OH OH - Katelyn Markham, 22, Fairfield, 14 August 2011 - #3

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I think you're ok since yours came from the public page. Mine was not from a public page and is why I asked. I think it's verboten so I will er on the side of caution! :)
You're right. Links to personal FB pages is not allowed unless the page belongs to the victim or a suspect.

We don't copy and paste posts from any FB page, public or private. The photo clip in this instance is fine.
I wish we knew if the investigation was moving at all...or if everything just kind of hinges on finding her. Another case without a resolution will be unbearable, I don't know how families can stand it.
I wish we knew if the investigation was moving at all...or if everything just kind of hinges on finding her. Another case without a resolution will be unbearable, I don't know how families can stand it.

I know what you mean. I hope and pray some of the evidence/items they collected have done some good. Hopefully, they found something on her phone and computer records.

I have no idea whether she was abducted or murdered. I go back and forth with it. It might get solved if it was the BF but I believe it could just as easily be someone else. I don't believe it was a stranger though. jmo
Hello! That's a great summation. However, I do have a question, I was under the impression that he did not drive by her house on the way to work, that where the pizza place was it wouldn't make sense and that his step sister confirmed it...is that not the case?

I do remember somebody in the thread saying something along those lines, but don't remember the source (it's possible I somehow skipped a page while reading) and so didn't include it. I included an alternative (that he was worried because he knows her schedule and she should have had time to reply), and my point was that there are several innocent reasons he might have worried. Maybe one of his later texts included a request to call. Maybe he drove a delivery past her house. Maybe she seemed normal the night before but something was nibbling at him subconsciously, either in her behaviour or something he noticed but can't identify. Maybe she was showing signs of illness.
OR what if Katelyn only had these pics in "proof" form if the person who took them is a prof photog? Maybe she only had electronic copies (emailed to her, from a website, whatever) and the phone pic was taken of the pic of her up on HER computer? And then texted to JC's phone from Katelyn's.

I'm leaning towards the small reflection under the flash reflection being a ring. A very specific ring as a matter of fact.

I can't link to a pic from a FB gallery on here can I?

(above bbm)
I apologize in advance for being a dimwit this morning (late night, early wake up, coffee not taking effect yet). I understand (I think) what "ring" you're talking about, but I don't understand how it could be under the flash in the picture. It's probably pretty obvious, but please explain it to me!
I was looking at some statement analysis and went back to Scott Peterson.

January 28, 2003
Questioned by a reporter

Later that evening, Peterson left the Good Morning America studios and returned home. While at the San Francisco International Airport he was asked a question by a reporter.

Reporter: Why did you murder your wife?

Peterson: I had nothing to do with it.

Remember, the only denial is to say "I didn't do it" or "I didn't kill her." Saying you had nothing to do with it (a la O.J. Simpson) is not a strong denial. Also, his wife's body had not yet been found. Peterson supposedly believes she is still alive. This would be more reason to state "I did not kill her" or to saying something to the effect that she is not dead. Based on the question and his answer, he stated he had nothing to do with her murder.


Just reminds me of JC's use of the "he didn't know who would do it" a couple days after KM went missing.
I don't think anything can be gleened from that picture at all. First, we don't even know if it is the same picture she sent, second, it is a picture of a picture taken on a tv then a screen capture. Most phones do not take flash pictures, and if she was an artist i think she would have been more careful to eliminate such a big glare. I am sure you are seeing the tv camera light from the 3rd generation of this image. Also, men rarely wear engagement rings at all, I have never known one to. There are too many possible reflections in there to say where they are coming from.
Well I'll tell ya, if it were ME, I'd be pissed as hell, if TES left and weren't coming back until Thursday!!! It's crazy ... and IF she is no longer with us, evidence is being destroyed.

JMO - but it's a STRONG one! :furious:
Well I'll tell you, if it were me, I would be pissed at the person who caused her to disappear.
I was looking at some statement analysis and went back to Scott Peterson.

January 28, 2003
Questioned by a reporter

Later that evening, Peterson left the Good Morning America studios and returned home. While at the San Francisco International Airport he was asked a question by a reporter.

Reporter: Why did you murder your wife?

Peterson: I had nothing to do with it.

Remember, the only denial is to say "I didn't do it" or "I didn't kill her." Saying you had nothing to do with it (a la O.J. Simpson) is not a strong denial. Also, his wife's body had not yet been found. Peterson supposedly believes she is still alive. This would be more reason to state "I did not kill her" or to saying something to the effect that she is not dead. Based on the question and his answer, he stated he had nothing to do with her murder.


Just reminds me of JC's use of the "he didn't know who would do it" a couple days after KM went missing.

Another statement that JC made, that really got to me, was something to the effect of "it's hard because I know I won't be getting her back" or "she won't be coming back" stated like it was a fact. It sounded so unusual. I've never heard a person say this about their missing loved one. Does anyone else remember that ? It was one of the very early interviews on MSM.
I am still unclear on when he went to the apartment. In the 911 call (transcript below), he says he is 'heading out there now'. But he already knows what is missing and what is there (i.e., cell phone, purse etc..). So he is basically implying that he went to her apartment and pretty much searched the place. How did he know the cell phone wasn't under the bed or in coat pocket or something? Did he search the whole apartment to come up with this inventory? He only tells 911 her car is there, he does not mention going inside.

John Carter: Hi, my name is John Carter, I am calling - I know that you're not supposed to report a missing person after - before 24 hours, but my fiancee is missing, I can't find her anywhere.

911 Dispatcher: Okay, where'd you see her last?

J: Um, I saw her at like 12 o' clock last night. She stays in a house by herself, um, so, she - I'm just, I'm really nervous. Her car's still there, her purse is still -

D: Is there an address?

J: Yeah, 5214 Dorshire Drive.

D: 5214?

J: Dorshire, yes.

D: Okay. And you're out there now?

J: Um, I'm heading out there now, I, like, have been trying to get ahold of her and I decided to go by her house to see if she's okay, and her car's still there - she would be at work right now with her car. Which is why I'm like really freaking out.

D: What's her name?

J: Katelyn Helene Markham.

D: Have you called the hospitals or jails or anything?

J: Um -

D: Where was she at midnight last night when you last saw her?

J: She was at her house. She was going to bed. She wasn't going out to do anything, so she would've been in her bed. And I mean, I've been with her for 6 years - she's NOT deceiving, you know, she doesn't -

D: Okay, and you guys didn't have an argument or anything?

J: Not at all.

D: Okay. Is she on any medications or anything?

J: Not at all.

D: Has she had thoughts of suicide or anything like that?

J: No. Never. I... never.

D: All right. And have you talked to her mom or anybody like that, to see if maybe she's out shopping, or - ?

J: I called her father. The only thing that's not there is her cell phone, which is positive, but she's not answering it. So... and the Sacred Heart Festival is going on right up the street, and there's a lot of questionable people there, and it's just kind of - (he stops himself). I'm sorry.

D: Okay, well, we'll go ahead and have somebody meet you there. What kind of vehicle are you going to be in?

J: A 2008 Ford Docus. It's red.

D: Okay, we'll have somebody come out and speak with you, okay?

J: Okay, thank you.

D: Mmmhmm. Bye.

J: Okay. Bye.
Been Lurking from Day 1, and just had a question


The most unedited picture that was sent to JC phone.

Also, this may have been discussed already, but did JC have anything to say about yesterday being their anniversary?

Anything like " oh this is so sad"... Anything?

(September 5, 2005.... from her facebook



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Another statement that JC made, that really got to me, was something to the effect of "it's hard because I know I won't be getting her back" or "she won't be coming back" stated like it was a fact. It sounded so unusual. I've never heard a person say this about their missing loved one. Does anyone else remember that ? It was one of the very early interviews on MSM.

Yes, I remember that statement when he was describing a dream, wasn't it? I'm having a very difficult time because there are so many statements made that in statement analysis would cause a red flag. I know we have all beaten the subject to death. But I went back and watched videos of people who murdered loved ones to compare statements. They are very consistent with this case. Him saying her car was "still" there. How would he know she hadn't driven it and come home early from work? Knowing that he is speaking in past tense, but says to Nancy that he had to choose which to do...speak in past or present. Wouldn't your choice be present. Also in Statement analysis...we don't choose tense..it comes from our subconscious, not our conscious thought. Like Scott Peterson would keep correcting his past tense...that is what JC has done a few times. There is just so much here in statements that is is unnerving. And if you watch his interview...the long one at the vigil. He seems happy. Watch it with out sound, you would never believe someone was describing their loved one gone missing and the events surrounding it. He is animated and happy? Also if someone has been interviewed time after time....wouldn't he at least decide on a certain time...why is each interview he is stating different times? 11....1130....12 Really I just don't get that....doesn't make logic sense. I just think of KISS. Keep it simple stupid. Sometimes we don't need to go beyond what is in front of us.
Maybe this has already been addressed, but how does he know for sure he can't report her missing before 24 hours? I guess we hear varying versions of that "rule" on tv crime shows, but that wouldn't occur to me unless I took the time to research when it's okay to call about someone you're worried about. Strange way to start the call, imo.
Thanks voxrock for posting the 911 call. Just look at all the flags in it. He is heading to her house and knows that only her and her phone are gone. So he has already been there right? Her car is still there. So how does she know that she didn't come home from work early? Her purse is still there? She couldn't have come back and left it there to go out somewhere with a friend? He never called David's Bridal...is that right?

She is not deceiving...what does that even mean? He has been with her 6 years.... I guess he is just trying to get the operator to stop asking questions because he has checked everywhere and knows she is missing, so everything she asks he has already thought of to check.

The Sacred Heart comment....what like he has already thought that someone from the festival has taken her? It hasn't even been a couple hours that she has been missing in his mind. He got up at 430...who knows for sure she isn't with a friend or went somewhere with someone at this point. Could have gone to a friends, hiking whatever....
Supposed to be in low 70's with showers on Thursday...a lot cooler, anyway...I hope they have a lot of search areas planned and have a large response with number of searchers. This case is getting close to the time when regular searches usually taper off, as LE awaits clues...
Yes, I remember that statement when he was describing a dream, wasn't it? I'm having a very difficult time because there are so many statements made that in statement analysis would cause a red flag. I know we have all beaten the subject to death. But I went back and watched videos of people who murdered loved ones to compare statements. They are very consistent with this case. Him saying her car was "still" there. How would he know she hadn't driven it and come home early from work? Knowing that he is speaking in past tense, but says to Nancy that he had to choose which to do...speak in past or present. Wouldn't your choice be present. Also in Statement analysis...we don't choose tense..it comes from our subconscious, not our conscious thought. Like Scott Peterson would keep correcting his past tense...that is what JC has done a few times. There is just so much here in statements that is is unnerving. And if you watch his interview...the long one at the vigil. He seems happy. Watch it with out sound, you would never believe someone was describing their loved one gone missing and the events surrounding it. He is animated and happy? Also if someone has been interviewed time after time....wouldn't he at least decide on a certain time...why is each interview he is stating different times? 11....1130....12 Really I just don't get that....doesn't make logic sense. I just think of KISS. Keep it simple stupid. Sometimes we don't need to go beyond what is in front of us.

Maybe that was it: he was telling about his dream and it was in the dream when "he knew he wouldn't be getting her back". I 'll try to go back and find the interview. You may be right.

Thanks--you bring up so many good points about his inconsistencies.

About using the past or present tense, it isn't a conscious decision which one to use. He sounds so analytical about choosing to use the past tense.

That is so interesting about watching the interview without sound--he doesn't look distressed at all--you'd never guess he's talking about his missing fiancee! With sound: I don't get the nervous laughter. It seems really inappropriate and out of place.
Maybe that was it: he was telling about his dream and it was in the dream when "he knew he wouldn't be getting her back". I 'll try to go back and find the interview. You may be right.

Thanks--you bring up so many good points about his inconsistencies.

About using the past or present tense, it isn't a conscious decision which one to use. He sounds so analytical about choosing to use the past tense.

That is so interesting about watching the interview without sound--he doesn't look distressed at all--you'd never guess he's talking about his missing fiancee! With sound: I don't get the nervous laughter. It seems really inappropriate and out of place.
That transcript is here:

If anyone wants to rewatch/listen to that it is on my youtube. Here is part one you should be able to find the rest from there! It was the 8/25 interview.
Katelyn Markham story on NG 8/25 - YouTube
from the 911 transcript that voxrock posted

J: Um, I saw her at like 12 o' clock last night. She stays in a house by herself, um, so, she - I'm just, I'm really nervous. Her car's still there, her purse is still -

didpatcher talks

and then he hestiates and - 'i am heading there now....'

well I find it rather obvious he had already BEEN THERE, if he knew her purse , and whatever else he was gonna say that got interrupted by the dispatcher, was missing.

So was her dad coming over there THEN with him at the point in the call he was 'heading there'.

was that the sequence? he went IN there, then left, called 911 and then went back with family member(s)???
I recall reading someplace that JC knew KM's phone was gone because when he was at her townhouse initially, he called it and he didn't hear anything ringing. Does anyone else remember reading this someplace... I think on WS and probably MSM?

Anyhow, KM's phone was turned off, so it would have gone straight to voicemail. If JC had called and it went to voicemail, he would have known it wasn't on, and therefore, even if it was in the house, it wouldn't have rung.
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