OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #15

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I think Gary got involved in some shady business in Greenup, then left town when things got too dangerous.
He went to stay with his family in Piketon, and told them what was up.
Loose lips led people to know where he was, and who he had told.
They killed him and everyone he told.

The hole I see in the Gary is the target theory is that he is bound to have more associates in Greenup, closer associates, that were not harmed. There had to be people in Greenup that were deeper in this than the Hanna(h)s and CR2.
This was a killer who saw a sleeping mother as a potential threat to be eliminated.

Hard core.

Exactly, two mothers with their babies laying next to them. This is not someone that was ever close to them and had absolutely no feeling or regret. After the first person or two shot they didn't stop, they just carried out what they planned like it was their job.
The hole I see in the Gary is the target theory is that he is bound to have more associates in Greenup, closer associates, that were not harmed. There had to be people in Greenup that were deeper in this than the Hanna(h)s and CR2.

There are holes in every theory, and there are a lot of questions I don't have the answers to.
But there are things popping up right now that I can't dismiss.
I don't think his associates were harmed, because I think everyone else was able to keep their mouths shut about what was going on and what they knew.
I think that the ONLY people Gary told were his Ohio family.
Tobacco in Kentucky could be anywhere, honestly-he could have done some side work on farms, etc. A lot of the farms around here have slowed production of tobacco, or stopped completely, due to some kind of government deal to pay farmers a subsidy to basically NOT grow it anymore. Honestly, I cannot remember the particulars of that scenario at all, but I know a lot of tobacco growers around these parts shut down shop and started taking the subsidy payments. My inlaws used to have a tobacco farm and recieve these payments, so I could probably ask them how it works...but it's probably irrelevant. No matter...I would say the tobacco farming, at least in Greenup these days, is fairly sparse....

I think user Pullyup above (I am so sorry if I misspelled your name! I don't know how to double quote!) mentioned he worked on cars with KR and CSR. I guess it stands to reason that they were generating some kind of income from fixing up the fixer uppers if they were all as into it as has been mentioned...but I know around here these kinds of deals are a dime a dozen. It's not uncommon to find one of these kinds of car lots..it's like they're on every street corner, so I'm hard pressed to think that they were getting that much out of simply fixing up cars and reselling them. From here to Portsmouth, Ohio going down 23, I can think of at least six right off the top of my head.

I still believe CSR was the primary target. Not only was his immediate family killed, along with a cousin and brother...but all of these folks lived at addresses that he, for all intents and purposes, owned. I just find that incredibly bizarre. Not to mention...there IS family, on both Dana and CSR's side, currently living on CSR properties that were NOT killed. My question is why kill all of CSR's immediate family, then go to his brother's house several miles away where he was living near to other family members...kill him...but spare the others? Clearly KR knew something, or whomever this was wouldn't have gone out of his/her/their way to kill him, right? What did CSR know/say/do to warrant the killing of his entire immediate family?

I just cannot wrap my head around the logic of it all....

I realize the tobacco work is pretty much history, and was most likely not what he was doing, but his father did state he used to work in it on the family farm. But the 5:30 a.m. was what was most important to me. To show that someone had expected him at 5:30 a.m. and he had not shown up. That gave me more of a time-stamp of when this could have happened, where GR and CR1 were found. After 10:30 pm and before 5:30 am if, in fact, he was expected, and did not show up somewhere.
Estella, I TOTALLY agree with you, but I made the same statements earlier and was accused of starting rumors. All of those posts have since been removed. But you are entirely correct, it WAS THERE.

There are at least three of us who swear to having seen that post ... I know for sure it was there, only wish I had taken a screengrab of it because it looked to be an important factor and I still have concerns about it !!
I live in what is considered a "city" in the local tri state area... We have crime frequently in comparison with somewhere like Pike County... However we have had nothing of this magnitude in my lifetime.. I find it very odd as a local who religiously follows the tri state news that not only did this horrific crime occur but a similar crime occurred in Minford 16 weeks prior. To have two tight lipped - unsolved - "execution style " crimes occur within 30 miles of one another in the short time span is beyond unheard of... They may not be linked.. However again the first crime occurred in January of 2016.. A mother and a 16 year old child are shot in cold blood... Coincidentally miles down the road 16 weeks later 8 more victims are killed in a similar fashion..in both cases a suspect has not been released... What are the odds? Look at the entire tri state area surrounding these murders and you will see nothing of the sort occurring for years...
The hole I see in the Gary is the target theory is that he is bound to have more associates in Greenup, closer associates, that were not harmed. There had to be people in Greenup that were deeper in this than the Hanna(h)s and CR2.


Not sure I see a recurring pattern. He moved once 12 years ago. ???


Agree completely.
Eh. I'm pretty confident this all comes back to Gary and Greenup, KY.
I know I've said it 10 million times, but that certain person changing their relationship status at 1:20 a.m. on the night of the murder, then changing their location from Greenup, KY to Portsmouth, OH in the days following the murder, then changing their name on facebook to a certain name that raises huge red flags....
I don't think this person is the murderer, but the more I dig, the more it seems that situation is related. New profiles are popping up that include only the same group of about 5 or 6 people as friends. Other profiles of theirs are being deleted. Statements are being made about snitches and revenge.
Something is going on there.
This is Gary-centric, IMO.

I am leaning toward it being GR setting something off. CR1 was the leader in my mind. KR seemed to be a good ole boy who just liked Derbies and did his own thing. GR, we now know, had previous scrip drug issues. Right down to shooting up in parking lots w/his stepfather in 2011. You just don't hang around drug dealers, even if it's just pot, and the people who frequent them, and stay clean. People who are using hard drugs are impulsive, and don't think about what their actions in the minute will cause down the road. I really think GR being there had something to do with the whole thing.
I live in what is considered a "city" in the local tri state area... We have crime frequently in comparison with somewhere like Pike County... However we have had nothing of this magnitude in my lifetime.. I find it very odd as a local who religiously follows the tri state news that not only did this horrific crime occur but a similar crime occurred in Minford 16 weeks prior. To have two tight lipped - unsolved - "execution style " crimes occur within 30 miles of one another in the short time span is beyond unheard of... They may not be linked.. However again the first crime occurred in January of 2016.. A mother and a 16 year old child are shot in cold blood... Coincidentally miles down the road 16 weeks later 8 more victims are killed in a similar fashion..in both cases a suspect has not been released... What are the odds? Look at the entire tri state area surrounding these murders and you will see nothing of the sort occurring for years...

If this is the case I'm thinking of, the one in Minford, I'm in agreement with you that this might be related.

Not sure I see a recurring pattern. He moved once 12 years ago. ???

Not a recurring pattern, but a precedent. He was in the middle of a legal issue. He left for Ohio from KY during the middle of it, and it seems he was evading LE there.
It sets precedent of OH being his port in a storm.
I see the point, but I just don't believe he was living there. Operating business out of there, yes. We had a local poster who has stated that the entire family did live at 4077, until CR1 bought the property where DR and the kids were found. IIRC they stated that they lived as a family. I'd have to go back through posts to find it, and I'm not really ready to argue the point that hard right now.

Yeah, me neither. We can do the virtual "toldyaso" when all the facts are in heh.
Is it OK to talk about other family members who lived at the UHR and Left Fork properties?
The first seven bodies were discovered Friday morning in three houses on Union Hill Road in Pike County. The Daily Times was informed of the discovery because the original 911 call came to Scioto County, specifically to the Portsmouth Police Department. That call was transferred to the Scioto County Sheriff’s Office, and once it was determined that the crime scene was in Pike County, it was transferred again.

Curious why the original 911 call came to Portsmouth Police Department.
Just an issue of the cell towers?
I remember checking out Dana's FB page too, the day of the massacre, when her entire friends list was still visible, and before it was made a Rembering site. I do NOT remember seeing such a time stamp. I've been sleuthing for a long time and that would have been something I not only noticed but looked for specifically. It's possible I missed it, but the current profile pic has a time stamp. I just don't see why that would have changed.

As I understand it though, it wasn't the time stamp on the profile pic. It was a post she made to another page that no one seems willing or able to produce, hiding behind WS rules. We can't discuss it, but if such a post exists, share it with an admin/moderator so they can settle the issue. Until that happens, it shouldn't be mentioned as the mods have consistently said.

It's rather odd that you can no longer see her friends list, but your able to see the other victims friends list. It's as if someone changed her settings when it became a remembering page


My first link is just of interest to me. One of the guys who was not yet on jail in April is CP, and looks like there is a family auto business connected to him also. Don't know if this is allowed, it's just of interest because of the drug stuff and auto stuff all together.

Regarding the other link, is this the same CRSR who was murdered? If so why does it say he lived in Portsmouth?

Sorry if we have already gone over all this. I'm bored tonight and all over the sleuthing.

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It's rather odd that you can no longer see her friends list, but your able to see the other victims friends list. It's as if someone changed her settings when it became a remembering page

Hm. In my way of thinking, there are several people who could have control of that page for now. Is it possible LE is preserving it? That could explain a couple of things. I just don't know if they've ever done something like that?
Hi guys,

just an FYI

Umbrella of suspicion site is not news. It is a blog. The photo alleged to be BLM on that site in not her.

No harm no foul. It is not blocked (asterisked) therefore newer members would have no reason to know it is not considered good source material.


My first link is just of interest to me. One of the guys who was not yet on jail in April is CP, and looks like there is a family auto business connected to him also. Don't know if this is allowed, it's just of interest because of the drug stuff and auto stuff all together.

Regarding the other link, is this the same CRSR who was murdered? If so why does it say he lived in Portsmouth?

Sorry if we have already gone over all this. I'm bored tonight and all over the sleuthing.

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It seems to be because the church and funeral home are there, W Portsmouth.
I think Gary got involved in some shady business in Greenup, then left town when things got too dangerous.
He went to stay with his family in Piketon, and told them what was up.
Loose lips led people to know where he was, and who he had told.
They killed him and everyone he told.

Definitely a possibility. Do we know how long he had been visiting in Ohio?
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