OH - Ohio State University Rampage, 28 November 2016

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
CARIIS might have been correct about the school grades..
That is a lot of kids for a single mother.

By Darran Simon, CNN
David Woodyard, CEO of Catholic Charities of Dallas, told CNN that Artan and his family came to his organization in June 2014 after being vetted by the State Department. He said the family consisted of a single mom and seven children, three boys and four girls.

Catholic Charities helped the family adjust to life in the United States by helping them find a place to live in Dallas and providing assistance with language and job skills. The family decided to move after 23 days for unknown reasons, Woodyard said. Catholic Charities provided no assistance in the move.
Woodyard said there was nothing in the family's file to indicate there had been any trouble while they were in Dallas and that he had not been able to find anyone at the organization who had a detailed memory of them.
Census figures show about 8,000 Somalians live in Ohio, giving the state the second largest Somalian population in the United States, behind Minnesota.
A community member who spoke to Artan's family described them as a shocked by his actions. Artan's mother said he also had lately complained about his grades, according to the community member.

Artan's social media presence showed other complaints.
Louann Carnahan describes living next door to Ohio State attacker Abdul Artan. She said he was a nice neighbor, but the large number of visitors and noise bothered her, leading her to take pictures of the cars and people going in and out of the apartment. She said the FBI was interested in those pictures.

Carnahan said Artan lived with as many as seven other relatives, including three other young men, a couple of sisters, a young child and his mother.

A man whom Artan identified as his older brother, Muhammad, would visit once or twice a month, Carnahan said. She said Muhammad and Artan both drove a Honda similar to the one police said Artan used in the attack. She said the family used several cars.

Carnahan said FBI agents returned Tuesday morning to question her. She didn’t feel comfortable discussing details about what they asked, or what she told them.

“It was so out of character for him,” she said of the attack by Artan. But the facts are facts, and they shook her. Artan did drive into the crowd. He did cut people with a knife.

"It scares me that I live next door to that," she said, quickly adding, "Not all Muslims are bad, and not all Somalis are bad. Just like not all Americans are bad."

Full text of the post on Abdul Artan's FB page.


Very interesting how this post on Artan's FB page (3 min before the attack, no less) has been so carefully cherry picked by so many news organizations in their censored reporting. The entire post is so much more illuminating as to his radicalized state of mind, IMO.
But injustice collector is often seen with other mental illnesses or comorbid, so if the title applies it is likely at least a facet of another illness. So putting it all together the underlying illness likely does have something to do with the collecting, the manifesto, and the act.

In other words, IMO, you can't say someone is an injustice collector without also recognizing the person probably has a mental illness as well. The two often go together.

Wound collecting doesn't imply someone does not have a mental illness.

This is from your last link:

It is also recognized that many times the narcissistic personality, the paranoid personality, as well as the anti-social and the borderline personality disordered quite often themselves have traits of the wound collector. Those pathologies on their own are difficult enough to deal with; when they amalgamate with wound collecting, they command our attention as a potentiated co-morbid pathology.

eta: far too soon to dx the driver here but highly likely mental illness had something to do with it, wound collector or not.


The bigger question is why some injustice collectors turn really violent. That includes ones with mental illness.

There are many people who are injustice collectors out there who do not lash out violently.
Ok. So this is very interesting. Stick with me on the explanation.

Emphasized in Artan's FB post (but cut out of pretty much every media article that quoted bits of the FB post):

Yasir Qadhi
Omar Sulieman
Nouman Mufti

And the Al Maghrib institute

Who are these men? Artan seems to feel they are celebrity imams who sold out their religion ("deen"), and urges fellow radicals to follow Al-Awlaki instead


Nouman Ali Khan
His amiable manner and pragmatic approach has made Nouman a hit not only with the younger generation, but also with an older demographic. He has over 1.8million likes on his Facebook page and 206,000 followers on Twitter. The affable nature of his talks sees him addressing practical issues like dating, marriage and in-laws, making his appeal one that most definitely resonates with a huge audience.

Yasir Qadhi
Dr Yasir Qadhi is the Dean of Academic Affairs at the Al-Maghrib Institute. Dr Qadhi who lives in Memphis was described by the New York Times Magazine in 2011 as “one of the most influential conservative clerics in American Islam.”
He has 246,000 followers on Twitter as well as a large audience on Snapchat.
His snaps are good humoured and full of zest for Islam


Omar Suleiman is a Shaykh and Imam born in New Orleans, Louisiana of the United States. He's lectures include modern day topics including dealing with struggles and finding the resolution to modern day problems. The Imam has studied under numerous teachers including Salah As Sawy, Hatem Al Haj, Abul Abed, and Omar Al Ashqar. The Imam wields a degree in Islamic studies and a degree in accounting. He Also has a masters degree in Islamic Finance. Formerly known as Shariah Academy, the Shaykh used to teach in Mishkah university and has served as an Imam at Masjid Abu Bakr As-Saddique.

Now that is VERY interesting-- Added note-- there appear to be many mosques with the name Masjid Abu Bakr As-Siddiq. Artan appears to be rejecting all of the "reasonable" voices within Islam in America-- evidence of his embracing radicalization.

Horsed Noah (imam of the columbus mosque) promotes non-radicalization of young men, and in integral with the group My Project USA, devoted to non-radicalization. (Leader is Zerqa Abid.)


So, maybe Artan was influenced by his own mosque leaders NOT to become radicalized, but rejected all that to follow Al-Awlaki. That's a smoking gun if ever there was one, IMO. Maybe that's why the media has been cherry picking that statement out of reporting on the facebook post for precisely this reason. IMO.
Full text of the post on Abdul Artan's FB page.


Very interesting how this post on Artan's FB page (3 min before the attack, no less) has been so carefully cherry picked by so many news organizations in their censored reporting. The entire post is so much more illuminating as to his radicalized state of mind, IMO.

It did it for me! None of my theory was close!!!

Which now takes me to this seems impulsive. Were there other posts on his social media that had similar notions?

Frankly, the notion about a kitchen knife seems pretty unprepared - oh I will bring this with me -for what?

It would be interesting to know if he was nearby when the chemical leak started.

Was it this sudden thing oh there are a bunch of targets in one place - might as well.

Anyone know the "tone" of his FB prior to this post?

Relationship issues, grades, fight with family etc etc.

Keys of a small car and a butcher knife??
How much you want to bet that in a few weeks or months, the FBI will release evidence that Artan posted this to FB from his smartphone, as he sat in the car and prepared to carry out his attack?

Cariis-- articles state that authorities have security camera video that shows Artan alone in his car driving on campus to the site of the attack. I also read that he may have purchased the large knife the morning of the attack. And he drove his siblings to school in that car, which is registered to his "older brother" Muhammad, who neighbors state visits the apartment about twice a month.

If older brother Muhammad only visits twice a month (from where?), why did Artan have his car Monday morning? Wonder what the excuse was for borrowing the car? Was the "older brother" involved at all? I'm sure the FBI and DHS are all over that. The whole family was immediately brought in for questioning, according to media.

It will be interesting to find out if the chem lab "gas" leak and fire alarm pull was part of the terror plan to produce a vulnerable and unsuspecting crowd on the sidewalk for Artan to attack. Or if the fire alarm pull and gas leak was just a coincidence. Did Artan have another location in mind to attack?
I think the thing that is so worrisome, and so illuminating, in Artan's facebook post, is his emphasis on his knowledge and rejection of the so-called "moderate" leaders within islam.

It's not just that Artan watched some online isis propaganda, and became radicalized. He was purposefully educated in NON-RADICALIZATION thinking and methods-- and yet, became radicalized anyway. Same as several other terrorist situations where there has been serious efforts to mentor young muslim men in the U.S. to persuade them away from radicalization lures and temptations, and then they turn to the dark side of islam anyway.

Basically, none of it works. That's the elephant in the room. That's the take home message from every one of these "Sudden Jihadi Syndrome" attacks. The harder we try to prevent radicalization of young muslim men, and focus on islam as a "religion of peace", the more some of them will seek out radical teachings in rebellion. Whether they were born here, or somewhere else. They don't see westernized "peaceful" islam as "true" islam-- they see westernized islam as apostasy. A fundamentalist conundrum.
Think long and hard about this:

Abdul Razak Ali Artan was a welcomed guest in the United States from June 5, 2014, until he carried out his terrorist attack and was killed November 28, 2016.

That is a grand total of 907 days.

907 days.

During those 907 days, he was given transportation, permanent residency status, fed, clothed, housed, and educated in 2 different institutions of higher learning, given civil rights, including freedom of religion-- all on U.S. taxpayer dollars. And after 906 days, he decided he had simply had "enough", and carried out a terrorist attack in the name of islam-- his words, not mine.

907 days of incredible opportunity, freedom, compassion, and generosity. Think long and hard about that.

And then think some more about what he did, and why he did it. Not why "we" think he did it, but why HE says he did it.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different result each time. Also known as magical thinking.
Of course their goal is to kill, it's their reasons for killing that differ. Jmo

I disagree 100%. Their reasons are all the same: To cause fear and harm. Their alleged motives are what differ. Their excuses. Violent people who happen to be "Muslim" will blame Islam. Violent people who happen to be "Christian" will blame abortion when shooting up a planned parenthood.

The bottom line is, there are violent people in every walk of life and if we give them a scapegoat for their motives (believing all of Islam is violent for example), those VERY FEW who would cause mass harm will grab onto that thing and use it as their excuse for violent acts.

JMO :)
The father not joining the family would have been my next question, but when poster Human mentioned high paying jobs in the UAE, thought/hoped that he was there to help support his family.
Wondering if the absence of his father might have made the perp take drastic measures to get his attention?
speculation, imo.

I think unless you are highly specialized or educated when you go there, you get a menial job as some type of laborer that the citizens there don't want to do.
I think unless you are highly specialized or educated when you go there, you get a menial job as some type of laborer that the citizens there don't want to do.

If that's true perhaps his plan was to get an education and then follow his father. And then for whatever reason he was unable to follow through.
If that's true perhaps his plan was to get an education and then follow his father. And then for whatever reason he was unable to follow through.
I think the reason is he tried to kill a lot of people and got killed in the pursuit.:)
If someone offers you a bushel of apples and says these are all good -- except there's one that may be poisoned... would you still accept it ?
Or refuse it until you located the tainted one ?
Or refuse the entire bushel and instead pick your own fruit ?

We are allowing people in who dislike out country and culture from their youth ; and somehow think they'll just assimilate.
But for those who don't assimilate (or only pretend to do so), citizens in the U.S. and people in other countries are at risk.
If someone offers you a bushel of apples and says these are all good -- except there's one that may be poisoned... would you still accept it ?
Or refuse it until you located the tainted one ?
Or refuse the entire bushel and instead pick your own fruit ?

We are allowing people in who dislike out country and culture from their youth ; and somehow think they'll just assimilate.
But for those who don't assimilate (or only pretend to do so), citizens in the U.S. and people in other countries are at risk.

How badly do the apples need my help? My answer would depend on that. JMO
If someone offers you a bushel of apples and says these are all good -- except there's one that may be poisoned... would you still accept it ?
Or refuse it until you located the tainted one ?
Or refuse the entire bushel and instead pick your own fruit ?

We are allowing people in who dislike out country and culture from their youth ; and somehow think they'll just assimilate.
But for those who don't assimilate (or only pretend to do so), citizens in the U.S. and people in other countries are at risk.

Are the apples human lives who need rescue from tyranny and violence? If so, then yes. I would take the whole bushel and eat every last apple. My life is no more important that those hundreds/thousands of other lives, and I'll risk my one life to save all of those.

I hope that clears up my stance on it :p :moo:
I disagree 100%. Their reasons are all the same: To cause fear and harm. Their alleged motives are what differ. Their excuses. Violent people who happen to be "Muslim" will blame Islam. Violent people who happen to be "Christian" will blame abortion when shooting up a planned parenthood.

The bottom line is, there are violent people in every walk of life and if we give them a scapegoat for their motives (believing all of Islam is violent for example), those VERY FEW who would cause mass harm will grab onto that thing and use it as their excuse for violent acts.

JMO :)

Exactly. There are people for whatever reason that are more deeply affected by abuse, abandonment, that end up raging. It builds up and they act out. What it is that makes them not be able to go past the hurt is something that should be studied rather than saying they are radicalized. The info on this Ohio one is not out there yet. Hopefully info will come out like with the severely mentally ill guy in Washington.
FBI, attacker believed inspired by isis, al qaeda. Knife was purchased that morning but not sure if it is the same used in attack.
His fb post speaks for itself. Radical islamic terrorist. Jmo

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