OH - Larry Mugrage, 15, fatally shot, Batavia, 19 March 2006

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There are rules for our subdivision that were put in place before any houses were even built. We had to sign off and agree. No fences. No in ground pools (because you can't have a fence). No CLOTHESLINES :furious: . No outbuildings (including dog houses)... You can't park a car on the street continuously for more than 24 hours. No boats, motorhomes, etc... BUT.. we signed off on it. I cannot wait to move out to the country where there are no silly rules. I was so naive when we bought this house. But... we have plenty of lawn nazi's. It sounds like this guy Martin was one of those... however, when I look at the pictures.... I just don't see it. *Shrug*.
Dear ConcernedPerson,

You wrote:
>>I really can't get over this man shooting a boy for walking on his grass.<<

I conjecture that maybe that is because the grass meant relatively little, it was only the straw that broke a long time camel's back.

Wrinkles said:
Dear ConcernedPerson,

You wrote:
>>I really can't get over this man shooting a boy for walking on his grass.<<

I conjecture that maybe that is because the grass meant relatively little, it was only the straw that broke a long time camel's back.


The camel's back. What if everytime we had a dilemma we acted out? The morals of society keep us and of course our own keep us from doing that.So, if someone has a broken camel's back do we accept this as just cause? Most of these crimes have nothing to do with insanity but rather the entitlement of the person charged. We are seeing the bipolar factor injected lately. Bipolar people don't go around killing others. They have a mental illness that is being used for personality disorders. You cannot get around that a personalty disorder is the same thing.
The boy was murdered because of a man who is mentally instable.We are to abide by the rules of society.

If he was a veteran and felt that he was finding coping with social circumstances he could have called upon DAV or the VA if he felt that he was not getting help from Law Enforcement.The man did not file a complaint in years and I doubt that he was not helped when he made complaints.
Everyone has their little points they hate - whether it's 'long haired punk kids' (never mind the behavior, the long hair is the crime), or poor grammar in posting online or just the pitch of someone's voice.

Anyone willing to kill over that is more dangerous than thieves who kill at least for predictable reasons - this person is willing to kill over trifles! Unpredictable and anyone could trigger it - that neighbor who mowed a foot over the line is sure lucky the guy wasn't having a bad day that day! All he did was yell at them a lot.

"Straw that broke the camel's back", etc. - maybe, but was it reasonable at all, in any way, for that straw to be it? This guy had a choice, and he chose to get his gun, and wait for the kid to show up. He wasn't physically broken (like the camel's back) - he made a choice. The weight on his mental camel's back was minimal and nothing anyone else would have killed over - that's the problem. Gang leaders think killing over a bit of disrespect is OK, that that last time the guy walked through his neighborhood without paying respect was their straw that broke the camels back. Abusive husbands think finding a kleenex on the ground is the straw that broke the camels back in justifying a beating. The question is - was this reasonable - not what he thought inside his warped mind.

Just because some people think it's reasonable to kill or maim over these trifles doesn't give me any sympathy nor understanding towards them - it gives me less to know they really honestly believe they were justified, entitled to that respect, to that level of control over others.
Excellent post Details.I fully agree that no matter the circumstances here there is no reason or cause which ever makes cold blooded murder justifiable.I do see Wrinkles point that there are details(no pun intended)of this case yet to be released which may in some way shape or form have a bearing on the final outcome.Sadly though as you say the old guy had thousands of choices,yet he chose murder.No excuses for that in my book.
Oh, so now he thinks it was insane to kill the kid for walking on the grass? Yeah, right. :boohoo:
I looked for an old thread on this case but didnt see one. If one exist then maybe one of the Mods will move.

This was the case about the 69 year old neighbor who shot and killed a 15 year old when he walked on his lawn.


LEBANON &#8212; An inmate at Lebanon Correctional Institution committed suicide just after 5 p.m. tonight, Aug. 7.

Prison officials said Charles Martin, 69, was serving a 15 years-to-life sentence for fatally shooting a teenage neighbor, Larry Mugrage Jr., 15, in March 2006 in Clermont County.

Martin admitted shooting the teen because he had walked through his yard.

Prison Spokeswoman Ellen Myers declined to comment on the details of Martin&#8217;s death.
This is why I'm against the death penalty. God or the universe or karma, or whatever you believe in, eventually sorts things out. Prison is HELL and not as peaceful as death. And many would rather be dead than spend any number of years there. Not to get into a debate again, but if you believe this man deserved to suffer, then he most certainly did.
Ntegrity this must be a rare occasion LOL but I agree with you.

I am not defending this man's actions in any way, but I feel that the parent and the victim himself attributed to this.
Why not teach this kid to respect someone elses property? Its absolutely awful that the result as this.
If the neighbor made it clear that he did not want people on his grass then why was this kid still walking on it?

I agree AMraann. I beleive that this is part of what is wrong with kids today. They do not take responsibility for their own actions and they have no respect for people's property. look at all the theft, carjackings, burglaries etc. I am NOT saying this older man had the right to kill anyone. That is a sin in itself. However this boy antagonized this man and had his friends do it also. This is a very tragic lesson. Now a kid is dead and a man will psend the rest of his life in prison or a mental facility. All he wanted was to be left alone with his nice lawn that he apparently took very good care of and long time making look nice. So why could this kid not set a GOOD example and leave this man alone? Our world needs some GOOD examples , not repeated ones like these.
I wonder if there were ever any more details that came out about the harassment that the old man claimed he suffered? In no way was he justified to do what he did. However, I can understand if he felt frustrated because he probably had little recourse. The police aren't going to do much about kids going through your lawn and fences are often not allowed in front yards in newer neighborhoods. Sounds like he was unbalanced to begin with and having no choices pushed him over.

I loved my little house that I used to live in, but I couldn't afford a fence for the back and fences aren't allowed in the front. During the time that I lived there, kids and sometimes their parents walked across my lawn many, many times (corner lot, no sidewalk). Not just at the edge, but right through the middle or even up near my front windows. It's just kind of startling to be sitting in your house and all of a sudden someone's up by your windows. I never lived in a neighborhood like that before and never did this when I was a kid.

In addition to the regular walking across my lawn, I had someone DRIVE through my back yard one time on the 4th of July (that neighborhood is good for viewing the town's fireworks display). I had some MEN on HORSES :bananalama: go through the middle of my front yard!!! The horses left poop in my yard and driveway, BTW. Oh, and there was the time that two teenage girls having a play fight forgot where they were and almost ran into my front window. If I'd had my window open I guess they would've gone right through it!!! :dance:

Never would I shoot anyone, but I would have REALLY appreciated it if the parents had discouraged their children from doing this stuff. Oh, and if the horse riders would ride in an appropriate area and not in my yard!

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