OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #22

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There are "Appalachias" in other parts of the USA. By that I mean communities that are isolated, have never had or have been abandoned by industry. Many family members share the same home, early sexual activity is the norm, teenagers become parents. Food stamps are traded for Pepsi, and Pepsi is traded for drugs. Rusty trailers and yards landscaped with several generations of matching rusty cars and appliances are commonplace. Girls have no ambition beyond becoming a mother, boys learn to hunt for food. Poor health and early death are accepted. Adolescents are more drug addicted than their parents. These are the national statistics. The facts. All information is available on the internet. By this yardstick, the Rhodens were prosperous, regardless of how they came by their prosperity. Also, in Appalachian families, the family is more important than any one individual family member. People are fiercely independent and take the law into their own hands. I am offering this information as a background to the Rhoden murders. Besides being born in WV, I have been a social worker in more than one state. That is only one of my careers. I have worked with teenage drug programs, mentally challenged and mentally ill, and juvenile crime, and dispute resolution. I have been a case worker where incest produced a child, where a pedophile gave aids to several boys. My reporting to LE resulted in the first ever case where a man got a life sentence for infecting a child with aids. There is so much more. I just want you all to know that have been on the front lines and I am not a gossip monger. IMO, the murderers are pathologically jealous and justify the killings and robbery.....they are "owed" something. Locals, who fits the description?
CR1 was shot multiple times in the torso and arms, I think it's fair to assume that would damage the bones. The redacted part about the genitalia is too short to describe anything out of the ordinary imo.

No pun intended I assume.:laughing:
Very sad, people not having the opportunity to attend college or vo-tech to learn a trade and end up staying in the place they grew up in, carrying another generation down the same old worn-down path they did, and several other generations before them.
I know alot of people never graduate high school, or get a GED. Their main goal is to be good parents and make ends meet the best way they can.
I admire your work background. Shows what a caring person you are, and have helped many people who don't know which way to turn when they feel overwhelmed by their problems and situation. Thank you for helping make a difference.
The article answers a lot of the questions that have been discussed in here, at least questions not directly linked to the murders. Hope you all find a way to read it.

If it's possible reading the article made it even more tragic to me. Just so very sad.
If it's possible reading the article made it even more tragic to me. Just so very sad.
I think that is a natural response. As time goes on, we learn more and more about this family as individuals, and just makes everything more personal, and we can relate to their feelings. I don't know if you have read the entire case yet, but if you haven't, plz do if you have the chance. Interesting reading. Also, in thread 17, there are several links in relation to Hanna. Very touching. Made me feel I actually knew her.
I clicked on it, and got "content not found". Tried it twice.

when you get the content not found" page there should be an option to log on to Facebook. Log on with your account user & password and it will show. Or at least that's what I do. Good luck.
Well, based on what he's said, he thinks the "serial killer" has been on a mission to rid the county of undesirables. Like a LE officer who feels personally responsible for his county. Frankly, I haven't found his cryptic suggestions at all convincing. Time will tell, I guess.

I don't think of this as a "serial killing". Certainly not a serial killer as most of us define them. This, IMO, was a series of murders to silence/punish [although I think silence is more probable] some people with the remainder of the victims killed to leave no witnesses.
Though I do value Ray's input, I can't bring myself to believe that it's the LE I think he's referring to, however, I'm not certain who he's leaning toward.

Do you honestly believe all the drugs [pot, pills, cocaine, heroin, meth, etc.] that moves through the area on it's way north does so w/o "dirty" LEO involvement? What do these local deputies make? A few moments of turning your head the other way and they'll make more for that then "doing their job" all year long.
The article "Part 5" looks like a rough draft of the articles she is going to write and some she has. Funny how with a lot of help we could find them. ( not me, I am tech challenged!). Anyway, thank you Chris Graves.
What story in the Gazette are we looking for? I saw nothing in the link about the Rhodens.

It is several links to download.I think 12 in all to get the whole story. Once a Rhoden always a Rhoden is just one of the 12. I got them all downloaded in .pdf format with no subscription.
Ok folks I been thinking(danger! danger! lol) Seriously, this is JMO and before someone jumps on me, remember we are trying to solve a crime. In one of the articles it stated that both MG and KR(daughter) were supposed to spend the night. One at HR's and the other at HG's. If one actually did, they could have just let the killers in. No break ins, no dogs attacking, just slip into the backdoor. I think these murders had some staging done to through off the real reason for the killings. Doors locked, windows left open, camera's taken, etc. Of course I stlll think family was involved in this and that it was a vengeful crime. For what, I don't know, but these are some of the thoughts I have. What do you think. And I'm sure you'll let me know.
Ok folks I been thinking(danger! danger! lol) Seriously, this is JMO and before someone jumps on me, remember we are trying to solve a crime. In one of the articles it stated that both MG and KR(daughter) were supposed to spend the night. One at HR's and the other at HG's. If one actually did, they could have just let the killers in. No break ins, no dogs attacking, just slip into the backdoor. I think these murders had some staging done to through off the real reason for the killings. Doors locked, windows left open, camera's taken, etc. Of course I stlll think family was involved in this and that it was a vengeful crime. For what, I don't know, but these are some of the thoughts I have. What do you think. And I'm sure you'll let me know.

To me the fact that DS, KR(daughter) and MG all were supposed to spend the night at what ended up being three different murder scenes, but changed their mind last minute, is really mind blowing. It probably doesn't mean anything, we don't even know if it's true, but it would be one heck of a coincidence imo.
Re: the Gazette article about the Rhoden family:
Go to this link. On the right side is a small square that says "Search Archive". Click that. Under Search Archives, Enter Rhoden and search the 9/25/2016 to 9/25/2016 dates. The results will be 12 articles. Click the little square with the red triangle inside to download or open that part. You should get to choose which to do. Do that with all 12 sections of the article about the Rhoden family... The files are .pdf format. I don't know how it would work on a phone, I use a PC.

To me the fact that DS, KR(daughter) and MG all were supposed to spend the night at what ended up being three different murder scenes, but changed their mind last minute, is really mind blowing. It probably doesn't mean anything, we don't even know if it's true, but it would be one heck of a coincidence imo.

DS is the only on I recall that was to spend the night when the murders happened. I don't recall KR or MG was supposed to spend the night at these homes.
I don't know if it is helpful or not, but when I got the download on my tablet, it started on pg 168.
Do you honestly believe all the drugs [pot, pills, cocaine, heroin, meth, etc.] that moves through the area on it's way north does so w/o "dirty" LEO involvement? What do these local deputies make? A few moments of turning your head the other way and they'll make more for that then "doing their job" all year long.

No doubt, but the person I think he's implying, absolutely not.
Ok folks I been thinking(danger! danger! lol) Seriously, this is JMO and before someone jumps on me, remember we are trying to solve a crime. In one of the articles it stated that both MG and KR(daughter) were supposed to spend the night. One at HR's and the other at HG's. If one actually did, they could have just let the killers in. No break ins, no dogs attacking, just slip into the backdoor. I think these murders had some staging done to through off the real reason for the killings. Doors locked, windows left open, camera's taken, etc. Of course I stlll think family was involved in this and that it was a vengeful crime. For what, I don't know, but these are some of the thoughts I have. What do you think. And I'm sure you'll let me know.

I believe I read that Hanna's oldest daughter was sent off that night at 10:30pm, in the link. Correct me if I'm wrong. Lot's of "Nah, I'm not going to stay tonight "x3 now , plus one child brought over on an off night (Frankie's son) & one sent to stay elsewhere(Hanna's oldests). hmmm And Dana worked two shifts that day.
To me the fact that DS, KR(daughter) and MG all were supposed to spend the night at what ended up being three different murder scenes, but changed their mind last minute, is really mind blowing. It probably doesn't mean anything, we don't even know if it's true, but it would be one heck of a coincidence imo.
That does sound pretty unusual. But, like I said, so far, just about everything connected with this case seems to be "off".
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