OH - Pike County: 8 People From One Family Dead As Police Hunt For Killer(s) #35 *Arrests*

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I've said nothing about the indictments being incorrect. I don't believe that at all. I've followed this case since the beginning, and I'm hopeful the Rhoden, Manley and Gilley families get justice one day. I worry most about the babies left without parents due to this horrific act. And my avatar, he's the baby (18 months). Rottweilers are the only breed I've ever had, I can't imagine anything better.

Just wasn't clear where you were going. I too have been following since day one. This case is the reason I joined WS. The Ws are avid hunters, and probably have the best, but, they weren't looking for things that lasted, for that night in April. Instead of selecting a good pair of hunting boots, they wanted a certain pair of shoes, that were probably very common, and would be disposed of later, for example. You have a very pretty baby. My "baby" isn't a baby anymore. I fell in love with the breed many years ago and will probably always have one.
I wonder how many times the W's high fived each other thinking they got away with murder! Coming back to Ohio was a vote of confidence.

I dont want to even think about how many times these evil people gloated over what they had done to 8 innocent people.

Just thinking of the Ws makes me ill.

Oh yeah they fully believed they had gotten away with it all. I am sure they high fived..and celebrated when they successfully murdered 8 in cold blood.

I can see them all gathered around the kitchen table laughing their wicked heads off.

But many times it's their own arrogance and over confidence that's gets them in the end.

They thought the coast was clear. Thank God it wasnt.

They were fully convinced LE wasnt going to ever solve this case. I'm so glad they were totally wrong.

Apologies if this is a duplicate post, but GWIII was booked into Butler County jail yesterday

Wagner patriarch booked into Butler County jail for Rhoden family massacre

Also a very good article about David Dickerson, the victim's advocate who has been helping the Rhoden/Gilley/Manley families since the day of the massacre. He discusses how the surviving family has grown and become stronger.

Rhoden family massacre becomes personal for victim advocate

"We all became very close with this family," Dickerson said. "They're just the type of family you will draw close to. I've watched the family grow in strength. I've watched them entrust me. I've entrusted them."

Dickerson was with family members when arrests were made.

"Very hopeful and they were very over-joyous and celebratory the other night when we were all together, that Tuesday night during the arrests," Dickerson said.

He said the families were always tight, but he has watched the bond between the three families strengthen during the last couple of years.

"I have noticed they are leaning on each other more, which is good. I invite that. I want them to become close," Dickerson said.
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Rhoden family massacre: Arrests throw child custody issue back to Ohio courts

Kylie Rhoden, now 2½ years old, and her cousin, Ruger Rhoden, now 3, are being raised together by a family member. Kylie is the daughter of Hanna Rhoden and the half-sister of Sophia. Ruger Rhoden is the son of Clarence “Frankie” Rhoden and his fiancee, Hannah Hazel Gilley. Ruger is Sophia’s first-cousin.

It remains unclear if the family member raising Ruger and Kylie would now seek temporary custody of Sophia. Messages to that family member were not returned.

Most in the tight-knit family have not seen her since before the killings and are worried about the trauma she has endured. Jake and Angela Wagner said in 2017 that Sophia had used FaceTime to talk to her great-grandmother, Geneva Rhoden, and one of her great-aunts on the Rhoden side.

Those details among others will likely factor into a decision about where to place Sophia during the court process, which could take years.
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He probably did. I didn't know if she had any sort of set visitation. If so, there's usually a provision about moving so many miles away with a child.
It’s possible that’s why they came back to Ohio. What he did, moving 4000 miles away, was parental alienation. I’m just speculating, but perhaps both needing to file estates for both of the deceased grandfathers ( Carter & Wagner) along with a non custodial parent fighting for their visitation left the W’s with no other choice but to return to Ohio.
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That was another thing, yes, it could have happened either way, but I wanted someone to speak up and say, "Oh, we saw JW and S at the <insert anyplace> off of AnyStreet, in Wherevertown, on the 16th. Yes, I can verify that he had her.", but no one ever did. Not even a neighbor spoke up publicly and said, she was out playing in the yard, on the Tuesday before the murders, yes, she was there.

I know, in the grand scheme of things, it seems small, but I wanted to know, which one was it? I still want to know...
I’d like to know as well. Somethings odd about that.
In the next few years the hows who’s and whys will most likely reveal themselves in court proceedings and alike .

Most times when I see a murder on the news its mundane , common place . Within seconds you can make some kind of determination on motive and perceive some kind of scenario in your head as to who did it and why , whithin reason you’ll be correct in some form or other for the most part .
trying to broach this subject with some form of decorum as to not offend some individual - is going to be nearly impossible , as they are extremely thin skinned and sensitive. So I expect to have some kind of lash back from my statements . if such individual happens on to it . It will go something like this - “ you clearly dont know what your talking about “ .

Jordan Peterson is a extremely smart dude , he is a professor and psychologist from canada and has become very popular amongst the younger generation on YouTube . When that guy talks , I listen .
He has tried to answer a students question on the the subject I’m about to bring up . ill try to attach a link .

A few weeks ago I had asked about profiling the people responsible , as ive done before on this forum and others hoping someone was seeing what I was seeing as far as profiling . Ive brought this subject up several years ago on another forum in reference to this case , but because of the lack of knowledge and understanding of it ,, I think it went over most people heads or they couldn’t see the complexities in it in reference to the case .

For some reason I thought I could explain this disorder . I can not . Although I have lived exsperience with it and have studied it for about 10 years - I can not explain it adequately for someone to understand . Even reading it in the dsm is not going even get you close to understanding it .
So I’m just going to leave the link .

My opinion is this entire case is linked and littered with many people with this disorder and other disorders as well.

All just my opinion .

I noticed in the indictments that there are charges for moving the bodies of CR1 and/or GR. That in itself has left me with some questions. We know from BJM’s 911 call that CR1 and GR were discovered in the bedroom. She also stated it looked like they’d been drug to the bedroom (paraphrasing). We know from media reports that GR was moved and placed over CR1. We’ve never been told that CR1’s body was moved, until the indictments.

The unredacted preliminary autopsies revealed that CR1 was shot atleast once through a door. Here’s where I’m becoming confused. BJM never mentioned seeing bullet holes in the front door of CR1’s home. I’ve assumed that the door CR1 was shot through was the door to the bedroom that he was found in. BUT how could he be shot through that bedroom door, found in the bedroom, yet his body was moved.

Keep in mind the unredacted preliminary autopsies also revealed CR1 was more decomposed than the other victims.

So where was the location (either in the home or somewhere else) that CR1 was shot and how and why was he more decomposed?
I noticed in the indictments that there are charges for moving the bodies of CR1 and/or GR. That in itself has left me with some questions. We know from BJM’s 911 call that CR1 and GR were discovered in the bedroom. She also stated it looked like they’d been drug to the bedroom (paraphrasing). We know from media reports that GR was moved and placed over CR1. We’ve never been told that CR1’s body was moved, until the indictments.

The unredacted preliminary autopsies revealed that CR1 was shot atleast once through a door. Here’s where I’m becoming confused. BJM never mentioned seeing bullet holes in the front door of CR1’s home. I’ve assumed that the door CR1 was shot through was the door to the bedroom that he was found in. BUT how could he be shot through that bedroom door, found in the bedroom, yet his body was moved.

Keep in mind the unredacted preliminary autopsies also revealed CR1 was more decomposed than the other victims.

So where was the location (either in the home or somewhere else) that CR1 was shot and how and why was he more decomposed?

The part about placing the bodies on top of each other isn't something I had heard, and, makes this more despicable, IMO. Just the thought of someone doing that.
So, in my mind, I have Big Daddy W pounding at CR1's front door. CR1 opening slightly to the barrel of a gun in his face. Forcing the door closed. W shooting thru the door, then pushing his way in.
Aaaaaand, I've probably watched way too many murder mysteries when I can write a dramatic scenario like that. LOL

ETA: I can't figure why it's said CR1's body was more decomposed. The way it's worded doesn't seem like it's just a few minutes more. That's how I read it.
Did the shooter sit and talk to GR for a while?
It could be a huge reason why eight would die if not earned legally

I strongly believe the money is a contributing factor. Perhaps CRSR owed the WAGGIES a substantial amount of money. Instead of paying them he used all or part of It to buy DR her new used home. She had been fixing it up, painting etc at the time of her death.

I think Angela was very jealous. The money, the drug, car, drug and gun business was wildly successful. The Waggies wanted a bigger part of those things and to raise another generation of Waggiesas their legacy. I’ve said it from the first day. My elderly Auntie told me the afternoon after the bodies were discovered. I did have some doubts because it all sounded impossibly crazy. Then Auntie reminded me of hillbilly justice and taking care of their own. As with LE, at 80 my Auntie was absolutely right.

She knows the players involved especially the older folks as she’s had contact with them. And I’m going to be careful NOT to involve her as she lives in the close proximity. I love her to much and she has cared for the community for decades.
The part about placing the bodies on top of each other isn't something I had heard, and, makes this more despicable, IMO. Just the thought of someone doing that.
So, in my mind, I have Big Daddy W pounding at CR1's front door. CR1 opening slightly to the barrel of a gun in his face. Forcing the door closed. W shooting thru the door, then pushing his way in.
Aaaaaand, I've probably watched way too many murder mysteries when I can write a dramatic scenario like that. LOL
But BJM, while noting that the door was locked, the dogs were on the porch, and she knew where the spare key was, never mentioned if the front door was shot through. I guess I just feel like with all of the details she recalled in the 911 call, if the front door was shot through, she’d have said so.

And yes, GR’s father shared in an interview that Gary was laying across Chris’s legs, when discovered.
I strongly believe the money is a contributing factor. Perhaps CRSR owed the WAGGIES a substantial amount of money. Instead of paying them he used all or part of It to buy DR her new used home. She had been fixing it up, painting etc at the time of her death.

I think Angela was very jealous. The money, the drug, car, drug and gun business was wildly successful. The Waggies wanted a bigger part of those things and to raise another generation of Waggiesas their legacy. I’ve said it from the first day. My elderly Auntie told me the afternoon after the bodies were discovered. I did have some doubts because it all sounded impossibly crazy. Then Auntie reminded me of hillbilly justice and taking care of their own. As with LE, at 80 my Auntie was absolutely right.

She knows the players involved especially the older folks as she’s had contact with them. And I’m going to be careful NOT to involve her as she lives in the close proximity. I love her to much and she has cared for the community for decades.
Money could be a factor except I’d think it was the other way around, with the Wags owing the Rhodens money. Chris worked, as well as flipping cars and had his side gig MJ operation. Dana worked as well and sold cars on the side. AFAIK, neither AW or BW held full time jobs.
I noticed in the indictments that there are charges for moving the bodies of CR1 and/or GR. That in itself has left me with some questions. We know from BJM’s 911 call that CR1 and GR were discovered in the bedroom. She also stated it looked like they’d been drug to the bedroom (paraphrasing). We know from media reports that GR was moved and placed over CR1. We’ve never been told that CR1’s body was moved, until the indictments.

The unredacted preliminary autopsies revealed that CR1 was shot at least once through a door. Here’s where I’m becoming confused. BJM never mentioned seeing bullet holes in the front door of CR1’s home. I’ve assumed that the door CR1 was shot through was the door to the bedroom that he was found in. BUT how could he be shot through that bedroom door, found in the bedroom, yet his body was moved.

Keep in mind the unredacted preliminary autopsies also revealed CR1 was more decomposed than the other victims.

So where was the location (either in the home or somewhere else) that CR1 was shot and how and why was he more decomposed?

Trying to find that part in the indictments again, ugh. Do you recall which number it is in the counts? TIA
I agree on this, I've tried to figure it out, too.
But BJM, while noting that the door was locked, the dogs were on the porch, and she knew where the spare key was, never mentioned if the front door was shot through. I guess I just feel like with all of the details she recalled in the 911 call, if the front door was shot through, she’d have said so.

And yes, GR’s father shared in an interview that Gary was laying across Chris’s legs, when discovered.
Agree, even the photos of his trailer don't show ant damage to the front door. This may be one of those questions that will go unanswered for a while.
I noticed in the indictments that there are charges for moving the bodies of CR1 and/or GR. That in itself has left me with some questions. We know from BJM’s 911 call that CR1 and GR were discovered in the bedroom. She also stated it looked like they’d been drug to the bedroom (paraphrasing). We know from media reports that GR was moved and placed over CR1. We’ve never been told that CR1’s body was moved, until the indictments.

The unredacted preliminary autopsies revealed that CR1 was shot atleast once through a door. Here’s where I’m becoming confused. BJM never mentioned seeing bullet holes in the front door of CR1’s home. I’ve assumed that the door CR1 was shot through was the door to the bedroom that he was found in. BUT how could he be shot through that bedroom door, found in the bedroom, yet his body was moved.

Keep in mind the unredacted preliminary autopsies also revealed CR1 was more decomposed than the other victims.

So where was the location (either in the home or somewhere else) that CR1 was shot and how and why was he more decomposed?

Excepting the months of planning they're alleged to have been doing, I might think ChSr was killed when an argument with W(s) broke out.

Maybe Sophie was picked up against HR's wishes, easy if she's home alone, and she called her dad to report what had happened.

Or Sophie was with her grandpa at the trailer when the Ws took her. Maybe HR knew Ws were coming and sent Sophie with Papaw. ChSr could've locked the door, barred it with his body, and they shot through it as he tried to keep them from kicking their way inside.

They then decided they'd better protect themselves by killing anyone who'd know what happened.

But this wouldn't have been planned ahead, unless the action plan was launched prematurely. Plus I don't think they'd risk hitting Sophie.
I noticed in the indictments that there are charges for moving the bodies of CR1 and/or GR. That in itself has left me with some questions. We know from BJM’s 911 call that CR1 and GR were discovered in the bedroom. She also stated it looked like they’d been drug to the bedroom (paraphrasing). We know from media reports that GR was moved and placed over CR1. We’ve never been told that CR1’s body was moved, until the indictments.

The unredacted preliminary autopsies revealed that CR1 was shot atleast once through a door. Here’s where I’m becoming confused. BJM never mentioned seeing bullet holes in the front door of CR1’s home. I’ve assumed that the door CR1 was shot through was the door to the bedroom that he was found in. BUT how could he be shot through that bedroom door, found in the bedroom, yet his body was moved.

Keep in mind the unredacted preliminary autopsies also revealed CR1 was more decomposed than the other victims.

So where was the location (either in the home or somewhere else) that CR1 was shot and how and why was he more decomposed?

Maybe they shot him through the bedroom door thinking that would at least keep him in place so they could come in and finish the murder. They obviously didn't want to just face him head on. They needed him wounded to face him. I'm thinking he came barreling out of that door after being shot the first time. That may be the reason he was shot so many times. He could have been shot many times as he raced down the hall to fend off the Ws.

I think he fought hard for his life and very likely the life of his family. I would not doubt that the Ws told him their plan to murder everyone that night. He found the will to fight through being shot 8 times because I think he knew. He tried to stop them. The 9th bullet was just too much.

All my opinion.
I don't want you to think I was questioning you about what you posted. It just makes it all more horrible and almost more lackadaisical on their part. Like, we're just gonna drag this body and drop it over here.

And, right, guess BJM wouldn't need a key if the door was blown open.
Oh no, I didn’t think that at all! I enjoy the different input and thought processes.

I’m trying to wrap my head around how as far as we know, there was no forced entry (per LE) and no mention whatsoever of CR1’s front door being shot through. However his body was more decomposed than the others, indicating not only was he the first victim, he was killed a significant amount of time before the other 7, and his body was also moved.

How could a man be shot through the bedroom door of his home where another victim was present, yet he was killed earlier and he was moved.

It doesn’t add up.

Is it possible shooting Chris through the bedroom door was done after he was already deceased? Staging the crime scene to make it appear he had been shot through the door? If his body was moved, he couldn’t have been killed in the room he was found in.
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