OH OH - Michael Klitch, 12, Grandview Heights, 28 June 1971

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I am so grateful that this thread for Mike is now a part of our community!

A lot of times we tend to forget the older cases from so many years ago, and that is wrong! Age and time does not take away from a tragedy. There is such emotional sensitivity involved, but I think it would be very courageous and awesome for anyone in Mike's family to know that we care about him and hope that justice and peace can be found in Mike's case! I wonder if there is a way that a Mod or Administrator could somehow reach out to the Klitch family and let them know about our forum! On one hand, it's like opening up a Pandora's box after forty-two years. On the other hand, I would think that there are many people who loved Mike very much and do not even know about how this community brings people together who have been involved with painful circumstances.

We are here to help with caring, sharing, and healing. Mike Klitch, you will always be missed and never forgotten!

I am so grateful that this thread for Mike is now a part of our community!

A lot of times we tend to forget the older cases from so many years ago, and that is wrong! Age and time does not take away from a tragedy. There is such emotional sensitivity involved, but I think it would be very courageous and awesome for anyone in Mike's family to know that we care about him and hope that justice and peace can be found in Mike's case! I wonder if there is a way that a Mod or Administrator could somehow reach out to the Klitch family and let them know about our forum! On one hand, it's like opening up a Pandora's box after forty-two years. On the other hand, I would think that there are many people who loved Mike very much and do not even know about how this community brings people together who have been involved with painful circumstances.

We are here to help with caring, sharing, and healing. Mike Klitch, you will always be missed and never forgotten!


Correction: Forgive my Math, as it was never one of my best subjects. It has been forty-four years, (not forty-two) since Mike's tragedy.

Here is information about Marble Cliff, Ohio, which is a small, quiet, and friendly community village, nestled around the Grandview Heights area where Mike lived with his family, and where his parents still live today:


The last place you would ever expect somebody to be abducted and murdered, which makes Mike's story shocking beyond all comprehension! It also seems to be an up-scale wonderful community with a great sense of community care, love, and dedication.

This is a wonderful article about "The Klitch Fund" set up by Mike's parents, Richard and Joan in dedication to Mike's memory! According to the article, "The Klitch Fund provides the opportunity to help pay for after school programs and camps, and helped one student attend college." It is also used to pay for defibrillators for schools:


A defibrillator provides first response treatment for medical heart conditions:

Source is here: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Defribulator

Here is a picture of a dam, which is part of Alum Creek Lake as it exists today.

Not sure, but on the far left of the picture SEEMS to be a shack type structure that could have resembled where Michael Klitch's body was found. Where this picture was taken in relation to the area where Mike's body was found, I have no idea. It is striking though to see that type of structure there. Were there a lot of houses like those shown in the picture in 1971? Or because much of the land was still under construction, best guess is that most of it was open and vacant. I think the exact location where Mike was found is now underwater. Someone from that area, who could remember what it was like back in 1971, might have additional helpful information.




  • Alum Creek Dam.JPG
    Alum Creek Dam.JPG
    239 KB · Views: 140
Here is a picture of a dam, which is part of Alum Creek Lake as it exists today.

Not sure, but on the far left of the picture SEEMS to be a shack type structure that could have resembled where Michael Klitch's body was found. Where this picture was taken in relation to the area where Mike's body was found, I have no idea. It is striking though to see that type of structure there. Were there a lot of houses like those shown in the picture in 1971? Or because much of the land was still under construction, best guess is that most of it was open and vacant. I think the exact location where Mike was found is now underwater. Someone from that area, who could remember what it was like back in 1971, might have additional helpful information.



The picture is a public park on Alum Creek Lake next to the dam area on Lewis Center Road, near the intersection of Lewis Center Road and Africa Road. The area where the picture was taken is approximately two miles south from where Mike was found.

The shack on the left of the picture is the public restroom at the park. The shack where Mike was found was more of a tool shed that a homeowner would have on their backyard.

It is my understanding that the area along Alum Creek Lake and the dam had very few houses and were rural farm land back in 1971. The many houses that you see in the picture at the dam area along Alum Creek Lake were likely developed after the dam was built.
The picture is a public park on Alum Creek Lake next to the dam area on Lewis Center Road, near the intersection of Lewis Center Road and Africa Road. The area where the picture was taken is approximately two miles south from where Mike was found.

The shack on the left of the picture is the public restroom at the park. The shack where Mike was found was more of a tool shed that a homeowner would have on their backyard.

It is my understanding that the area along Alum Creek Lake and the dam had very few houses and were rural farm land back in 1971. The many houses that you see in the picture at the dam area along Alum Creek Lake were likely developed after the dam was built.

This is very helpful! That picture only about two miles south from the location of where Mike was found. Can someone post a picture as close to the location as to where that shack was, just for a reference point? The reason is, it would be interesting to see if there is all water there now, or if there are any trees or terrain. I would certainly think the shack is no longer there. To try to have a location of exactly the way that specific area looked back in 1971 may be impossible or very hard to do, unless there are some archive maps of that location for this time period.

The website below is an overview of Alum Creek Park with park service information, interactive maps and a blog. This may help others in studying how the park is today. Maybe some historical information could be discovered as well.


The school year had already ended a few weeks earlier. Like all other school age youths, twelve year old Michael Dean Klitch was enjoying his summer vacation participating in many summer outdoor activities.

Michael Dean Klitch was very close to his family. The youth had always left notes concerning his whereabouts whenever he left his parent’s home.

Michael Dean Klitch left his Cambridge Boulevard home in Marble Cliff at approximately 2:00 p.m. on Monday June 28, 1971 to practice tennis at the Grandview Heights municipal tennis courts at Goodale Boulevard & Urlin Avenue in Grandview Heights for an upcoming tennis tournament that he had recently entered.

Earlier that day, the Michael Dean Klitch told his mother he was going to the tennis courts and asked his mother to pick him up at the tennis courts later that afternoon. When the youth left home that afternoon, he didn’t leave a note concerning his whereabouts.

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Michael Dean Klitch was wearing horn rimmed glasses, aqua pullover sweater with white stripes around the collar and sleeves, yellow tan shorts with knee length white socks and white tennis shoes with a black stripe when he left home.

As Michael was walking by himself to the tennis courts, he stopped to talk with neighborhood children about 2:30 p.m. in front of the church near his home. It was the last time that Michael Dean Klitch was seen in his neighborhood by neighborhood children.

A maid working at the luxury high rise Summit Chase apartments at Goodale Boulevard & Urlin Avenue told police that she saw a boy fitting Michael Dean Klitch’s description playing tennis by himself that afternoon. The tennis courts were across the street from the high rise apartments.

Michael’s mother and two of his siblings arrived at the tennis courts at 3:30 p.m. to pick him up and take them swimming at the Grandview Swimming Club at 1350 West Goodale Boulevard.

The tennis courts were empty and Michael Dean Klitch was nowhere to be seen when Michael’s mother and his siblings arrived at the tennis courts to pick him up.

After waiting on her son at the empty tennis courts, Michael’s mother then drove and dropped his siblings off at the Grandview Swimming Club before attending a school board meeting that afternoon. Michael’s mother was a member of the Grandview Heights school board.

After returning home from the school board meeting, Michael’s mother had expected to find her son home. But the youth hadn’t returned home. And none of his siblings had seen him return home.

Michael played centerfield in a little league baseball team and he had an important baseball game that he was to have played that evening.

Michael’s parents contacted police that evening when he didn’t return home.

One of Michael’s tennis balls was found at the tennis court four feet from the gate. The tennis ball was an unusual brand that the youth’s father had brought for his son.

Michael’s parents believed that their son must have left the tennis courts in a hurry as he would never leave his tennis balls lying there.

Michael Dean Klitch was described by his parents as adventuresome, such as trying a double flip from the diving board at the pool, but he didn’t like new situations or new people.

An extensive search was conducted by police and civilians for the missing youth. The wooded areas from Dublin Road & Grandview Avenue east towards Twin Rivers Drive and west towards West Fifth Avenue were searched.

Penn Central Railroad Police were also informed about the youth’s disappearance as their railroad tracks were right behind the municipal tennis courts where Michael Dean Klitch was last seen.

A five thousand dollar reward seeking information leading to the safe return of Michael Dean Klitch was offered by anonymous friends of the Klitch family.

Almost two weeks after the youth’s disappearance, at about 7:45 p.m. on the evening of Sunday July 11, 1971, the body of Michael Dean Klitch was found inside an old wooden tool shack on a old dirt road two miles south of Cheshire and one fifth of a mile west of Africa Road and Plumb Road near Alum Creek in Delaware County.

The remote area where the youth’s body was found was shrouded on both sides of the dirt road by thick thorny vines, small trees, and head high weeds.

The body was found by two adult siblings who had went for an evening walk with their children along the dirt road to pick berries and to skip rocks at an old quarry pond. The adult siblings were visiting their parents who lived in the area near the crime scene.

Michael Dean Klitch’s body was found badly charred and decomposed inside the old wooden tool shack. His eyeglasses, tennis racket, tennis shoes, and clothing that he wore on the day of his disappearance were found in an illegal trash dump near the tool shack.

The shack was on land recently purchased but not yet transferred over to the federal government for the new Alum Creek Dam that was under construction about one and a half miles south of the murder scene.

The remote area where the youth’s body was found in July 1971 is now Alum Creek Lake.

An autopsy revealed that Michael Dean Klitch had been stabbed 26 times in the left chest by a butcher knife and he had been deceased for about two weeks prior to his body being found.

The coroner didn’t find any evidence of struggle by the victim, but couldn’t determine if the victim had been molested due to the condition of the body.

Authorities believe that Michael Dean Klitch was murdered at another location before his body was dumped inside the tool shack and set ablaze by his killer.

No one has ever been arrested in connection with the abduction and murder of Michael Dean Klitch and the case remains unsolved to this day.



The Columbus Citizen Journal and the Columbus Dispatch newspapers on microfilm at the public library.

Greetings Nerosleuth,

An inquiry I have, do you recall the date or year (or both) when this very resourceful above article was published?

Thanks in advance,

The resourceful article was the first post that I wrote myself in the Michael Dean Klitch thread. The information about the Michael Dean Klitch case was obtained from the morning and evening Columbus newspaper articles from July and August of 1971.
I would encourage anyone that has any information on the Klitch case to contact Detective Jeffrey Bessinger at the Delaware County Sheriff's Office at 740-833-2892 or email him at jbessinger@co.delaware.oh.us
Could Mike have passed out from dehydration or exhaustion, and then been picked up by the perpetrator? If someone happened to see this, the perp could have said that they were taking the boy away from the court to somewhere cooler.
Could Mike have passed out from dehydration or exhaustion, and then been picked up by the perpetrator? If someone happened to see this, the perp could have said that they were taking the boy away from the court to somewhere cooler.

I had never thought of that! But this is possible considering:

1.) There was no evidence of a struggle at the tennis court.
2.) Mike didn't like new situations and new people
3.) The heat index was close to 100 degrees that day. Mike was overdressed like it was a 75-80 degree day.
4.) The perpetrator COULD have said something to someone, but maybe he said nothing to no one.
5.) Mike's clothes and tennis equipment were found nearby the shed, so he obviously had his tennis racquet, probably more than one ball (referencing the one found four feet from the gate.)

If Graham's assertion is correct, it is one of the most horrifying and painful situations that this poor, good kid endured. I wonder what LE has in the case file? I think we have two excellent theories:

A.) My possible belief that Mike was taken by force. ie a knife pulled on him as a threat. But it just seems that he would have screamed he would have ran, there would have been a struggle on the court. He was athletic. Could he have used his tennis racquet as a defense against his abductor and killer? He could have been knocked out by a chemical agent. We don't know how big his abductor and killer was. I don't think Mike went willingly.

B.) Graham's excellent post really sheds new light on this case! Mike collapsed from heat stroke or exhaustion. no ability to resit. Perpetrator can put him in a car, falsely charm him get him far away from the area. Know where the shack was. If or when Mike came to, he no longer had a chance. Murder him, burn the evidence. To abduct, hurt, and kill a passed-out kid? This gives new meaning to horrible and heartbreaking!

If anyone contacts the detective, via the above email, maybe we could tell him about this thread? That is so awesome that he is willing to take new leads and help bring justice to Mike Klitch and his family! It sure seems like Mike was an amazingly awesome kid!! This case REALLY haunts me! Thanks to everyone for your help and support in Mike's case!


I had never thought of that! But this is possible considering:

1.) There was no evidence of a struggle at the tennis court.
2.) Mike didn't like new situations and new people
3.) The heat index was close to 100 degrees that day. Mike was overdressed like it was a 75-80 degree day.
4.) The perpetrator COULD have said something to someone, but maybe he said nothing to no one.
5.) Mike's clothes and tennis equipment were found nearby the shed, so he obviously had his tennis racquet, probably more than one ball (referencing the one found four feet from the gate.)

If Graham's assertion is correct, it is one of the most horrifying and painful situations that this poor, good kid endured. I wonder what LE has in the case file? I think we have two excellent theories:

A.) My possible belief that Mike was taken by force. ie a knife pulled on him as a threat. But it just seems that he would have screamed he would have ran, there would have been a struggle on the court. He was athletic. Could he have used his tennis racquet as a defense against his abductor and killer? He could have been knocked out by a chemical agent. We don't know how big his abductor and killer was. I don't think Mike went willingly.

B.) Graham's excellent post really sheds new light on this case! Mike collapsed from heat stroke or exhaustion. no ability to resit. Perpetrator can put him in a car, falsely charm him get him far away from the area. Know where the shack was. If or when Mike came to, he no longer had a chance. Murder him, burn the evidence. To abduct, hurt, and kill a passed-out kid? This gives new meaning to horrible and heartbreaking!

If anyone contacts the detective, via the above email, maybe we could tell him about this thread? That is so awesome that he is willing to take new leads and help bring justice to Mike Klitch and his family! It sure seems like Mike was an amazingly awesome kid!! This case REALLY haunts me! Thanks to everyone for your help and support in Mike's case!



Hi All,

I was wondering if anyone contacted the detective at the above email? I would love to know what (if any) evidence was found that we don't know about? The more I think about this case, the more I think that Mike passed out from heat stroke/exhaustion from the extreme almost 100 degree heat index that day and playing tennis dehydration. I do not believe that the perpetrator said something like, "something bad happened to (someone in the family) and they have asked me to take you home." Mike Klitch was either taken by force, which I would put at about 45% likely, or passed out and the perpetrator took horrifying advantage of this, which I put at a 55% possibility.

My views on the above theories are probably only going to change if something in Mike's case file contradicts them based on any physical evidence from LE on the case. We also know that Mike was extremely athletic, beyond his years. Young kids like this are often times oblivious to heat and health issues related to weather and fatigue. They think that their bodies can handle the elements. For Mike, his love of tennis, if not most sports, may have overtaken his concern for the weather that day. Mike thinking, if he thought about it at all, "I've played tennis in all kinds of weather before, why should today be any different.?"

With his Dad's extensive years of playing tennis and coaching experience, Mike was probably playing tennis from the time he was five years old. That's the thing. Who would have thought on that day he would be in danger by being alone, leading to tragedy? Or being over-dressed leading to a possible health tragedy? Even the location where Mike lived was the last place you would expect an abduction and murder to occur.

Thank you everyone for thinking of Mike and working to pursue justice and peace for him and his family.

Some clarification if anyone knows

do we know if his body was burned prior to being hidden or was it burned where it was found in the tool shed ?
Another question ... I see in the original post that the body was discovered some distance away from where his belongings were found, but the OP also mentions the "murder site" .. Are we dealing with 2 or 3 separate sites? Is the location where his belongings were discovered considered the "murder site"?

Ill explain why later
Some clarification if anyone knows

do we know if his body was burned prior to being hidden or was it burned where it was found in the tool shed ?

That is a very good question.

The Columbus newspapers articles from 1971 reported that his body was found badly charred and decomposed inside the tool shed and that one side of the shack wall and some of the shack floor had been scorched.

The newspaper articles also reported that charcoal lighter fluid cans were found on the outside near the tool shed and investigators believed that charcoal lighter fluid was used to set the body ablaze.

I don’t know if the charcoal lighter fluid cans that were found near the crime scene were the actual accelerant that was used to set the body and the inside of the shed ablaze.
Ok, as always it would be best to do a victimology assessment on the victim, prior to any type of investigative analysis .

What on the outside appears to be nothing more than a kid going to play tennis (albeit by himself) has raised some interesting questions , at least in my opinion.

In investigating ANYTHING we always start with the victim we look at those close to them, and continue to work outward, using the evidence as our guidelines.

It also helps to define a baseline family dynamic, in other words what was out of the ordinary for this specific family. Now its important to not some things that appear odd to one may not be so to another, it depends on what is normal or "normal" within their interpersonal environment.

So lets look at the facts as we know them

-We know that Michael made a habit of leaving notes to let his family know where he was at all times, however on this date, he didn't, he chose to do so verbally , which may account for his not doing so prior to leaving for the tennis courts. This could mean nothing on its face other than he spoke to his mother instead of leaving a note.

-I don't know much about tennis, but I cant understand how someone could practice alone , im not saying they cant , im just unaware how to do so , unless they are playing against a wall or something or just practicing serves.

-He stops to speak with friends at approximately 2:30 but left his house at 2:00pm, the distance on the maps doesn't seem to reflect such a distance , that he would still be "near his home" after walking for 30 minutes already, unless he moved very slow. The map I saw of the route most likely taken to the Tennis courts doesn't have a legend to indicate distance so its tough to determine actually how far he had to walk to get where he was going, this would be important to verify with the individuals he supposedly spoke with.

-Though a maid claims to have seen a person matching Michaels description playing by himself there's no way to determine whether or not it was actually Michael or someone else nor does it give a time when she supposedly noticed this individual

-Upon arrival at the tennis courts at approx. 3:30 his mother arrives waits for a short period of time before leaving to drop her other kids off at a swimming pool. She then goes to attend a school board meeting, which is interesting, though she hasn't found her son who usually is so meticulous he leaves notes to let his parents know where he will be, there is no sign of him, she in turn drops off her other kids before attending a meeting.... again may or may not mean anything on its face but should be looked at . So far twice today her son has broken rank from his normal behavior, and with him nowhere to be found, yet no red flags are raised. It would be important to know the normal family dynamic .. has he done this before?, was it common for Michael to not be where he said he would despite the fact he would leave notes telling where he would be ?. Again this seems somewhat to the contrary given what his parents described to the investigators.

Again could simply be coincidence.. but interesting it coincides with the day he goes missing

-When his mother gets home she discovered no one has seen Michael , and later that evening she and her husband call police.

-Police discover a single "odd brand" tennis ball that was given to Michael by his father, 4 feet from the gate at the Tennis court, this apparently wasn't noticed by his mother earlier upon her arrival at the tennis courts to pick up Michael earlier that day. His parents surmise Michael must have "left in a hurry because he would never have left his tennis balls behind". However he and all the other items he had with him at that point are missing .

-Now I could be wrong but I believe I saw somewhere that his body was discovered 25 miles away from where he was last seen can that be confirmed ? if so it would indicate an individual not just with the means but of age to drive a vehicle to transport the victim . (no **** right?)

-The body is found not too far from where his belongings are found, strewn about, which given the spatial relationship found consistent in virtually 99%of all abduction homicides according to a 2006 study, is most likely where the murder actually occurred.

-Its important to note that even though the body was concealed inside the shed which itself was out of plain sight, the offender(s) still felt they needed to burn his body to destroy any possible evidence, though his belongings, including his clothing were not destroyed, and were left where they were .

-Autopsy reports indicate that the victim was stabbed approx. 25-26 times, with a concentrated pattern of wounds, to the upper left chest (heart region) numbering at least 10 wounds in that specific region, while others are scattered about his torso in no particular pattern. Its determined that the stab wounds other than the ones concentrated over the upper left chest acme from a variety of angles, indicative of frenzied stabbing . A lot of overkill to take down a 12 yo .

-Later the coroner surmises the weapon was a butcher knife , due to the thin single edge, and blade length to inflict such wounds, which is an oddball choice of weapon, not something you usually see anyone carry (though it has happened) but more along the lines of a "weapon at hand" if you will .

Though an eyebrow can certainly be raised at some of the actions of the victim prior to and by his family post disappearance, and though I feel these need to be thoroughly dismissed before an investigation can proceed on this cold case. Remember in Cold Case investigations, we have to go back and RETHINK all the old evidence, if someone was cleared we look at them again, if something is dismissed we look at it again until we can say with todays certainty it has no bearing .

In this case, id question Michaels not leaving a note, even if he told his mom, Id question as to why it ok to let him walk over 30 minutes away alone, Id question and seek verification as to be certain what time he spoke with friends on his way to the Tennis courts. Id question why his mother didn't go look for a kid so particular about letting his parents know where he would be that when she showed up at 3:30 looking for him , she was so unalarmed, that she not only dropped off her kids at a pool, but then attended a School Board meeting.

I would do all that prior to continuing to look any further in this case, when that is ruled out again THEN we look outside

In a 2006 study done by the Washington State office of the Attorney general a 3.5 year study found that the likelihood of the killer of a child being a stranger, is virtually equal to that of the killer being a friend or acquaintance. 44% for a stranger, 42% for Friend or acquaintance, 14% Family.

Was it a Predator?

Though we cant determine whether or not the attack was sexual in nature, it wouldn't be a stretch to think that it COULD be, as the predominant governing factor in stranger abductions is sexual, with homicide secondary to eliminate a living witness.

I will state right now that I feel this WAS NOT A PLANNED event, at least not beyond the point of a few minutes

In cases, of Stranger abduction, (if this is what this case is ) the victims are usually victims of circumstance, their personal risk factors usually elevated by nothing more than being alone in the wrong place at the wrong time (Ex Amber Hagerman).

The vast majority of the time in stranger abduction/murder cases, the offender comes upon their victim by happenstance, they aren't out patrolling looking for a victim, but the opportunity presents itself.

The average of the offender of a child abduction /homicide is 27yo

They usually live alone or with parents.

in 80% of cases the initial contact site between victim and offender is within .25 mi from the victims residence

As I've said in previous analyses usually the offender in stranger abduction/murders of children, have a legitimate reason to be in the area where the child is abducted. they live or work nearby in unskilled or semi unskilled labor positions.

These events are usually the result of a stressing event prior , it could be almost anything, but most often it seems to revolve around an intimate, family, or work.

The victim is often transported greater than .25 mi from where they are abducted, and the relationship (mentioned earlier) between the body recovery site, and the site where the victim is killed closes into less than 200 feet.

In this case, I feel its safe to say that the location where the body was recovered most likely holds some significance for the offender, due to its out of the way location some 25 miles from where Michael was last seen .

The most common method of victim acquisition is con or ruse, with a vehicle being used in the majority of cases. (this is why you teach your kids to stay away from vehicles at ALL costs)

If this was a stranger , I feel it was most likely his 1st homicide (I feel the same no matter who the offender was), there's WAY more violence needed than what would be needed to control a thin 12 yo . The Wild stabbing could be indicative of victim resistance (Ex Ron Goldman), possibly with a flailing aluminum tennis racket, however its also possible (and more plausible) that this was an attack by an individual unfamiliar with murder. Once the victim was weak from his injuries, the offender, then stabbed him in an area he knew would bring about the victims demise more rapidly

This notion is furthered, by the face that though the body was hidden , the offender still felt it pertinent to burn the body, however, the victims belongings clothes etc, with possible transfer, etc.. were left where they were, which seems to indicate an offender uncomfortable even in a remote area, or in a panic .

The victim is most often murdered (74%) within 3 hours of the abduction

Most of the time this offender has prior arrests, or at least a recorded history of violence, and most often it will reflect a propensity toward children, the most common reported crime was rape amongst offenders with previous criminal histories against children.

Usually the killers name is known to law enforcement within the 1st week of the investigation this fact is however changing in recent.

Was it someone he knew?

This also cannot be ruled out

According to Michaels parents he was uncomfortable with unfamiliar people, meaning that strangers would most likely meet with at least some resistance, however, its still entirely possible he was fooled by a ruse (most common)

If it was a friend or acquaintance, a victimology report would indicate things like recent behavioral changes, enemies he may've had, fears , especially recent ones that have materialized.

Though its "less likely" a friend or acquaintance cannot be ruled out either... there have been cases, of parents aiding their kids in homicide cases, in the past otherwise, you have to assume the offender responsible was of legal age to drive, and in possession of a vehicle.

That's the best I can do with what we have here ... hopefully someone will dig back into this case, to bring this victim justice
Ok, as always it would be best to do a victimology assessment on the victim, prior to any type of investigative analysis .

What on the outside appears to be nothing more than a kid going to play tennis (albeit by himself) has raised some interesting questions , at least in my opinion.

In investigating ANYTHING we always start with the victim we look at those close to them, and continue to work outward, using the evidence as our guidelines.

It also helps to define a baseline family dynamic, in other words what was out of the ordinary for this specific family. Now its important to not some things that appear odd to one may not be so to another, it depends on what is normal or "normal" within their interpersonal environment.

So lets look at the facts as we know them

-We know that Michael made a habit of leaving notes to let his family know where he was at all times, however on this date, he didn't, he chose to do so verbally , which may account for his not doing so prior to leaving for the tennis courts. This could mean nothing on its face other than he spoke to his mother instead of leaving a note.

-I don't know much about tennis, but I cant understand how someone could practice alone , im not saying they cant , im just unaware how to do so , unless they are playing against a wall or something or just practicing serves.

-He stops to speak with friends at approximately 2:30 but left his house at 2:00pm, the distance on the maps doesn't seem to reflect such a distance , that he would still be "near his home" after walking for 30 minutes already, unless he moved very slow. The map I saw of the route most likely taken to the Tennis courts doesn't have a legend to indicate distance so its tough to determine actually how far he had to walk to get where he was going, this would be important to verify with the individuals he supposedly spoke with.

-Though a maid claims to have seen a person matching Michaels description playing by himself there's no way to determine whether or not it was actually Michael or someone else nor does it give a time when she supposedly noticed this individual

-Upon arrival at the tennis courts at approx. 3:30 his mother arrives waits for a short period of time before leaving to drop her other kids off at a swimming pool. She then goes to attend a school board meeting, which is interesting, though she hasn't found her son who usually is so meticulous he leaves notes to let his parents know where he will be, there is no sign of him, she in turn drops off her other kids before attending a meeting.... again may or may not mean anything on its face but should be looked at . So far twice today her son has broken rank from his normal behavior, and with him nowhere to be found, yet no red flags are raised. It would be important to know the normal family dynamic .. has he done this before?, was it common for Michael to not be where he said he would despite the fact he would leave notes telling where he would be ?. Again this seems somewhat to the contrary given what his parents described to the investigators.

Again could simply be coincidence.. but interesting it coincides with the day he goes missing

-When his mother gets home she discovered no one has seen Michael , and later that evening she and her husband call police.

-Police discover a single "odd brand" tennis ball that was given to Michael by his father, 4 feet from the gate at the Tennis court, this apparently wasn't noticed by his mother earlier upon her arrival at the tennis courts to pick up Michael earlier that day. His parents surmise Michael must have "left in a hurry because he would never have left his tennis balls behind". However he and all the other items he had with him at that point are missing .

-Now I could be wrong but I believe I saw somewhere that his body was discovered 25 miles away from where he was last seen can that be confirmed ? if so it would indicate an individual not just with the means but of age to drive a vehicle to transport the victim . (no **** right?)

-The body is found not too far from where his belongings are found, strewn about, which given the spatial relationship found consistent in virtually 99%of all abduction homicides according to a 2006 study, is most likely where the murder actually occurred.

-Its important to note that even though the body was concealed inside the shed which itself was out of plain sight, the offender(s) still felt they needed to burn his body to destroy any possible evidence, though his belongings, including his clothing were not destroyed, and were left where they were .

-Autopsy reports indicate that the victim was stabbed approx. 25-26 times, with a concentrated pattern of wounds, to the upper left chest (heart region) numbering at least 10 wounds in that specific region, while others are scattered about his torso in no particular pattern. Its determined that the stab wounds other than the ones concentrated over the upper left chest acme from a variety of angles, indicative of frenzied stabbing . A lot of overkill to take down a 12 yo .

-Later the coroner surmises the weapon was a butcher knife , due to the thin single edge, and blade length to inflict such wounds, which is an oddball choice of weapon, not something you usually see anyone carry (though it has happened) but more along the lines of a "weapon at hand" if you will .

Though an eyebrow can certainly be raised at some of the actions of the victim prior to and by his family post disappearance, and though I feel these need to be thoroughly dismissed before an investigation can proceed on this cold case. Remember in Cold Case investigations, we have to go back and RETHINK all the old evidence, if someone was cleared we look at them again, if something is dismissed we look at it again until we can say with todays certainty it has no bearing .

In this case, id question Michaels not leaving a note, even if he told his mom, Id question as to why it ok to let him walk over 30 minutes away alone, Id question and seek verification as to be certain what time he spoke with friends on his way to the Tennis courts. Id question why his mother didn't go look for a kid so particular about letting his parents know where he would be that when she showed up at 3:30 looking for him , she was so unalarmed, that she not only dropped off her kids at a pool, but then attended a School Board meeting.

I would do all that prior to continuing to look any further in this case, when that is ruled out again THEN we look outside

In a 2006 study done by the Washington State office of the Attorney general a 3.5 year study found that the likelihood of the killer of a child being a stranger, is virtually equal to that of the killer being a friend or acquaintance. 44% for a stranger, 42% for Friend or acquaintance, 14% Family.

Was it a Predator?

Though we cant determine whether or not the attack was sexual in nature, it wouldn't be a stretch to think that it COULD be, as the predominant governing factor in stranger abductions is sexual, with homicide secondary to eliminate a living witness.

I will state right now that I feel this WAS NOT A PLANNED event, at least not beyond the point of a few minutes

In cases, of Stranger abduction, (if this is what this case is ) the victims are usually victims of circumstance, their personal risk factors usually elevated by nothing more than being alone in the wrong place at the wrong time (Ex Amber Hagerman).

The vast majority of the time in stranger abduction/murder cases, the offender comes upon their victim by happenstance, they aren't out patrolling looking for a victim, but the opportunity presents itself.

The average of the offender of a child abduction /homicide is 27yo

They usually live alone or with parents.

in 80% of cases the initial contact site between victim and offender is within .25 mi from the victims residence

As I've said in previous analyses usually the offender in stranger abduction/murders of children, have a legitimate reason to be in the area where the child is abducted. they live or work nearby in unskilled or semi unskilled labor positions.

These events are usually the result of a stressing event prior , it could be almost anything, but most often it seems to revolve around an intimate, family, or work.

The victim is often transported greater than .25 mi from where they are abducted, and the relationship (mentioned earlier) between the body recovery site, and the site where the victim is killed closes into less than 200 feet.

In this case, I feel its safe to say that the location where the body was recovered most likely holds some significance for the offender, due to its out of the way location some 25 miles from where Michael was last seen .

The most common method of victim acquisition is con or ruse, with a vehicle being used in the majority of cases. (this is why you teach your kids to stay away from vehicles at ALL costs)

If this was a stranger , I feel it was most likely his 1st homicide (I feel the same no matter who the offender was), there's WAY more violence needed than what would be needed to control a thin 12 yo . The Wild stabbing could be indicative of victim resistance (Ex Ron Goldman), possibly with a flailing aluminum tennis racket, however its also possible (and more plausible) that this was an attack by an individual unfamiliar with murder. Once the victim was weak from his injuries, the offender, then stabbed him in an area he knew would bring about the victims demise more rapidly

This notion is furthered, by the face that though the body was hidden , the offender still felt it pertinent to burn the body, however, the victims belongings clothes etc, with possible transfer, etc.. were left where they were, which seems to indicate an offender uncomfortable even in a remote area, or in a panic .

The victim is most often murdered (74%) within 3 hours of the abduction

Most of the time this offender has prior arrests, or at least a recorded history of violence, and most often it will reflect a propensity toward children, the most common reported crime was rape amongst offenders with previous criminal histories against children.

Usually the killers name is known to law enforcement within the 1st week of the investigation this fact is however changing in recent.

Was it someone he knew?

This also cannot be ruled out

According to Michaels parents he was uncomfortable with unfamiliar people, meaning that strangers would most likely meet with at least some resistance, however, its still entirely possible he was fooled by a ruse (most common)

If it was a friend or acquaintance, a victimology report would indicate things like recent behavioral changes, enemies he may've had, fears , especially recent ones that have materialized.

Though its "less likely" a friend or acquaintance cannot be ruled out either... there have been cases, of parents aiding their kids in homicide cases, in the past otherwise, you have to assume the offender responsible was of legal age to drive, and in possession of a vehicle.

That's the best I can do with what we have here ... hopefully someone will dig back into this case, to bring this victim justice

Brilliant post and research, RK!

What do you think about the theory of Mike passing out due to the near 100 degree heat that day, being overdressed, and the perpetrator took advantage of the situation?

Brilliant post and research, RK!

What do you think about the theory of Mike passing out due to the near 100 degree heat that day, being overdressed, and the perpetrator took advantage of the situation?


Though we cant say its "impossible". I would say that its most likely "improbable". I couldn't see someone seeing a kid passed out , grabbing him and all his belongings except one tennis ball, he would have to 1) carry the unconscious child to a vehicle, 2) go back and get whatever he could, why risk being seen, when you already have an incapacitated victim already .

Most of the time these guys wont even get out of a car if they don't absolutely have to , that doesn't mean they don't but the majority Ive spoken to prefer a means to escape quickly and forcefully if need be.
I would look at a groundskeeper at this playground, or possibly a member of staff who might have known Michael, or maybe an older person who might have known Michael, like a coach, if he played any sports.

I don't believe he could play tennis by himself. That sounds quite odd.

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