OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #29

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There's two fairly different times now, that he's stated, that S was with him.

He picked her up that night at 10:30, a day early. (This was in the very beginning)

This article does not say who made the comment about JW picking up SW at 10:30 pm. It makes it sound like that came from KR2.
"Kendra Rhoden said nothing seemed amiss with her dad or other family members in the days leading up to April 22.Just like many nights, Kendra was going to spend the night with her cousin Hanna and Hanna’s 5-day-old baby girl Kylie the night of April 21. But Kendra needed the cash a last-minute, overnight babysitting job would bring. So she said she’d see Hanna — who was like an inseparable sister to her – the next day.
Hanna, 19, had packed up her older daughter, Sophia Wagner, and sent her off with her dad for the weekend about 10:30 p.m. that night. She presumably snuggled in with her newborn she’d been faithfully nursing that week. Her brother, Chris Jr., 16, was also likely home when their mom arrived home after pulling a double shift at the nursing home, because he had school the next day."
This article does not say who made the comment about JW picking up SW at 10:30 pm. It makes it sound like that came from KR2.
"Kendra Rhoden said nothing seemed amiss with her dad or other family members in the days leading up to April 22.Just like many nights, Kendra was going to spend the night with her cousin Hanna and Hanna’s 5-day-old baby girl Kylie the night of April 21. But Kendra needed the cash a last-minute, overnight babysitting job would bring. So she said she’d see Hanna — who was like an inseparable sister to her – the next day.
Hanna, 19, had packed up her older daughter, Sophia Wagner, and sent her off with her dad for the weekend about 10:30 p.m. that night. She presumably snuggled in with her newborn she’d been faithfully nursing that week. Her brother, Chris Jr., 16, was also likely home when their mom arrived home after pulling a double shift at the nursing home, because he had school the next day."

But he said 'I reckon we missed it by hours'. Or do you think that he didn't say that?
This article does not say who made the comment about JW picking up SW at 10:30 pm. It makes it sound like that came from KR2.
"Kendra Rhoden said nothing seemed amiss with her dad or other family members in the days leading up to April 22.Just like many nights, Kendra was going to spend the night with her cousin Hanna and Hanna’s 5-day-old baby girl Kylie the night of April 21. But Kendra needed the cash a last-minute, overnight babysitting job would bring. So she said she’d see Hanna — who was like an inseparable sister to her – the next day.
Hanna, 19, had packed up her older daughter, Sophia Wagner, and sent her off with her dad for the weekend about 10:30 p.m. that night. She presumably snuggled in with her newborn she’d been faithfully nursing that week. Her brother, Chris Jr., 16, was also likely home when their mom arrived home after pulling a double shift at the nursing home, because he had school the next day."

I don't know who wrote that, but Chris Jr wasn't in school anymore.
JW is quoted as saying "I reckon we missed it by a few hours" in this article where he is interviewed.

Hanna Rhoden and Wagner shared custody of Sophia, who was supposed to be with her mom that fateful Friday evening, he said. But Wagner picked her up a day earlier than normal: "I reckon we missed it by just hours."

Another article states that HR and JW "exchanged" S every Saturday, but for some unknown reason, JW just mystically happened to pick her up a day early and hours before the massacre which saved her life or saved her from telling law enforcement about the bad men who went bang bang killing her mom. A 3-year-old child could tell law enforcement about the men who killed everyone in the trailer. If she knew the men, she'd identify them to law enforcement.
Did KR2's story change too? I thought originally she said she had a toothache....
Neighbors and some family members have said that Jake Wagner and Hanna Rhoden were involved in a contentious custody dispute related to Sophia at the time of the killings.

It was Angela Wagner who started the “latest” story about JW and S.

“Rather, Angela Wagner said the couple wanted to legally formalize their agreed-upon shared custody arrangement. After they split up, each parent had custody of Sophia for one week, usually alternating each Saturday.
However the week before the killings, Rhoden dropped Sophia off on Friday, April 15, Wagner said. He was to return the towheaded toddler to her mom the following Friday, which was April 22 – the day the bodies were discovered.

In this statement JW denies that Chris Sr. texted him at 2 am (Law enforcement said it was JM not Chris Sr.) lol

“Jake Wagner said he never received any text message from a family member at 2 a.m. on April 22, 2016, which was alleged Sophia's great grandfather.”
You know, I have been thinking about him removing the baby's sock to see if it had the hammer toe. To me, he sounds like a controlling ex-partner. Although he thought that he could have been the babe's father, I presume that she had told him that he wasn't and he removes the sock of a baby he is visiting and is not his?

The hide of him. MOO

Based on some calculations, that I've done, along w/the ultrasound, and other sm info, it seems that there could be a very good possibility that the child was his, or one other's, possibly a third's, but most likely his or CG. The sock thing I took more of sign of he truly thought the child would be his, and they'd get back together. It was a little further down that I didn't know if he was being naive, or just could not come to grips w/the fact that the child may not be his (he's never even had a run-in w/the law.). I do think they may have led a "sheltered", for lack of a better word, life.

He's almost sure, he said, that he saw that bend. It's the hope he holds onto these days. But if he isn't Kylie's dad, and if the courts deem another man suitable to care for her, he will step aside -- at least partially. "I'm not going to take her," Wagner said. "But I will want mandatory visitation in order to see her regularly." He wants to ensure she gets to know her tow-headed big sister who loves tea parties, getting her fingernails painted and swinging and playing on the extensive play areas Wagner has built at their house. It's a home where Wagner once hoped Hanna Rhoden would come back eventually, bringing Kylie. Regardless of what happens, Kylie and Sophia are now, and forever will be, at least half-sisters. The girls share a bond: They lost the same mommy. "They need each other,'' said Wagner's mom, Angela Wagner. "When they get old enough to understand, they will really need each other."

The courts don't DEEM dna. It's almost as if he can't come to grips that the DNA proves he's not the father, and it's the courts who will deem HMR's bf, at the time to be the better choice. He wanted mandatory visits. It doesn't work that way, dude. Sad as it is, there's quite a few siblings, and 1/2 siblings, who would not know each other if they were standing in line next to each other, at the local Wally World.
Neighbors and some family members have said that Jake Wagner and Hanna Rhoden were involved in a contentious custody dispute related to Sophia at the time of the killings. Rather, Angela Wagner said the couple wanted to legally formalize their agreed-upon shared custody arrangement.

HR wouldn't have wanted to legally formalize her custody arrangement with JW! She was only a child, 19 years old, and likely leery of being screwed over by a family that had already "taken" another grandchild. Unlike the Wagners, HR couldn't pay an attorney to represent her in a "formalization" of shared custody. She couldn't even pay an attorney to review a single document. She would have been frightened by the thought of signing a contract. In addition to all this, Ohio single mom's have all the custody rights. All of them.

Child Custody Rights in Ohio – The Unmarried Mother. Under Ohio law, when it comes to child custody rights, an unmarried mother who gives birth to a child is automatically the sole residential parent and legal custodian of the child. (No forced sharing with biological dad.)

HR had nothing to gain and everything to lose by "
formalizing" her custody arrangement with JW, therefore, (imo) AW's statement is bs.

The neighbors didn't mistake HR and JW wanting to "formalize' their shared custody arrangement for a contentious custody dispute. More bs.

Neighbors and some family members have said that Jake Wagner and Hanna Rhoden were involved in a contentious custody dispute related to Sophia at the time of the killings. Rather, Angela Wagner said the couple wanted to legally formalize their agreed-upon shared custody arrangement.
I find it really creepy that AW was pushing for mandatory visits to her home of deceased Hanna's new baby who wasn't even biologically related to any Wagner. Is this why JW's attorney fees were 4x what he expected? Did the Wagners fight for mandatory visitation of K?
But KR2 and DS didn't admit to being on the property of the victims hours before the slaughter. JW announced that he was on the property hours before the slaughter.

Yeah, the sleepovers are not my culture either, but maybe they planned to drink heavily or get really high and didn't want to drive home. If that's the case, I applaud them. I hate intoxicated, selfish drivers.

On the topic of the c-section, I have a young friend who had to have a C-section for her 5.5 lb baby. She had a party the next day (day of her discharge) and wasn't in much pain. She had a tiny incision. I had c-sections for my 8 lb babies and the ob-gyn sliced me from hip to hip. I was in serious pain for two weeks.

My daughter is like me. She has high pain tolerance. She was almost sent home (an hour away from the hospital) because they thought she got there too early. I told them they better re-think that. Long story short, she had a baby shortly after. She had her first at 19, and she wasn't really up to doing much for the first few days but went back to work after two weeks. No c-section. I was thinking back though, and in my thirties, I had major abdominal surgery (before these small incisions) and within two weeks I was on a pontoon boat, sipping some suds, and climbing up and down the cliff sides of the lake. So yeah, according to pain level tolerance, and docs orders, but driving is supposed to be a NO-NO. However, my daughter nursed hers the second time around, and if you don't nurse that baby, you gotta carry a pump around with you. That kid was stuck to her like velcro.

We don't know what time DS left either, or who picked him up. (I've not read it, if anyone else has a link to that info I'd appreciate it b/c it's bugged me for a year now.)

KR2 has added/changed her story too.

I could have been victim #9. I got a baby sitting job and needed the cash.
We went fishing that day and HHG watched the four day old breast fed baby.
We were following HMR, when my bf got a tooth ache and we turned around. Was planning to go back, but got a baby sitting job later.

Who was in the jeep with KR2 and who did she babysit for? It's another piece that's been bugging me, and can't find a link.
The changing of the timeline is a big issue for me. Another oddity for me is that for some strange reason, right around that time, JW decides to change his hair color to a much darker shade. Could have just gotten a wild hair... however it is an especially odd coincidence, in timing. One of many though.

The thing that did it for me was the searches of the W's property with the highway 23 drug task force present, then the tracker on JM's truck combined with the texts. That why I think a drug trafficking ring.

This specific focus on the W's pretty much seals it for me. I think there was a drug trafficking ring with the W's calling the shots, involving a lot of AW and AM's families. I also think JM is talking and that is the reason for these latest arrests.

Who killed the R's? IDK but I definitely think the W's ordered it with one of them being there in a helping role, or or they passed along some threats CR1 made and got them killed with one of the W's present.

I also think AM helped, I don't think that text was from JM to JW, I think it was from AM to JW. I think she sent it at 2:00AM just like LE told LM, right after she confirmed DR was home and I think JM was protecting her by not talking.

For some reason I am playing with the theory that CR1, GR, FR and HG were already dead by the time DR got home. IDK, just something that popped into my head.

Another thing that has been playing on my mind is that AW and AM are related.
Where did the information of HR going fishing days after birth come from?
Don't remember

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You know, I have been thinking about him removing the baby's sock to see if it had the hammer toe. To me, he sounds like a controlling ex-partner. Although he thought that he could have been the babe's father, I presume that she had told him that he wasn't and he removes the sock of a baby he is visiting and is not his?

The hide of him. MOO

He also argued with DR at that time because she refused to let him see the baby, according to rumor.
You know, I honestly believe that she was picked up a day early;but probabaly the previous week. HR was going in for a c-section,why wouldn't she send her child to the father earlier?

I'm sorry, but I respectfully disagree. Why would JW say he picked her up that night and missed the shooting by hours? No, he was trying to distance himself from that location that night by saying he had SR all week and wasn't near there. JMO..
This article does not say who made the comment about JW picking up SW at 10:30 pm. It makes it sound like that came from KR2.
"Kendra Rhoden said nothing seemed amiss with her dad or other family members in the days leading up to April 22.Just like many nights, Kendra was going to spend the night with her cousin Hanna and Hanna’s 5-day-old baby girl Kylie the night of April 21. But Kendra needed the cash a last-minute, overnight babysitting job would bring. So she said she’d see Hanna — who was like an inseparable sister to her – the next day.
Hanna, 19, had packed up her older daughter, Sophia Wagner, and sent her off with her dad for the weekend about 10:30 p.m. that night. She presumably snuggled in with her newborn she’d been faithfully nursing that week. Her brother, Chris Jr., 16, was also likely home when their mom arrived home after pulling a double shift at the nursing home, because he had school the next day."

Off of the JW topic for a sec. KR2 says nothing about following HMR, nor fishing with her, nor following behind her, with a boyfriend who developed a toothache, so they had to turn around, and then she was offered a babysitting job, and couldn't go back to stay the night b/c she needed the money.

In this article she only states that she'd been asked to babysit and couldn't stay over with her. This was a Thursday night.

What did KR2 do for a living?
You know, I have been thinking about him removing the baby's sock to see if it had the hammer toe. To me, he sounds like a controlling ex-partner. Although he thought that he could have been the babe's father, I presume that she had told him that he wasn't and he removes the sock of a baby he is visiting and is not his?

The hide of him. MOO

Some controlling people can't tolerate someone else having control over their child.
The neighbors didn't mistake HR and JW wanting to "formalize' their shared custody arrangement for a contentious custody dispute. More bs.

Neighbors and some family members have said that Jake Wagner and Hanna Rhoden were involved in a contentious custody dispute related to Sophia at the time of the killings. Rather, Angela Wagner said the couple wanted to legally formalize their agreed-upon shared custody arrangement.

Define contentious. It can mean different things to different people. It also depends how it was described when it was repeated to others that say it was contentious...
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