OH - Pike County: 8 people from one family dead as police hunt for killer(s) - #30

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Make sure to visit the Media & Timeline thread for this case. It has links to a lot of articles, information about autopsies, etc.


Much of the frustration about this case results from LE providing little to no information about the murders to the public. Many of the questions you would probably like to ask cannot be answered because we just don't know.

As for some being injured more than others: CRSr and GR were beaten and shot many times, presumably because they awakened and fought back with their killers. HR was shot more times than some of the others, some assume it was related to her child custody situation. Check the link above and you'll find the little information that is available about the autopsy reports.

No information has been made public about vehicles driving in the area that night, people seen in the area, nothing. We only have aerial photos of the crime scenes taken later that day to work with.

You can also listen to the partial recording of the 911 call at the link above.

Otherwise, we know little other than a very small amount of information shared by people like the Manleys, Donald Stone, who discovered KR at his home and HR's ex-boyfriend Jake Wagner.

GR's father, in an interview at his funeral, revealed that two different types of bullet casings were found at the CRSr & GR crime scene.

Here on Websleuths, we can only discuss information verified by LE or in the regular news media. It's ok to speculate based on information we have, but we're not allowed to discuss rumors.

Thank you for providing me with this information. I'm going back over every piece of information that I can and paying close attention to the thoughts of other.

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Updated Timeline


Updated Timeline - Rhoden Family Murders

2012 – AG DeWine issued press release announcing LE had discovered “a major marijuana grow site” in Pike County with suspected ties to a Mexican drug cartel. During the discovery, 1200 plants were destroyed by investigators and two abandoned campsites were located, which they believe had belonged to Mexican nationals.

From <http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?306329-Media-amp-Timeline-NO-DISCUSSION-Pike-Co-OH-8-Family-Members-Murdered>

Feb 2016: Box of marijuana discovered at Piketon Post Office, investigation leads to discovery of "shatter" operation

10 days prior to murders: A Facebook threat is made by a teen saying he will "Go up to Union Hill and take them all out"

4 days prior to murders: Hanna R gives birth

2 days prior to murders: Woman sentenced in road rage incident court case involving Chris Jr.

From <http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?306434-OH-Pike-County-8-people-from-one-family-dead-as-police-hunt-for-killer(s)-5&p=12509140&posted=1#post12509140>

Thursday, 4/21/2016

8am: Dana arrives at work - Hillcrest Nursing Home

11pm: Dana leaves work - Hillcrest Nursing Home - 14 miles away per CNN

Approx 11:20 pm - Dana arrives home

Friday, 4/22/2016

1 am: April Manley, sister in law of Dana Rhoden, exchanges text messages with Dana

2 am: James Manley texted Jake Wagner, ex-boyfriend of Hanna Rhoden and father of her oldest daughter

Between 1 am and 7 am - the following were murdered

Bodies found at 3122 UHR: Dana, Hanna Rhoden, Chris Rhoden Jr.
Bodies found at 4077 UHR: Chris Sr. and Gary (3 GSW to head)
Bodies found at 4199 URH: Frankie and Hannah Hazel Gilley
Body found near 799 LFR: Kenneth Rhoden (1 GSW to head)

From <http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?306434-OH-Pike-County-8-people-from-one-family-dead-as-police-hunt-for-killer(s)-5/page55>

7:15 am: Bobby Jo Manley, sister of Dina Rhoden, arrives at Chris Sr.'s property to feed his animals. She says she was with two friends, identities have varied, not confirmed.

7:15 to 7:40?: She uses a key to unlock the front door and sees the bodies of Gary & Chris Rhoden Sr. Exact time not known


7:49 am: Bobby Jo calls 911 Ibid.

7:53 am: PCSO Dep. Music and Dep. Chandler are dispatched to 4077 Union Hill Road in response to the 7:49 am 911 call from BJM.

Approx 7:55 am: Billy Jo Manley runs next door to trailer of Frankie Rhoden & Hannah Gilley. Door is locked, she hears toddler inside, asks him to open the door. She then discovers the bodies of Frankie & Hannah. She takes the children outside to her car.

7:15 &#8211; 7:53 am: Sometime after discovering the bodies, Billy Jo Manley calls her brother James Manley. He and his son go to the home of Dana Rhoden and discover she is dead. According to his wife, James doesn&#8217;t go further into Dana&#8217;s home, though he can see her legs and hear a baby crying.

8:07 am: Deputy Chandler arrived "at a neighboring residence where he was flagged down by a subject. Deputy Chandler advised that he needed multiple ambulances due to multiple down at multiple residences."

8:12 am: Deputy Music, Deputy Ball, and Major Evans all arrived "on scene" where they were approached by [Redacted] (later revealed it was James Manley) who stated: "there are two more dead people here." [Redacted] pointed to the residence at 4077 Union Hill.

From <http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?306434-OH-Pike-County-8-people-from-one-family-dead-as-police-hunt-for-killer(s)-5/page57>

8:07 am &#8211; 8:17 am: Time of death declared for victims.

8:21 am: PCSO request for assistance sent to BCI


From <http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?306434-OH-Pike-County-8-people-from-one-family-dead-as-police-hunt-for-killer(s)-5/page62>

12:13 pm: at least 4 BCI Crime Scene Unit trucks are seen at the intersection of Hwy 32 and Union Hill Road headed towards the crime scenes. (Source: tweet including a photo made by Gannett Ohio reporter @saranealeigh)


From <http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?306434-OH-Pike-County-8-people-from-one-family-dead-as-police-hunt-for-killer(s)-5/page62>

1:26 pm Friday: Donald Stone calls 911 to report Kenneth's body

1:36 pm -- Ohio AG Mike DeWine issues a press release: 7 people murdered in "execution-style killings"


1:49 pm &#8211; Time of death listed for Kenneth Rhoden


Saturday, 4/23/2016

3:41am - LE arrives at Bobby Jo Manley's residence to question her; 5 others also questioned

??: Kenny Rhoden (cousin) calls 911 in Greenup Co, KY stating he is being chased by a green Chrysler.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Autopsies performed by Hamilton County Medical Examiner in Cincinnati, OH


April 28, 2016 - Funeral for Gary Rhoden, South Shore, KY

April 30, 2016 - Funeral for Hannah Gilley in Ottway, OH

May 3, 2016 - Funeral for Rhoden family - Chris Sr, Dana, Frankie, Hanna, Chris Jr. and Kenneth


Thursday, May 12, 2016

Trailers of family members Chris Rhoden Sr, Frankie Rhoden & Kenneth Rhoden were sealed and moved to storage at Hasdell Chemical Co. in Waverly, OH. Dana Rhoden&#8217;s trailer was moved later.


May 27, 2016

Death certificates released to news media

Times of death:
8:07 am &#8211; Chris Rhoden, Sr, Gary Rhoden
8:11 am &#8211; Frankie Rhoden, Hannah Gilley
8:17 am &#8211; Dana Rhoden, Hanna Rhoden, Chris Rhoden, Jr.
1:49 pm &#8211; Kenneth Rhoden

August 2016

Jacob Wagner, father of Hanna Rhoden&#8217;s older daughter, lists his family farm for sale. Location is 260 Peterson Rd, Peebles, OH

Sometime after murders and before May 2017 raid on Wagner properties, it is determined through testing that JW is not the father of Hanna Rhoden&#8217;s second child.


Saturday, April 22, 2017

Pike County LE place a GPS tracking device on truck owned by James Manley, brother of Dana Manley Rhoden. LE claims it was placed there because the truck was related to an aggravated murder case


Friday, April 28, 2017

11:35 am - James Manley finds and removes tracking device and destroys it


Approx. May 5, 2017

Jacob Wagner asks ___ Brown if he can store some trailers on his property. He tells him his farm is sold and he and his brother have found good paying jobs &#8220;up north&#8221; and are moving there. He needs to move out of farm for new owners. JW drops off 3 trailers at the Brown property &#8220;a week before the search&#8221;.

May 5 &#8211; May 12, 2017

Sometime after dropping off 3 trailers loaded with furniture and personal possessions, Jacob Wagner and family leave the area. Later posts on FB show photos of them in a location resembling areas in Alaska or Canada.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Abt 11 am - PCSO, BCI, Adams County SO, Ohio Dept of Corrections STAR and other Ohio LE agencies conduct a search at properties related to Jacob Wagner & family.

260 Peterson Rd, Peebles, OH &#8211; farm formerly owned by Wagner&#8217;s parents, where JW resided with his mother, father, brother, daughter Sophia Rhoden Wagner and daughter of his brother George.

Unlimited Motors, St Hwy 41, Peebles, OH &#8211; Auto repair business and farm of ___ Brown, friend of J Wagner.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

LE team (PCSO, BCI) raids Flying W Farms. Franklin County Sheriff&#8217;s office assists. Their rep claims their SWAT team accompanied the raid, saying they had an arrest warrant. FCSO later retracts the statement. A neighbor of Flying W Farms who witnessed the vehicle caravan entering and leaving the property is interviewed, claiming there was a SWAT vehicle and an ambulance present.


LE has never offered any details about number of killers or an FBI profile. It is assumed by most that it was a team of killers - more than one person. Would be great to get our hands on any FBI profiles done, but Ohio LE has never said they requested such.

I've communicated with a WS member here who is a verified retired LE investigator. He thinks it was professionally done, probably part of some type of organized crime group. He mentioned that LE or anyone dressed like them would have been able to get into the houses and past the dogs in cases where victims were awake.

BTW, seeing a patrol car driving along UHR the night of the murders would not have aroused any suspicion. Just sayin

A patrol car, if it wasn't pulling into one's own drive, may not have have roused suspicion, but if folks saw one, they'd have remembered seeing one. Would they have called that tip in the next day? I am not so sure they would have. Especially with the former history of LE in that area.

However, bringing up the patrol car brings me back to another unsolved murder. I've revisited the Stykes case several times b/c if whoever murdered her and her unborn child, could do this, they, or someone they know, could likely be paid to do the same in Piketon. They'd know how to blend it too, I'd bet. The Stykes murder happened back in 2013, in Brown County, OH. Her young daughter was very nearly murdered too. Idk if the assailant(s) knew the child was in the car or not, but, someone stepped up and talked. She claims it was her ex-bf and she saw him commit the murder, and she claims he is a paid hit-man from Kentucky, and it was not his first hit. Says he used blue lights on his truck, and acted like LE. There are so many different types of LE vehicles used these days that I can believe that. Up until just a few years ago, all we really saw were Crown Vics, around here, at least. Now they drive a little bit of everything. It's said he was paid $20k for the hit, b/c of a debt owed by her "old man". I don't know if he did it or not but no has been charged as of 09/2017.

Widower Says He Knows Who Killed His Wife

Woman Claims Her Ex is Hit-Man and Killed a Ky. College Student

Documents Allege Contract Hitman Killed BS

TLL, the man who was named a person of interest in the BS murder investigation, has been set free after spending time in a Kentucky jail. He was released in December, following Christmas Day. (12/26/2015)

Anything is possible but let me ask you this. What were they after? They were shot execution style but it was over kill. Why shoot them so many times? Was anything out of place? Was one person shot more than the others? Old truck or new people are going to notice a truck they have never seen more so if it has more than one person in it. Do you think they could have come in on foot? I can see why people are so frustrated over this case.

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LE has never released ANY info about the case. We don't know if anything was out of place or obviously taken. We don't know if LE has a person or persons of interest in this case. All info about the case is sealed under court order. Even that court order is sealed. The crime scenes were confiscated. So basically, the general public knows absolutely nothing about exactly what happened or how or why....
Yes it was solved not by LE but because one of the killers confessed when he was caught for another crime.

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I think I may know the case. I am not trying to be snoopy, but my kid, and their s/o, lived pretty close to there, and my kid's s/o had lived there since childhood. They'd mentioned something about that case and specifically about the attempt to cover their tracks. Again, I am so very sorry for your loss.
The big question I always have: if it was done by locals (and there would have been quite a few to kill 8 people in 4 different locations in a relatively short period of time) why hasn't LE caught them yet? Because Pike Co doesn't have a lot of murders, these killers would have been new to the game. Killing 8 people - 8 crime scenes - in 4 homes they would have made mistakes, left evidence. So why wouldn't it be solved? A hefty reward and some pressure from LE probably would have made one of them talk to a friend or family member who would have shared with LE - yet rewards for information were discouraged by LE. The skimpy one they have is seldom advertised.

I dunno, local first time killers in a major killing spree with lots of people to talk would seem LE could solve it by now.

This is why I keep going back to the Stykes case. They could have been fairly local, someone who knew the area, knew the right folks in the area, and was a professional.
LE has never released ANY info about the case. We don't know if anything was out of place or obviously taken. We don't know if LE has a person or persons of interest in this case. All info about the case is sealed under court order. Even that court order is sealed. The crime scenes were confiscated. So basically, the general public knows absolutely nothing about exactly what happened or how or why....
It's incredibly frightening to me. If it was corrupt LE they made sure they wouldn't be caught.

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Does anyone know what happened to the guys who were arrested with the "shatter lab" in Pike County? Recall, they were busted just prior to the Rhoden murders


How about the drug dealers arrested last July just down the road from the Rhoden murders, who were allegedly part of a gang?


A narcotics trafficking ring was busted in Piketon, Waverly and other locations in Pike Co. The operation was led by Richard Smith, an Ohio prisons inmate, according to a report by our news partners, WBNS.

The drugs included methamphetamine and heroin, believed to contain fentanyl.

ETA: WRT the shatter lab, the perps were busted when a large package of marijuana arrived in the local Piketon Post Office from California. Wouldn't that type of criminal activity warrant federal charges? No federal charges were filed, however.

It seems a common occurrence that most drug trafficking in the region is handled via state charges when much of the activity warrants federal prosecution.

Wonder if the news folks forgot about those. Maybe if some interested folks, asked about the status of those, if they might revisit them? Wonder if interested folks who were interested in any particular case were to regularly ask about updates, if that would keep a case, or cases, in the forefront of their media's minds? Maybe give them a nudge that there's folks out there who actually care even though they may not see them. Just thinkin'.
I think I may know the case. I am not trying to be snoopy, but my kid, and their s/o, lived pretty close to there, and my kid's s/o had lived there since childhood. They'd mentioned something about that case and specifically about the attempt to cover their tracks. Again, I am so very sorry for your loss.
It's a small world.

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It's incredibly frightening to me. If it was corrupt LE they made sure they wouldn't be caught.

Sent from my SM-S320VL using Tapatalk

Keep in mind, there's been some information that we have received, that has changed/been conflicting, over time. Idk that it's been deliberate or because it's been such a huge case, and a lack of experience dealing with crimes of this magnitude. Note he says they "were trying" to hinder the investigation. I've always wondered if that was a message, to the assailant(s), that their efforts were not entirely successful, or that they caught wise to what the assailant(s) had tried to do.

[FONT=&quot]"This was a preplanned execution of eight individuals,&#8221; Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine said. &#8220;It was a sophisticated operation. And those who carried it out were trying to do everything they could do to hinder the investigation and their prosecution."

Keep in mind, there's been some information that we have received, that has changed/been conflicting, over time. Idk that it's been deliberate or because it's been such a huge case, and a lack of experience dealing with crimes of this magnitude. Note he says they "were trying" to hinder the investigation. I've always wondered if that was a message, to the assailant(s), that their efforts were not entirely successful, or that they caught wise to what the assailant(s) had tried to do.

[FONT=&amp]"This was a preplanned execution of eight individuals,&#8221; Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine said. &#8220;It was a sophisticated operation. And those who carried it out were trying to do everything they could do to hinder the investigation and their prosecution."


That said, look how inaccurate he appears to have been on the grow operation, dog fighting, *advertiser censored* fighting, etc. early on in the investigation.... With the veil of secrecy, it is not a far stretch to think maybe they really do not know who, what, or why in this case...
Wonder if the news folks forgot about those. Maybe if some interested folks, asked about the status of those, if they might revisit them? Wonder if interested folks who were interested in any particular case were to regularly ask about updates, if that would keep a case, or cases, in the forefront of their media's minds? Maybe give them a nudge that there's folks out there who actually care even though they may not see them. Just thinkin'.

I've been thinking the same thing. Maybe we could e-mail local and national news programs and just ask why this case is such a secret when it is not solved after 18 months. If enough of us did it, it might spark some interest...
That said, look how inaccurate he appears to have been on the grow operation, dog fighting, *advertiser censored* fighting, etc. early on in the investigation.... With the veil of secrecy, it is not a far stretch to think maybe they really do not know who, what, or why in this case...

Yeah, I agree, it's not a far stretch at all. That's why the disclaimer at the beginning. (lol) I don't know what to believe or disbelieve at this point. Sometimes I wonder who on earth was responsible for the info for the press releases?! They've totally contradicted themselves on more than a few occasions. I don't know if I hope it's accidental, or deliberate. :gaah:
I've been thinking the same thing. Maybe we could e-mail local and national news programs and just ask why this case is such a secret when it is not solved after 18 months. If enough of us did it, it might spark some interest...

Yeah, I agree, it's not a far stretch at all. That's why the disclaimer at the beginning. (lol) I don't know what to believe or disbelieve at this point. Sometimes I wonder who on earth was responsible for the info for the press releases?! They've totally contradicted themselves on more than a few occasions. I don't know if I hope it's accidental, or deliberate. :gaah:

[FONT=&amp]Using his quote, it seems that LE and/or BCI is trying to do everything they can do to hinder the investigation and their prosecution. The handling of this case and the investigation has to be unprecedented in the US. There are cases where LE releases pictures of persons of interest when you can barely tell they have a face hoping someone can identify them. There was a camera in the birdhouse. Did that not capture anything? They hinted that they had some video at one time. Whether it is the case or not, their behavior screams coverup...
Note..I alerted a mod with this question. I must have the wrong button the first time. Imagine that. I would be more than happy to e-mail reliable news sources in Ohio (I'm not sure national news sources would bother right now between Trump and Las Vegas)..just give me an address to e-mail to..maybe we should ask a mod to see if something like this can be encourage on this thread though first. I don't want to break TOS and get this thread closed!
I've been thinking the same thing. Maybe we could e-mail local and national news programs and just ask why this case is such a secret when it is not solved after 18 months. If enough of us did it, it might spark some interest...Note..I alerted a mod with this question.
This is what I sent to Head Line News, Date Line, 20/20, Investigation Discovery, CNN, and a few others back in March. I never got a reply from one of them. Maybe if many of us sent the same or similar to national and local news someone will get curious...Maybe even include the FBI and DOJ.

In April of 2016, eight members of the Rhoden family from southeast Ohio were murdered one night. Three children, age five days to three years, were at two of the four homes when the murders occurred but were uninjured. Two were in bed with their parents when the murders occurred.
Law enforcement has never released any information about the case to the public. In fact, law enforcement actually confiscated the mobile homes where the murders took place and put them in storage. There was a court order to seal the evidence and a court order to seal THAT court order. The ONLY thing ever released was heavily redacted autopsies of the victims. No person or persons of interest have ever been named.

Why would they handle a case this way? It sure makes it look like a coverup...
Note..I alerted a mod with this question. I must have the wrong button the first time. Imagine that. I would be more than happy to e-mail reliable news sources in Ohio (I'm not sure national news sources would bother right now between Trump and Las Vegas)..just give me an address to e-mail to..maybe we should ask a mod to see if something like this can be encourage on this thread though first. I don't want to break TOS and get this thread closed!

Yeah, I don't think we could do it on this forum page. That could pose some problems for WS itself.
This is what I sent to Head Line News, Date Line, 20/20, Investigation Discovery, CNN, and a few others back in March. I never got a reply from one of them. Maybe if many of us sent the same or similar to national and local news someone will get curious...Maybe even include the FBI and DOJ.

In April of 2016, eight members of the Rhoden family from southeast Ohio were murdered one night. Three children, age five days to three years, were at two of the four homes when the murders occurred but were uninjured. Two were in bed with their parents when the murders occurred.
Law enforcement has never released any information about the case to the public. In fact, law enforcement actually confiscated the mobile homes where the murders took place and put them in storage. There was a court order to seal the evidence and a court order to seal THAT court order. The ONLY thing ever released was heavily redacted autopsies of the victims. No person or persons of interest have ever been named.

Why would they handle a case this way? It sure makes it look like a coverup...

That's awesome! All of us who have been here for the past 18 months could send something similar, on our own, once a week, or month, to various new stations, and shows like dateline and 20/20, etc... It would definitely show interest.
That's awesome! All of us who have been here for the past 18 months could send something similar, on our own, once a week, or month, to various new stations, and shows like dateline and 20/20, etc... It would definitely show interest.

I believe noting how the case is being handled should draw some interest. People being murdered is not new but keeping a case a total secret surely is new...
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