OH - Pike Co, 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue, 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested #70

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Can't Billy's attorneys just buy the transcripts for the trial? Or you are just saying the the full testimony won't be out there for the regular people... potential jurors?

Yes, Billy's attorneys will have access to the testimony. I'm assuming Billy's attorneys might complain about it impacting potential jurors for his trial. Just a guess, IANAL. Further speculation - what if in cross examination, Jake or Angela tries to heap more blame on Billy to protect GW4? IDK, I'm just guessing here, but its possible Billy's attorneys don't want that testimony to be out there in the news media when they can't refute it on Billy's behalf. That it might prejudice a potential jury pool against Billy, etc.

The Proffer.
JW Confession
JW Testimony in open Court.

All following is MO
I don’t think we will be hearing the entire proffer or confession. That will be disappointing.

I really don’t know but that is my assumption.

I believe AC can and will be careful about what she asks JW when he is on the stand testifying
during Direct Examination.
AC will ask ONLY what she wants to come out. Nothing more.
JW can not offer anything beyond what AC asks. AC will be very, very careful.

Defense can not go beyond the scope of AC questions on Re Direct.
Can not ask something totally new or unrelated to what Prosecutor asked.

Defense must not attempt to ask anything additional when it is defense turn to question, or there will be strong objections by the Prosecutor.

Here is a link, although not Ohio Law, most Criminal Trials are run the same way.

“A trial generally proceeds as follows.

The OPENING STATEMENT of the lawyers: In a civil case, the lawyer (or in complicated cases, several lawyers) for the plaintiff begins by giving the jury a preview of what they expect to prove and to recover.

In a criminal case, the state's attorney or attorney general will make the opening statement, explaining the charge and the case against the defendant. The lawyer for the defendant (or accused) may either give an opening statement or reserve it until the state rests it case against the accused.

PLAINTIFF'S EVIDENCE: After the opening statements, the plaintiff's lawyer (or in a criminal case, the state's or city attorney or attorney general) will call witnesses, each of whom will take an oath and give testimony. During the examination (questioning of witnesses), exhibits (such as writings,photographs, plans) may be offered as evidence in the trial. If the judge rules the exhibits are to be received into evidence, jurors may examine them and they will be taken into the jury room during deliberation. Under certain circumstances, jurors may, under court supervision, leave the courtroom to look at a particular site or object.

When examining a witness, the plaintiff's lawyer asks the questions first, and this is called DIRECT EXAMINATION. The defendant's lawyer then CROSS-EXAMINES the witness. Generally, cross-examination is limited to questions concerning matters brought up in direct examination.

After cross-examination, the plaintiff's lawyer may again question the witness (this is called REDIRECT), and this may be followed by recross examination.

This process of examining and cross-examining witnesses and receiving exhibits continues until the plaintiff's evidence is before the jury. At this time, the plaintiff's lawyer will state to the court, "Plaintiff rests." In criminal case, the state's or city attorney or attorney general says, "The state (or city) rests."”

There is more at the link.

Same goes for AW and any other witness.
If AC wants to ignore other bad acts, I guess she can, but why would she.
AC must win G4 trial with a guilty verdict. AC can worry about Billy later.
If G4 gets a guilty verdict. WHEN G4 get that verdict I don’t see how Billy can hope to get a not guilty. G4 trial is the key.

As a side note the Chief of the Cree nation in Canada said he received a letter of condolences from the Queen on Thursday. HRH worked up to her very last hours to uphold her duty. What a great person she was.


Indeed she was. Two days before she died she welcomed in our new Prime Minister, Liz Truss.
So just because we most likely will not be hearing the testimony of JW and AW at GW4's trial, we may still hear it at Billy's trial? Billy's trial is still going to be this year, too? Is this correct?
I don't think so. Again, at Billy's trial, JW and AW will be considered witnesses and can opt of of being recorded.

Billy's trial is "scheduled" for later this year, but who knows?

I think one way or another, we'll find out details of their testimony.
As far as I know, judge can't ban reporting of testimony. right? We just won't get it in real time. Reporters can tweet during breaks, write a news account during breaks, do video reporting during breaks. They will be able to bring pen and paper into courtroom. Someone please correct me if I am wrong,
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Yes, Billy's attorneys will have access to the testimony. I'm assuming Billy's attorneys might complain about it impacting potential jurors for his trial. Just a guess, IANAL. Further speculation - what if in cross examination, Jake or Angela tries to heap more blame on Billy to protect GW4? IDK, I'm just guessing here, but its possible Billy's attorneys don't want that testimony to be out there in the news media when they can't refute it on Billy's behalf. That it might prejudice a potential jury pool against Billy, etc.

Isn't that kind of a thems' the breaks scenario though? You can't expect a murder trial with such grievous multiple murders to not be held publicly and therefore reported on too. If defendants want/have separate trials, someone has to go first. The wheels of justice turning, in this instance for defendant #1, is not prejudice against defendant #2, AJMO
Yes, Billy's attorneys will have access to the testimony. I'm assuming Billy's attorneys might complain about it impacting potential jurors for his trial. Just a guess, IANAL. Further speculation - what if in cross examination, Jake or Angela tries to heap more blame on Billy to protect GW4? IDK, I'm just guessing here, but its possible Billy's attorneys don't want that testimony to be out there in the news media when they can't refute it on Billy's behalf. That it might prejudice a potential jury pool against Billy, etc.

I would think in the jury selection for Billy's case they would ask if the juror followed this trail and what they saw or didn't see of this trial. There are plenty of people that just don't follow trials closely. Hearing all the new clips won't be much different than the news reporting on all that they already have. I'm curious how other trials have worked with multiple defendants in the same crime.
Yes, I’m sure that’s correct. Like in olden times. Lol.
AFAIK....Only phones and computers are banned from courtroom. Reporters can bring paper and writing instruments into courtroom. Many reporters are good with shorthand. I think this group of media will try to get nearly word-for-word testimony to the public. As we know, the media is not at all pleased with judge's decision, nor are we posters at WS
Yes, I’m sure that’s correct. Like in olden times. Lol.
Back in the day when they all had to race to the closest pay phone to call in the latest news. I remember reading stories about that - reporters paying someone to keep a pay phone line open until there was a break, etc.

Federal courts also don't allow cameras or recorders into trials or hearings, with a few exceptions.

In specific instances, such as investitures, naturalizations, or other ceremonial proceedings, a judge may permit the public and media to take photographs and conduct video and audio recording inside a courthouse. And by local rule, the Second and Ninth Circuit Courts of Appeals will consider media requests to record or broadcast an appellate proceeding. Guidelines are available at the Second and Ninth Circuit websites.

Outside these limited exceptions, the media may not photograph, videotape or record live federal court proceedings.

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I believe the reason she wants it out of the public eye. She doesn't want everyone to know, the true story. That she let the ring leader walk with a 30 year sentence. I believe with JW, giving up the guns, and a little other info. She did not have anything to give. As far as other crimes, she might of given info on. That has nothing to do with the 8 people killed in this crime. This is the only case they are charged with. So do your job and prosecute, it to the fullest extent of the law. I am sorry, but this is not justice for the Rhoden/Gilly case. I personally have no, faith that G4 will be found guilty. If you listen to what Reader said from the beginning. Pike county is and has been full of corruption, and starts at the top,. Including the Sheriff at the time (Reader). This trial should of been taken away from anyone in Pike County. If the Ohio tax payers are picking up the cost. Which we will in the end. It should been moved away from the southern part of the state. Kept as far away from Wagner crime family reach, especially, any county including, Hamilton county. (Jeff Ruby back yard).
Taken north of I-70.
Moving this trial from the southern part of Ohio would do nothing more than cause more hardship, especially financially, for the surviving loved ones in the rhoden, Manley and gilley families. They have suffered enough hardship. They shouldn't be expected to travel long distances or pay for lodging for two months in order to see justice brought forth for those they've lost.

As for this case being taken away from anyone in Pike county, that is exactly what happened when now-Governor dewine appointed ac as special prosecutor in the first place. His reputation was on the line at a time when he was very much in the public eye due to his working on becoming governor. He would never have appointed ac as special prosecutor if he didn't have 100 percent confidence in her.

All jmo
Moving this trial from the southern part of Ohio would do nothing more than cause more hardship, especially financially, for the surviving loved ones in the rhoden, Manley and gilley families. They have suffered enough hardship. They shouldn't be expected to travel long distances or pay for lodging for two months in order to see justice brought forth for those they've lost.

As for this case being taken away from anyone in Pike county, that is exactly what happened when now-Governor dewine appointed ac as special prosecutor in the first place. His reputation was on the line at a time when he was very much in the public eye due to his working on becoming governor. He would never have appointed ac as special prosecutor if he didn't have 100 percent confidence in her.

All jmo
I do not know how it is done in Ohio, but in many other states if they deem it necessary to find a jury outside the county, they get their jury in another county and it is they that are bussed or housed in the original county where the trial is actually held. I recall the Casey Anthony trial in Florida. The jurors were from Pinellas County, 116 miles away, about a 2 hour trip one way.
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