OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #29

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Did KR2's story change too? I thought originally she said she had a toothache....

She said her boyfriend had a toothache.

i wondered when I heard that why she had to change her plans because of that. Couldn't she just send him to the store to get some Orajel?

“We were cousins, but we were more like sisters,” Kendra told us in an Oct. 10 interview.
They shared nearly everything, Kendra said. There wasn’t much one didn’t know about the other.
Hanna and Kendra haven’t shared a secret in more than six months.
But, a bit of fate changed the plans the night of the killings. Kendra’s boyfriend developed a toothache and the pair turned around on Highway 32 and headed back to Kendra’s house - clear across the county.

is there a page on the case's cast of characters. i know the main people involves, but some of the side ones i want to know
As does KR2's (she was going to spend the night there like she did sooooo many nights), as did DS, who was going to spend the night with KR, but didn't. Everyone running around spending the night with each other just blows my mind. These are grown adults claiming to having a sleepover, on a workday night. We let folks sleepover with us, but it's usually if they live a couple hours away, and we haven't seen them in long time, and have let it get late, but Hello Pete, they all lived within a few miles of each other. I don't think I buy the dream/visions either, nor the fishing four days after a c-section. I'm not pointing fingers at anyone yet, but, something isn't passing the sniff test.

In my opinion, these are people that get their 15 minutes of fame by saying I was supposed to be there that night. Either that, or they had a heads up and stayed away. My bet is the former.
But KR2 and DS didn't admit to being on the property of the victims hours before the slaughter. JW announced that he was on the property hours before the slaughter.

Yeah, the sleepovers are not my culture either, but maybe they planned to drink heavily or get really high and didn't want to drive home. If that's the case, I applaud them. I hate intoxicated, selfish drivers.

On the topic of the c-section, I have a young friend who had to have a C-section for her 5.5 lb baby. She had a party the next day (day of her discharge) and wasn't in much pain. She had a tiny incision. I had c-sections for my 8 lb babies and the ob-gyn sliced me from hip to hip. I was in serious pain for two weeks.

I've never known ANYONE who had a c-section that wasn't in serious pain and serious recovery. Of course, they weren't 18 years old either....
"I am seriously thankful DeWine climbed on board. He has helped a great deal and continues to do so. Now our present governor on the other hand...he's been a real gem! He made a phone call down here and said "keep me posted!" early on. AFAIK thats all he has done, although he may have done something else."

What is it that you want the governor to do? Last time I looked a Governor was responsible for running the whole state, not just Pike County.

A Governor is also in the administrative side of government not the judicial. It's like all the people who have howled for months about why doesn't the FBI get involved. The FBI doesn't just "willy-nilly" go running around jumping into local cases. They'll get involved when a US att'y tells them to.​
What do I expect of the governor. Well, as a resident of Pike County, where the biggest crime in the state has occurred, it is with respect I say it would be nice if he did one of the following:
1. Sit down for lunch or something with DeWine or Reader, let press take a photo.
2. Participate in a press conference with them, not talk but show his support.
3. Actually physically visit the area with Reader.
4. Come to Pike County and show everyone we also have a governor.
Its too late for him to do any of these things now, but if he's looking at another presidential run it might be nice to carry his home state. We like visitors down here too. He is governor of the whole state after all.
In my opinion, these are people that get their 15 minutes of fame by saying I was supposed to be there that night. Either that, or they had a heads up and stayed away. My bet is the former.

Me either. That fishing story sounds a little fishy to me.
I've never known ANYONE who had a c-section that wasn't in serious pain and serious recovery. Of course, they weren't 18 years old either....

There would some pain and stiffness on moving. No matter how young you are and how small the incision, the abdominal wall is still cut, and the muscles pulled apart.
This article does not say who made the comment about JW picking up SW at 10:30 pm. It makes it sound like that came from KR2.
"Kendra Rhoden said nothing seemed amiss with her dad or other family members in the days leading up to April 22.Just like many nights, Kendra was going to spend the night with her cousin Hanna and Hanna’s 5-day-old baby girl Kylie the night of April 21. But Kendra needed the cash a last-minute, overnight babysitting job would bring. So she said she’d see Hanna — who was like an inseparable sister to her – the next day.
Hanna, 19, had packed up her older daughter, Sophia Wagner, and sent her off with her dad for the weekend about 10:30 p.m. that night. She presumably snuggled in with her newborn she’d been faithfully nursing that week. Her brother, Chris Jr., 16, was also likely home when their mom arrived home after pulling a double shift at the nursing home, because he had school the next day."

I call bull*****. These sudden last minute changes by several individuals..... I call bull*****.
JW is quoted as saying "I reckon we missed it by a few hours" in this article where he is interviewed.

Hanna Rhoden and Wagner shared custody of Sophia, who was supposed to be with her mom that fateful Friday evening, he said. But Wagner picked her up a day earlier than normal: "I reckon we missed it by just hours."

Another article states that HR and JW "exchanged" S every Saturday, but for some unknown reason, JW just mystically happened to pick her up a day early and hours before the massacre which saved her life or saved her from telling law enforcement about the bad men who went bang bang killing her mom. A 3-year-old child could tell law enforcement about the men who killed everyone in the trailer. If she knew the men, she'd identify them to law enforcement.

Wow. What a coincidence. I don't much believe in coincidences like that. This was an absolute MIRACLE. Not.... IMO...
Neighbors and some family members have said that Jake Wagner and Hanna Rhoden were involved in a contentious custody dispute related to Sophia at the time of the killings.

It was Angela Wagner who started the “latest” story about JW and S.

“Rather, Angela Wagner said the couple wanted to legally formalize their agreed-upon shared custody arrangement. After they split up, each parent had custody of Sophia for one week, usually alternating each Saturday.
However the week before the killings, Rhoden dropped Sophia off on Friday, April 15, Wagner said. He was to return the towheaded toddler to her mom the following Friday, which was April 22 – the day the bodies were discovered.

In this statement JW denies that Chris Sr. texted him at 2 am (Law enforcement said it was JM not Chris Sr.) lol

“Jake Wagner said he never received any text message from a family member at 2 a.m. on April 22, 2016, which was alleged Sophia's great grandfather.”

Oh My Gosh...
This article does not say who made the comment about JW picking up SW at 10:30 pm. It makes it sound like that came from KR2.
"Kendra Rhoden said nothing seemed amiss with her dad or other family members in the days leading up to April 22.Just like many nights, Kendra was going to spend the night with her cousin Hanna and Hanna’s 5-day-old baby girl Kylie the night of April 21. But Kendra needed the cash a last-minute, overnight babysitting job would bring. So she said she’d see Hanna — who was like an inseparable sister to her – the next day.
Hanna, 19, had packed up her older daughter, Sophia Wagner, and sent her off with her dad for the weekend about 10:30 p.m. that night. She presumably snuggled in with her newborn she’d been faithfully nursing that week. Her brother, Chris Jr., 16, was also likely home when their mom arrived home after pulling a double shift at the nursing home, because he had school the next day."

This was in this article and in a couple others and they've either been "updated" or scrubbed.

"...Hanna Rhoden and Wagner shared custody of Sophia, who was supposed to be with her mom that fateful Friday evening, he said. But Wagner picked her up a day earlier than normal: "I reckon we missed it by just hours." ..."

Here it says "Friday evening" and it should say "Friday morning". The murders happened on an early Friday a.m. (at least that's fairly solid for DR's place).

Hanna Rhoden and Wagner shared custody of Sophia, who was supposed to be with her mom that fateful Friday evening, he said. But Wagner picked her up a day earlier than normal: "I reckon we missed it by just hours."
But KR2 and DS didn't admit to being on the property of the victims hours before the slaughter. JW announced that he was on the property hours before the slaughter.

Yeah, the sleepovers are not my culture either, but maybe they planned to drink heavily or get really high and didn't want to drive home. If that's the case, I applaud them. I hate intoxicated, selfish drivers.

On the topic of the c-section, I have a young friend who had to have a C-section for her 5.5 lb baby. She had a party the next day (day of her discharge) and wasn't in much pain. She had a tiny incision. I had c-sections for my 8 lb babies and the ob-gyn sliced me from hip to hip. I was in serious pain for two weeks.

I agree. I had a c-section when I was 22. My daughters birth weight was 7# 2oz. I was in the hospital 3 days. My scar is tiny & you probably wouldn't notice it if you didn't know it was there. I cut the lawn with a push mower (not a self propelled one) the day after I came home from the hospital because I felt great. The next day I could tell I had over done it, and shouldn't have mowed the lawn myself, but I could definitely see the possibility of going fishing, and not realizing it was a bad idea until after the fact.

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The thing that did it for me was the searches of the W's property with the highway 23 drug task force present, then the tracker on JM's truck combined with the texts. That why I think a drug trafficking ring.

This specific focus on the W's pretty much seals it for me. I think there was a drug trafficking ring with the W's calling the shots, involving a lot of AW and AM's families. I also think JM is talking and that is the reason for these latest arrests.

Who killed the R's? IDK but I definitely think the W's ordered it with one of them being there in a helping role, or or they passed along some threats CR1 made and got them killed with one of the W's present.

I also think AM helped, I don't think that text was from JM to JW, I think it was from AM to JW. I think she sent it at 2:00AM just like LE told LM, right after she confirmed DR was home and I think JM was protecting her by not talking.

For some reason I am playing with the theory that CR1, GR, FR and HG were already dead by the time DR got home. IDK, just something that popped into my head.

Another thing that has been playing on my mind is that AW and AM are related.

They can usually find enough probable cause to justify a warrant to search a property, and they needed all of those folks, who knew how to do legal, and properly carried out searches. It's not the first place they've searched and may not be the last. LM's words are hearsay.

I still won't point at them and say guilty, I don't know who did what, to who, or who knew what, and when. However, when someone completely changes something, that is a key piece of information as to where they were at, and when, then I start feeling uncomfortable with them. Seems "Mommy" likes to interject too. I'd not trust AW, GW3, or GW4, as far as I could throw them, but that doesn't mean they did this. I need more concrete evidence. JW? He doesn't seem the type, but, blood will usually stay w/blood. Even if he didn't do it, he's going to stick w/his family, if they did do it.
Where did the information of HR going fishing days after birth come from?
Don't remember

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KR2 spoke about it somewhere along the line. I honestly don't buy it. No matter how high your pain tolerance is, your baby is four days old...
She said her boyfriend had a toothache.

i wondered when I heard that why she had to change her plans because of that. Couldn't she just send him to the store to get some Orajel?

“We were cousins, but we were more like sisters,” Kendra told us in an Oct. 10 interview.
They shared nearly everything, Kendra said. There wasn’t much one didn’t know about the other.
Hanna and Kendra haven’t shared a secret in more than six months.
But, a bit of fate changed the plans the night of the killings. Kendra’s boyfriend developed a toothache and the pair turned around on Highway 32 and headed back to Kendra’s house - clear across the county.


Bf must have a low pain tolerance, but, he must have made a miraculous recovery so she was able to leave tending him, and take the sitter job.
JW is quoted as saying "I reckon we missed it by a few hours" in this article where he is interviewed.

Hanna Rhoden and Wagner shared custody of Sophia, who was supposed to be with her mom that fateful Friday evening, he said. But Wagner picked her up a day earlier than normal: "I reckon we missed it by just hours."

Another article states that HR and JW "exchanged" S every Saturday, but for some unknown reason, JW just mystically happened to pick her up a day early and hours before the massacre which saved her life or saved her from telling law enforcement about the bad men who went bang bang killing her mom. A 3-year-old child could tell law enforcement about the men who killed everyone in the trailer. If she knew the men, she'd identify them to law enforcement.

Little B must not have seen a thing. He was sleeping on the den couch. I can see him sleeping through it though. Some kids are very deep sleepers (as are some adults).
Neighbors and some family members have said that Jake Wagner and Hanna Rhoden were involved in a contentious custody dispute related to Sophia at the time of the killings. Rather, Angela Wagner said the couple wanted to legally formalize their agreed-upon shared custody arrangement.

HR wouldn't have wanted to legally formalize her custody arrangement with JW! She was only a child, 19 years old, and likely leery of being screwed over by a family that had already "taken" another grandchild. Unlike the Wagners, HR couldn't pay an attorney to represent her in a "formalization" of shared custody. She couldn't even pay an attorney to review a single document. She would have been frightened by the thought of signing a contract. In addition to all this, Ohio single mom's have all the custody rights. All of them.

Child Custody Rights in Ohio – The Unmarried Mother. Under Ohio law, when it comes to child custody rights, an unmarried mother who gives birth to a child is automatically the sole residential parent and legal custodian of the child. (No forced sharing with biological dad.)

HR had nothing to gain and everything to lose by "
formalizing" her custody arrangement with JW, therefore, (imo) AW's statement is bs.

She actually had something to gain. Child support. They were already trading out weeks. There would be no reason that a judge would take the child from the mother and give him sole custody, solely based on the fact that they may have had more money. As long as HMR was being a good parent, wasn't a meth head, or placing the child in imminent danger, they'd have just legalized it and most likely JW would have also had to pay for her insurance, too. It is to the child, and both parent's benefit, that everything is done legally. Fathers do have rights.
The thing that did it for me was the searches of the W's property with the highway 23 drug task force present, then the tracker on JM's truck combined with the texts. That why I think a drug trafficking ring.

This specific focus on the W's pretty much seals it for me. I think there was a drug trafficking ring with the W's calling the shots, involving a lot of AW and AM's families. I also think JM is talking and that is the reason for these latest arrests.

Who killed the R's? IDK but I definitely think the W's ordered it with one of them being there in a helping role, or or they passed along some threats CR1 made and got them killed with one of the W's present.

I also think AM helped, I don't think that text was from JM to JW, I think it was from AM to JW. I think she sent it at 2:00AM just like LE told LM, right after she confirmed DR was home and I think JM was protecting her by not talking.

For some reason I am playing with the theory that CR1, GR, FR and HG were already dead by the time DR got home. IDK, just something that popped into my head.

That's why BJM saw bloody drag marks in Chris Sr.'s home. They were killed first and their bodies had to be moved where they couldn't be seen from the door's window or other front windows.

Another thing that has been playing on my mind is that AW and AM are related.

Disturbing, but it now makes sense why there was a text from JM's home to the Wagner's that night. It wasn't JM texting. It was his wife AM (a relative of Angela Wagner). AM had been on the phone with DR before DR was slaughtered. DR had worked a double shift. I'll bet the double shift wasn't planned and DR agreed to work it at the last minute. This unforeseeable issue (DR working the extra shift) was why AM had to call DR late that night. She had to confirm DR arrived home.

When arrests finally come, there's going to be a lot of them.
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