OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #22

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The entire Tri-State area is in crisis. AIDS, HEPC, opioids, all of it. I have put some articles here if you wish to read the ongoing war. I have seen road signs into KY telling drivers to contact state police if they see unusual driving. I know children who know how to prepare heroin from watching their parents. I've have many students who's parent or parents are in either rehab or jail. 95% of arrests are in one fashion or another, drug related. Huntington arrests pushers constantly, coming from Detroit or Columbus. I have seen parents arrested driving around, baby in seat, with a Shake 'N Bake meth operation cooking in the back. Houses blow up for no reason. It is horrible. Scotio County is just a mile down the highway from here, but we are all in the same boat.
Here is an interesting read of how this all started: Dreamland True Americas Opiate Epidemic by Sam Quinones
Links to some articles about the issue:
I know from very personal experience how badly HepC can ruin a person for years. Sometimes they don't find out for years, especially if they are not IV drug users. The current HepC meds cost 100K for 12 weeks of treatment.
The report I read for FR states "The decedent is a 20 year old male who was found deceased (Blacked out) With gunshot wounds to the head". Seems odd that was blacked out. I'm pretty sure BJM said she found them both, HG and FR, still in bed. CR2 says he was found deceased in his home. GR doesn't say he was in his home. In my opinion, they could've just blacked out the dang report except for how many shots each received. We already know 3 of the 8. I don't really understand the importance of telling 3 and not the others.
May sound childish, but it's the way I feel. We are going to continue the guessing game on # of shots per person on the remaining five just because LE felt like withholding that info! Keep the gen pub in the dark a little while longer. At first, maybe they felt like it was important to keep the lid on that, thinking if nobody outside of LE or family had that info it might be useful in catching the guilty, but I think after five months, all the dummies who confessed to get attn have all had their say with the police and have faded back into the woodwork.
The entire Tri-State area is in crisis. AIDS, HEPC, opioids, all of it. I have put some articles here if you wish to read the ongoing war. I have seen road signs into KY telling drivers to contact state police if they see unusual driving. I know children who know how to prepare heroin from watching their parents. I've have many students who's parent or parents are in either rehab or jail. 95% of arrests are in one fashion or another, drug related. Huntington arrests pushers constantly, coming from Detroit or Columbus. I have seen parents arrested driving around, baby in seat, with a Shake 'N Bake meth operation cooking in the back. Houses blow up for no reason. It is horrible. Scotio County is just a mile down the highway from here, but we are all in the same boat.
Here is an interesting read of how this all started: Dreamland True Americas Opiate Epidemic by Sam Quinones
Links to some articles about the issue:
I know from very personal experience how badly HepC can ruin a person for years. Sometimes they don't find out for years, especially if they are not IV drug users. The current HepC meds cost 100K for 12 weeks of treatment.
So sorry you live in an area where things are that bad! I feel so sorry for the kiddos who see and hear things about drugs in their homes, and if they are old enough, you know they are constantly worried about mom and dad either getting really sick and put in the hospital, or getting taken away by the police. And also not knowing where they would go if something like that happened, dad goes to the hospital and never comes home, or worse.
I have never done drugs of any kind, but my ex's cousin and her husband obviously smoked pot in front of their three boys. We were all at his Grandma's for Sunday dinner, and Wayne said he walked in the living room where all the young kids were, and L's middle boy picked up a cigarette butt out of the ashtray, and acted like he was taking a hit off a joint! He was three. Grandma would have probably died in her tracks!
On the genitalia issue, that could be circumusion (sp), piecerings, IMO some of these people were beaten. I think Dana, CRsr, CRjr,Gr, FR, and maybe even KR. My understanding (I am not in the medical profession) is it takes 6-7 hours for food to digest and everyone's stomachs were pretty much empty except Dana's. That could help in deterning time of death, but you would have to know when they had last eaten.
I'm making a summary of pertinent notes about the autopsy reports. I'll post it later. There's much to be learned from them, even though much is missing.

Note the reports were "dumped" in the news media on a Friday, usually a tactic where LE doesn't want people to read the information. AKA Friday News Dump. Again, IMO, it points to LE wanting to keep information about this case out of the news media.

Couple of things I noted right away:

In all of the men, the description of their genitals is redacted. It's a very small amount of information. In most autopsies it would say "Penis is normal, circumcised" or something similar. Redacted in all the men, kind of unusual considering they died of gunshot wounds to the head.

Another area where everyone's autopsy reports were somewhat normal and brief, but had words redacted was in the description of their vertebrae, pelvis, ribs and sternum.

Some stomach contents were revealed, others redacted. Wonder if there was evidence of some ingestion of drugs (capsule residue, etc.) in those that were redacted.

That's all I have for now. What do you think?

I noticed that they found, on FR, in the GI section; staples on the cecum wall. CR1 had sutures in his abdominal wall. I doubt it means anything to the case, just noticed it. I also noticed in HHG's that a piercing was redacted as was "pubic hair consists of ____". Pubic hair was not noted on any of the others (iirc).
I noticed that they found, on FR, in the GI section; staples on the cecum wall. CR1 had sutures in his abdominal wall. I doubt it means anything to the case, just noticed it. I also noticed in HHG's that a piercing was redacted as was "pubic hair consists of ____". Pubic hair was not noted on any of the others (iirc).
Yeah, I noticed the mention of public hair on her and none of the others. I thought that was unnecessary. That certainly had nothing to do with being murdered.

That has been one of my thoughts... The other thought is that maybe it states that something is missing.

I admit, grow73's thought, and your's, have crossed my mind.
Grow 73 was also wondering about intestinal adhesions and abnormalities. He could have experienced an intestinal blockage, or a twisting, and a section had to be removed. And probably, if it was close to the appendix, they probably took it out to avoid the possibility of appendicitis later on down the road.
Some of the guessing game suggestions are imo getting really far fetched..like dressing up in "hazmat" outfits...dragging CR1 from home to home. I am thinking hillbilly justice, outlaws experienced in murder. Payoff in robbing drugs and $$$, retribution...who fits the description?

Hillbilly justice (backwoods justice) or whatever we want to call it, would not surprise me. If we believe DS, about the cash at KR's, then this was not about the money. This was about hatred, revenge, and justice.
This is probably meaningless too but, re autopsies for each victim have a section labeled "HISTORY". Each description reads "found deceased in home" EXCEPT one. One victim reads "found deceased BLANK ..". Not sure if it means anything but I couldn't think of a word that would logically fit in the BLANK that sounded right. I think i may be analyzing the details way too much.

I noticed that too. That was FR. I found that odd, b/c BJM said she found the baby sitting between FR, and HHG, in the bed. Why redact just FR's location?

The three were in the same blood-soaked bed.
Yeah, I noticed the mention of public hair on her and none of the others. I thought that was unnecessary. That certainly had nothing to do with being murdered.
I don't mean to be awful or anything but after reading through these, I've got more questions than before. There may have been evidence that was redacted re; the pubic hair. If there wasn't evidence then, I'm w/you, no reason to release. I've got really mixed feelings on releasing the autopsy reports.
I don't mean to be awful or anything but after reading through these, I've got more questions than before. There may have been evidence that was redacted re; the pubic hair. If there wasn't evidence then, I'm w/you, no reason to release. I've got really mixed feelings on releasing the autopsy reports.
I am glad they were released, probably because I'm a nurse, and I do feel like we have a little more info, but since we have known for sometime Chris was the person shot nine times, I thought they blacked out way too much. The report stated scars on the right side of his chest, and I would really like to have a better understanding of that. I can do alot is speculating, but I've done so much speculating already, I didn't need to have more added! I understand you having mixed feelings, though. I've been an LPN since 1998, but when Baylie died in my arms I wanted to know why, but I hated the idea of them doing an autopsy, especially since I knew what that would entail
I am delighted that this forum is protected from legal liabilities when there is credible reference to the discussions. When
members discuss public records and analyze the records for credible information,, this careful attention to details is
a way of letting the world know this forum can not be dismissed as idle talk. Each of us has a very different approach
To analyzing this horrible crime..My approach is to identify the person who has more to gain from committing this crime..
Then learn about the time line in that person's activity and count his/her ability to kill 8 people and leave no evidence..
To me ,, it is a very reliable process...JMO
I have been patiently waiting for someone to bring up the pubic hair consists of .... I thought that was extremely odd,and not necessary, unless maybe there was a injury or evidence ??Also I noticed DR had the only pending tox . results still , anyone else see that ?
It still works for me.

My VPN had expired, and this page is not visible from Norway. With my VPN reactivated I'm currently logged on to the Midwest, and I'm allowed to see the page again. Learning something new every day. Thanks. :)
There's a part of me that wonders if certain things in the autopsy reports were redacted just because. No reason other than to drive us mad.

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There's a part of me that wonders if certain things in the autopsy reports were redacted just because. No reason other than to drive us mad.

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I'm guessing at least a couple of people were involved in the redacting, and that might've contributed to the lack of consistency.

Anyway, the media are not satisfied with the heavy redaction, and are going to the Supreme Court with their suit, guess we'll just have to wait and see. We're getting quite good at that. :waiting:

(link to article from the 23rd)
LE: We'll tell you anything you want to know except, anything that would back up our claims, or, anything we don't want to tell you. I'd still like to see proof there
was a grow operation, much less a "commercial" grow operation. Who knows, maybe they don't want to admit they were tomato plants...
LE: We'll tell you anything you want to know except, anything that would back up our claims, or, anything we don't want to tell you. I'd still like to see proof there
was a grow operation, much less a "commercial" grow operation. Who knows, maybe they don't want to admit they were tomato plants...

LOL! We just (this summer) had a case where the police in a small coastal town in Norway kept someones tomato plants over the summer, suspecting they were marijuana plants. Imagine their faces the day they discovered bright red tomatoes growing on their evidence.:blushing:
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