Many have faith in LE. I don't. I've seen more than my share of slow-witted, sloppy, and foolish police who don't have the judgement of a gnat. And anyone following any crimes in the news can bring up many, many cases where the police would say very little, supposedly "preserving" a case, and ultimately have NOTHING and let the cases go stone cold. Kyron Horman, anyone?
Her phone records and computer records would tell a tremendous amount about when something happened to her. They aren't recollections, but facts. No one's memories are involved. But often, too often (81 searches for cholorform! ha) even the forensic work is very shoddy.
Additonally, interviews with the "firepit friends" would clear up a massive amount of questions. Even a lie detector request would do much to clear the air, but if I were counseling JC, I would tell him NOT to do it.
I'm quite surprised no other teachers have chimed in. JC in my opinion likely has something along the ASD, perhaps something similar to Asperger"s. He has not been well-served by his family, friends, or the police and he needs an attorney.
I do not know if he is guilty or innocent, of course. I'm just fed up with so many cases where people who seem "different" are railroaded, and cases that go cold or are hopelessly tainted by the police (such as again and again and again not responding to Kronk's finding the body in the Caylee case).