OH - Pike Co, 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue, 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested #70

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Id say if the defense tries to victim blame, it wont play well. JMO.

I can only hope what is being reported is without biases and opinions. Tell me what is being said, not your opinion on what is being said in court. I can draw my own conclusions.

At the end of the day it doesnt matter what i think. As long as 4 ends up with LWOP then justice will have beeen served
Back in the day when they all had to race to the closest pay phone to call in the latest news. I remember reading stories about that - reporters paying someone to keep a pay phone line open until there was a break, etc.

Federal courts also don't allow cameras or recorders into trials or hearings, with a few exceptions.

Neither does the state I live in-Indiana!
considering cannabis has been legalized in many states and ohio has some legality i dont see the weed mattering at all beyond background. all that went out the table when jake admitted they did it.

this is probly naive or wishful thinking but- i hope its already known to prosecutors that jw and aw wont option out. i cant come up with any other situation where this ruling isnt infuriating. someone who slaughters innocent familes in their sleep deserve 0 consideration period. they lost all that when they decided to be mass murderers.

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Snipped From Article:

"A large part of the state’s argument we anticipate is: ‘He’s a Wagner, and this is how the Wagners operate,’” said a lawyer for George Wagner IV. “The jury needs to understand the basic premise of our criminal justice system is as follows: our law punishes people for what they do, not [for] who they are.”

Gag me with a spoon is my first thought after reading these words, I doubt ANY juror would care WTH their name is. IMO they would be thinking, who in their right mind could do this to these people? Then as the State puts forth the evidence it will become crystal clear... Oh a family of 4...named "Wagner"!
I hope you all get to see every aspect of this trial and get the result we all have been hoping for these past six years. I pray for the victims families *especially the little ones* :(.

I pray for the jurors strength and wisdom as they are about to endure a horrific, straight out of hell nightmare.

Take care and be kind to one another :).
The Proffer.
JW Confession
JW Testimony in open Court.

All following is MO
I don’t think we will be hearing the entire proffer or confession. That will be disappointing.

I really don’t know but that is my assumption.

I believe AC can and will be careful about what she asks JW when he is on the stand testifying
during Direct Examination.
AC will ask ONLY what she wants to come out. Nothing more.
JW can not offer anything beyond what AC asks. AC will be very, very careful.

Defense can not go beyond the scope of AC questions on Re Direct.
Can not ask something totally new or unrelated to what Prosecutor asked.

Defense must not attempt to ask anything additional when it is defense turn to question, or there will be strong objections by the Prosecutor.

Here is a link, although not Ohio Law, most Criminal Trials are run the same way.

“A trial generally proceeds as follows.

The OPENING STATEMENT of the lawyers: In a civil case, the lawyer (or in complicated cases, several lawyers) for the plaintiff begins by giving the jury a preview of what they expect to prove and to recover.

In a criminal case, the state's attorney or attorney general will make the opening statement, explaining the charge and the case against the defendant. The lawyer for the defendant (or accused) may either give an opening statement or reserve it until the state rests it case against the accused.

PLAINTIFF'S EVIDENCE: After the opening statements, the plaintiff's lawyer (or in a criminal case, the state's or city attorney or attorney general) will call witnesses, each of whom will take an oath and give testimony. During the examination (questioning of witnesses), exhibits (such as writings,photographs, plans) may be offered as evidence in the trial. If the judge rules the exhibits are to be received into evidence, jurors may examine them and they will be taken into the jury room during deliberation. Under certain circumstances, jurors may, under court supervision, leave the courtroom to look at a particular site or object.

When examining a witness, the plaintiff's lawyer asks the questions first, and this is called DIRECT EXAMINATION. The defendant's lawyer then CROSS-EXAMINES the witness. Generally, cross-examination is limited to questions concerning matters brought up in direct examination.

After cross-examination, the plaintiff's lawyer may again question the witness (this is called REDIRECT), and this may be followed by recross examination.

This process of examining and cross-examining witnesses and receiving exhibits continues until the plaintiff's evidence is before the jury. At this time, the plaintiff's lawyer will state to the court, "Plaintiff rests." In criminal case, the state's or city attorney or attorney general says, "The state (or city) rests."”

There is more at the link.

Same goes for AW and any other witness.
If AC wants to ignore other bad acts, I guess she can, but why would she.
AC must win G4 trial with a guilty verdict. AC can worry about Billy later.
If G4 gets a guilty verdict. WHEN G4 get that verdict I don’t see how Billy can hope to get a not guilty. G4 trial is the key.
The defense then gets to call witnesses after the state rests, correct? They can then certainly recall any previous witnesses for the prosecution and asked them, with the reason of showing a different scenario to how the victims died. The defense can recall JW or AW and ask questions outside the parameters of the prosecution's direct examination...correct?
Question if anyone knows. Law & Crime Network and Court TV both say they will be carrying the opening statements today. How is that going to work if there's no cameras allowed in the courtroom?
If this was discussed I'm sorry to bring it up again...anyone know what the jurors were being shown on Laurel Ridge Rd.?

"The jurors saw a few unspecified sites later in the afternoon, including a stop on Laurel Ridge Road in southern Pike County"

Question if anyone knows. Law & Crime Network and Court TV both say they will be carrying the opening statements today. How is that going to work if there's no cameras allowed in the courtroom?

If I understand correctly, there is going to be 1 camera in the courtroom capturing audio and video of the proceedings, however the judge ruled that every witness that testifies can opt out of being recorded if they wish to not be on camera.
Monday, Sept. 12th:
*Trial set to begin (@ 9am ET) - OH - Pike County 8 people dead: Christopher Rhoden, Sr. (40), his ex-wife, Dana Manley Rhoden (37), their three children, Clarence "Frankie" Rhoden (20), Christopher Jr. (16), Hanna Mae (19); Frankie's fiancée, Hannah Hazel Gilley (20), Christopher Rhoden Sr.'s brother, Kenneth Rhoden (44), & a cousin, Gary Rhoden (37). Hanna Rhoden's baby girl (5 days old), another baby (6 mos.) and a young child (3) were unharmed. (April 21-22, 2016, Pebbles) – for *George Washington Wagner IV (27/now 30) (Jakes’ bro) indicted (11/12/18), arrested (11/13/18), charged (11/15/18) & arraigned (11/28/18) with 8 counts aggravated murder, (plus gun specifications on each), 1 count of 1st degree conspiracy, 4 counts of 1st degree aggravated burglary, 1 count of 5th degree unlawful possession of dangerous ordnance, 3 counts of 3rd degree evidence tampering, 1 count of 5th degree forgery, 1 count of 5th degree unauthorized use of computer or telecommunications, 1 count of 4th degree interception of wire, oral or electronic communication, 1 count of 5th degree obstructing justice, & 1 count of 1st degree engaging in a pattern of corrupt activity. Plead not guilty. Held without bond. DA will seek the DP. Per Jake’s plea agreement, DP is off the table if his testimony is truthful.
Trial began on 8/29/22 with final jury selection & the jury has been seated on 8/30/22. 12 Jurors & 6 alternates. Jury: (9 women & 3 men) & 6 alternates: (5 women & 1 man).
Opening statements will begin on Monday, 9/12/22. (Trial is scheduled for 30 days).

Crime info & court hearings from 11/28/18 thru 9/1/22 including Jury Voir & road trip reference post #594 here:

9/6/22 Update: The Court is informed that on 9/2/22, the Clerk of Courts received, via facsimile transmission, a motion entitled "MOTION FOR MEDIA ACCESS" filed on behalf of The Cincinnati Enquirer, Sinclair Broadcasting, WLW-TV, WCPO, WXIX, The Scioto Valley Guardian, Court TV, & Law and Crime TV ("movants"), asking the Court "for an order permitting the recording of the testimony of Jake & Angela Wagner, for an order permitting the audio recording of any witness who opts out of being video recorded & for the placement of a second camera to record the lawyers interrogating witnesses." The movants further filed a "MEMORANDUM IN SUPPORT" of their motion. Non-oral hearing is scheduled on the "MOTION FOR MEDIA ACCESS" for Friday, 9/9/22, at 8:30am.
9/6/22 Update: The trial of Wagner IV has been continued until next Monday, 9/12/22 because Special prosecutor Angela Canape has become ill & so that is the cause of the delay. 9/9/22 Update: Jake & Angela are allowed to opt out of recording testimony as they are considered witnesses while testifying. The transcript of the trial will only be available once the trial is over. And if a witness chooses to not be recorded & Judge Deering allows media to report what was testified to, they won't be able to report everything that was said, no phones or laptops are allowed in court so journalists will have to make notes with pen & paper, they will then only have a certain amount of space in newspaper or airtime to do a report to say what went on in court that day. Judge Randy Deering denies media request for audio recording of Wagner IV witness testimony for those who opt out of being broadcast. Denies request, too, for a second camera in court. Trial begins on 9/12/22.
*George Washington Wagner III (47/now 51)Last pretrial hearing on 2/1/22.
*Edward Jacob “Jake” Wagner (26/now 29) – Plead guilty (4/22/21) to all charges & will be sentenced to 8 consecutive life terms without the possibility of parole & will testify in the trials.
*Angela Jo Wagner (48/now 51) – 9/10/21: Plead guilty to a plea deal to Counts 9 thru 22, Counts 1-8 were dismissed. Will be sentenced to 30 years in prison with no early release & has to testify against others at trial.
*Rita Jo Newcomb (65/now 69) – Last Motions hearing on 12/2/19 entered a plea of guilty. Expected to testify in the trials.
*Fredericka Carol Wagner (76/now 80) – 6/26/19 Charges were dismissed without prejudice.
The defense then gets to call witnesses after the state rests, correct? They can then certainly recall any previous witnesses for the prosecution and asked them, with the reason of showing a different scenario to how the victims died. The defense can recall JW or AW and ask questions outside the parameters of the prosecution's direct examination...correct?
Correct. But not sure about scope of recall questions.
Watching this trial will be an education on the legal system.
If this was discussed I'm sorry to bring it up again...anyone know what the jurors were being shown on Laurel Ridge Rd.?

"The jurors saw a few unspecified sites later in the afternoon, including a stop on Laurel Ridge Road in southern Pike County"

It was speculated that this home on the corner could have had security camera footage.
MO . Also to turn right or left at this intersection could show a specific destination intent. Just a guess.

Very interesting blog post by Chris Graves. Discusses the courtroom set up. Also, scroll to the bottom for additional informational blog posts about what to expect today. She speculates on what witnesses may be called first.
A possible resource for recap at the end of the day. Not familiar with this source, so idk about accuracy.

Pretty Lies & Alibis

i’ll cover openings on tonight‘s episode. Been waiting for this a while. #georgewagneriv #pikecounttymassacre Wagner trial: Opening arguments set for death penalty case | http://10tv.com

Opening arguments set for death penalty case in slaying of 8
George Wagner IV has pleaded not guilty to aggravated murder charges in the Pike County mass killing in 2016.
considering cannabis has been legalized in many states and ohio has some legality i dont see the weed mattering at all beyond background. all that went out the table when jake admitted they did it.

this is probly naive or wishful thinking but- i hope its already known to prosecutors that jw and aw wont option out. i cant come up with any other situation where this ruling isnt infuriating. someone who slaughters innocent familes in their sleep deserve 0 consideration period. they lost all that when they decided to be mass murderers.

i think what deering is doing is reprehensible these people committed a terrible crime enough to make you nauseous. but since theyved been arrested deering has been their freaken concierge.

yes proper procedure for appeals ya i get it. this goes way beyond that all the way to apathy. time after time pre trial deadlines come and go. he allows g4s lawyers to make a mockery of him by filing motions more then once and just being apathetic in general. id like to see some damn law and order for these animals. aw shouldnt get to avoid all eye contact and not alleocute after this insane decision to drop her murder charges. that was a horrible move horrible optics wise. i just really hope this doesnt go sideways for the family. they are saints for putting up with these "people" imagine how much this hurts them when its perceived the wagners feelings are actually being considered. sam the bull gravano testified on record, so can little jake. because theyre both serial killers
I wonder if the ruling to allow some witness not to be recorded is for JW's ex-wife E. She had to go into hiding to save her life and she may be scared to have her face and voice shown/heard, and I can't say I blame her. Yes the 4 Wags are locked up but they still have family and friends on the outside. I am sure she is traumatized.
Twitter Chris Graves

Expect Special Prosecutor Angela Canepa to give jurors a very detailed opening statement this am in #wagnerIV mass murder trial in #pikecount #Rhoden case. More case details expected. But the news is likely to be Wagner’s defense, which has been a mystery until today.
TODAY IS THE DAY, finally after all these years, I cannot wait for opening statements as state will lay out exactly how they think the crimes were committed and the evidence they have to prove it,
Me too Joe. I am working today so I will be checking back here as much as I can. Thank you so much to all my Websleuths friends for all your hard work and dedication to the Rhoden/Gilly families.
AFAIK....Only phones and computers are banned from courtroom. Reporters can bring paper and writing instruments into courtroom. Many reporters are good with shorthand. I think this group of media will try to get nearly word-for-word testimony to the public. As we know, the media is not at all pleased with judge's decision, nor are we posters at WS
Very disappointed in the judge! This is too big for him and I don't think he wanted to handle it all the media.
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