GUILTY OH - Jonathan Minard, 14, found deceased, Carroll County, 13 April 2019

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Also this:

However, the attorney emphasized the defendant did not plead guilty to charges holding him responsible for providing the fentanyl-related drug mixture that killed the Dellroy boy.

Little is still insisting that Jonathan went back to the house with a toothache by himself. Little claims he walked in later and Jonathan was dead on the sofa. I don't believe for one minute that kid took fentanyl on his own.

They probably allowed Little to avoid this charge because it's drug related. Little is an addict who was using those drugs in the same house where Jonathan stayed for the weekend. JMO

Prosecutors possibly also let him off this charge so the parents wouldn't lose the farm to forfeiture in a drug distribution case. JMO

The entire Little family cared nothing about Jonathan, only about what happened to them and their farm.

Ugh, they buried that boy under the carcass of a dead cow to prevent dogs from tracking his scent.
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Why did they set bond for him? Shouldn't he be going straight to prison?

Carroll County Matthew Little pleads guilty Jonathon Minard |

At the time bond was set, the judge ordered several restrictions pending Little’s potential release on bond. These include ankle monitoring, having no contact with the Minard family, and travel limitations.

Court records show Little has a lengthy criminal history, with numerous charges for drug and gun crimes.

From the Canton Repository article, the judge tries to rationalize the decision, unsuccessfully, IMO.

Judge Repella said it was important to secure a conviction and find closure in the case.

He admitted to struggling with accepting the plea agreement but acknowledged the risk of a trial because he said only Minard, Little and God know exactly what happened in the boy's death.

Although Little will be eligible for early release at some point, Repella vowed the defendant will serve at least a minimum of six years behind bars as long as he's in office.

A good investigation and prosecutor would have been able to make the case that the drugs Jonathan took belonged to the killer = Matthew Little.

I still can't believe it took them 5 months to arrest and file charges against Matthew Little. Five months after Jonathan died and his body was found on Little's farm, LE did not arrest him.

Little's lawyer is unbelievable. He keeps saying Matthew is a good person, didn't do anything wrong, led a good life. Untrue. Matthew Little had a long record of violent crime, gun crime and drug abuse. That's not a good person, its a drug addict who lies, cheats, and bullies people to get what he wants. He shows no remorse.
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"Only three people know what happened on that day: you, JM, and God. But I know what happened next....COWARD...."

This is one of the saddest cases I've ever followed on WS and I'm going to always remember JM's mother's parting words: ML will get his karma.

I believe the Judge confirmed today everything I've suspected from the beginning including the delay in arrest and charges.

JM's mom also confirmed the long-term relationship between the families of the convicted and the victim.

In court, JM's mom told ML that they'd loved him, were good to him and that he was like a brother to JM. JM loved ML's mother's cooking! More important was that JM loved ML like a big brother yet he made JM's family suffer. ML repeatedly lied to them and even when they were hurting, he continued to lie to them when he could have stopped the charade.

In the majority of situations when you find your little brother on the couch deceased or in medical distress, you pick up the phone and call or text 911. You attempt to revive your friend, buddy, family! A good man certainly doesn't claim he was too afraid of getting in trouble and take cowardly action to first hide your young friend, and then bury him. And how disgusting to bury him under a large animal carcass in an attempt to save himself. IMO, that's just plain evil.

For those unaware, it's important to understand that it's the prosecutor that makes a plea offer to a defendant -- the Carroll County DA made this offer to ML on the day of jury selection and ML accepted the offer. Prosecutors are charged with making plea offers based on whether or not they believe they can successfully prosecute the defendant with the evidence available to them. Making a deal with the devil is heard time and time again but they do it to ensure that the defendant serves some prison time for the crime they were charged.

We also know that a Judge has to accept the offers made to a defendant. It appears from this offer and the fact the Judge did not reject it that the defense was successful in suppressing certain evidence in this case that would make it difficult for the State to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that ML was guilty of the charges filed against him. As the Judge stated: Only three people know what really happened here and JM is not here to tell his side. The State has the autopsy which is not disputed but the rest is only a theory that they were not confident they could not prove. (i.e., Defense alleged JM had a toothache, self-medicated, and accidentally died in the process).

No DA wants to make a deal with the devil so I want to say that I join JM's parents, family, friends, and community in accepting the court's decision to negotiate ML's charges to guarantee he would not walk but this does not mean whatsoever that anybody believes JM's life was not worth more. It's a fact that JM's life ended by an overdose of a narcotic but even worse has to be the repeated lies and suffering caused ML caused JM's family by these lies and breach of trust that make forgiveness unfathomable to me. And ML never asked for forgiveness in his hollow, cowardly apology. IMO, that says much among life-long friends.

The judge weighed the following in accepting the plea:

  • Felony 1 --has no mandatory time
  • Gross abuse of a corpse - the most disgusting offense ML committed and this only carries 12 mos.
  • Judge approving plea deal for closure and a conviction.
  • Warning to ML that he will not be approved for early release as long as the Judge is sitting on the Carroll County bench.
Bet he’s out in 3 ... I’m so surprised he pled guilty though
For his age, I think ML has many skeletons where time outside of custody in 2021 not very wise. IMO, I think ML believed he'd be safer behind bars for the next few years than for him to get caught up in federal indictments and called as a witness. Feds won't bother him in prison. The sad reality is OH can't keep up with the narcotics distribution pipeline that runs through their state.

ETA: Add link re. who supplied the drugs is not known (ML knows the company he kept and who JM was exposed to).

Matthew Little pleaded guilty to numerous charges in Carroll County
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Matthew Little pleaded guilty to numerous charges in Carroll County

Oct 26, 2020

Who provided the drugs?

Following the hearing, defense attorney William Whitaker said his client took responsibility for his crimes and was genuinely remorseful about his friend's death.


However, the attorney emphasized the defendant did not plead guilty to charges holding him responsible for providing the fentanyl-related drug mixture that killed the Dellroy boy.

Whitaker said dismissed charges included a separate involuntary manslaughter count for corrupting another person by drugs. The attorney said evidence in the case doesn't show his client gave drugs to Minard that caused the boy's death.

Barnett acknowledged that point.

Whitaker declined to comment on the question of who provided drugs to Minard, who was a seventh-grader at the time of his death and had been born in Canton.

Barnett, meanwhile, said that "we just can't conclusively prove or disprove" who gave Minard the drugs that killed him.

The prosecutor said the underlying child endangering charge Little pleaded guilty to involves placing a child at risk of serious physical harm that results in the juvenile's death.

Of the time it took to reach a resolution, Barnett said "it was a complex case" with various legal issues and attempts by the defense to suppress evidence.

"That process took some time," he said.

'Coward's way out'

Judge Repella said it was important to secure a conviction and find closure in the case.

He admitted to struggling with accepting the plea agreement but acknowledged the risk of a trial because he said only Minard, Little and God know exactly what happened in the boy's death.

Although Little will be eligible for early release at some point, Repella vowed the defendant will serve at least a minimum of six years behind bars as long as he's in office.
Jordan Miller[URL='']@J_MillerTV[/URL]

Judge Repella to Matthew Little: “Only three people know what happened. You, Jonathan and were a coward.”

6:40 AM · Oct 26, 2020·

Jordan Miller@J_MillerTV

BREAKING: Matthew Little has accepted a plea deal in the death of 14-year-old Jonathan Minard. The case will NOT go to trial. He has plead guilty to the following: Involuntary manslaughter Endangering children Tampering with evidence Gross abuse of a corpse

6:28 AM · Oct 26, 2020

Jordan Miller@J_MillerTV

Waiting for the trial to begin in the Matthew Little/Jonathan Minard case. Plexiglass is between all of the jurors boxes, defense/prosecution seating and witness stand/judge seat. You can follow live on Facebook at: Jordan Miller - News

5:37 AM · Oct 26, 2020·
Carroll County Matthew Little pleads guilty Jonathon Minard |

Oct 26, 2020

CARROLLTON, Ohio — The trial for Matthew Little was set to start on Monday morning for his role in the death of 14-year-old Jonathan Minard. However, Little accepted a plea deal before the trial even started.

The 31-year-old Little pleaded guilty to four charges including involuntary manslaughter, tampering with evidence, endangering children and gross abuse of a corpse.


Matthew Little was sentenced to six to nine years in prison and agreed to waive all rights to an appeal.


Court records show Little has a lengthy criminal history, with numerous charges for drug and gun crimes.
It took the DA 5 months to decide to bring charges in this fairly straightforward case. LE should have been able to determine whether the drugs belonged to Little or whether he knew they were in the house. It would have been very easy to question Jonathan's 7th grade pals to see if they knew the origin of the drugs.

As a habitual drug user with several convictions in his past, living in a rural area,it would have been very easy to determine whether these were Littles drugs. The police could have done these interviews and found the answers they needed for stronger charges in a week or so.

Instead they apparently waited a very long time, 5 months. Matthews was a hardened criminal with past convictions for drug use, guns, violence. He'll be out shortly to continue destroying other people's lives. If you watch the video he shows no emotion, no remorse.

Like others here at WS, I live within an hours drive of this county. Sure, there's been a drug problem in Ohio but many counties are handling better than others. There's an ongoing problem in some of these rural counties where people are getting away with murder because they have the right connections. I avoid traveling into these areas now because of it. Another case to check out down the road is Bryon Macron in Medina County.

Found Deceased - OH - Bryon Macron, 45, Lafayette Township, 15 Dec 2016
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Between June and mid-September [2019], another 141 people in King County have died from suspected or confirmed drug overdoses involving fentanyl, he said. bbm

O/T and not related to Jonathan, but just wanted to share this article to show how easy and quick a fentanyl overdose could be. Something similar could have happened to Jonathan IMO.

Upstate family says woman died after taking pill unknowingly laced with fentanyl

To be clear, not picking on Ohio or Carroll County re. narcotics.
141 deaths in only one county in WA last summer included several HS friends accidental overdoses.

The DA was up against factual information about deadly fentanyl and information may have been provided by JM's own friends. I'm not talking about illicit drug use but just an example of JM asking a classmate at school for aspirin.

I believe the defense had credible evidence that JM had a toothache that removed any motive to harm JM and also delayed the filing of (serious) charges against ML.

It took the DA 5 months to decide to bring charges in this fairly straightforward case. LE should have been able to determine whether the drugs belonged to Little or whether he knew they were in the house. It would have been very easy to question Jonathan's 7th grade pals to see if they knew the origin of the drugs.

As a habitual drug user with several convictions in his past, living in a rural area,it would have been very easy to determine whether these were Littles drugs. The police could have done these interviews and found the answers they needed for stronger charges in a week or so.

Instead they apparently waited a very long time, 5 months. Matthews was a hardened criminal with past convictions for drug use, guns, violence. He'll be out shortly to continue destroying other people's lives. If you watch the video he shows no emotion, no remorse.

ML showed no remorse whatsoever. He talked to JM's mother when she was distraught with worry about her missing son and it did not phase ML. He continued to lie to her face -- a woman that is no stranger to him. ML was not phased then or now.

Again, ML did not blink when JM's mother addressed him in court. We truly witnessed the definition of one with ice water running through his veins. Pure evil to let her suffer and continue to suffer from the loss of her child. Her baby.

Respectfully, I don't believe the DA waited five months because they wanted to and I don't think there is anything straightforward about the overdose that caused JM's death. Apparently, nobody talked in five months according to the Judge who added that only ML, JM, and God know the what and the who of this tragedy.

The evidence available to the State did not prove this a slam dunk case. The DA only gets one bite at the apple and I think they were obviously hoping to secure more evidence -- especially post autopsy. It appears they tried to use ML's extensive record you also cite and did not prevail on overturning the suppression of this evidence.

It's a sad day to be reminded that JM spent his last hours in the company of this creep. :(:(:(

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Matthew Little pleaded guilty to numerous charges in Carroll County



However, the attorney emphasized the defendant did not plead guilty to charges holding him responsible for providing the fentanyl-related drug mixture that killed the Dellroy boy.

Whitaker said dismissed charges included a separate involuntary manslaughter count for corrupting another person by drugs. The attorney said evidence in the case doesn't show his client gave drugs to Minard that caused the boy's death.

Barnett acknowledged that point.

Whitaker declined to comment on the question of who provided drugs to Minard, who was a seventh-grader at the time of his death and had been born in Canton.

Barnett, meanwhile, said that "we just can't conclusively prove or disprove" who gave Minard the drugs that killed him.

The prosecutor said the underlying child endangering charge Little pleaded guilty to involves placing a child at risk of serious physical harm that results in the juvenile's death.

Of the time it took to reach a resolution, Barnett said "it was a complex case" with various legal issues and attempts by the defense to suppress evidence.

"That process took some time," he said.


Judge Repella said it was important to secure a conviction and find closure in the case.

He admitted to struggling with accepting the plea agreement but acknowledged the risk of a trial because he said only Minard, Little and God know exactly what happened in the boy's death.

ETA: This is the first I recall reading that JM likely took something laced with fentanyl. I understand deaths by fentanyl-laced intoxication are near-instant.
I wonder if ML will survive prison. He was forced to stay clean during his bail release and I don't know if he'll be so diligent behind bars.
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