GUILTY OH - Paris Talley, 3 wks, dies of thermal injuries, Dayton, 30 Aug 2005

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southcitymom said:
Thanks Fran for the link! I agree with many of your opinions regarding this case.

ETA: After reading that transcript, it's apparent that the baby's Dad is cooperating with the police and that is why China was arrested. Something stinks.
Thanks also to Fran!

I BET this guy is cooperating! With his background....I think it stinks too. I hate to say it, but the mother did look completely devastated when I saw her. Yeah, it could be fake, I guess.

I'd like to know if her other 3 children have had any abuse from their mother in the past. That might be telling.

Her mom said she really, really wanted this baby girl. :(

I thought I'd stay away from this case because it literally made me ill, but when I saw the NG show last night it renewed my interest because I'm not so sure now that the mom did this.....
Taximom said:
Thanks also to Fran!

I BET this guy is cooperating! With his background....I think it stinks too. I hate to say it, but the mother did look completely devastated when I saw her. Yeah, it could be fake, I guess.

I'd like to know if her other 3 children have had any abuse from their mother in the past. That might be telling.

Her mom said she really, really wanted this baby girl. :(

I thought I'd stay away from this case because it literally made me ill, but when I saw the NG show last night it renewed my interest because I'm not so sure now that the mom did this.....
For whatever reason, the manner of death of this child (if indeed it was by microwave, a fact I'm not yet convinced of) doesn't bother me any more than if she had been beaten or strangled or however else small children wind up dead.

When a young child dies at the hands of their caretakers, it's tragic on many levels.

Of course this case will get more media play because the alleged manner of death is unique.
I got the impression the baby was downstairs and the mother upstairs, it's little things like "he called up to me" so I'm gonna see what gave me the idea because SouthCity mom brought up the screaming.

I originally thought the babysitter spent the night there too but after reading the NG transcript I think she went home. He's not telling and he won't verify exactly how or if the mother checked the baby before the sitter left. China thought the baby was asleep. Then there's some indication that the father may have fed the baby during the night.
Ok just re-read the NG transcript and China's lawyer said that the father found the baby unconscious and called up to China. Not that a little baby like that is gonna be real loud anyway. The doctor said the baby would've died within seconds also.

I wonder how close they can pin down the time of death. If the father can prove he was out till 6am :waitasec:
Scratch that idea too because he could've done it before he left after China went to bed maybe. It sounds like the baby was in a bassinet downstairs maybe and that's where the part about the babysitter going to sleep came in. They had to have left the baby downstairs all night.
southcitymom said:
For whatever reason, the manner of death of this child (if indeed it was by microwave, a fact I'm not yet convinced of) doesn't bother me any more than if she had been beaten or strangled or however else small children wind up dead.

When a young child dies at the hands of their caretakers, it's tragic on many levels.

Of course this case will get more media play because the alleged manner of death is unique.
I think the manner in which this baby must have suffered afterwards bothers me most. Maybe she didn't suffer, who knows? Maybe the "cooking" killed nerves and she felt no pain, or the brain was damaged so that she was unconscious.

You're right, it's tragic whether the baby was hung, stabbed or microwaved.
strach304 said:
Ok just re-read the NG transcript and China's lawyer said that the father found the baby unconscious and called up to China. Not that a little baby like that is gonna be real loud anyway. The doctor said the baby would've died within seconds also.

I wonder how close they can pin down the time of death. If the father can prove he was out till 6am :waitasec:
Scratch that idea too because he could've done it before he left after China went to bed maybe. It sounds like the baby was in a bassinet downstairs maybe and that's where the part about the babysitter going to sleep came in. They had to have left the baby downstairs all night.
Yes, China says the baby's Dad called up to her in the morning that something was wrong. At first, she didn't believe him. When he said it again, she did.
See, strach304, when you start going over the facts that are available, it's not so clear on WHO did it.

The bf was the last one with the baby that night after the mom went to sleep. The bf was the first one with the baby in the morning and discovered the body.

Even if the bf can come up with an alibi for the night after the mom went to sleep, I still might question him as a POI. He was abusive and controlling. He was abusive to the mom and he's controlling, ie working with LE to 'pin it' on the mom.

In abusive relationships, it's about CONTROL. He may have been upset with her and did that to the baby himself to get the last word. They always have to have the last word.

Now he's controlling the situation with LE and may still have the last word with this woman by helping to get her convicted of something he may have done himself.

The baby sitter is his sister. It doesn't take a genius to figure out who her loyalties would probably lie with.


PS...of course, it could work the other way too. The bf was abusive and left for the evening after their fight. The mom got po'd when the baby started crying and she did it herself............fran

PPS........from what I see so far, there's reasonable doubt..........imho

I'm with you on all counts........could go any way! I can't imagine the bf being let off so easy. So what if he is working with LE he knows thats his only chance of an escape. He could of told LE what a dirty lousy Mom China was....made her out to be the biggest piece of crap that ever was born.......& he knows he can get off the hook.

If he fed the baby last....noticed something was wrong with her. He looks guilty as sin to me.
My ex was abusive and anytime things got really bad he often used my children to hurt me for control so I don't doubt for a minute that could be the case here as well. I really hope LE isn't gonna come off with something like it was her fingerprints on the microwave simply because they need to charge someone for this atrocity and they can't prove who did it.

On the NG transcript Daniel Horowitz messed up and misunderstood and they took the ball and ran with it instead of sticking to facts. She said they told me my baby was cooked, he said she told them her baby looked like it was cooked. What about the idiot that used the man who put the baby in the freezer as an example and said maybe she was trying to warm the baby up? :eek: I mean really! Where do they get these people?
One, if this mother actually did this, she is mentally ill. Secondly, if she is mentally ill, maybe she was trying to "warm" the baby???? One of my SIL's relatives is mentally ill and she did all kinds of strange and dangerous things with her child, thinking she was helping the child. If this mom did this, she needs to fry but I am just trying to understand what would possess her to do such a thing.
kidzndogznme said:
One, if this mother actually did this, she is mentally ill. Secondly, if she is mentally ill, maybe she was trying to "warm" the baby???? One of my SIL's relatives is mentally ill and she did all kinds of strange and dangerous things with her child, thinking she was helping the child. If this mom did this, she needs to fry but I am just trying to understand what would possess her to do such a thing.
The mother of China says China has no history of mental illness. I believe if she did have a history of mental illness, people would be coming forward with all sorts of stories.
The one thing that I found curious was how feebly the father first raised the alarm. It's almost as if he didn't know how to "act" distressed.

Secondly, anyone cold enough to fire up the magnetron to cook a baby, and afterwards place it back in the crib, is possibly cold-blooded and collected enough to beat a lie detector.

However, I think the manner of death, assuming it is by microwave, is so vile that I have trouble believing either parent is guilty. For some reason I keep coming back to the children, and specifically the eldest one, as their sense of right and wrong, and ability to foresee the negative consequences of their actions, are still under-developed.

PrayersForMaura said:
But didn't that model die from being in the tanning bed too long on her promo night? She has a famous sister who is a model. Dang, I can't think of her name right now....

Niki Taylor is who I thought of; her sister Krissy died in an acute asthmatic attack.

niki taylor

I had a really dark thought: The woman's kids are old enough to do this. Maybe one or more of them is/are responsible and that is why she and bf both passed polygraphs; neither of them did it.
crypto6 said:
Niki Taylor is who I thought of; her sister Krissy died in an acute asthmatic attack.

niki taylor

I had a really dark thought: The woman's kids are old enough to do this. Maybe one or more of them is/are responsible and that is why she and bf both passed polygraphs; neither of them did it.

I see Jacobi is faster in the dark than I......
crypto6 said:
Niki Taylor is who I thought of; her sister Krissy died in an acute asthmatic attack.

niki taylor

I had a really dark thought: The woman's kids are old enough to do this. Maybe one or more of them is/are responsible and that is why she and bf both passed polygraphs; neither of them did it.
I remember when that happened to Niki's sister. Very sad.

Your and Jacobi's thoughts on the kids' potential involvement seem credible to me - particularly the older one.
southcitymom said:
The mother of China says China has no history of mental illness. I believe if she did have a history of mental illness, people would be coming forward with all sorts of stories.

Thank you :) How about the time Robbi Ludwig (sp) suggested Laci committed suicide? This is the same thing imo.
Where's China's motive or history for this crime?

There's no indication of mental illness.

I believe - her being such a young mother of many - that there are probably issues of poverty and limited education involved and there may even be some drug/alacohol issues at play.

However, she has four children and no history whatsoever of abusing any of them...why would she start now by microwaving her youngest. It just doesn't make any sense. Not a stitch.
strach304 said:
Thank you :) How about the time Robbi Ludwig (sp) suggested Laci committed suicide? This is the same thing imo.
I'm probably the only person in the world who didn't really follow the Laci case very closely, so I hadn't heard that piece of information!
strach304 said:
I got the impression the baby was downstairs and the mother upstairs, it's little things like "he called up to me" so I'm gonna see what gave me the idea because SouthCity mom brought up the screaming.

I originally thought the babysitter spent the night there too but after reading the NG transcript I think she went home. He's not telling and he won't verify exactly how or if the mother checked the baby before the sitter left. China thought the baby was asleep. Then there's some indication that the father may have fed the baby during the night.
GRACE: When she got home that night, was the baby asleep?

RION: The baby -- these are the facts that we`re looking into. I don`t think that -- the baby-sitter was still there. I think she went up to bed. And I think when she came down the next morning is when all of this was sort of discovered.

ETA: The wording here is kind of ambiguous. Is he saying "I don't think that the babysitter was still there", or are those two separate comments? "I think she went up to bed" - is the "she" in question the babysitter or the mom?
Gina_M said:
GRACE: When she got home that night, was the baby asleep?

RION: The baby -- these are the facts that we`re looking into. I don`t think that -- the baby-sitter was still there. I think she went up to bed. And I think when she came down the next morning is when all of this was sort of discovered.

ETA: The wording here is kind of ambiguous. Is he saying "I don't think that the babysitter was still there", or are those two separate comments? "I think she went up to bed" - is the "she" in question the babysitter or the mom?
I believe he was indicating that the babysitter WAS still there and that China went upstairs to bed. It just looks confusing as written.

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