OH - Pike Co - 8 in Rhoden Family Murdered Over Custody Issue - 4 Members Wagner Family Arrested #72

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Two guesses: 1) People don't want to look at bloody, graphic, crime scene photos. 2) Many people find listening to forensic crime scene evidence boring.

I think when the expert testimony is over and family members are testifying, the courtroom will fill up. When Jake and Angela give their testimony, certainly court will be filled. Viewers may even be lined up outside the courthouse to get a seat in that small courtroom. imo
Jmo but people in Pike county still don’t speak out loud around others about these murders and don’t want to be shown in a court room on camera. It is still a quiet conversation. Many in Pike county still is not completely sold on custody of sole motive. Oh yeah people talk about it but mostly only with others they trust.jmo I am sure most people from pike county are watching from their home or phone.
Jmo but people in Pike county still don’t speak out loud around others about these murders and don’t want to be shown in a court room on camera. It is still a quiet conversation. Many in Pike county still is not completely sold on custody of sole motive. Oh yeah people talk about it but mostly only with others they trust.jmo I am sure most people from pike county are watching from their home or phone.

Are they afraid of something? I know its one of the reasons I chose not to go there. I worried about driving home in the dark on some quiet highway. I'm assuming there are powerful people who don't like this trial going forward and want GW4 to be acquitted. The state and county had to put a LOT of security in place for this trial.
I am not from Ohio. I can still remember where I was when the story broke. I followed religiously on another site until it sunsetted. I then came here. As a mother, and grandmother, this case has stuck with me. The forensics are fascinating, but I temper them with the understanding that these were real people, with very real families / survivors. All I want is justice, for the kids, siblings, parents, etc. We did not know a lot until the trial started. Much innuendo and rumor. What happened to this family is so horrific, I am at a loss for words. Praise to all of the unfortunate witnesses who stumbled across these scenes by happenstance and kudos to law enforcement for their diligent efforts to get this right and bring those to justice who caused this unspeakable carnage. There are many great contributors to this site. I am thankful for each and every one of you. Sorry for the ramble, but had to get some of my feelings out.
Are they afraid of something? I know its one of the reasons I chose not to go there. I worried about driving home in the dark on some quiet highway. I'm assuming there are powerful people who don't like this trial going forward and want GW4 to be acquitted. The state and county had to put a LOT of security in place for th
Are they afraid of something? I know its one of the reasons I chose not to go there. I worried about driving home in the dark on some quiet highway. I'm assuming there are powerful people who don't like this trial going forward and want GW4 to be acquitted. The state and county had to put a LOT of security in place for this trial.
Jmo fear of what may be felt as the unknown.
Jmo..I bet the days JW and AW testify the court room will be full. So many know this is going to be weeks long and have to arrange time off with their employers to attend the days they wish. Also there are probably numerous witnesses yet that can't sit in until after they testify.
Jmo but people in Pike county still don’t speak out loud around others about these murders and don’t want to be shown in a court room on camera. It is still a quiet conversation. Many in Pike county still is not completely sold on custody of sole motive. Oh yeah people talk about it but mostly only with others they trust.jmo I am sure most people from pike county are watching from their home or phone.
Custody was the primary motive but these crime scenes are full of overkill, which also means big anger. Think of any big event in your own life--we don't get married, for example, just because we're in love. There's also the desire for kids, for regular companionship, for passion, for financial advantage. In a criminal trial, it makes sense to keep the motive clear and simple, something the jury can understand, but what was going on in the minds of these depraved people is probably complex and darker than any of us can imagine. On the simple side, it's likely that that Billy knew they would find some money. There might have been various kinds of jealousy or even rage that a young girl like Hanna couldn't be intimidated. But I don't discount that the planning and execution of these crimes was pleasurable to them. I mean that. I think they liked the power and control and secrecy and the sense that they got away with playing god with the lives of 8 people. Hence the tattoos. Just my opinion.
They gave Jake custody of the daughter whose family he had just helped murder without batting an eye. If they were suspicious of the Wagners, that would have provided some justification to look at the Wagners more closely. Do a home visit, check backgrounds, ask questions, etc. Most courts would have done that.
Well, the police doing the murder investigation is one group of people. Those determining custody would be another and would have no idea that Jake was a murderer because he was walking around on the street just like a normal person. If a biological parent is available, he or she almost always gets custody. Quite conveniently for the Wagners, there was no one on the maternal side left to fight for custody. It's horrifying to think about it in hindsight but at the time, I don't see Jake getting custody as surprising; it was the primary point of killing people.
Are they afraid of something? I know its one of the reasons I chose not to go there. I worried about driving home in the dark on some quiet highway. I'm assuming there are powerful people who don't like this trial going forward and want GW4 to be acquitted. The state and county had to put a LOT of security in place for this trial.
I see no sign of these so called "powerful people" who don't want the trial going forward. Who in their right mind wants George acquitted when the evidence shows he was complicit in 8 murders?

Of course he has relatives who would want him to be acquitted of murder, who wants a relative found guilty of 22 felonies including 8 murders?

FW has no power anymore, just alot of money tied up in businesses and land and property. She said no one wants anything to do with her anymore. I'm not afraid of Pike County or of driving on their roads.

Pike County is a small place and is probably tired of waiting over 6 years for justice. People have no choice but to get on with their lives but I believe they want all the Wagners put in prison. Not jail, prison.

And I plan to post every single one of their prison photos and a list of each prison they are all sent to. Including if it is maximum security. Tic Toc, it will happen.
Custody was the primary motive but these crime scenes are full of overkill, which also means big anger. Think of any big event in your own life--we don't get married, for example, just because we're in love. There's also the desire for kids, for regular companionship, for passion, for financial advantage. In a criminal trial, it makes sense to keep the motive clear and simple, something the jury can understand, but what was going on in the minds of these depraved people is probably complex and darker than any of us can imagine. On the simple side, it's likely that that Billy knew they would find some money. There might have been various kinds of jealousy or even rage that a young girl like Hanna couldn't be intimidated. But I don't discount that the planning and execution of these crimes was pleasurable to them. I mean that. I think they liked the power and control and secrecy and the sense that they got away with playing god with the lives of 8 people. Hence the tattoos. Just my opinion.

No doubt robbery was probably a secondary motive for them. Also jealousy and the fact that they couldn't control or intimidate Chris Sr, Kenny, Hanna May. They came from a family that was accustomed to controlling a lot of people who lived in that area.
That's someone's personal medical information. That newspaper shouldn't be discussing that. Saying a "medical issue" is fine.

Has anyone issued a retraction yet? Does anyone have a link verifying that the Judge adjourned court early today for any reason other than a juror feeling ill? If not, I assume we have to consider that false information. TIA

We can expect GW4's attorneys will ask for a mistrial at least once a week for the remainder of his trial.
I think in this case saying the juror is diabetic wasn't invasive and no names are given. It explained it enough to understand why a juror needed a break and then court was ended for the day due to a juror being sick. In this time with COVID being a thing that stops the trial for a week or more, this was helpful info. We don't know which juror and it's no different than learning a juror or other participant in the trial has COVID. I am hopeful that tomorrow court can resume on time.
I see no sign of these so called "powerful people" who don't want the trial going forward. Who in their right mind wants George acquitted when the evidence shows he was complicit in 8 murders?

Of course he has relatives who would want him to be acquitted of murder, who wants a relative found guilty of 22 felonies including 8 murders?

FW has no power anymore, just alot of money tied up in businesses and land and property. She said no one wants anything to do with her anymore. I'm not afraid of Pike County or of driving on their roads.

Pike County is a small place and is probably tired of waiting over 6 years for justice. People have no choice but to get on with their lives but I believe they want all the Wagners put in prison. Not jail, prison.

And I plan to post every single one of their prison photos and a list of each prison they are all sent to. Including if it is maximum security. Tic Toc, it will happen.

:rolleyes:I drive the roads just about every day, and have yet heard ANYONE being threatened. The only place you even see added security is around the courthouse.
Pike County is a small place and is probably tired of waiting over 6 years for justice. People have no choice but to get on with their lives but I believe they want all the Wagners put in prison. Not jail, prison.

I agree, the people of Pike County have really been through a lot. A terrifying experience, 2 years to arrest the killers, then the long, long process to try them. A mass murder like this changes a community and I hope they can all have peace of mind soon.
:rolleyes:I drive the roads just about every day, and have yet heard ANYONE being threatened. The only place you even see added security is around the courthouse.
Jmo I haven’t heard of anyone being threatened since then up to now. I drive through Waverly every day on the main road through town you wouldn’t have known anything going on at the courthouse on the side street. Caylee have your heard the murders being spoken about freely in Pike Co?
That same reporter who fell for Jake and Angela's story is now suing the Judge for not letting the news media take photos of the shoeprint exhibits before they're entered into evidence. Same poor judgment. They must think GW4 is as pure as the driven snow.
Why before they are entered into evidence..they should be happy to get them at all
Not once did i ever hear anyone talk about the murders in public. It wasnt out of fear. People go on living their lives. I believe the murders are bigger news to us junkies than the avg person in Pike or Scioto Counties. JMO
Jmo I haven’t heard of anyone being threatened since then up to now. I drive through Waverly every day on the main road through town you wouldn’t have known anything going on at the courthouse on the side street. Caylee have your heard the murders being spoken about freely in Pike Co?

No Myland I have not. I have heard some talk but nothing major. In fact most businesses just wish it was over with is what I hear. I will say that quite a few people from Pike County believe GWIV is guilty. Yes, you have to make the turn off of the main drag to even notice anything "different" is going on.

Heck, more people show up for the Ducky Derby held on Pee Pee Creek right in *Waverly* than this trial, Locals seem to have lost interest IMO. :(
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