OH - Man, Woman In Van Show Up At School During Recess

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Dec 31, 2005
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This couple have been trying to get little kids into their van in several local neighborhoods around here. SCARY.

PARMA, Ohio - Police say that a man and a woman tried to lure three 7-year-olds to their van Tuesday.
The incident happened during recess at Parma Park Elementary School. Police said the children had their gym shirts which includes their names, so the man and woman called them to get into their van, but they did not go.

I watched the interview with the father of the little boy they tried to get at this school, and he was crying. He had just told his son not to go with strangers and that's the reason his little boy said he didn't go to this van. :woohoo:

This couple is VERY bold. This was a school that had cameras (sadly focused only on the playground). A school aide was watching the children too!

Hopefully they will be caught soon with all the media attention.
How flippin' scary! I hope they catch these predators soon.
a little off topic but my school ask that we put our kids names on their backpacks and lunch boxes. i always write it inside. i heard a child safety expert on montel talk about it once. he said when your child has it's name where a predator can see it the child thinks they must know them. to a 7 year old "he knows my name so he is not a stranger" is logic.
a little off topic but my school ask that we put our kids names on their backpacks and lunch boxes. i always write it inside. i heard a child safety expert on montel talk about it once. he said when your child has it's name where a predator can see it the child thinks they must know them. to a 7 year old "he knows my name so he is not a stranger" is logic.

Good thinking, sherri. I do the same thing.
That is some nerve right there. Wow. Are my kids safe anywhere???

Another local story. I'm surprised it's made national news. This couple have been trying to get little kids into their van in several local neighborhoods around here. SCARY.

PARMA, Ohio - Police say that a man and a woman tried to lure three 7-year-olds to their van Tuesday.
The incident happened during recess at Parma Park Elementary School. Police said the children had their gym shirts which includes their names, so the man and woman called them to get into their van, but they did not go.

I watched the interview with the father of the little boy they tried to get at this school, and he was crying. He had just told his son not to go with strangers and that's the reason his little boy said he didn't go to this van. :woohoo:

This couple is VERY bold. This was a school that had cameras (sadly focused only on the playground). A school aide was watching the children too!
Hopefully they will be caught soon with all the media attention.

I'm surprised they are still in Parma...they were in MY neighborhood last week. We received an "alert call" from the school system, our kids were informed about them during school AND we received an "alert call" from our local Police Department. I thought that would scare these idiots out of our area by now. Last week they had a puppy and a purple van.
Shoot, Roxanne. I only heard it on the news and I didn't catch which neighborhoods they were in prior to this.

I can't get over how brazen they are!!!
Shoot, Roxanne. I only heard it on the news and I didn't catch which neighborhoods they were in prior to this.

I can't get over how brazen they are!!!

no kidding...why would they stay in the same neighborhoods after all of the alerts and local news coverage. They started in Parma two weeks ago with the puppy, moved to my neighborhood last week (5 minutes from my house...yikes!!) still using the puppy and now back in Parma. ALL parents in my neighborhood are walking their kids to the bus stops until these two are caught. Alot of Parma kids walk to school (they lost bus service when the levy failed) so maybe that's why they went back there. Our buses pick up the kids pretty close to our houses. I wish someone would get a license plate number!!
no kidding...why would they stay in the same neighborhoods after all of the alerts and local news coverage. They started in Parma two weeks ago with the puppy, moved to my neighborhood last week (5 minutes from my house...yikes!!) still using the puppy and now back in Parma. ALL parents in my neighborhood are walking their kids to the bus stops until these two are caught. Alot of Parma kids walk to school (they lost bus service when the levy failed) so maybe that's why they went back there. Our buses pick up the kids pretty close to our houses. I wish someone would get a license plate number!!

I got excited prematurely when I heard the school aide at the Parma school saw the van...but she sent them away!!! I guess when you are going through something like that you aren't thinking logically, but I've heard of some young kids identifying vehicles and even getting license plate numbers when this happens. I was also hoping cameras around town might have picked them up somewhere along the line.

Argh. Oh well. Let's hope someone nails them next time.

It's weird to me too that this is a couple. That's rare, I think. I mean what do you say to your spouse or friend - "Hey, ready to go kidnap some kid?" :waitasec: :mad:
When the kids go out for recess, the teachers and aides should be carrying camera phones.
Several months ago, we had a thread about a young girl who was kidnapped from the southwestern corner of Oklahoma and was able to free herself from the back of a purple vehicle when the kidnapper stopped for gas in Clovis N.M. I think. She escaped from the rear door of a van-like vehicle and ran screaming into the store. The vehicle took off and I don't think it was ever found.

I tried to keep following the case to see if they ever found out who took her but soon could not find any further mention of it. Anyone remember the girl's name?

I remember thinking at the time that a purple van or SUV would be pretty hard to miss. Maybe it is related to the purple van spotted near some of the Parma cases.

Are these the same wannabe kidnappers where I saw a teen sister of an app. 7 year old on TV talk about how this guy with a puppy tried to get her little brother to come with him while she was right there? And another child almost taken right out of their own yard with people (parents) nearby? When we watched that my husband and I were wondering why there wasn't a better description of this guy (I believe it was a guy by himself with puppy but not sure) because they were doing this right where everyone could see them. They probably were so shocked and focused on the kids that they didn't take a good look! (Who can blame them really). We were gobsmacked by how bold these guys were (are).
In this article it says there were three other incidents in Parma. Are they looking at the playground incident as 3 separate incidents or what?

A woman in a purple minivan was also seen nearby, police said.

Officials were not sure if this incident was related to three others recently in Parma.
In this article it says there were three other incidents in Parma. Are they looking at the playground incident as 3 separate incidents or what?

A woman in a purple minivan was also seen nearby, police said.

Officials were not sure if this incident was related to three others recently in Parma.

I'm trying to locate you, te he, please clear your pm's darling.
Several months ago, we had a thread about a young girl who was kidnapped from the southwestern corner of Oklahoma and was able to free herself from the back of a purple vehicle when the kidnapper stopped for gas in Clovis N.M. I think.

I tried to keep following the case to see if they ever found out who took her but soon could not find any further mention of it. Anyone remember the girl's name?

Marissa Marie Graham is her name. Here is the story:

The suspect is described as a white male, 35-40 years of age with facial hair, a pasty complexion, and possibly brown hair, according to a press release from the Clovis, N.M., Police Deparment.

The vehicle Marissa Graham escaped from is described as a purple, four-door van or SUV, which police are currently seeking.

Marissa Marie Graham is her name. Here is the story:

The suspect is described as a white male, 35-40 years of age with facial hair, a pasty complexion, and possibly brown hair, according to a press release from the Clovis, N.M., Police Deparment.

The vehicle Marissa Graham escaped from is described as a purple, four-door van or SUV, which police are currently seeking.


Hey, you are faster than I am! Thanks!

also worth noting from the aritcle you linked:

Authorities were also seeking two vehicles: a purple, four-door van or sport utility vehicle from which the girl escaped, and a white, four-door car used in her kidnapping.

So, it seems multiple vehicles were used in Marrissa's kidnapping and in some of the Parma attempts. I would normally assume a stranger-kidnapping would likely be done by one male perp with only one vehicle being used. Maybe we have a pedo-ring operating in the mid-south states? Convenient for crossing state lines in order to creat multi-jurisdictional chaos in both the pursuit prosecution of these criminals! Wish I knew what the FBI knows!

I am not getting the story about the people in a van trying to steal kids, I am getting the story about the guy who rowed out to rescue the seven year old boy in the first link? :waitasec: :confused: I've got the second link up that you posted, Taximom.
This is very troubling to me. Perps driving up to a school and yet no one gets accurate descriptions of people trying to entice 3 kids into a van?!?!?!
Are these the same wannabe kidnappers where I saw a teen sister of an app. 7 year old on TV talk about how this guy with a puppy tried to get her little brother to come with him while she was right there? And another child almost taken right out of their own yard with people (parents) nearby? When we watched that my husband and I were wondering why there wasn't a better description of this guy (I believe it was a guy by himself with puppy but not sure) because they were doing this right where everyone could see them. They probably were so shocked and focused on the kids that they didn't take a good look! (Who can blame them really). We were gobsmacked by how bold these guys were (are).

I've only been able to catch the tail-end of these reports on local news, but I do think they were related because I've heard that said.

You'd think this would be the number one story, but it's not. I realize getting that guy that killed the 12 yr old is important, but last night WOIO spent about 14 minutes on that story alone!! :razz:

All these sightings and not one good description (that we know of) on the couple or their vehicle. I would think purple or gold/tan would stand out too. Do they really mean purple?? That would definitely stand out.

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