OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) #17

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Considering that GR was from interstate, together with the possibility of counterfeit money being within the realm of possibility - would that not bring federal LE into the investigation? Or are they already?
And...oops. I see that possibility was mentioned already. But if it was counterfeit, if the Rhodens were either using it or making it, that could bring all sorts of trouble around.
Your post about "fake $" made me think of something. Is it possible that the Rhodens were counterfeiting?
No, pretty much in line with your being inside or very close to the family. I would be quite surprised if the tiffs and mouthy threats related to fights turned out to be the motive. The MO just doesn't make it to me to be an outsider, unless it was someone with a good amount of stealth kill skills and little fear.

I don't think the motive is outside of the family or a VERY close friend. I wish I could be more specific but its against TOS (the rules basically) even saying what I have is a thin line IMO and its just that MO. I really have no direct knowledge. Once we can talk about it I will be more specific and I think that time will only come after an arrest is made. Are you referring to the IJ issue? If so I haven't done much research on that. If you think its a motive I would be interested to hear why. I believe it can be talked about sense its been on MSM. I am not leaning that way but who knows. This case is so crazy and unlike any I have followed.
This is exactly the theory I have, or pretty close to it!!
He didn't care about the dogs barking, he was going to do what he came to do and didn't care. For that matter, if you are heartless enough to shoot people who are lying in bed with a baby, would you care to shoot a dog if it got in his way??

IMO he had been there many times. Either family or business partner. He knew where the camera was and snatched it up and took it with him. He didn't worry about taking it apart nicely, it was probably going to be thrown into the river anyway. Just tank it down and GO!

I also feel like DR and FR were just as involved with this as CR1 and GR. No other reason for HR, HHG, and CR2 to have to die other than they were in the same houses as the other two and would have been witnesses

IMO he had been there many times. Either family or business partner. He knew where the camera was and snatched it up and took it with him. He didn't worry about taking it apart nicely, it was probably going to be thrown into the river anyway. Just tank it down and GO!

I also feel like DR and FR were just as involved with this as CR1 and GR. No other reason for HR, HHG, and CR2 to have to die other than they were in the same houses as the other two and would have been witnesses

I think that HR, HG, CR2, would have know them by association though. Whoever did this, imo, had it timed for that particular night, and was prepared for any unexpected things, like GR/CR1 not being asleep, the toddler being there, HR's due date arriving early (she was not due until the 29th). I think the newborn is only alive b/c she gave birth early. He'd have killed her either way. Unless, she'd been in the hospital giving birth that night, then the assailant(s) would possibly have changed their plans, regrouped, and not have struck that night. Too many family would have most likely been back and forth to the hospital. I'm not so sure it is about anything that we think it is either. It may come down to something as basic as hate. Someone w/in the family, or extended family, may have just plain hated them for something they had done. Possibly it was CR1 and KR, the two brothers, who had done it, so they had to die and so did everyone else who knew what they'd done to this person, yet they'd given them a pass. It may even be something that to you or I would seem trivial but to this person was the ultimate insult. I don't think they think like the average person. I keep coming back to sociopath.
How do you know they are not BJM's words? The same story was wrote in all the papers I read. I realize there was only one reporter but like another poster said, if she didnt know for a fact B was there why not yell out for FR or HG? These may be some of the little clues that people are missing also. I am not totally convinced she had anything at all to do with it. But from the get go she was my number one suspect,, among others.

The reporter would have quoted her calling for little BR if she actually did. The reporter didn't. BBM, who says she didn't? In fact, the way I interpreted the story, as it was told by the reporter (not BJM) was that she probably called for Frankie and little BR answered.
From dturner12:
How do you know they are not BJM's words? The same story was wrote in all the papers I read.

It's not a direct quote, it's open for interpretation, intended by the reporter or not.

I noticed that when I first read the article. There wasn't a single direct quote from BJM (that I remember) that gave direct information. It was all just writing by the reporter.
I think that HR, HG, CR2, would have know them by association though. Whoever did this, imo, had it timed for that particular night, and was prepared for any unexpected things, like GR/CR1 not being asleep, the toddler being there, HR's due date arriving early (she was not due until the 29th). I think the newborn is only alive b/c she gave birth early. He'd have killed her either way. Unless, she'd been in the hospital giving birth that night, then the assailant(s) would possibly have changed their plans, regrouped, and not have struck that night. Too many family would have most likely been back and forth to the hospital. I'm not so sure it is about anything that we think it is either. It may come down to something as basic as hate. Someone w/in the family, or extended family, may have just plain hated them for something they had done. Possibly it was CR1 and KR, the two brothers, who had done it, so they had to die and so did everyone else who knew what they'd done to this person, yet they'd given them a pass. It may even be something that to you or I would seem trivial but to this person was the ultimate insult. I don't think they think like the average person. I keep coming back to sociopath.

I'm willing to bet that HR had a scheduled csection and that date was known by close family and friends. Scheduled sections are usually a few weeks before due date. I do not by any means think it was a coincidence I think that is what they were waiting on.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Only one person mentioned cash at KR's house and that was DS. DeWine tried to put that away as rumor. I have heard that even in states where pot is legal, since it is still a federal crime, banks won't take money from the pot industry. They don't want to get charged with a federal crime. It is possible the money made by the Rhodens was banked at least in part.

I would imagine CR Sr. was very bloodied from being shot multiple times. That may be why BJM thought he looked like he was beaten. I think they were shot at different times. The first was moved so it wasn't immediately noticed when the other came in.

The black eye could be from being shot in the head. I wondered at one time if it was from a confrontation earlier that day that escalated to murder.

This is interesting! Maybe we have been looking at this all wrong? How did the assailants get past the dogs and security? Why didn't anyone grab their guns and fight back? Did it all happen at once in a ferocious deadly assault?
Perhaps it was not like that? Maybe some visitors came by. They were known. They were given admission earlier in the evening. They visited for hours. Perhaps FR & HG dropped by to visit and even HR & CR2? Perhaps DR dropped by after her double shift to pass some time? It was a Friday evening. Folks could stay up a bit longer. As it got late, people drifted off and went to their homes to go to bed?
But CR1 and GR stayed up with the visitors in the living room? It was easy to get the drop on them, but CR1 was a big tough guy and didn't go easy? The shots would have been deafening in the trailer and there would have been lots of smoke. But outside, the shots would not have been so loud. Doors closed. Insulation in the walls, etc.
Open the window to get out the smoke. Oh, Oh, they know we were here. Have to clean up. KR? He may have been by to visit too, or perhaps they visited him earlier?
Such a scenario could account for many of our questions. Thanks, Dudly. I wonder if we have been in too much of a box with our musings?

Faded on this story! Has anyone ever seen a big headline crime wherein the story vanishes and has no followup? Pretty close to "instantly".

How come we have not gotten (when 8 people gone) any human interest angles.When a terrorist attack happens, a plane crashes, or a mass shooting happens we are inudated with folks who love the deceased tell everyone how wonderful they were? It was 8 people- lets pick a smalll number, and say everyone knows at least 6 people, the media has not been able to find anyone willing to share a memory of the deceased?

To do so means "talking"......................Somehow, someway an entire community knows not to - IMO that speaks volumes. People who commit murder often "run" or leave.Yet, a community somehow knows; better shut up?

Out of our cast of characters , who are all dead, , and can not kill anyone else, meaning that the perps of this crime are still around, people in the area know it, and that the perps are capable of a rerun should it be necc. Some threat remains in the area.

Anyone ever seen a big crime where there are 100's of folks attmepting to find the perp and there has been no leaks whatsoever?

52 special agents/analysts/investigators; 17 workers from the state evidence labs; 11 command staff/supervisors; four support staff members; three special prosecutors; and a victim's advocate.As many as 20 state personnel remain in Pike County on any given . 576 deputies and 35 other sheriffs from 56 of Ohio's 88 counties, not including his own........He also had help from state troopers, two teams from the nearby Southern Ohio Correctional Facility at Lucasville, and police officers from Piketon, Waverly and beyond.In addition, the state fire marshal’s office

Not one leak? Breathtaking.......................utterly astounding.....................

Zero zip, nada, zero iotas(!) From anywhere. Anytime, Any place.

What would make people so afraid to speak? IMO, knowing who did it, knowing they will not be arrested, and can do it again if needed.


How many crime scenes has anyone seen relocated? Poof.

That Making of a Murderer dude had lots of cars, were any of them taken?

Here is a link of junkyard murders- nothing was towed, much less 100's.


It makes no sense whatsover. Can you imagine how many homes would be gone if every location of a murder was placed under guard! I think it would be fair to "guess" that people have been killed before, that have a lot of cars - anyone ever heard of a total tow? All behavior has meaning IMO.

Goodness, look at all the evidence, and nothing........there is more going on on cases that have nothing. If the notion here is evidence is going to result in something happening, and there are thousands of things called "evidence" - the silence becomes more telling.

I suppose if the leader of a country were assignated , or brutally murdered, stuff might be taken for evaluation.

How come it appears that any investigative entity out of Ohio has remained not invited to the party?

What reason would there be not to get the most help possible?

Come on --- the data is here -- I just think its difficult for folks to accept .

IMO, not harming the children means they have some .

There is a reason IMO, Bobby Jo is remaining so quiet, same for Manny.. In the beginning he attempted to threaten LE that he would spill the beans if they did not quit( it was something with some trucks, in the beginning)..

Silent. Why? Total fear of dying or someone that he/she cares about being killed .

If 8 people you cared about were brutlally murdered what could keep you silent?

FEAR is the only answer IMO. Which can only result in one conclusion - that danger remains. No-one fled to another location and/or got away.

Why has no crime line been set up for annonmous tips?

Why hasn't anyone started one on their own. Manny Bjo?
How much can it cost $17 a month? You need a line and a homoapian to answer and say "tip line" ! Its not like everyone is busy.

The old crime adage that the more time that passes the less liklihood of solving a murder has been proven time and time again. It is a statistic.

Where is the public outcry from folks in the community about no new informration?

All of us here are true crime lovers, and we all know that some forensics results occur in a month and a half.

Ask oneself, what could, would, have the power for all the above to have occurred, not occur and/or continue to be the case 6 weeks later.

The answer is right in front of us...................................

PS:! When I decided to "check in" I was blown away at how active the thread still was! I think it would be fair to say that WS, is a pretty fair indicator of the intnesity of news stories. Big news = big threads. Obviously a lot of us found this story horrid. WIth the abovementioned notions, how come typical people like us-- find this story bothersome, but the media and officials have just split?

I just cannot shake the feeling that there is some kind of money involved. Thirty grand in cash to put down on a house is just a little more than you could (as my granny would say)-shake a stick at. This is not to mention the various other expenses he had, and the withdraw of funds from an ATM for his auction cars. One thing I always wondered about his ATM withdraws (per the guy who went with him sometimes to keep him company)...can you actually withdraw enough from an ATM to buy a car at auction? I mean, mine has a pretty sturdy cap on the amount I can actually pull out that way, anything above that and I have to actually enter the bank and withdraw it in person. I know you can change the limits a bit, but can you change them THAT much?

Money wise, I feel like there is more of it...somewhere. If so, it has to be kept somewhere, right? Could he have spread it out at different homes to keep it safe? That way, if someone broke into home A, he'd still have money left at homes B, C and D and wouldn't lose it all in one foul swoop.

Could he have laundered it through his businesses and used phony invoices to cover his butt? Or, could he have given it in increments under 10 grand to each of the family members to deposit at different times into their own accounts? Anything under 10,000 dollars doesn't have to be reported to the IRS by the bank. A lot of laundering schemes work this way. The people who make the deposits are called "smurfs." For instance, lets say someone gives me 20,000 dollars. On Monday, I could deposit 5,000. Tuesday, 5,000 more...and so on...until I had the full amount safely tucked away into my bank account. Once put in, it can be pulled out "clean" and spent freely.

I truly feel like there is some money involved, and where there is money, there is greed, envy...and if done wrong, plenty of revenge to go around.
I'm willing to bet that HR had a scheduled csection and that date was known by close family and friends. Scheduled sections are usually a few weeks before due date. I do not by any means think it was a coincidence I think that is what they were waiting on.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I think I read on her FB before it changed that she was induced. Her post birth pictures definitely look like she pushed. 😳

Due dates are like meterologists-very often not right! Studies suggest babies are born on their EDD only 5 percent of the time. I don't think HR's baby is alive because she was earlier; I think the entire thing was planned around her birth.
I think I read on her FB before it changed that she was induced. Her post birth pictures definitely look like she pushed. 

Due dates are like meterologists-very often not right! Studies suggest babies are born on their EDD only 5 percent of the time. I don't think HR's baby is alive because she was earlier; I think the entire thing was planned around her birth.

That was the only thing that was right on the money when I had my oldest! He was induced right on my due date! However, I was induced because my blood pressure was making me toxic...and I developed some seriously unattractive cankles and my face looked like Rocky after he'd fought that Russian guy! It appears she was released at a relatively normal time afterwards (C-sections have to stay a tad bit longer) and her baby was nice and healthy...so maybe that is what happened. My BP went back down to normal the next day after I delivered and I was released in a normal amount of time.

Sadly, about a year later I was on blood pressure pills because I developed the blood pressure of a very anxious old man. :( Still on them to this day! Thank you, genetics!

Faded on this story! Has anyone ever seen a big headline crime wherein the story vanishes and has no followup? Pretty close to "instantly".

How come we have not gotten (when 8 people gone) any human interest angles.When a terrorist attack happens, a plane crashes, or a mass shooting happens we are inudated with folks who love the deceased tell everyone how wonderful they were? It was 8 people- lets pick a smalll number, and say everyone knows at least 6 people, the media has not been able to find anyone willing to share a memory of the deceased?

To do so means "talking"......................Somehow, someway an entire community knows not to - IMO that speaks volumes. People who commit murder often "run" or leave.Yet, a community somehow knows; better shut up?

Out of our cast of characters , who are all dead, , and can not kill anyone else, meaning that the perps of this crime are still around, people in the area know it, and that the perps are capable of a rerun should it be necc. Some threat remains in the area.

Anyone ever seen a big crime where there are 100's of folks attmepting to find the perp and there has been no leaks whatsoever?

Zero zip, nada, zero iotas(!) From anywhere. Anytime, Any place.

What would make people so afraid to speak? IMO, knowing who did it, knowing they will not be arrested, and can do it again if needed.


How many crime scenes has anyone seen relocated? Poof.

That Making of a Murderer dude had lots of cars, were any of them taken?

Here is a link of junkyard murders- nothing was towed, much less 100's.


It makes no sense whatsover. Can you imagine how many homes would be gone if every location of a murder was placed under guard! I think it would be fair to "guess" that people have been killed before, that have a lot of cars - anyone ever heard of a total tow? All behavior has meaning IMO.

Goodness, look at all the evidence, and nothing........there is more going on on cases that have nothing. If the notion here is evidence is going to result in something happening, and there are thousands of things called "evidence" - the silence becomes more telling.

I suppose if the leader of a country were assignated , or brutally murdered, stuff might be taken for evaluation.

How come it appears that any investigative entity out of Ohio has remained not invited to the party?

What reason would there be not to get the most help possible?

Come on --- the data is here -- I just think its difficult for folks to accept .

IMO, not harming the children means they have some .

There is a reason IMO, Bobby Jo is remaining so quiet, same for Manny.. In the beginning he attempted to threaten LE that he would spill the beans if they did not quit( it was something with some trucks, in the beginning)..

Silent. Why? Total fear of dying or someone that he/she cares about being killed .

If 8 people you cared about were brutlally murdered what could keep you silent?

FEAR is the only answer IMO. Which can only result in one conclusion - that danger remains. No-one fled to another location and/or got away.

Why has no crime line been set up for annonmous tips?

Why hasn't anyone started one on their own. Manny Bjo?
How much can it cost $17 a month? You need a line and a homoapian to answer and say "tip line" ! Its not like everyone is busy.

The old crime adage that the more time that passes the less liklihood of solving a murder has been proven time and time again. It is a statistic.

Where is the public outcry from folks in the community about no new informration?

All of us here are true crime lovers, and we all know that some forensics results occur in a month and a half.

Ask oneself, what could, would, have the power for all the above to have occurred, not occur and/or continue to be the case 6 weeks later.

The answer is right in front of us...................................

PS:! When I decided to "check in" I was blown away at how active the thread still was! I think it would be fair to say that WS, is a pretty fair indicator of the intnesity of news stories. Big news = big threads. Obviously a lot of us found this story horrid. WIth the abovementioned notions, how come typical people like us-- find this story bothersome, but the media and officials have just split?

I agree completely. That's why I'm thinking some of the family members were involved in criminal activities and this massacre was carried out by their big boss(es).
I'm willing to bet that HR had a scheduled csection and that date was known by close family and friends. Scheduled sections are usually a few weeks before due date. I do not by any means think it was a coincidence I think that is what they were waiting on.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Just went through that w/a relative who thought she was going to burst. Made her wait til at least the due date. She had the baby and it wasn't necessary. They don't like to do them. As much as they posted on FB about what they were doing, she'd have changed the due date from the 29th, to the scheduled C-section date, on her FB or Instagram. But the killer did not know about the toddler, I'm sure, and if that child had gotten a good look, he'd be dead. This person has no soul, he'd have killed that child if necessary. I think you're giving this person too much credit for having some sort of conscience. The infants lived only b/c they knew nothing. May not have even seen them there in the bed.
This is interesting! Maybe we have been looking at this all wrong? How did the assailants get past the dogs and security? Why didn't anyone grab their guns and fight back? Did it all happen at once in a ferocious deadly assault?
Perhaps it was not like that? Maybe some visitors came by. They were known. They were given admission earlier in the evening. They visited for hours. Perhaps FR & HG dropped by to visit and even HR & CR2? Perhaps DR dropped by after her double shift to pass some time? It was a Friday evening. Folks could stay up a bit longer. As it got late, people drifted off and went to their homes to go to bed?

But CR1 and GR stayed up with the visitors in the living room? It was easy to get the drop on them, but CR1 was a big tough guy and didn't go easy? The shots would have been deafening in the trailer and there would have been lots of smoke. But outside, the shots would not have been so loud. Doors closed. Insulation in the walls, etc.
Open the window to get out the smoke. Oh, Oh, they know we were here. Have to clean up. KR? He may have been by to visit too, or perhaps they visited him earlier?
Such a scenario could account for many of our questions. Thanks, Dudly. I wonder if we have been in too much of a box with our musings?

They found them on Friday the 22. It happened sometime after 10:30 pm on Thursday to 7:00 am on Friday morning.

Faded on this story! Has anyone ever seen a big headline crime wherein the story vanishes and has no followup? Pretty close to "instantly".

How come we have not gotten (when 8 people gone) any human interest angles.When a terrorist attack happens, a plane crashes, or a mass shooting happens we are inudated with folks who love the deceased tell everyone how wonderful they were? It was 8 people- lets pick a smalll number, and say everyone knows at least 6 people, the media has not been able to find anyone willing to share a memory of the deceased?

To do so means "talking"......................Somehow, someway an entire community knows not to - IMO that speaks volumes. People who commit murder often "run" or leave.Yet, a community somehow knows; better shut up?

Out of our cast of characters , who are all dead, , and can not kill anyone else, meaning that the perps of this crime are still around, people in the area know it, and that the perps are capable of a rerun should it be necc. Some threat remains in the area.

Anyone ever seen a big crime where there are 100's of folks attmepting to find the perp and there has been no leaks whatsoever?

52 special agents/analysts/investigators; 17 workers from the state evidence labs; 11 command staff/supervisors; four support staff members; three special prosecutors; and a victim's advocate.As many as 20 state personnel remain in Pike County on any given

Zero zip, nada, zero iotas(!) From anywhere. Anytime, Any place.

What would make people so afraid to speak? IMO, knowing who did it, knowing they will not be arrested, and can do it again if needed.


How many crime scenes has anyone seen relocated? Poof.

That Making of a Murderer dude had lots of cars, were any of them taken?

Here is a link of junkyard murders- nothing was towed, much less 100's.


It makes no sense whatsover. Can you imagine how many homes would be gone if every location of a murder was placed under guard! I think it would be fair to "guess" that people have been killed before, that have a lot of cars - anyone ever heard of a total tow? All behavior has meaning IMO.

Goodness, look at all the evidence, and nothing........there is more going on on cases that have nothing. If the notion here is evidence is going to result in something happening, and there are thousands of things called "evidence" - the silence becomes more telling.

I suppose if the leader of a country were assignated , or brutally murdered, stuff might be taken for evaluation.

How come it appears that any investigative entity out of Ohio has remained not invited to the party?

What reason would there be not to get the most help possible?

Come on --- the data is here -- I just think its difficult for folks to accept .

IMO, not harming the children means they have some .

There is a reason IMO, Bobby Jo is remaining so quiet, same for Manny.. In the beginning he attempted to threaten LE that he would spill the beans if they did not quit( it was something with some trucks, in the beginning)..

Silent. Why? Total fear of dying or someone that he/she cares about being killed .

If 8 people you cared about were brutlally murdered what could keep you silent?

FEAR is the only answer IMO. Which can only result in one conclusion - that danger remains. No-one fled to another location and/or got away.

Why has no crime line been set up for annonmous tips?

Why hasn't anyone started one on their own. Manny Bjo?
How much can it cost $17 a month? You need a line and a homoapian to answer and say "tip line" ! Its not like everyone is busy.

The old crime adage that the more time that passes the less liklihood of solving a murder has been proven time and time again. It is a statistic.

Where is the public outcry from folks in the community about no new informration?

All of us here are true crime lovers, and we all know that some forensics results occur in a month and a half.

Ask oneself, what could, would, have the power for all the above to have occurred, not occur and/or continue to be the case 6 weeks later.

The answer is right in front of us...................................

PS:! When I decided to "check in" I was blown away at how active the thread still was! I think it would be fair to say that WS, is a pretty fair indicator of the intnesity of news stories. Big news = big threads. Obviously a lot of us found this story horrid. WIth the abovementioned notions, how come typical people like us-- find this story bothersome, but the media and officials have just split?


I don't think it's really that odd in small town Appalachia that people are not talking about it. They are probably talking about plenty within their homes and to their own families. Just minding their own out in public.
I don't think it's really that odd in small town Appalachia that people are not talking about it. They are probably talking about plenty within their homes and to their own families. Just minding their own out in public.

Talking amongst themselves like that I understand, but it does nothing to help the case get solved.

Are they keeping quiet because they know it won't do any good? Or because it will break a code? Or because they're afraid of being next?

Faded on this story! Has anyone ever seen a big headline crime wherein the story vanishes and has no followup? Pretty close to "instantly".

How come we have not gotten (when 8 people gone) any human interest angles.When a terrorist attack happens, a plane crashes, or a mass shooting happens we are inudated with folks who love the deceased tell everyone how wonderful they were? It was 8 people- lets pick a smalll number, and say everyone knows at least 6 people, the media has not been able to find anyone willing to share a memory of the deceased?

To do so means "talking"......................Somehow, someway an entire community knows not to - IMO that speaks volumes. People who commit murder often "run" or leave.Yet, a community somehow knows; better shut up?

Out of our cast of characters , who are all dead, , and can not kill anyone else, meaning that the perps of this crime are still around, people in the area know it, and that the perps are capable of a rerun should it be necc. Some threat remains in the area.

Anyone ever seen a big crime where there are 100's of folks attmepting to find the perp and there has been no leaks whatsoever?

52 special agents/analysts/investigators; 17 workers from the state evidence labs; 11 command staff/supervisors; four support staff members; three special prosecutors; and a victim's advocate.As many as 20 state personnel remain in Pike County on any given

Zero zip, nada, zero iotas(!) From anywhere. Anytime, Any place.

What would make people so afraid to speak? IMO, knowing who did it, knowing they will not be arrested, and can do it again if needed.


How many crime scenes has anyone seen relocated? Poof.

That Making of a Murderer dude had lots of cars, were any of them taken?

Here is a link of junkyard murders- nothing was towed, much less 100's.


It makes no sense whatsover. Can you imagine how many homes would be gone if every location of a murder was placed under guard! I think it would be fair to "guess" that people have been killed before, that have a lot of cars - anyone ever heard of a total tow? All behavior has meaning IMO.

Goodness, look at all the evidence, and nothing........there is more going on on cases that have nothing. If the notion here is evidence is going to result in something happening, and there are thousands of things called "evidence" - the silence becomes more telling.

I suppose if the leader of a country were assignated , or brutally murdered, stuff might be taken for evaluation.

How come it appears that any investigative entity out of Ohio has remained not invited to the party?

What reason would there be not to get the most help possible?

Come on --- the data is here -- I just think its difficult for folks to accept .

IMO, not harming the children means they have some .

There is a reason IMO, Bobby Jo is remaining so quiet, same for Manny.. In the beginning he attempted to threaten LE that he would spill the beans if they did not quit( it was something with some trucks, in the beginning)..

Silent. Why? Total fear of dying or someone that he/she cares about being killed .

If 8 people you cared about were brutlally murdered what could keep you silent?

FEAR is the only answer IMO. Which can only result in one conclusion - that danger remains. No-one fled to another location and/or got away.

Why has no crime line been set up for annonmous tips?

Why hasn't anyone started one on their own. Manny Bjo?
How much can it cost $17 a month? You need a line and a homoapian to answer and say "tip line" ! Its not like everyone is busy.

The old crime adage that the more time that passes the less liklihood of solving a murder has been proven time and time again. It is a statistic.

Where is the public outcry from folks in the community about no new informration?

All of us here are true crime lovers, and we all know that some forensics results occur in a month and a half.

Ask oneself, what could, would, have the power for all the above to have occurred, not occur and/or continue to be the case 6 weeks later.

The answer is right in front of us...................................

PS:! When I decided to "check in" I was blown away at how active the thread still was! I think it would be fair to say that WS, is a pretty fair indicator of the intnesity of news stories. Big news = big threads. Obviously a lot of us found this story horrid. WIth the abovementioned notions, how come typical people like us-- find this story bothersome, but the media and officials have just split?


Agree with with so many of your points. I think facing this crime head-on has really been a concern--a political one for DeWine and a safety and moral (maybe legal) one for LE. This horrible crime has the potential for destroying this community. No one knows how to handle the "hot potato".
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