OH OH - Michael Klitch, 12, Grandview Heights, 28 June 1971

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I previously posted up thread the link regarding six of the seven bi-lines articles that you’re looking for. The only article that I didn’t post was his obituary.

Michael’s obituary mentioned that he would have entered Grandview Junior High School in September 1971 and that he was active in tennis, baseball, and basketball.

Here is the link to the newspaper articles that you’re looking for:


Thanks for posting the URL's! I had forgotten that you posted them before! Such a heartbreaking tragedy for a great kid! I have begun to move away from "Mike passed out from the heat" theory. Recall that heat index's were close to 100 degrees that day. However, we know that Mike's tennis racket and clothes were found nearby where his body was found. If Mike passed out from heat or exhaustion, it seems unlikely that his abductor and killer would take the time to bring Mike's tennis racket with him. Other thoughts:

1.) I believe, or should say have no reason to disbelieve the maid at the apartment buildings across the street who said she saw a boy matching Mike's description playing tennis by himself that afternoon. I wonder if the time she said she saw this was in the case file?

2.) Reports of time are seemingly misleading. Mike's walk to the tennis court was not as short as seemingly reported. Mike left his house according to reports on June 28, 1971 to practice tennis at about 2:10 PM. (Some sources say 2PM.) It's said that at about 2:30, he stopped to talk to neighborhood children by the church near his home. The problem is that the church is right across the street from the Klitch residence. I understand it is a very big church. But would it really take Mike twenty minutes to go from his home to the church? I think the time frame is wrong and Mike could have spent fifteen to twenty minutes talking to the neighborhood kids. The report implies that he spent this time walking. I don't think he probably got to the tennis court before 2:40PM.

3.) I still think that one of these things happened:

A.) Mike was attacked by surprise from behind. He was forced into a car. Note however,there was no evidence of a struggle at the tennis court.

B.) Mike was conned by his abductor. If it was someone he knew, it could have created the false trust that would override Mike's apprehension of new situations or new people. However, this seems to contradict to his quest for adventure in doing daring things. Being daring would lead him into uncomfortable situations. He was conned into a car.

C.) How far did those railroad tracks go? Mike I don't think would EVER intentionally leave his family. He knew his Mother was coming to get him. Consider that Mike was very hot and tired about 3:00-3:15 and simply went off into those woods to find a shaded area to rest. Could someone have grabbed him in that wooded area and just lured him away where neither his attacker nor Mike would have been seen? Mike knew he had to get back to the tennis courts by about 3:30-3:40 when his Mother was coming to get him. I think this was a conned or forced abduction and murder. We do know that Mike's killer must have had a car or truck, because he was able to lure Mike twenty-five miles away from his home and kill him.

D.) Could Mike been so tired and hot from walking that he just hops a slow moving train, knowing that there might have been some benches or someplace to sit down just down the tracks for a block or thereabouts? You know like a park bench? Could he have innocently just asked someone for a ride back to the tennis courts and at first, peacefully, Mike is lured into a car, but is than met with the horror of a cold blooded killer? An exhausted kid just wanting to rest, asking for a ride, and he is kidnapped and murdered?

The Strangest Parts of the Case that Remain.

1.) That one tennis ball four feet from the court's gate? Why was that there with no other things? Given to Mike by his Dad. Mike loved sports and was close to his family. The ball there makes no sense.
2.) Mrs. Klitch dropping of the other kids at a Swim Meet and going to a school board meeting, AFTER knowing Mike was missing.
3.) Where was Mr. Klitch that day during 2-4PM? Best guess was he was probably coaching, but we don't know.

I created two new maps for the Michael Dean Klitch case.

The first map is the new Grandview Heights street map which shows the correct exact location where the tennis courts and the apartment high rise are.

The second map is a map that I drew on a graph paper. The map is not to scale but shows where the tennis courts and the apartment high rise are.

You will also notice on the graph paper map that the apartment high rise building actually sits at an angle in front of Goodale Boulevard.

New Grandview Heights Map.JPG

Tennis Court Map.jpg
Here are three photos that were taken recently of the tennis courts on Goodale Boulevard in Grandview Heights where Michael Dean Klitch was last seen.

The first and second photos were taken in front of the tennis courts and the third photo was taken across the street from the tennis courts.

In the first photo, you can see that the railroad track is behind the tall pine trees and the railroad track is on a raised ground behind the tennis court.

In the second photo, you can see the Urlin Avenue railroad track crossing which is behind the tennis courts. The tennis courts is almost next to the intersection of Goodale Boulevard and Urlin Avenue.

In the third photo, which was taken across the street from the tennis courts, you can see the whole tennis courts and you can see the railroad track behind the tennis courts.



Here are two photos of the high rise apartment that is on Goodale Boulevard between Urlin Avenue and Broadview Avenue.

The first photo of the high rise apartment building was taken directly across the street from the McKinley Field parking lot.

The second photo of the high rise apartment building was taken directly across the street from the tennis courts. You can see that the high rise apartment building in this photo sits at an angle.


The first two photos are the woods and the railroad track that was taken west of Urlin Avenue on Goodale Boulevard. You can see that the railroad track sits on top of a small gravel hill. I also noticed that there are trees along the railroad track on both sides of the railroad track.

The third photo is the intersection of Goodale Bouelvard and Urlin Avenue looking towards Dublin Road (U.S. Route 33) which is at the traffic light. The tennis courts is not shown in this picture but it is across the street to the left of the intersection.




Thinking of Mike today and the Klitch family. It has been said that this case probably would have been solved, if the tragedy had happened today instead of 1971. Can anyone provide specifics as to how DNA technology or other methods could be used had it been available in 1971 to track, catch, and prosecute Mike's kidnapper or kidnappers for his abduction and murder? I do think that this was a single abductor situation.

It would be wonderful if LE was able to use DNA and any other crime-tracking technology to bring justice for Mike and the Klitch family!

Weather Conditions For That Day.

Not sure if I posted this. I found the zip code by entering Marble Cliff Ohio in Google Search. The Weather Almanac returned the following data:

Weather History Results for Columbus, OH (43212) June 28th, 1971
« Previous Day - 6/27/1971 •••• 6/29/1971 - Next Day »

On June 28th, 1971, the closest available weather station to Columbus, OH (COLUMBUS MUNICIPAL ARPT, OH), reported the following conditions:

High Temp: 93°F *
Low Temp: 73.9°F *
Average Temp: 84.5°F ( 8 )
Dewpoint: 71.2°F ( 8 )
Sea Level Pressure: 1015.6 mb ( 8 )
Station Pressure: 986.4 mb ( 8 )
Visibility: 6.2 miles ( 8 )
Wind Speed: 4.4 knots ( 8 )
Max Wind Speed: 6 knots
Max Wind Gust: n/a
Precipitation Amount: 0 inches I
Snow Depth: n/a
Observations: Fog

My Two Main Theories of Mike Klitch's Abduction and Murder

The heat not surprising. The fog is though. The weather information is important because I keep thinking of how hot Mike must have been while playing tennis. His abductor could have seen how tired Mike was and conned him into a ride back home. Mike normally not comfortable with new situations or new people, the heat, and IF Mike was charmed and manipulated, the way he was charmed and manipulated, may have played a role in the abduction. The environment and his abductor's charm and manipulation overtook his apprehension of new situations and people.

The other theory of somebody sneaking up behind him and startling Mike is possible, or being forced to leave because his abductor had a weapon, or Mike was over-powered by a much stronger person or persons. There may not have needed to be a struggle, or much of a struggle for this to happen. Mike's special tennis ball found only four feet from the gate could suggest, as his parents theorized, that he left the court in a hurry. But we know he had his racket with him because it was found nearby where Mike's body was found, horrifyingly stabbed and charred twenty miles plus away from the tennis courts.

This case seems to be narrowed down to one of these two most-likely scenarios.

Weather Conditions For That Day.

Not sure if I posted this. I found the zip code by entering Marble Cliff Ohio in Google Search. The Weather Almanac returned the following data:

Weather History Results for Columbus, OH (43212) June 28th, 1971
« Previous Day - 6/27/1971 •••• 6/29/1971 - Next Day »

On June 28th, 1971, the closest available weather station to Columbus, OH (COLUMBUS MUNICIPAL ARPT, OH), reported the following conditions:

High Temp: 93°F *
Low Temp: 73.9°F *
Average Temp: 84.5°F ( 8 )
Dewpoint: 71.2°F ( 8 )
Sea Level Pressure: 1015.6 mb ( 8 )
Station Pressure: 986.4 mb ( 8 )
Visibility: 6.2 miles ( 8 )
Wind Speed: 4.4 knots ( 8 )
Max Wind Speed: 6 knots
Max Wind Gust: n/a
Precipitation Amount: 0 inches I
Snow Depth: n/a
Observations: Fog

My Two Main Theories of Mike Klitch's Abduction and Murder

The heat not surprising. The fog is though. The weather information is important because I keep thinking of how hot Mike must have been while playing tennis. His abductor could have seen how tired Mike was and conned him into a ride back home. Mike normally not comfortable with new situations or new people, the heat, and IF Mike was charmed and manipulated, the way he was charmed and manipulated, may have played a role in the abduction. The environment and his abductor's charm and manipulation overtook his apprehension of new situations and people.

The other theory of somebody sneaking up behind him and startling Mike is possible, or being forced to leave because his abductor had a weapon, or Mike was over-powered by a much stronger person or persons. There may not have needed to be a struggle, or much of a struggle for this to happen. Mike's special tennis ball found only four feet from the gate could suggest, as his parents theorized, that he left the court in a hurry. But we know he had his racket with him because it was found nearby where Mike's body was found, horrifyingly stabbed and charred twenty miles plus away from the tennis courts.

This case seems to be narrowed down to one of these two most-likely scenarios.


I looked at the hourly weather observations for that date. The fog conditions were reported at 5:00 AM on that day.
I looked at the hourly weather observations for that date. The fog conditions were reported at 5:00 AM on that day.

We are coming up on that sad day. I wish we knew more of why Mike was killed, and by whom? I wonder what theories the family believes?

This is probably a longshot, but I am going to throw this out there for consideration and discussion. I have no way to connect the murder to the following person, but now I am wondering.
As I have mentioned, I grew up in this area and Michael was in the school class of my brother, who is five years my senior. My best friend lived around the corner from me on Bluff Ave. Our family was very close to my friend's family, as they also had a daughter my sister's age and another boy a year older than me that was also my friend. Anyway, the father of this family died of a gunshot wound in the basement of their home, I am guessing around 1974-5. I was always told it was an accident while he was cleaning a gun, and I assumed that to be the truth and what everyone else believed. However, decades later, when my parents had died and I was cleaning out their home, I found an old local newspaper article on his death; while the death investigation was not yet complete, the article mentioned the probable cause was suicide. Nobody ever told me that and I don't know if any of his four kids ever knew the truth (though I suspect they were told any truth as they came of age). When I learned that this man's death was likely a suicide, I assumed it probably had something to do with his business; he was an attorney and maybe he was involved with something that was about to fall apart, is all I could figure. I don't know who might know the truth. I am now only a distant Facebook friend of the two boys, and I don't feel comfortable probing about their father's death (especially since their mother died about a year later, just a tragic time to dig up). The father was a bit creepy. He had a hard edge to him that made me feel a bit uncomfortable around him. He yelled, used the belt on the kids sometimes, I think. Like a strict military type you didn't want to cross.
A smoker and fairly heavy drinker. One likely route Michael took to the tennis courts could have passed this guy's home. Maybe he saw him pass with the tennis racket and went to get him to take out his anger, I don't know.
I don't feel I should print the guy's name publicly, but send me a private message if you want his name for further research (if you are in the Columbus area, you could search his death certificate and date, etc.). So, since I still remotely know some of his kids, I don't want to be seen as accusing their father. Still, whatever made me think of this possible (albeit remote) connection, I got goosebumps several times, as if some being was trying to tell me I was correct. Perhaps his guilt finally got to him and he took his life a few years later. OR, perhaps any officer at the time knows another cause for the guy's suicide. Who knows, it might explain two deaths that had long been mysterious. Still getting goosebumps about it, like someone is strongly telling me I solved it. But I can't prove it.
This is probably a longshot, but I am going to throw this out there for consideration and discussion. I have no way to connect the murder to the following person, but now I am wondering.
As I have mentioned, I grew up in this area and Michael was in the school class of my brother, who is five years my senior. My best friend lived around the corner from me on Bluff Ave. Our family was very close to my friend's family, as they also had a daughter my sister's age and another boy a year older than me that was also my friend. Anyway, the father of this family died of a gunshot wound in the basement of their home, I am guessing around 1974-5. I was always told it was an accident while he was cleaning a gun, and I assumed that to be the truth and what everyone else believed. However, decades later, when my parents had died and I was cleaning out their home, I found an old local newspaper article on his death; while the death investigation was not yet complete, the article mentioned the probable cause was suicide. Nobody ever told me that and I don't know if any of his four kids ever knew the truth (though I suspect they were told any truth as they came of age). When I learned that this man's death was likely a suicide, I assumed it probably had something to do with his business; he was an attorney and maybe he was involved with something that was about to fall apart, is all I could figure. I don't know who might know the truth. I am now only a distant Facebook friend of the two boys, and I don't feel comfortable probing about their father's death (especially since their mother died about a year later, just a tragic time to dig up). The father was a bit creepy. He had a hard edge to him that made me feel a bit uncomfortable around him. He yelled, used the belt on the kids sometimes, I think. Like a strict military type you didn't want to cross.
A smoker and fairly heavy drinker. One likely route Michael took to the tennis courts could have passed this guy's home. Maybe he saw him pass with the tennis racket and went to get him to take out his anger, I don't know.
I don't feel I should print the guy's name publicly, but send me a private message if you want his name for further research (if you are in the Columbus area, you could search his death certificate and date, etc.). So, since I still remotely know some of his kids, I don't want to be seen as accusing their father. Still, whatever made me think of this possible (albeit remote) connection, I got goosebumps several times, as if some being was trying to tell me I was correct. Perhaps his guilt finally got to him and he took his life a few years later. OR, perhaps any officer at the time knows another cause for the guy's suicide. Who knows, it might explain two deaths that had long been mysterious. Still getting goosebumps about it, like someone is strongly telling me I solved it. But I can't prove it.


That is quite a story. I think what could open this up for investigation is did this father know the Klitch family or even just Mike? Did anyone in your friend's family know the Klitch's? How old were the boys in 1971 when Mike's tragedy occurred? Did the boys go to the same school as Mike or have any connections to the family at all? If the boys entered for example a tennis tournament or any other type of athletic competition in which Mike was involved, and lost to Mike, the father could be the kind of person, who might do something horrible to him.

Mike could have known this person, but if it was well-known this father had a bad temper, I think Mike would be leery of him. It seems like your friends' father's temperament was known by others.


PS. Yea, IMO probably would not be a good idea to post this person's name on-line if you feel uncomfortable, and it could be a TOS violation if posted in the public forums. (My understanding is that we can only use initials unless there is an active investigation about the person by LE with relation to the case. Where they really are a suspect, or are at least a POI confirmed by personnel involved in the case.) It's important that we respect the surviving family members, and with no solid evidence linking this person to the Klitch case, there that 99% shot that this is a dead end.

Unless of course there is some connection to this person, the Klitch family, or Mike himself, than I think they could be a POI in the case, maybe a suspect if the linkage was strong enough to warrant an investigation.

I would like to ask that when you search for this person in a search engine, with quotes for example "[Person's name], Klitch" does anything come up at all on Internet research? I know about that uneasy goose-bump sensation in studying some of these cases! What I was wondering Solofiddle, is did you have that feeling about this person perhaps having some connection to Mike's case for a long time? Or did it just occur recently? You know with the tragic anniversary of the case just two days old as of this writing?

The oldest of this guy's four kids would have been about two years younger than Michael, and I do not know of any connection between the families.
He was stabbed 26 times? Doesn't that sound personal? Overkill? I wonder if Michael knew his murdered? I think it is quite possible.
If anyone wants to research this article from the Columbus Ohio area. It's a bi-line that says a retiring sheriff is haunted by murders that occurred in the area, and Mike Klitch is mentioned. It would be interesting to find out what he said about Mike's case, and the others as well:

http://www.columbuslibrary.org/cmlc...ectid=206783&original=KLITCH, MICHAEL&stype=O


The newspaper article that you're looking for can be found at this link:


Look for the newspaper article titled "Four unsolved murders vex retiring sheriff"
Greetings All,

There are two big mysteries that surround this case. Mike's special tennis ball found at the gate and the question remaining that Mike's clothes and shoes were found at a nearby dump site twenty-five miles or so out from the tennis courts. Hate to sound horrific, but why would Mike's abductor and killer char his body, but not burn the rest of the evidence? If they really wanted to remove themselves from this case? I could see the distance involved from the crime scene, and the horror of burning of the body to remove evidence. However, Mike's clothes and tennis racket were not destroyed. You wonder why?

I am assuming that the tennis courts where Mike was abducted are similar today compared to 1971. If Mike was taken by force, I was wondering how easily or not so easily a fight or screaming could be seen or heard? Maybe Mike did scream and try to run away, but was overpowered by someone much stronger and larger than he was. Sadly, it probably would not take that much of a struggle for a fully grown person with bad intentions to lure a young per-teenage kid away fairly quickly.

I am now thinking along the lines about how the heat may have influenced Mike leading to this horror. You figure that he spent at least forty minutes in that stifling heat. A good twenty minutes just to walk to the tennis courts, and he was outside at first talking to some kids near the church across the street. A good half-hour playing. One newspaper snippet I found on-line said he was alone.

I wonder how many tennis balls Mike took with him and the lingering thought that others have suggested. Barring the use of a ricochet wall, how does one play tennis alone, let alone with a heat index of nearly 100 degrees? Mike expanded tons of energy that day and his endurance had to be near collapse. I think he probably did not try to hop a train for thrills, but maybe he dropped his tennis ball left at the gate fully intending to return, went over to that woods just to find a shaded tree or a place to sit down to relax for twenty minutes or thereabouts. Somebody could have grabbed him by force and had a weapon at that time, or charmed him taking advantage of his obviously tired, and exhausted physical state. The kidnapper may have used that wooded area to shield himself from the horror that he planned. His activity would likely not be seen, and Mike's resistance if he could even resist, would not be likely to be seen or heard.

We need to find out if anyone in the Klitch family had enemies, especially any possibility of potential people who may have been resentful of Mike's Dad's success in tennis, both playing, and coaching. Or even Mike's success in not only tennis, but other athletes as well. It also appears that the Klitch's had money. Not super-rich I would say, but I know that Mike's sister Beth, and Jenny, forgive me, I cannot think of the name of the other female sibling, anybody know? The Klitch siblings all grew up playing tennis very religiously. Jenny Klitch was at one time rated at the US Open and Wimbledon back in the 80's. And in recent years, I read that Dick Klitch was still coaching and helping tennis players in the area.

You can't rule out the family's strong prominence in tennis to suspect the possibility that some nutcase would want to do something to a family member in a vengeful and sick way, just because they were angered at the father's, Mike's, or the family's success. It seems that even if you didn't know the Klitch's personally, if you grew up in that Ohio area, if not the Midwest, and maybe even other parts of the country as well, many outsiders probably knew the Klitch family name concerning their involvement in tennis.

Mike's Mother Joan was also a prominent school board member for years and in recent research, she is very involved in community activities in education. And she also as I understand chaired a local bridge club. Even when Mike was abducted, before anybody knew his tragic fate, there was an annoyances $5000 reward for his safe return. I believe that the donation was anonymous because the donor may have been concerned for his/her own safety. It is know the donor was a family friend. But Mike was kidnapped and later killed so I could see how they would not want personal information given out to the public.

What are your thoughts?

Greetings All,

There are two big mysteries that surround this case. Mike's special tennis ball found at the gate and the question remaining that Mike's clothes and shoes were found at a nearby dump site twenty-five miles or so out from the tennis courts. Hate to sound horrific, but why would Mike's abductor and killer char his body, but not burn the rest of the evidence? If they really wanted to remove themselves from this case? I could see the distance involved from the crime scene, and the horror of burning of the body to remove evidence. However, Mike's clothes and tennis racket were not destroyed. You wonder why?

I am assuming that the tennis courts where Mike was abducted are similar today compared to 1971. If Mike was taken by force, I was wondering how easily or not so easily a fight or screaming could be seen or heard? Maybe Mike did scream and try to run away, but was overpowered by someone much stronger and larger than he was. Sadly, it probably would not take that much of a struggle for a fully grown person with bad intentions to lure a young per-teenage kid away fairly quickly.

I am now thinking along the lines about how the heat may have influenced Mike leading to this horror. You figure that he spent at least forty minutes in that stifling heat. A good twenty minutes just to walk to the tennis courts, and he was outside at first talking to some kids near the church across the street. A good half-hour playing. One newspaper snippet I found on-line said he was alone.

I wonder how many tennis balls Mike took with him and the lingering thought that others have suggested. Barring the use of a ricochet wall, how does one play tennis alone, let alone with a heat index of nearly 100 degrees? Mike expanded tons of energy that day and his endurance had to be near collapse. I think he probably did not try to hop a train for thrills, but maybe he dropped his tennis ball left at the gate fully intending to return, went over to that woods just to find a shaded tree or a place to sit down to relax for twenty minutes or thereabouts. Somebody could have grabbed him by force and had a weapon at that time, or charmed him taking advantage of his obviously tired, and exhausted physical state. The kidnapper may have used that wooded area to shield himself from the horror that he planned. His activity would likely not be seen, and Mike's resistance if he could even resist, would not be likely to be seen or heard.

We need to find out if anyone in the Klitch family had enemies, especially any possibility of potential people who may have been resentful of Mike's Dad's success in tennis, both playing, and coaching. Or even Mike's success in not only tennis, but other athletes as well. It also appears that the Klitch's had money. Not super-rich I would say, but I know that Mike's sister Beth, and Jenny, forgive me, I cannot think of the name of the other female sibling, anybody know? The Klitch siblings all grew up playing tennis very religiously. Jenny Klitch was at one time rated at the US Open and Wimbledon back in the 80's. And in recent years, I read that Dick Klitch was still coaching and helping tennis players in the area.

You can't rule out the family's strong prominence in tennis to suspect the possibility that some nutcase would want to do something to a family member in a vengeful and sick way, just because they were angered at the father's, Mike's, or the family's success. It seems that even if you didn't know the Klitch's personally, if you grew up in that Ohio area, if not the Midwest, and maybe even other parts of the country as well, many outsiders probably knew the Klitch family name concerning their involvement in tennis.

Mike's Mother Joan was also a prominent school board member for years and in recent research, she is very involved in community activities in education. And she also as I understand chaired a local bridge club. Even when Mike was abducted, before anybody knew his tragic fate, there was an annoyances $5000 reward for his safe return. I believe that the donation was anonymous because the donor may have been concerned for his/her own safety. It is know the donor was a family friend. But Mike was kidnapped and later killed so I could see how they would not want personal information given out to the public.

What are your thoughts?


More thoughts,

A Google Search shows a Joan Klitch, listed as an attorney in the Columbus Ohio area, when I did a search a few weeks ago. If that is the same Joan Klitch who is Mike's Mother, it is unlikely that she would still be practicing law, as both of Mike's parents I believe are in there late 70's or early 80's. If she was an attorney at the time of Mike's abduction and murder, the families' strong financial status could indicate that someone out there was angered by the Klitchs' successes.

We know it is likely that Mike's kidnapper was familiar with the Columbus Ohio/Marble Cliff area, even within a 25 mile radius of the area. It is less likely that a complete stranger would have that kind of "cognitive" map of the area. Mike's killer obviously wanted to get out of the area and likely knew of the shack location, where his plan was to get all evidence out of town, so that this person would likely not be caught, or have any connection to the local area concerning the horror of what they did to Mike.

The mystery of why that special tennis ball would remain at the gate, or why Mike's clothes, shoes, and tennis racket were not burned, like his remains were, is one of the most baffling mysteries of this case. We do know that they were left at a "dump" site. Could the killer had planned to burn the other evidence, but got distracted with what he was doing? Quickly disposing of the tennis racket, Mike's shoes, and clothes, but with not enough time to destroy the evidence, as perhaps could have been the killer's original intention?

The stab-wounds to Mike's torso, I believe about twenty six of them, I remember reading, were jagged and half-hazard. As if they happened during a struggle, or were created amateurishly, in a possible revenge or frenzied typed of attack. I don't recall the wounds being "organized" or systematic in nature. Was there a fight between Mike and his killer leading to those types of wounds? Was Mike killed with little to no struggle by simply being over-powered or knocked out very quickly? I don't think this was a, for lack of being able to find better words, a "Professional" or "Ritualized" murder. I think this was a quick "Get out of the local area" type of killing by a local resident who, for reasons unknown, had a vendetta against Mike or the family.

The killer may not have even known Mike or the family personally, but may have know the local success of the family through community stories. Mike beating out somebody related to the killer in a tennis competition for example. Mike's Mother, if she was an attorney, getting a successful conviction against someone who sought revenge against the family or Mike by committing the horror of abduction and murder. Mike's father involved in sports and coaching may also have singled out someone in a negative way related to Mike's killer. (For example someone cut from a tennis team that Mike's Dad coached.) It could be that some sort of negativity was sensed by the killer that was seen as such an injustice and such an outrage, that Mike's killer sought the perfect time and place to kidnap and murder him.

With what little of the evidence there is, strategically placed around and outside of the Marble Cliff/Columbus Ohio community and the killer knowing where that shack was where Mike's body was found, along with Mike's family's athletic and monetary status, this case may be centered more on a cunning and false sense of trust by a local perpetrator, rather than some complete stranger. A stranger would not have that kind of familiarity with knowing where that abandoned shack was, about twenty five miles outside of town in relation to the tennis courts where Mike was last seen. Additionally, with Mike's apprehension of new situations and people, it would seem that he would have to be taken by force, if a stranger was involved. This abduction I think was more likely than not, someone that Mike knew, or at least the killer knew the family and for reasons unknown, the perpetrator sought to kill Mike over a revenge or vendetta type of situation.

Greetings All,

There are two big mysteries that surround this case. Mike's special tennis ball found at the gate and the question remaining that Mike's clothes and shoes were found at a nearby dump site twenty-five miles or so out from the tennis courts. Hate to sound horrific, but why would Mike's abductor and killer char his body, but not burn the rest of the evidence? If they really wanted to remove themselves from this case? I could see the distance involved from the crime scene, and the horror of burning of the body to remove evidence. However, Mike's clothes and tennis racket were not destroyed. You wonder why?

I am assuming that the tennis courts where Mike was abducted are similar today compared to 1971. If Mike was taken by force, I was wondering how easily or not so easily a fight or screaming could be seen or heard? Maybe Mike did scream and try to run away, but was overpowered by someone much stronger and larger than he was. Sadly, it probably would not take that much of a struggle for a fully grown person with bad intentions to lure a young per-teenage kid away fairly quickly.

I am now thinking along the lines about how the heat may have influenced Mike leading to this horror. You figure that he spent at least forty minutes in that stifling heat. A good twenty minutes just to walk to the tennis courts, and he was outside at first talking to some kids near the church across the street. A good half-hour playing. One newspaper snippet I found on-line said he was alone.

I wonder how many tennis balls Mike took with him and the lingering thought that others have suggested. Barring the use of a ricochet wall, how does one play tennis alone, let alone with a heat index of nearly 100 degrees? Mike expanded tons of energy that day and his endurance had to be near collapse. I think he probably did not try to hop a train for thrills, but maybe he dropped his tennis ball left at the gate fully intending to return, went over to that woods just to find a shaded tree or a place to sit down to relax for twenty minutes or thereabouts. Somebody could have grabbed him by force and had a weapon at that time, or charmed him taking advantage of his obviously tired, and exhausted physical state. The kidnapper may have used that wooded area to shield himself from the horror that he planned. His activity would likely not be seen, and Mike's resistance if he could even resist, would not be likely to be seen or heard.

We need to find out if anyone in the Klitch family had enemies, especially any possibility of potential people who may have been resentful of Mike's Dad's success in tennis, both playing, and coaching. Or even Mike's success in not only tennis, but other athletes as well. It also appears that the Klitch's had money. Not super-rich I would say, but I know that Mike's sister Beth, and Jenny, forgive me, I cannot think of the name of the other female sibling, anybody know? The Klitch siblings all grew up playing tennis very religiously. Jenny Klitch was at one time rated at the US Open and Wimbledon back in the 80's. And in recent years, I read that Dick Klitch was still coaching and helping tennis players in the area.

You can't rule out the family's strong prominence in tennis to suspect the possibility that some nutcase would want to do something to a family member in a vengeful and sick way, just because they were angered at the father's, Mike's, or the family's success. It seems that even if you didn't know the Klitch's personally, if you grew up in that Ohio area, if not the Midwest, and maybe even other parts of the country as well, many outsiders probably knew the Klitch family name concerning their involvement in tennis.

Mike's Mother Joan was also a prominent school board member for years and in recent research, she is very involved in community activities in education. And she also as I understand chaired a local bridge club. Even when Mike was abducted, before anybody knew his tragic fate, there was an annoyances $5000 reward for his safe return. I believe that the donation was anonymous because the donor may have been concerned for his/her own safety. It is know the donor was a family friend. But Mike was kidnapped and later killed so I could see how they would not want personal information given out to the public.

What are your thoughts?


Mike was a tennis player. Likely used to playing long grueling matches in the intense heat and humidity of summer.

If an enemy or enemies of his family killed him, how could they have known that he would be practicing at that place, at that time ? Do you think they were stalking the family ?

I would be interested in finding out if LE ever went back and re-interviewed the kids who Mike met up with when he was on his way to the tennis court. Would love to know exactly who knew about Mike's plans that afternoon.

You raise some fascinating ideas ; wish this case could be solved. jmo
A Google Search shows a Joan Klitch, listed as an attorney in the Columbus Ohio area, when I did a search a few weeks ago.

If that is the same Joan Klitch who is Mike's Mother, it is unlikely that she would still be practicing law, as both of Mike's parents I believe are in there late 70's or early 80's.

If she was an attorney at the time of Mike's abduction and murder, the families' strong financial status could indicate that someone out there was angered by the Klitchs' successes.

Yes, that is the same person who is Mike’s Mother. But she was not an attorney at the time of Mike’s abduction and murder.

It wasn’t until November 1979 that Mike’s mother was admitted into the Ohio Bar to practice law in Ohio.

Her law license is now listed as being retired from practicing law in Ohio.

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