OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #15

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Theory #792:
The AG kind of scoffed at the money around KR in the radio interview that I heard. That lead me to believe that it was not anywhere near $1,000, and DS was throwing his family off in another direction b/c he'd helped himself to some the first time he found KR, b/f he went to get LR and then "found" KR for the "first" time, and dialed 911. Why?

So, if someone were desperate for money, could they kill their family over it? Yes. Even for what I'd call a small amount? Yes. What is small to me is large to others. Could they kill one of them, by freaking out, b/c they were caught thieving from their family? Yes. Say, at the work trailer, GR confronts the thieving family member and that's when all heck breaks loose. Accidentally kills GR, during dispute. CR1 walks in, has to kill him. The family member had left KR's w/GR, and stopped by FR's, and CR2 dropped by, so, b/c the others knew that they were together, then they panic, and kill all except the ones who cannot speak.
I know you have already been to a lot of trouble just by taking the pics but would you mind answering a couple of questions?

Is the road in front of the property dirt or asphalt? It looks to me to be dirt.

Since you are somewhat close to that area, had it rained in that area anytime in the prior days before the murders?

Were there any street lights close to the houses?

Is it possible someone could have hid in the big barn earlier and came out only after they saw the lights go out in the trailer?

All of it looks really close together and so many places for someone to hide and wait. Then again with it being that close together it makes it even more puzzling why FR or HG did not hear anything and wake up. But then maybe FR and HG were killed first and that's why CR1 and GR appeared to be awake.

The sheer magnitude of this crime just boggles the mind. How were so many people living in houses so close were killed without anyone hearing anything.

I'm happy to answer any questions I can.

The road is chip seal.

It did not rain much the week the murders took place.

I think it is possible someone could have been hiding in the big building because there isn't any doors on either end.

After seeing how close the trailers were, the only thing that makes sense to me would be that they were ambushed. People entered the trailers (FR's and CR's) simultaneously. JMO.

This case is unlike any other I've ever followed. Definitely mind boggling.
That thought occurred to me also. One other thing keeps playing through my mind. The reason BJM was there. I am thinking that CR1 didn't live in that trailer but instead lived with DR in hers. If that is true (not saying it is as we just don't know yet) it would answer the question everyone had earlier on here of why BJM went there to feed the animals when there were two men to do it. It would also support my theory that the reason DR and kids were killed was because the killer went to her house first looking for CR1 and found her awake posting on facebook.

If indeed that trailer was not lived in it would be even more unusual for any vehicles to be there that late at night.

I am wondering (in light of DR's posts on FB about the prayers) if they expected trouble and that is why GR was there. Maybe as a kind of backup.

Or maybe someone had been prowling around that trailer in the previous days and he was going to stay there in case someone tried to rob the place.

So many variables. So many things that could go wrong.

You made very good points! I also wondered if something had happened before and this is a result of them (killers) coming back to finish whatever war was going on.
There was a statement that was supposed to come from BJM interview of FR having a left black eye.....is that a fact or a rumor?
If so I guess it's possible he did hear something & tried to get up see what was happening.
I also believe DR was awake when it happened because her brother stated that (when he seen her legs he backed out) it looks like from the pics she posted on FB her master bedroom was immediately to your right as you walk in. Which also leads me to believe it had to be more than 1 person since the other 2 were found in bed.
I believe the big mystery here was how were they getting around, ATV? Car? Parked in woods or down the road.
Everyone here makes a good theory though....
Theory #792:
The AG kind of scoffed at the money around KR in the radio interview that I heard. That lead me to believe that it was not anywhere near $1,000, and DS was throwing his family off in another direction b/c he'd helped himself to some the first time he found KR, b/f he went to get LR and then "found" KR for the "first" time, and dialed 911. Why?

So, if someone were desperate for money, could they kill their family over it? Yes. Even for what I'd call a small amount? Yes. What is small to me is large to others. Could they kill one of them, by freaking out, b/c they were caught thieving from their family? Yes. Say, at the work trailer, GR confronts the thieving family member and that's when all heck breaks loose. Accidentally kills GR, during dispute. CR1 walks in, has to kill him. The family member had left KR's w/GR, and stopped by FR's, and CR2 dropped by, so, b/c the others knew that they were together, then they panic, and kill all except the ones who cannot speak.

This thing with the money has bothered me from the beginning. Dollar bills? Were there other denominations he didn't see? Were there 1,000 or 100 or 50? And why dollar bills? That's an awful lot of $1s. I know we have no reason to believe it's connected, but Portsmouth has a counterfeiting issue. Including dollar bills. It just struck me as odd.

I'm happy to answer any questions I can.

The road is chip seal.

It did not rain much the week the murders took place.

I think it is possible someone could have been hiding in the big building because there isn't any doors on either end.

After seeing how close the trailers were, the only thing that makes sense to me would be that they were ambushed. People entered the trailers (FR's and CR's) simultaneously. JMO.

This case is unlike any other I've ever followed. Definitely mind boggling.

Sorry to quote myself but I missed a question- no street lights on the road.
I'm happy to answer any questions I can.

The road is chip seal.

It did not rain much the week the murders took place.

I think it is possible someone could have been hiding in the big building because there isn't any doors on either end.

After seeing how close the trailers were, the only thing that makes sense to me would be that they were ambushed. People entered the trailers (FR's and CR's) simultaneously. JMO.

This case is unlike any other I've ever followed. Definitely mind boggling.

Thank you so much for your help. Those of us who are far away from the crime scene can't just go out and look for ourselves. You have helped us to kind of do that with your pics.
Sooo many questions.....Why would an "office building" usually be unlocked? Why go inside office for any reason if there to feed animals? Who keeps chicken feed in living quarters or office? Possibly dog food. Why would FR usually keep door unlocked when children live there? Why would anyone, especially in certain businesses, usually keep doors unlocked at night? Why does BJM say "please don't hurt me" at end of 911 call? I heard it plainly when I relistened to it. Could someone have been there forcing BJM to do certain things? Why is the couple with BJM a secret? What were "they" doing for that hour after finding first casualty? Just sitting in the car??? BJM tells dispatcher that no one else is around . Somewhat incorrect as two people accompanied her. Unless I missed something there. Could three year old have been taken out before FR and HG casualty? (To be safe and to not see anything). Why was CRsr at office that late or perhaps still doing business? Why didn't someone go to FR during that hour of time before 911 call? (Since took hour to make the call). If I had found that scene and had people with me , I would have called 911 and sent my two friends to get FR. At least I say that now not experiencing it. When was call made to BJM brother? (Before or after 911 call)
Seems like caller seemed out of breath. Is it possible children had already been removed? Is it possible someone was forcing caller to do certain things? I am sure everything has been reported to LE. Even tho we do not know. At least I hope so. Why wasn't the call to 911 within two minutes of findings? Go inside, run to car, dial phone , maybe four minutes at the most, not more than 10. Maybe I am just too curious... Just still wondering bout "please don't hurt me". I am sure if we can hear it that LE could have also. Some things just do not add up in my mind. But hopefully LE knows everything .
Something to do with the "T" word. Went to dinner, got back, and it had hit the fan.

I am thinking that the T word refers to another well-know set of discussion boards--wholly unmoderated, fully anonymous, and with a really horrible rep for rumor-mongering and spreading lies, especially in small towns where many people know one another.

This American Life did a nice feature on one incident related to them back awhile ago.
You made very good points! I also wondered if something had happened before and this is a result of them (killers) coming back to finish whatever war was going on.
There was a statement that was supposed to come from BJM interview of FR having a left black eye.....is that a fact or a rumor?
If so I guess it's possible he did hear something & tried to get up see what was happening.
I also believe DR was awake when it happened because her brother stated that (when he seen her legs he backed out) it looks like from the pics she posted on FB her master bedroom was immediately to your right as you walk in. Which also leads me to believe it had to be more than 1 person since the other 2 were found in bed.
I believe the big mystery here was how were they getting around, ATV? Car? Parked in woods or down the road.
Everyone here makes a good theory though....

After seeing that road in the pics it makes it even more unlikely there was any "joyriding" in that area. Who would joyride down an isolated area that way? No one would have any business on that road unless you lived there or were visiting there (other than our very own sleuth ADT1984 hahaha). I can see why the Rhodens confronted them when they were driving down the road. Of course the Rhodens would have thought they were down there to rob the place, especially in view of the grow ops. Could that be the trouble we are all speculating about and what lead up to the murders?

The only real thing that happened prior to the murders (that we know of) was the confrontation on UHR. Somehow I believe that was the trigger that set everything off.
Sooo many questions.....Why would an "office building" usually be unlocked? Why go inside office for any reason if there to feed animals? Who keeps chicken feed in living quarters or office? Possibly dog food. Why would FR usually keep door unlocked when children live there? Why would anyone, especially in certain businesses, usually keep doors unlocked at night? Why does BJM say "please don't hurt me" at end of 911 call? I heard it plainly when I relistened to it. Could someone have been there forcing BJM to do certain things? Why is the couple with BJM a secret? What were "they" doing for that hour after finding first casualty? Just sitting in the car??? BJM tells dispatcher that no one else is around . Somewhat incorrect as two people accompanied her. Unless I missed something there. Could three year old have been taken out before FR and HG casualty? (To be safe and to not see anything). Why was CRsr at office that late or perhaps still doing business? Why didn't someone go to FR during that hour of time before 911 call? (Since took hour to make the call). If I had found that scene and had people with me , I would have called 911 and sent my two friends to get FR. At least I say that now not experiencing it. When was call made to BJM brother? (Before or after 911 call)
Seems like caller seemed out of breath. Is it possible children had already been removed? Is it possible someone was forcing caller to do certain things? I am sure everything has been reported to LE. Even tho we do not know. At least I hope so. Why wasn't the call to 911 within two minutes of findings? Go inside, run to car, dial phone , maybe four minutes at the most, not more than 10. Maybe I am just too curious... Just still wondering bout "please don't hurt me". I am sure if we can hear it that LE could have also. Some things just do not add up in my mind. But hopefully LE knows everything .

I have never heard "please don't hurt me" in the tape. Always something more like "who would do this?"

But beyond that, IF BJ were under some threat, why would they want her to call LE and make a report? That part simply makes no sense.
Do we know what the relationship between DR and BH was? Close friendship? Or related
After seeing that road in the pics it makes it even more unlikely there was any "joyriding" in that area. Who would joyride down an isolated area that way? No one would have any business on that road unless you lived there or were visiting there (other than our very own sleuth ADT1984 hahaha). I can see why the Rhodens confronted them when they were driving down the road. Of course the Rhodens would have thought they were down there to rob the place, especially in view of the grow ops. Could that be the trouble we are all speculating about and what lead up to the murders?

The only real thing that happened prior to the murders (that we know of) was the confrontation on UHR. Somehow I believe that was the trigger that set everything off.

I started driving when my family lived in a small town. Lots of reasons to drive isolated roads. Just to see where they go, finding an isolated place to "park" (at least that's what we called it), breaking the speed limit with little fear of repercussion. In a town where the local theater had one movie per week and the only other activities were high school sports, going out "driving" was a major sport. Weekend nights (up to the 11 PM curfew) were spent "doing the circuit" which was a long loop from one end of town to the other, just to see who else was out. But having hooked up, one might well go somewhere more remote to engage in various activities away from adult eyes.
Being from a rural area, the 'nod', wave, gestures are sometimes different between communities or small towns. Our entire area is pretty rural and from one end of the county to the other has different type friendly gestures. I can always tell what part of the county someone is from based on how they 'wave'.
After seeing that road in the pics it makes it even more unlikely there was any "joyriding" in that area. Who would joyride down an isolated area that way? No one would have any business on that road unless you lived there or were visiting there (other than our very own sleuth ADT1984 hahaha). I can see why the Rhodens confronted them when they were driving down the road. Of course the Rhodens would have thought they were down there to rob the place, especially in view of the grow ops. Could that be the trouble we are all speculating about and what lead up to the murders?

The only real thing that happened prior to the murders (that we know of) was the confrontation on UHR. Somehow I believe that was the trigger that set everything off.

I don't know if that incident set anything off--because I think IJ is just a distraction.

But, I do wonder about it. Regardless of IJ's reasons for being there (with friends?), there appears to have been some sensitivity to visitors/traffic.
That thought occurred to me also. One other thing keeps playing through my mind. The reason BJM was there. I am thinking that CR1 didn't live in that trailer but instead lived with DR in hers. If that is true (not saying it is as we just don't know yet) it would answer the question everyone had earlier on here of why BJM went there to feed the animals when there were two men to do it. It would also support my theory that the reason DR and kids were killed was because the killer went to her house first looking for CR1 and found her awake posting on facebook.

If indeed that trailer was not lived in it would be even more unusual for any vehicles to be there that late at night.

I am wondering (in light of DR's posts on FB about the prayers) if they expected trouble and that is why GR was there. Maybe as a kind of backup.

Or maybe someone had been prowling around that trailer in the previous days and he was going to stay there in case someone tried to rob the place.

So many variables. So many things that could go wrong.

I have often wondered why DR was still posting after 2 am. She had to be exhausted after working a double shift. Was she staying up waiting for Csr to come? Could he and GR have had a meeting with someone that night and could that have been the reason for the extra help post?
Sorry to quote myself but I missed a question- no street lights on the road.

No street lights would make it even more likely they would confront any strangers found cruising the area, especially because of their grow ops.
Well, that was unfortunate. But a good illustration of just how quickly things can go south when people post rumor/local gossip as fact.

Which is exactly why Websleuths requires links to things stated as facts and why we require verification of those claiming to have inside knowledge of case players.

And also why we don't allow discussion from other social media to be absorbed and incorporated into the case discussions here.

We try to do better than that.

It's a new day, grab your coffee and clear the cobwebs.

This thread is now reopened.


You have the patience of a saint. [emoji7]
I am thinking that the T word refers to another well-know set of discussion boards--wholly unmoderated, fully anonymous, and with a really horrible rep for rumor-mongering and spreading lies, especially in small towns where many people know one another.

This American Life did a nice feature on one incident related to them back awhile ago.

Yes, as per tlcya:

Because we have so many new members who have joined to discuss this case I should have been more clear so you know the pitfalls to avoid.

The T place refers to Topix. An unmoderated chat forum that is rife with cursing, name-calling and straight gossip. It is not allowed here. No discussion of it, no linking to it. Zip zilch nada.

I started driving when my family lived in a small town. Lots of reasons to drive isolated roads. Just to see where they go, finding an isolated place to "park" (at least that's what we called it), breaking the speed limit with little fear of repercussion. In a town where the local theater had one movie per week and the only other activities were high school sports, going out "driving" was a major sport. Weekend nights (up to the 11 PM curfew) were spent "doing the circuit" which was a long loop from one end of town to the other, just to see who else was out. But having hooked up, one might well go somewhere more remote to engage in various activities away from adult eyes.

That is the way it used to be here also, in fact I am guilty of that loop thing myself (we called it dragging town). But after gasoline got too high the kids don't do that anymore. Also I think the ones involved in the joyriding incident were not teens but older kids who had children of their own. In other words, too old to care about adult eyes. It really makes me wonder what they were doing down that road, if not there specifically to see one of the residents. I am speculating here but could they have been there casing the place out for a later robbery?
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