OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #22

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Nothing like some musings at 3am....
If I was ever going to commit a murder (which would never happen - I'm into saving lives, not taking them), in order to not leave trace evidence, I would put on a Tyvek suit (my husband uses them in his spray foam business but we use them at the hospital too) - a white paper jumpsuit that covers from neck to ankles. I would also use latex gloves, paper booties and the paper hair covers (like a shower cap) that we wear in surgery to cover the hair. Once the crime is committed, before getting in the car, everything goes into a bag. Once you get away, down a dark country road you go and get that bag out. Set it in the road and with one flick of a Bic, poof !!! That evidence goes up in smoke. I'm not saying that's what happened here...I'm just saying that's what I would do.....
I agree. Since there was clearly no evidence left I'd imagine these guys used those items. I guess if I were LE I'd look at anyone purchasing those items within a few months prior to the murders, if it's possible. Or look at people in fields who would have them, like say for example crime scene clean up people.

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Nothing like some musings at 3am....
If I was ever going to commit a murder (which would never happen - I'm into saving lives, not taking them), in order to not leave trace evidence, I would put on a Tyvek suit (my husband uses them in his spray foam business but we use them at the hospital too) - a white paper jumpsuit that covers from neck to ankles. I would also use latex gloves, paper booties and the paper hair covers (like a shower cap) that we wear in surgery to cover the hair. Once the crime is committed, before getting in the car, everything goes into a bag. Once you get away, down a dark country road you go and get that bag out. Set it in the road and with one flick of a Bic, poof !!! That evidence goes up in smoke. I'm not saying that's what happened here...I'm just saying that's what I would do.....

Those suits are not hard to find, either. A dark colored rain suit would be helpful, also...
Minasmom::Thanks for your 3:00 AM thoughts and I am sure you are correct in your descriptions, but allow me to add a
9:00 AM thought. If I was going to commit a slaughter like this one, I would drive to their homes down in that Rual area
and go in their homes, if able to,,or talk to them every day and deliver some sort of crumbs for their dogs. I'd pet the dogs
and talk to them while they ate the crumbs.While talking every day to your potential victims every day,, I would note
each victim's schedule, sleeping or otherwise.Taking all into consideration and using your talent to decide the
appropriate time of day or night to make the final decision to get the mission accomplished...My clothes would be
old but casual..The day before the final decision to slaughter the family, I would borrow an old car from them that
I would determine that would be reliable..My time spent stalking the family would pay off dividends because my
presence in their homes would be routine and beyond suspicion..After the mission is completed and I left the last
victim' s home,, I would drive that borrowed car back to one of the sheds or building and take the blood spattered
clothing and change to better gear...Now the blood spattered gear has contaminated the borrowed car...Keep the
weapons, but leave the contaminated casual clothes in the borrowed car and park it with the dozens of other old
cars...If I told you the sweet part of this dialogue, this description of the way I would conduct a crime would be clear...
Minasmom::Thanks for your 3:00 AM thoughts and I am sure you are correct in your descriptions, but allow me to add a
9:00 AM thought. If I was going to commit a slaughter like this one, I would drive to their homes down in that Rual area
and go in their homes, if able to,,or talk to them every day and deliver some sort of crumbs for their dogs. I'd pet the dogs
and talk to them while they ate the crumbs.While talking every day to your potential victims every day,, I would note
each victim's schedule, sleeping or otherwise.Taking all into consideration and using your talent to decide the
appropriate time of day or night to make the final decision to get the mission accomplished...My clothes would be
old but casual..The day before the final decision to slaughter the family, I would borrow an old car from them that
I would determine that would be reliable..My time spent stalking the family would pay off dividends because my
presence in their homes would be routine and beyond suspicion..After the mission is completed and I left the last
victim' s home,, I would drive that borrowed car back to one of the sheds or building and take the blood spattered
clothing and change to better gear...Now the blood spattered gear has contaminated the borrowed car...Keep the
weapons, but leave the contaminated casual clothes in the borrowed car and park it with the dozens of other old
cars...If I told you the sweet part of this dialogue, this description of the way I would conduct a crime would be clear...
Hi Ray! You made some really valid points, but I don't think I would leave the old clothes in the car! Too much DNA left behind. The tyvek suits are an excellent idea. They are becoming more popular with alot of businesses. When I worked at the hospital, we used the gowns, not the suits, but we had everything else. All hospitals may have them now, I don't know. I have done private duty nsg for the last 10 years.
I had thought about somebody going to a second hand store and getting an old pair of pants and shirt, and throwing them away in a brown paper bag and putting them in the trash at someplace like the Sonic, where nobody would even notice a crumpled up old sack.
Regarding the FR property.
The W name is a Family name that can be found in Clarence Rhoden SR. Obit.
Possibly same name was owner of property CRsr purchased for Dana - kind of keeping it in the family.
Have they brought in a psychic yet?
Regarding the FR property.
The W name is a Family name that can be found in Clarence Rhoden SR. Obit.
Possibly same name was owner of property CRsr purchased for Dana - kind of keeping it in the family.

That would be the mobile home, not the land. I posted a link to the property map that shows the owner.
You'd think psychics would be calling them. They may have...

Probably. I do believe there are people who have psychic powers and experiences, but I doubt they'd listen even if a real one called, and the odds of that aren't good. They've probably had to deal with a bunch of nuts who think they are "psychics", just like all the nuts who confessed.
I'm making a summary of pertinent notes about the autopsy reports. I'll post it later. There's much to be learned from them, even though much is missing.

Note the reports were "dumped" in the news media on a Friday, usually a tactic where LE doesn't want people to read the information. AKA Friday News Dump. Again, IMO, it points to LE wanting to keep information about this case out of the news media.

Couple of things I noted right away:

In all of the men, the description of their genitals is redacted. It's a very small amount of information. In most autopsies it would say "Penis is normal, circumcised" or something similar. Redacted in all the men, kind of unusual considering they died of gunshot wounds to the head.

Another area where everyone's autopsy reports were somewhat normal and brief, but had words redacted was in the description of their vertebrae, pelvis, ribs and sternum.

Some stomach contents were revealed, others redacted. Wonder if there was evidence of some ingestion of drugs (capsule residue, etc.) in those that were redacted.

That's all I have for now. What do you think?

Regarding the vertebrae, pelvis, ribs, sternum, etc.
My ex always kept a baseball bat behind the front door, maybe the Rhodens did also. Weapon of opportunity for killers
Perhaps firearms were not the only weapon, baseball bat or police baton come immediately to my mind
To me, the genitalia information being redacted makes this crime much more personal.
Probably. I do believe there are people who have psychic powers and experiences, but I doubt they'd listen even if a real one called, and the odds of that aren't good. They've probably had to deal with a bunch of nuts who think they are "psychics", just like all the nuts who confessed.

From Wikipedia: No psychic detective has ever been praised or given official recognition by the FBI or US national news for solving a crime, preventing a crime, or finding a kidnap victim or corpse.
Regarding the vertebrae, pelvis, ribs, sternum, etc.
My ex always kept a baseball bat behind the front door, maybe the Rhodens did also. Weapon of opportunity for killers
Perhaps firearms were not the only weapon, baseball bat or police baton come immediately to my mind
To me, the genitalia information being redacted makes this crime much more personal.

CR1 was shot multiple times in the torso and arms, I think it's fair to assume that would damage the bones. The redacted part about the genitalia is too short to describe anything out of the ordinary imo.
CR1 was shot multiple times in the torso and arms, I think it's fair to assume that would damage the bones. The redacted part about the genitalia is too short to describe anything out of the ordinary imo.


That has been one of my thoughts... The other thought is that maybe it states that something is missing.

That has been one of my thoughts... The other thought is that maybe it states that something is missing.

I think that would be described in more detail, unless the redacted part points to another redacted part.
In CR1's report it states "The appendix not identified", in Gr's "absent", Fr's says nothing, but mentions staples in that area(?), "appendix present" in KR, HR, DR, HG and CR2's report. This leads me to believe CR1's torso has been hit hard, and to me that does not imply shooting after a fist fight, he must have been shot going towards or running away from the perps. I could be wrong, but this has always been my theory. :)

CR1's report states: "The intestines have scant adhesions and are not oriented normally". Does that explain the stitches, did he have an opereation due to intestinal malrotation or something like that?
Isn't it possible they redacted the genitalia info simply because they were releasing the report to the public and it was a matter of decency?
Isn't it possible they redacted the genitalia info simply because they were releasing the report to the public and it was a matter of decency?

could be. but, they left info about other things that the same could be said about.
Isn't it possible they redacted the genitalia info simply because they were releasing the report to the public and it was a matter of decency?

I'm afraid you are right, and that make them bloody hypocrites, that was my first response when I read the reports. The womens genitalia was described in detail, they could've spent some extra ink on that if decency was an issue.
I'm afraid you are right, and that make them bloody hypocrites, that was my first response when I read the reports. The womens genitalia was described in detail, they could've spent some extra ink on that if decency was an issue.

Sounds about right, that's usually how it goes.
Minasmom::Thanks for your 3:00 AM thoughts and I am sure you are correct in your descriptions, but allow me to add a
9:00 AM thought. If I was going to commit a slaughter like this one, I would drive to their homes down in that Rual area
and go in their homes, if able to,,or talk to them every day and deliver some sort of crumbs for their dogs. I'd pet the dogs
and talk to them while they ate the crumbs.While talking every day to your potential victims every day,, I would note
each victim's schedule, sleeping or otherwise.Taking all into consideration and using your talent to decide the
appropriate time of day or night to make the final decision to get the mission accomplished...My clothes would be
old but casual..The day before the final decision to slaughter the family, I would borrow an old car from them that
I would determine that would be reliable..My time spent stalking the family would pay off dividends because my
presence in their homes would be routine and beyond suspicion..After the mission is completed and I left the last
victim' s home,, I would drive that borrowed car back to one of the sheds or building and take the blood spattered
clothing and change to better gear...Now the blood spattered gear has contaminated the borrowed car...Keep the
weapons, but leave the contaminated casual clothes in the borrowed car and park it with the dozens of other old
cars...If I told you the sweet part of this dialogue, this description of the way I would conduct a crime would be clear...

So the car with the murder clothing is now in Pike County possession?
What is the situation in the Pike co area regarding AIDS and Hepatitis? Diseases that usually co-exist with sharing needles?
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