OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #15

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Yeah, GR seems like a floater and that can definitely be something that goes along w/harder drug use and/or heavy alcohol users, and they, as I keep saying, can be sketchy in life.
Maybe he went to stay with Chris Sr to sober up. Get away from the "people, places, things". I understand weed was around but maybe Chris was giving him a place to get away from the hard stuff?

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Sketchy enough to know the people involved in the two deaths in Minford?

If he was actively using, I'd not be surprised if he hadn't caught wind of something re; those deaths. People who are using, and/or selling, usually are very good at having at their ear to the ground. They aren't always successful in staying out of trouble but they usually know a lot.
According to Dana's obituary, she does not have a sister named Judy. Judy is her mother's name FWIW.

That is correct. Her mom is Judy Reno Manley and she has three siblings. KC, BJM, and JM. I sometimes forget about her other siblings. :/ Everything is so focused on the Rhoden name.
Maybe he went to stay with Chris Sr to sober up. Get away from the "people, places, things". I understand weed was around but maybe Chris was giving him a place to get away from the hard stuff?

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I hate to be Devil's Advocate but I'd be surprised if that's why he was here. It may be why he said he was coming to Piketon. But being around that lifestyle and being a user, or former user, I just don't see how he could stay clean. I could be judging him wrongly. He may have had an iron will.
Throw holes in this theory, please:

Things we know:
-Gary was involved in more than just marijuana. We know that he was a user of heavier drugs, we know that he had family involved in drug trades transcending cannabis, and we know he associated with some sketchy people.
-He had moved back and forth between Greenup, KY; Portsmouth, OH; and Piketon, OH.
-Gary had recently left Greenup, KY and gone to OH. His stomping grounds were in Portsmouth, which is about 32 minutes away from Piketon. He was staying in Piketon with CRsr and his family.

Things we also know, but may or may not be related to this case:

-A double murder occurred in January of 2016 just outside of Minford, OH. (Minford is 24 minutes away from Portsmouth, OH.) The double murder left a mother and her high school daughter dead. The mother was shot execution style in their trailer while she was sleeping, and the daughter was shot when she was fleeing.
-One of the two (or both) was dealing oxycodone/oxycontin.

The Theory
-Gary's sketchy social circle led him to be privy to which persons committed the double homicide in Minford.
-Gary had loose lips and a drug or alcohol problem. He was letting slip around town who was responsible for the double homicide. The people he told included CRsr.
-CRsr told his family about the situation
-Someone told the perpetrators that Gary (and CRsr) were running their mouths
-The perpetrators, to keep the secret from getting out, killed Gary and his family. Much in the same way they killed the mother/daughter in Minford. Execution style, in their trailers, as they slept. With the exception of Gary and CRsr, who were also beaten(?) before being shot.
I have to wonder if the family was working with police, even in another county, on something. The fact that they were all staying together, either moving back together recently, or staying from out of town, makes me wonder if they were afraid of someone and trying to stay together in numbers. Exception is KR. But that would be something you wouldn't tell other people about except those in on it. Of course LE would know this if that's the case, and probably would not release that information while they are investigating, so we won't know. It just seems like they were huddled in those houses all close by

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But, then he goes out to look around outside, sees a tray of plants, and then says, We better call the sheriff? Now that's weird. Stone is not being up front, IMO. Neither is BJM, IMO.

The money on KR, whether it was $50, or $1,050, is very odd. That is why I wonder if DS "found" the body earlier, relieved the deceased of a significant amount of cash, since, in his mind he no longer needed it, left a bit scattered as a detour, then went and got LR, to go with him to check on KR for what LR would think was the first time. DS would know he was already deceased, but, it would appear that they'd found him for the first time. Whether KS killed anyone or not, I'm not sold on yet, but I do feel he'd be opportunistic.

What I find strange, is he goes over to KR's house. (Supposedly, for the first time.) He calls out for KR and gets no reply and go in the trailer. How would he know to tell the person he's was with..."you don't want to see this" unless he already knew there was something he wasn't supposed to see? That to me, tells me he is lying. He knows alot more than he is saying, and what he is saying doesn't add up.
JMO, it seems the majority of pictures we have seen seem to be outdated. There may be a reason for this, there may not be, but it makes a person wonder. With new addition to the family and no photos being shared also makes a person wonder. So many questions and no answers....

IMO, it makes it very difficult to narrow down suspect(s) when it seems there were several different recent incidents/happenings that took place that could've made several people angry and/or wanting revenge and that's only a few that we have heard of....what else is there that we have no idea about....I'd bet there's plenty. Again, JMO
I think someone supplied a newspaper link one or two pages back that had her picture in the paper.

google images has a photo from news story. But doesn't look the same as FB photo
I have to wonder if the family was working with police, even in another county, on something. The fact that they were all staying together, either moving back together recently, or staying from out of town, makes me wonder if they were afraid of someone and trying to stay together in numbers. Exception is KR. But that would be something you wouldn't tell other people about except those in on it. Of course LE would know this if that's the case, and probably would not release that information while they are investigating, so we won't know. It just seems like they were huddled in those houses all close by

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I am convinced that LE played a part in these murders - whether it's a rogue cop or an undercover operation gone bad. I can't imagine any other scenario where homes would be hauled off to a giant warehouse. "Preserved and protected" from who? 24 hour guards would have been cheaper than hauling all that away. I just can't think of anything that the Rhodens did that someone else local would wipe them out for. GR and DS remind me of guys I knew way back in the day. They drink and drug too much, and rely on stronger relatives to see them through... No one is going to own up to anything, including the Manley's because everyone knows who did this, but to say it out loud could be a death sentence. lmho
His divorce was final Dec. 11, 2003. His ex was living in Scioto County (Portsmouth) and GR was listed as living out of state (I'm guessing Ky.). They were only married one year and this is the only marriage I've seen, even though there appears a 2nd person claims to be an ex. I'm thinking this was something that happened out of the emotions from the divorce. It seems she dropped it. Unless I'm reading it wrong.

I stand corrected, the 2nd ex you're speaking about was married to Gary's brother Kenneth, not Gary.
JMO, it seems the majority of pictures we have seen seem to be outdated. There may be a reason for this, there may not be, but it makes a person wonder. With new addition to the family and no photos being shared also makes a person wonder. So many questions and no answers....

Some people don't like their lives splashed online. My dad isn't on FB and never will be. I've posted a few old pictures of him, but if someone was looking for recent pictures of him online, they wouldn't find any. Nothing sinister, he's just a good old boy and super private.

Maybe the pictures of the new baby weren't set to public? Maybe people that took pictures (I've seen one) are trying to protect SMW and KR from even more gawking then they've been subject to.

I don't think there's anything to a lack of pictures.
I have to wonder if the family was working with police, even in another county, on something. The fact that they were all staying together, either moving back together recently, or staying from out of town, makes me wonder if they were afraid of someone and trying to stay together in numbers. Exception is KR. But that would be something you wouldn't tell other people about except those in on it. Of course LE would know this if that's the case, and probably would not release that information while they are investigating, so we won't know. It just seems like they were huddled in those houses all close by

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Just going by what LM is suspicious about I jotted down some things...
The road rage incident, 02/25/2016


04/04/2016 CASE SET FOR PRE-TRIAL 04/18/2016
04/19/2016 CASE SET FOR PRE-TRIAL 04/20/2016
Then 2 years probation, no contact with DR and CRjr and 40 hours community service. Plus a required probation officer
Everything done at each date cost money.

This went on for three months, it was finally settled two days before the family was executed. You don't hit a person, esp a minor so hard it bruises the side of their face, unless there's a big argument with people in a rage, and he could've been defending his mother. Anyone could've planned revenge and hated this family so much having three months to do it. It could've been over drugs, or someone being an informant, or she has a past history with GR, we don't know yet.

I just think LM is finally coming out and saying what he said he was going to say, but at that time he was going to give LE a chance. When he was asked by the reporter in April if Dana felt safe where she lived, he said he wasn't going to talk about it at that time. This incident happened in Feb, which could've been why the family was so paranoid with security cameras, padlocks and having the pitbulls in the homes. I'm not saying the person who did the assault knows anything about what happened to the Rhodens, but anyone connected could've hated them so much to plan this execution out.
She apparently gave an interview after Gary's funeral. She's the ex wife of Kenneth Rhoden, Gary's brother.
I just have a really hard time believing that someone who hasn't murdered before could do this.
Kill 8 people at three different residences? Kill a mother while she lies with her newborn baby? Kill a couple while their six month old baby lies between them, covering the infant in the blood of its parents?
This can't just be some person who was pissed off at the Rhodens and snapped. I can't believe that. This was far too heinous to be retribution for some petty, drawn-out argument.
Throw holes in this theory, please:

Things we know:
-Gary was involved in more than just marijuana. We know that he was a user of heavier drugs, we know that he had family involved in drug trades transcending cannabis, and we know he associated with some sketchy people.
-He had moved back and forth between Greenup, KY; Portsmouth, OH; and Piketon, OH.
-Gary had recently left Greenup, KY and gone to OH. His stomping grounds were in Portsmouth, which is about 32 minutes away from Piketon. He was staying in Piketon with CRsr and his family.

Things we also know, but may or may not be related to this case:

-A double murder occurred in January of 2016 just outside of Minford, OH. (Minford is 24 minutes away from Portsmouth, OH.) The double murder left a mother and her high school daughter dead. The mother was shot execution style in their trailer while she was sleeping, and the daughter was shot when she was fleeing.
-One of the two (or both) was dealing oxycodone/oxycontin.

The Theory
-Gary's sketchy social circle led him to be privy to which persons committed the double homicide in Minford.
-Gary had loose lips and a drug or alcohol problem. He was letting slip around town who was responsible for the double homicide. The people he told included CRsr.
-CRsr told his family about the situation
-Someone told the perpetrators that Gary (and CRsr) were running their mouths
-The perpetrators, to keep the secret from getting out, killed Gary and his family. Much in the same way they killed the mother/daughter in Minford. Execution style, in their trailers, as they slept. With the exception of Gary and CRsr, who were also beaten(?) before being shot.

I'm with you on a lot of this.
The Theory I think could go a couple ways, well more than a couple but;
-Sketchy social circle - yes
-Loose lips - most w/d & a issues will at some point slip up and tell stuff they should not.
- The perpetrator(s) -- I'm leaning toward some form of LE (as one of about 5 theories).Possibly two of them and at least one has sociopath tendencies. Could have been taking a cut or even supplying (hard drugs).
- GR could have told CR1 his info. CR1 could have tried to intimidate the perpetrator into some sort of deal with them. (There was a quote in an article about the Rhodens banding together to fight. Could have banded together to become top dog w/their new info.) This backfired.

I really do see GR as a main contributing factor. At first I thought he brought them w/him, but I just don't see how that could happen w/o anyone back in Ky. not figuring out who it was.
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