OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #30

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My reference to Silkwood was a general one in the sense of the risks people can face when challenging entrenched, powerful people. People who can use their power to turn the news media, co-workers, employers,LE, government and communities against someone who is trying to find justice.

If investigating the Rhoden murders exposes a large group of people involved in drug dealing, etc. in southeast Ohio, there may be powerful and wealthy people who are involved. Business people, banks, judges, prosecutors, LE officers. Involvement of these groups have been part of past corruption scandals, in other areas of the country. Other political leaders not involved in crime may still feel the need to protect those who are, because of politics and adverse public opinion.

We don't know who might be involved in these activities or how their members might have played a role in the Rhoden murders. With the case obviously stalled, information locked away from the public and no news media coverage for a long time, it's time for a third party, from outside the state to take a new look at the case.

As for the families fearing anything else bad coming out, that seems unlikely. The surviving & deceased family members names and reputations have already been drug through the mud numerous times. It is possible, however, for someone to trump up some charges to legally punish some of them. And eviction. A foreclosure. Loss of a job. Impounding a vehicle. Revoking a license. They've already tried that with JM, going after him for removing a tracking device from his truck. But they may fear someone dangerous coming after them. The killers are still out there.

I agree. The elder W's would be an example.
I agree. The elder W's would be an example.

I don't see them as being victims who are threatened, but I do see them as people who may have protection. JMO and I could be proven wrong at some point.
On a different note, has anyone else noted that Reader's FB, and the Sheriff Reader FB, is kinda empty? I went to check them out this morning and they're fairly sparse.
Frustration over this case is overflowing. We might get censored....
Frustration over this case is overflowing. We might get censored....

I know, and for my part, I apologize to everyone, and to Raisin. I didn't mean to come across so harsh. I'm protective of the people of this region. My family, friends, and acquaintances live in this region, as do I. Again, I apologize, and, honestly, I think some of the frustration is due to a bit of case overload (at least for me). There's a whole lot of tragedy out there right now. :(
Personal judgements should be held back and from now on I will do so. I hope that maybe we can all work together in helping this family. I realize I am new to the forum but I am not new to research. If there is something that needs to be done let me know.

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I know a lot of you are going to say this family is afraid that if they talk they will be next. That may very well be so. But what kind of person are you that you will not put your life on the line for your family? GR is old and sick. How much life does she have left? I don't know. But what I do know is, if it were my family, I would spend whatever time I had left, be it one hour, one day or one year, in front of news cameras screaming for justice for my children and grandchildren.

Ok let the slamming begin.

I have no interest in "slamming" you, however, at least from my perspective, when I think about putting my life on the line for family I think more of situations where I might risk or even sacrifice my own life willingly to save the life of another. I think it is a bit different when that family is already dead. GR might lay down her life for her children, or grandchildren but now that her children and grandchildren are dead perhaps she needs to guard her life as the family connection for the surviving great grandchildren.
I wonder if the family knows that they have a right to ask for the autopsy reports? Or that they have the right to sue over defamation of character?

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I mentioned before if "outsiders" were driving the back roads with a raised 4x4 with mudder tires they may have been ignored. I live in the country and would definitely notice a Caddy or Lincoln drive by but wouldn't think a thing about seeing a rusty pickup go by. The same one could pass by several times and I wouldn't know.

Good point. UHR doesn't have that many people on it, and , there is also the issue with CR1 and DR. They were into repairing and selling cheap cars. So, because of that, their neighbors probably never knew what would be coming down the road. The little stop and gos can also be a place where folks take note of, not so much the vehicle, but as to who is in the vehicle. If the driver had a different accent, or chatted them up a bit. I think if folks had noticed someone out of place, they'd quietly have made that anon call to one of the 800 numbers. We'd never know if they received a hot tip, that's for sure.
I mentioned before if "outsiders" were driving the back roads with a raised 4x4 with mudder tires they may have been ignored. I live in the country and would definitely notice a Caddy or Lincoln drive by but wouldn't think a thing about seeing a rusty pickup go by. The same one could pass by several times and I wouldn't know.

Anything is possible but let me ask you this. What were they after? They were shot execution style but it was over kill. Why shoot them so many times? Was anything out of place? Was one person shot more than the others? Old truck or new people are going to notice a truck they have never seen more so if it has more than one person in it. Do you think they could have come in on foot? I can see why people are so frustrated over this case.

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Anything is possible but let me ask you this. What were they after? They were shot execution style but it was over kill. Why shoot them so many times? Was anything out of place? Was one person shot more than the others? Old truck or new people are going to notice a truck they have never seen more so if it has more than one person in it. Do you think they could have come in on foot? I can see why people are so frustrated over this case.

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The only way that I think that they could have come in on foot would be if someone dropped them just above the homes. I've been through there, right past UHR. The terrain is very rugged and imo they couldn't have gotten it done between, just a guess, based on the very limited information we've had, 1 a.m. and 5 a.m, if they had to walk in and out. Someone could have dropped them at the mouth of of one of one end of UHR, but then again KR lived about 13 or so miles away. Maybe they drove over, took him out after they dropped the others at the mouth of the road, and drove back and scooped them up.
Anything is possible but let me ask you this. What were they after? They were shot execution style but it was over kill. Why shoot them so many times? Was anything out of place? Was one person shot more than the others? Old truck or new people are going to notice a truck they have never seen more so if it has more than one person in it. Do you think they could have come in on foot? I can see why people are so frustrated over this case.

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Make sure to visit the Media & Timeline thread for this case. It has links to a lot of articles, information about autopsies, etc.


Much of the frustration about this case results from LE providing little to no information about the murders to the public. Many of the questions you would probably like to ask cannot be answered because we just don't know.

As for some being injured more than others: CRSr and GR were beaten and shot many times, presumably because they awakened and fought back with their killers. HR was shot more times than some of the others, some assume it was related to her child custody situation. Check the link above and you'll find the little information that is available about the autopsy reports.

No information has been made public about vehicles driving in the area that night, people seen in the area, nothing. We only have aerial photos of the crime scenes taken later that day to work with.

You can also listen to the partial recording of the 911 call at the link above.

Otherwise, we know little other than a very small amount of information shared by people like the Manleys, Donald Stone, who discovered KR at his home and HR's ex-boyfriend Jake Wagner.

GR's father, in an interview at his funeral, revealed that two different types of bullet casings were found at the CRSr & GR crime scene.

Here on Websleuths, we can only discuss information verified by LE or in the regular news media. It's ok to speculate based on information we have, but we're not allowed to discuss rumors.

The only way that I think that they could have come in on foot would be if someone dropped them just above the homes. I've been through there, right past UHR. The terrain is very rugged and imo they couldn't have gotten it done between, just a guess, based on the very limited information we've had, 1 a.m. and 5 a.m, if they had to walk in and out. Someone could have dropped them at the mouth of of one of one end of UHR, but then again KR lived about 13 or so miles away. Maybe they drove over, took him out after they dropped the others at the mouth of the road, and drove back and scooped them up.
For outsiders it would be almost impossible i think. I read where there was signs that a couple of them fought back. Wouldn't that point to more than one killer? Does anyone know if LE asked the FBI to do a profile? I feel nervous about asking questions since I am new to this. I just wanted to say thank you for helping me get a better understanding of such a horrible crime.

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The only way that I think that they could have come in on foot would be if someone dropped them just above the homes. I've been through there, right past UHR. The terrain is very rugged and imo they couldn't have gotten it done between, just a guess, based on the very limited information we've had, 1 a.m. and 5 a.m, if they had to walk in and out. Someone could have dropped them at the mouth of of one of one end of UHR, but then again KR lived about 13 or so miles away. Maybe they drove over, took him out after they dropped the others at the mouth of the road, and drove back and scooped them up.

LOL, I had a reply but accidentally deleted it. LE says job was done by experienced killers. They probably knew to get obscure looking vehicles, then abandoned them later. The hints about Manley's red truck being involved in the murders are out there. He acquired it after the murders. It may have been used by someone during the murders, then given to him as a set up.

I still have a hard time believing, if any locals helped with the killings, used their own personal vehicles during the murders. Unless they knew they were safe doing so.

UHR is a dark road, little light, houses far apart. LE isn't talking and neither are any witnesses.

ETA: With this case dragging on as long as it has, I'm not even sure I believe everything LE has said either. I do believe outside LE, though, including the retired DEA agent from Cincinnati who said it was a killing done by professionals.
For outsiders it would be almost impossible i think. I read where there was signs that a couple of them fought back. Wouldn't that point to more than one killer? Does anyone know if LE asked the FBI to do a profile? I feel nervous about asking questions since I am new to this. I just wanted to say thank you for helping me get a better understanding of such a horrible crime.

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LE has never offered any details about number of killers or an FBI profile. It is assumed by most that it was a team of killers - more than one person. Would be great to get our hands on any FBI profiles done, but Ohio LE has never said they requested such.

I've communicated with a WS member here who is a verified retired LE investigator. He thinks it was professionally done, probably part of some type of organized crime group. He mentioned that LE or anyone dressed like them would have been able to get into the houses and past the dogs in cases where victims were awake.

BTW, seeing a patrol car driving along UHR the night of the murders would not have aroused any suspicion. Just sayin
I have always thought it was someone they knew, and after OP mentioned the "outsiders", that really clicked for me. Also, one of my top three theories from the git go has been revenge. For what, idk, but I think it's a good chance that's it. Did they solve your family's case? Is there a thread on WS for them? I'm very sorry for your loss. Scuddy is not far from where one of my kids used to live.
Yes it was solved not by LE but because one of the killers confessed when he was caught for another crime.

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I have always thought it was someone they knew, and after OP mentioned the "outsiders", that really clicked for me. Also, one of my top three theories from the git go has been revenge. For what, idk, but I think it's a good chance that's it. Did they solve your family's case? Is there a thread on WS for them? I'm very sorry for your loss. Scuddy is not far from where one of my kids used to live.

The big question I always have: if it was done by locals (and there would have been quite a few to kill 8 people in 4 different locations in a relatively short period of time) why hasn't LE caught them yet? Because Pike Co doesn't have a lot of murders, these killers would have been new to the game. Killing 8 people - 8 crime scenes - in 4 homes they would have made mistakes, left evidence. So why wouldn't it be solved? A hefty reward and some pressure from LE probably would have made one of them talk to a friend or family member who would have shared with LE - yet rewards for information were discouraged by LE. The skimpy one they have is seldom advertised.

I dunno, local first time killers in a major killing spree with lots of people to talk would seem LE could solve it by now.
LE has never offered any details about number of killers or an FBI profile. It is assumed by most that it was a team of killers - more than one person. Would be great to get our hands on any FBI profiles done, but Ohio LE has never said they requested such.

I've communicated with a WS member here who is a verified retired LE investigator. He thinks it was professionally done, probably part of some type of organized crime group. He mentioned that LE or anyone dressed like them would have been able to get into the houses and past the dogs in cases where victims were awake.

BTW, seeing a patrol car driving along UHR the night of the murders would not have aroused any suspicion. Just sayin
I respect all hard working LE who put their lives on the line to protect others. I want to say that right off. I have no respect for dirty LE. We hace encountered bad LE to the point that parents teach to call the state police and not the local or sheriff's office for a reason. You're statement about a patrol car hits home for me.

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Does anyone know what happened to the guys who were arrested with the "shatter lab" in Pike County? Recall, they were busted just prior to the Rhoden murders


Prosecutor Rob Junk dropped charges against them in 2016 and promised more would be done, but nothing so far, right?

The Pike County prosecutor says charges against two men related to the discovery of an alleged "shatter lab" in January will be dropped.

But that doesn't mean Derek G. Boyer, of Piketon, and Aaron Higgins, of Beaver, are off the hook.

Prosecutor Rob Junk said dropping the four felonies against each man will give investigators more time to process the evidence collected during a Jan. 26 search warrant that resulted in last week's arrest.

How about the drug dealers arrested last July just down the road from the Rhoden murders, who were allegedly part of a gang?


A narcotics trafficking ring was busted in Piketon, Waverly and other locations in Pike Co. The operation was led by Richard Smith, an Ohio prisons inmate, according to a report by our news partners, WBNS.

The drugs included methamphetamine and heroin, believed to contain fentanyl.

In 2016, eight members of the Rhoden family were found dead, killed execution style in Piketon. The case has not been solved but one of the theories is that the case is drug-related, because large-scale marijuana grow operations were discovered at three of the four murder scenes.

ETA: WRT the shatter lab, the perps were busted when a large package of marijuana arrived in the local Piketon Post Office from California. Wouldn't that type of criminal activity warrant federal charges? No federal charges were filed, however.

It seems a common occurrence that most drug trafficking in the region is handled via state charges when much of the activity warrants federal prosecution.
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