was calling him because he was supposed to give her a ride. Yet shortly afterwards she calls back and reports what she heard. Then she's driving there to investigate.

I'm curious why she needed John to give her a ride in the first place?

Second, I'm curious to know if the iraqi dinars and Iraqi bills found were known to be in the house previously and can be explained away.
I didn't see where anyone has mentioned thatLisa's pants were not on. It says her pants were found under her neck..also says her feet were not bound..
This is making me think sexual assault..Would they have released that info?
His feet and arms were bound..only her arms..
His shirt was off..
and then the cell phones were placed on them..It definitely was meant as a statement..
The cell phones were not in working order..meaning per the SW the cell phone parts were strewn about the house..
Where can we see the search warrants?
Stolly it is keeping me up at night too... your summary is accurate as far as I can tell. Another important thing to think about... You've confronted someone.. you're about to rob and or murder them, you see they were on the phone and the other person on the phone had to have heard the initial commotion. Wouldn't that tell you that you better hurry up because that person on the other end is surely going to be calling the police. You wouldn't strangle and asphyziate your victim, way too time consuming. You wouldn't take the time to pose their phones by their bodies, ransac the house etc. The story has to be completely bogus.

Above BBM.. Not if you knew who the person was that John was on the phone with{i.e. Tiff}and that person was in on and part of the plan...

You wouldn't be in a hurry at all{any more than you already would be}because you'd know for certain that Tiff wouldn't be contacting the police..atleast not until she got word it was all over..KWIM?
There is no doubt that Tiff is involved.. And I mean up to her eyeballs involved.. And she completely "busted" her own self out.. Per the 911 calls..she says that after getting worried upon hearing Johnny drop the phone and hears the commotion and teh who are you BS..she waits..says she texts and calls both their cells and cannot get she drives over to the house..she says that all the lights in the house are on and that its ransacked..specifically saying the cabinets were ransacked..

She then calls Johnnys parents and goes and picks up the dad to go back to the home while mom calls 911..

It is more than obvious that NO ONE ELSE COULD SEE INTO THAT HOME!! NOT EVEN THE POLICE..THEREFOR THE REASON THEY REFUSE TO ENTER THE HOME..IT TOOK SEVERAL HOURS AND A HELLUVA ALOT OF MANEUVERING AND BOOSTING FOLKS UP TO SEE INTO A TINY SLIT IN THE BLINDS THAT YOU HAD TO BE ABOVE THE BLINDS LOOKING DOWN INTO THAT TINY SLIT TO EVEN SEE INTO THE HOME.. AND THEN AS WE KNOW THE DADS BUSTS THROUGH THE FRONT DOOR AND THAT IS WHEN THE BODIES ARE DISCOVERED! I said it is Tiff herself that tells on herself by relaying the info that the home was ransacked..when upon arriving at the home it is quite obvious that none of that can be seen from any angle from the outside looking in..



do you all think this is the same guy in these pics?

That Dispatcher in Call I believe it was 3 needs to be RETRAINED. She was short and IMO rude to the mom. I don't believe mom was involved I think she was in a panic ..

Yes I think Tiff was involved .

God bless this couple may they RIP
After reading..hearing..and deciphering all the info available here's a synopsis of whta I believe happened..

Tiff is going down for capital murder..

The phone call never took place{the one at 11pm that Tiff claims John was saying "on the way" to give her a ride/she hears confrontation/struggle}..
Atleast not the way she says it happened.. I believe records show there was a call between these two but not for the "ride" but rather most likely announcing that they're there and to let them in..

There were drugs involved..not in the way that some speculate that it was drug deal gone bad..or moving large quantities of drugs.. more like drug seeking as a motive..

All parties were known to each other and there was no forced entry because the perps were familiar with the home and John/Lisa and would be welcomed in as "friends"..

Tiffany alone has hung herself{and therefor most likely her accomplice as well}..I certainly don't see her as a knight in shining armor that would take the fall all alone..quite the opposite I speculate that she'll turn on the accomplice anddefinitely downplay/diminish her involvement ..

Her statement about driving to the home is her #1 mistake{after the fact}..her whole entire guise was that she was talking to John/Lisa for them to come pick her up and bring her there to the home to hang out{most likely with the accomplice in tow as well}..
So she needed a ride to get over there? But yet when they don't answer their phones she hops in a car and drives right over??? I don't think so..

Her #2 mistake{IMO the one that hangs her} her statement to mom ans relayed to dispatcher as well..that when she went to "check on" her "friends" Lisa/John that she found all the lights on at the home as well as it had been ransacked specifically that the cabinets were ransacked..

And I as I explained in an earlier post upon everyone else arriving on the scene{Straub residence}the parents..nor LE could from any angle whatsoever{and they searched and looked for a long amt of time attempting to see inside the home}..
from the outside of this home it was in no way visible that the home was ransacked in any room or cabinets..

Therefor making it certain that Tiff was involved and she either had been inside the home and witnessed the house ransacked{quite possibly being the ransack-ee}..or at the very least having been told by someone in that home that it was ransacked..

I wanna know if he needed to pick her up how did she get a car later to drive over there
Iraqi Dinars are a common investment and yes the people that buy them get them in cash, they are waiting for the Dinar to be re-evaluated.

As far as not binding Lisa's legs, I don't think that implies sexual assault. She was simply not much of a physical threat (perhaps unconscious hence the blood, or killed early on).
This is a very strange case, and the 911 call played on CNN last night is just heartwrenching.

RIP Lisa and Johnny

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