OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #16

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I feel like even 200 plants would be more than personal use.
Then again, I have no frame of reference, never having grown cannabis myself.

I can tell you for a fact that 200 plants is way more then personal use! Calling that personal use is cray cray. 5-12 plants at different stages I would buy for personal use for 2 people that are full time smokers. You might want 50 if your hooking up all of your friends and family but I know indoor and outdoor and hundreds is not personal use! Period! If anyone argues that they don't know what they are talking about. People that grow outdoor to sell in the right climate don't even do that. Can you imagine hiking the water sense most people that grow outdoor to sell don't do it on their own property so they don't get caught. The only way they arent hiking is because they are very close to a water source but most dont do that because the chance of someone stumbling across your grow is the last thing they want. Most the time they are the only ones that know where it is unless they have a partner. When we grew it was always 4-5 on our own property for 2 people with one person a heavy smoker and we had plenty to share until the next grow season. Of course if you have a black thumb like me it would take a lot more and would be crap weed. I didn't have anything to do with that part. You can call this JMO if you want lol

A thought I have kind of thrown around is this: Maybe CR1 was allowing someone else to grow for a fee on his property. This is actually very common. Maybe he got sick of whomever he was dealing with because a. they weren't tending to them and wanted him to water fertilize and he was tired of it and figured he might as well get all the money instead of what he was getting b. he started his own on the other properties and wanted his other building back to do it there as well. or c. he just told them to scram and he was taking it over and threatened them or told them to call the cops and tell them I am keeping all your grow stuff. not much a person could do when its illegal anyway. Maybe the killer killed off everyone that knew the "arrangement" and maybe all the people he killed were giving the person attitude so they were pissed at them all except KR who just had to go because he knew too but wasn't being a jerk about it but knew he would be able to lead back to the killer. JMO but could be a possibility.
We are receiving very few details. Kenneth definitely seems different than the others. There is a slight possibility he was killed with the others and deposited back home? Or in the car on the way somewhere (home) ? I am not familiar with the 5th wheel campers but how tall are they? How difficult would it be to target his head? And then there is the money on his body aspect. He is the one that doesn't quite make sense.
JMO and a lot of guessing!

also adding that DS only mentions blood in his eyes... don't head wounds bleed a lot?

Yes, that is another thing. How someone gets out to that property (more remote that Union Hill Road) and manages to approach the property at some point on foot and get across the porch and into the camper and then close enough to shoot a man in the head while that man somehow remains asleep in spite of a protective pit bull with him. The what would seem to be a very awkward shot to the head while he sleeps.... either this information is faulty or, imo, KR allowed that person into his camper unaware of the danger. I could speculate that KR was alive and climbed up onto his bed to fetch some money out of a cabinet or other hiding place to give to the person and was shot but I can't believe he was asleep when he was shot unless he trusted this killer enough to go to bed to sleep. What disturbs me the most is that this scenario could easily be carried out by any number of neighbors living near by. No vehicle required... dog might know them... KR might, as the saying goes, have "trusted them with his life." That's not to say I think that is what happened... but, it's the easiest answer imo and I can certainly understand why the property nearby to KR's was searched so early in the investigation.
I'm not sure about the tarps but I had wondered if one of the grow rooms was in that other br. If not the boys most likely would have had a bedroom there, or at the very least one shared one.
AND! I haven't been able to figure out why BR slept on the couch at his dad's house, where he stayed frequently, as per his mother in her interview. FR and HHG's trailer was a 2 BR. So was the second bedroom a grow room?!? Were the tarps over an area that is commonly a bedroom on that model trailer? The tarps were removed before the trailers were moved. Obviously they aren't needed if stored indoors, but I thought that was an unnecessary step, given they were moved at a slow rate of speed.

It's certainly possible that the 2nd room was a grow room. Another possibility is that the room had ongoing repairs. Roof leaks can do some serious damage to the subfloor of a mobile home which is usually particle board. Looks like that place had serious roof problems as there were tarps over sections of the front,middle,and rear of the mobile home. I had to deal with a leaky roof in a trailer in a similar manner some 30 years ago when I lived in one.

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I can tell you for a fact that 200 plants is way more then personal use! Calling that personal use is cray cray. 5-12 plants at different stages I would buy for personal use for 2 people that are full time smokers. You might want 50 if your hooking up all of your friends and family but I know indoor and outdoor and hundreds is not personal use! Period! If anyone argues that they don't know what they are talking about. People that grow outdoor to sell in the right climate don't even do that. Can you imagine hiking the water sense most people that grow outdoor to sell don't do it on their own property so they don't get caught. The only way they arent hiking is because they are very close to a water source but most dont do that because the chance of someone stumbling across your grow is the last thing they want. Most the time they are the only ones that know where it is unless they have a partner. When we grew it was always 4-5 on our own property for 2 people with one person a heavy smoker and we had plenty to share until the next grow season. Of course if you have a black thumb like me it would take a lot more and would be crap weed. I didn't have anything to do with that part. You can call this JMO if you want lol

A thought I have kind of thrown around is this: Maybe CR1 was allowing someone else to grow for a fee on his property. This is actually very common. Maybe he got sick of whomever he was dealing with because a. they weren't tending to them and wanted him to water fertilize and he was tired of it and figured he might as well get all the money instead of what he was getting b. he started his own on the other properties and wanted his other building back to do it there as well. or c. he just told them to scram and he was taking it over and threatened them or told them to call the cops and tell them I am keeping all your grow stuff. not much a person could do when its illegal anyway. Maybe the killer killed off everyone that knew the "arrangement" and maybe all the people he killed were giving the person attitude so they were pissed at them all except KR who just had to go because he knew too but wasn't being a jerk about it but knew he would be able to lead back to the killer. JMO but could be a possibility.

LE source confirmed one indoor grow op with approx. 200 plants. In addition, two outdoor grow sites were also discovered at different locations. http://www.10tv.com/content/stories...el-connection-eyed-in-piketon-executions.html
Please, if you have the chance, use Google Earth to find the property just down the road from KR's camper and property. You will see a barn with a medal roof that is rusted in the exact pattern as the barn that is just behind the reporter in the news video made on the night of the murders. The reporter is standing in front of the barn that is just down the road from KR's property and speaking about the 5th possible crime scene that police visited that Friday night with a search warrant. Now, additional search warrants were served in the meantime and it is highly likely that eventually police did search BJM's property as well and yes, probably on Saturday at 3:30 am they had another warrant for that purpose. If I knew how to post a photo of the barn for comparison from my own computer, I could easily show this to be true. But, I have no idea how to do that and I have tried but failed. Actually, 5th, 6th, 7th and so on warrants is not as important as the fact that they did search the property just down the road from KR's that Friday night and of special interest is who lived there who was not murdered along with the others.

I think you're right about the barn, I made that connection a while back pretty much the same way, by the roof.. If you dig enough on this forum, you should find a pic someone posted of the back side (if it wasn't deleted), the doors are open and sitting outside is a smashed up derby car. I thought it was a Ford Pinto, but definitely in the 4 cylinder class. Think there were two other vehicles in the pic as well, but not sure now.
Thanks for the bullet info. Just a wee bit curious why you think this is/maybe a reluctant/inexperienced killer?

I don't think they are new to killing, I just don't think they are a hired professional. I think they've most likely killed before and it doesn't bother them. Like a sociopath. Not all sociopaths are murderers, but murderers w/o a conscious would all fall into the category of sociopaths (from my understanding of sociopaths). I don't think this person would have went out of his way to kill them if he hadn't had to. It was more like, slip in, kill them in their sleep, clean up evidence, leave. He probably knew them, could have liked them, and felt some sort of sadness to see them go, in a sociopath sort of way (if his knowing them, benefited him in some way, then he'd hate to see the relationships end, and that may make him feel sorrow). Not sorrow for them, but for himself.
What I mean is, for all intents and purposes, most people, do not move their exes into homes that they purchase, unless they plan to be there too. Most folks just aren't that generous to plunk down $30g cash and another $30g mortgage just so their ex can move a mile and a half up the road from them. At times when things were "complicated" he probably slept at the 4077 address, but when things were not "complicated", I'd say he was right there in that house w/DR and their kids. She called him the love of her life. If they've got an illegal grow op, and have three children together, I just don't see any morality issues w/getting the union legalized again before they slept under the same roof. CR1 was just not taking any chances that he'd have to split anything w/DR if things got a little too complicated.

I wonder if he and GR were "guarding" the grow op due to a conflict like I suggested in my last post. Possibly? Just a thought if that was even the motive which I'm not totally sold on. I lean more to greed from a family member or close friend that wanted cut in and wasn't. JMO No matter what I think they the killer needed a clear understanding of the living arrangements and habits of all victims, knew the dogs and had been in and off all the properties on a regular basis. Again JMO
Would someone be so kind to help me out here, please. KR's address was 1084 Left Fork Road. Then there's the 799 West/Left Fork Road address (which I know we can not discuss who may or may not live there), BUT my question/confusion is, is the 799 an entirely different address/location from KR's or is 799 considered the other trailer/camper or whatever it is that sits just a short distance from KR's camper? Thanks in advance!

Two separate addresses and two separate properties.

There were two travel trailers at the 1084 address where Kenneth was found in one of them. There is also a garage/shed on that property.

That parcel is on the south side of Left Fork Road.

There is a mobile home at 799 Left Fork Road and also a fairly good sized barn. There may be another small outbuilding on that property, but I'm not certain going strictly from memory.

That property is located on the north side of Left Fork Road not too far to the east of 1084 Left Fork Road. Maybe 500 yards or so.
So, just a guess? Not body location of bullets? Not number of shots? What I am, I think hearing you say, is that the shooter was a family and/or family friend who was doing what they felt they had to do....maybe to keep their own life? Sorry for the press, but having closely read your well written posts, I am surprised by the just a guess component.
No, I'm more along the lines of he had to do this to keep something quiet. I'm still leaning toward someone in LE (They may have had military background, and at one point even fought in a war zone, or they may be someone who is a huntsman, who is enthusiastic, and self-taught, knows exactly how to track and target their prey. Just a few thoughts. If it is a family member whose involved, I'd look on DR's side as well as CR1's side.).
I'm not sure about the tarps but I had wondered if one of the grow rooms was in that other br. If not the boys most likely would have had a bedroom there, or at the very least one shared one.

My step kids have a bedroom but always want to sleep in the living room for whatever reason, I used to want to as well when I was a kid. Our parents never let us, we don't usually let them unless it's a rare occasion, but maybe he just liked it better out there and they would let him.

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Please, if you have the chance, use Google Earth to find the property just down the road from KR's camper and property. You will see a barn with a medal roof that is rusted in the exact pattern as the barn that is just behind the reporter in the news video made on the night of the murders. The reporter is standing in front of the barn that is just down the road from KR's property and speaking about the 5th possible crime scene that police visited that Friday night with a search warrant. Now, additional search warrants were served in the meantime and it is highly likely that eventually police did search BJM's property as well and yes, probably on Saturday at 3:30 am they had another warrant for that purpose. If I knew how to post a photo of the barn for comparison from my own computer, I could easily show this to be true. But, I have no idea how to do that and I have tried but failed. Actually, 5th, 6th, 7th and so on warrants is not as important as the fact that they did search the property just down the road from KR's that Friday night and of special interest is who lived there who was not murdered along with the others.

I don't think the search warrant was for that location where the barn was, I think that was just the closest location the reporter could get to the scenes.

1) LE would have probably moved the media farther down the road before conducting a search (since they've kept the locations of additional search warrants hush hush.)

2) Since one of the possible motives for the killings was said to be connected to demolition derby cars, derby cars from that location, one would think, would have been hauled off as well. (There have been pictures of FRs derby car being worked on in a building that looks to be that barn.)
Any thoughts why they only shot Kenneth once? There is something so odd about Kenneth.....by himself miles from the others and found hours after the others were found and only one shot in the head. Everyone else, including young mothers and a teenaged boy had multiple head shots, but Kenneth only had one. I can't put my finger on it, but there is something different about Kenneth. Does one shot indicate they maybe didn't want to shoot Kenneth, but had to? Did it indicate they were not full of hate and rage for Kenneth like the rest of them? Did someone double cross Kenneth? Was Kenneth perhaps shot by someone different than who shot the others? Did one or two people take care of the ones living closer together, while another shooter was out at Kenneth's? They is just something about Kenneth.

I haven't been following this case very closely. What are the chances Kenneth shot the rest and then shot himself?
NW Lady, As I understand it, 799 Left Fork Road is the property on the left hand side of the road (when facing east) and has a marked mailbox and is about 500 yards before you come to KR's property on the right hand side of the road. There are 2 small campers on KR's property which you say is #1084. I didn't know the actual # of KR's address, so thanks for that info.
Thanks for the link to Hanna R.'s Instagram. I usually don't get overly sentimental, but I have done when it comes to her. She looks so full of life in her pics, and I love that she embraces her "redneck" and "hillbilly" identity! :) Anyway, I thought I'd point out a couple of things I noticed. (Sorry if someone already commented--I'm about a half a day behind).

First, she has a link to an audio file poking fun of herself and her country accent. For some reason I didn't picture her with that thick of an accent, but it makes sense based on where she grew up. It's pretty cute. https://www.instagram.com/p/53cv6znNeM/?taken-by=redneck_gal_97

Second, she has a few photos of a pretty recent tattoo hashtagged #semicolonproject . https://www.instagram.com/p/56TiLmHNUR/?taken-by=redneck_gal_97

Project Semicolon and its participants are described in an article this way: "Supporters of Project Semicolon, which describes itself as 'a faith-based non-profit movement dedicated to presenting hope and love to those who are struggling with depression, suicide, addiction and self-injury,' are getting the grammatical symbol tattooed on their body to show their solidarity with the project's mission."
. . .
"The semicolon was chosen because in literature a semicolon is used when an author chooses to not end a sentence. You are the author and the sentence is your life. You are choosing to continue."

Good morning. This will be my first time posting althou I've read and have been with you from the beginning . I would like to thank all who have shared their thoughts , ideas , and theory's - especially those with addictions , I myself have 25 years clean, ( by the grace of God ) it's amazing how everyone around you gets better when you put the drugs down. I'm a bit of a loner by choice I don't like any social media i.e. Fb or anything similar. For me to be joining a forum like this is completly out of the norm for me.
my heart goes out to the the victims of the family - I personally like them with all their faults and indiscretions I think they were good people at there core. Survival was the name of the game for these people as I see it.
the reason I came here was gather more info. For myself as I would normally label this type of murder one thing or another- but this case was totally different from anything I've ever heard of or seen - which leads me to my theory - what struck me about this case is the total confidence , stealth, and complete composure to pull something like this off in the time span HE did.............this totally boggled my mind. I've always thought this was a single person , and for that to be he would have to be close to super human IMO ..... This person has already been named and as far as I'm concerned its solved....... But I would like to add that I've seen people who were on steroids before and have achieved huge amounts of confidence endurance and unstoppable power. I've seen this first hand and was quite amazed at the transformation in these people - but there's tell tale signs as to there use of the drug just by visuals - I've seen this in this person from a video........of coarse he would have had some personality defect to boot but to me it exsplains everything .....IMO

if if you think about it the person would have to be rather large in size alone ( he would not be intimidated ) by confronting several men , I'm a avid hunter and drag deer from the woods- I'm in very good shape and you would think this would be a easy task ( it is not ! ) this person had a lot on his plate that night but still had the time to drag atleast 2 people around to different rooms and accomplish taking cameras etc..........giving this task to a normal healthy male he would fail ! Or would have atleast made mistakes - this person made none. Quit spectacular in my opinion, not your normal run of the mill serial killer. I have no doubt he has done this before and enjoys it. He is very good at what he does. But being very good will be his down fall because it could only be one person and I believe all fingers point to him.

Well done. Great first post IMO. I agree in the "one man" theory. I can totally believe AND SEE it before a group of people or heaven forbid a women. I'm surprised just about everyone I have spoken to believes this was a group....or two or more. I would be SHOCKED if that were the case.

I - - like yourself believe absolutely Without A Doubt this dude has done this At Least Three Times including the Rhodens. FWIW.....and this is almost a given to me - - this guy also had a hand held scanner on his person, mounted into his tactical clothing he was wearing that had many pockets and openings that are built into the jacket/coat with the little holes that allow plugs for headphones etc to easily thread and are safely tucked away.

This would have EASILY given him the heads up in case something that wasn't expected (maybe someone driving by and hearing/seeing something) and a call being placed and the law being dispatched. IMO this ONE MAN in a night time scenario out in the middle of boo-foo is/was the closest thing on planet earth to the Grim Reaper himself. It absolutely would have taken an act of God himself to have stopped the massacre that was fixing to happen.

I have often thought (too many times IMO) what it would have been like and felt like to just happen to have been in those woods that terrrible heinous night. Or possibly to have been innocently just walking down that road, maybe having ran out of gas and rolled to the corner of 32 and UH. That scenario is soooo plausible I bet that if Mr. Manley is asked I would bet someone has knocked on his door and asked him for help. Like many have stated, so many scenarios and "what if"....that it boggles my mind. My question to you would be "if they without a doubt know who did this"....then what are they waiting on?!
Please, if you have the chance, use Google Earth to find the property just down the road from KR's camper and property. You will see a barn with a medal roof that is rusted in the exact pattern as the barn that is just behind the reporter in the news video made on the night of the murders. The reporter is standing in front of the barn that is just down the road from KR's property and speaking about the 5th possible crime scene that police visited that Friday night with a search warrant. Now, additional search warrants were served in the meantime and it is highly likely that eventually police did search BJM's property as well and yes, probably on Saturday at 3:30 am they had another warrant for that purpose. If I knew how to post a photo of the barn for comparison from my own computer, I could easily show this to be true. But, I have no idea how to do that and I have tried but failed. Actually, 5th, 6th, 7th and so on warrants is not as important as the fact that they did search the property just down the road from KR's that Friday night and of special interest is who lived there who was not murdered along with the others.

A couple of us broached this as the fifth place a few threads back, it does fit, the barn looks right, and it's very close to being across the county line, (I even measured it w/ Google Earth's measuring tool, and it's very close to being across the line into Sciota. But, I can't remember exactly why, in addition to the 3 a.m. visit, but some thought she lived across the line. I later did hear that she does not live across the line. If this is true then I am w/you on this possibly being the 5th scene. We'd just pretty much ruled it out a few threads out. Thanks for pushing me to re-think it. :)
This is JMO, but I'm jusssssty about on board with the money laundering idea that has been tossed around. The license held by CSR for Adams Health Solutions was previously listed at 100 Grove Street in Peebles. The business coding on the license is a little more telling. There is a SIC and SAIC code.

The SIC code on CSR's license is explained here:


Another identifier code on CSR's business, called a SAIC code, narrows this down a bit to:


The building itself is owned by another man who is connected to CSR's entire family. The current address for Adams Health Solutions was changed at some point from Grove Street to CSR's home address on Union Hill Road.

This building on Grove street was the office of a doctor (who practices elsewhere in Peebles now) until 2013-2014ish or around there before it closed, and afterwards became a Daycare center that I can't find anything about after 2015. It lists a phone number, but I'm not calling it! :) so, whether or not it is still a daycare facility, I have no clue. I do know for sure that it is still listed as being owned by the same man who has owned it since 1995.

On that note, I am just going to post this last link and leave it here, just for a reference. I haven't formed a full opinion on this yet because I'm basically just now learning about how all of this works for the first time in my life. But, between the weird businesses, the property and the cars, it's definitely worth giving a look see!

Mobile home roofs need to be resealed every so many years. The sealant gets brittle and cracks from the sun UV.

It would depend on the product used. If its a standard 30 yr comp or even a 15 yr comp that is not actually true. It didn't appear they had any trees around them that would cause a need to be cleaned. If it was a 15yr roof that was 20 plus years old it would possibly need to be "sealed" I guess if that would be how people that either couldn't afford to have a new roof installed or do it themselves. I guess after owning a roofing company for 16 years and married to the guy that has owned it for 27 years that would make me and expert but its not a technique we practice. I could ask him if we need confirmation but I have a hard time believing that a roof that is not at the end of its life need to be sealed if it doesn't just need to be replaced.
I run about 10 pages to a thread behind so sorry if this has already been covered. I can't keep up with you guys. shhheeeshhhhh! I have had to work for the last 2 weeks to clean up office drama. :) I took tonight to just read and get caught up. Not sure that is gonna happen at this rate ha ha
A couple of us broached this as the fifth place a few threads back, it does fit, the barn looks right, and it's very close to being across the county line, (I even measured it w/ Google Earth's measuring tool, and it's very close to being across the line into Sciota. But, I can't remember exactly why, in addition to the 3 a.m. visit, but some thought she lived across the line. I later did hear that she does not live across the line. If this is true then I am w/you on this possibly being the 5th scene. We'd just pretty much ruled it out a few threads out. Thanks for pushing me to re-think it. :)

DR's place at 3122 UHR is in Scioto county and is taxed there. UHR crosses through 3 counties (Adams,Scioto,and Pike) through that stretch.

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