OH - Pike County: 8 People From One Family Dead As Police Hunt For Killer(s) #36 *Arrests*

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I didn't think that you were suggesting that, rather that you thought that the Wagners would have, but I don't think that they were clever enough to even think that through.

I have also always thought Kenneth's murder is the "different one." One reason for that is unavoidable, imo; he lived alone and separated in distance from the others. Of course that has nothing to do with purpose or different intent on the part of the killers. I think that Kenneth's murder took place last. (no reason, just feelings) If so... Maybe the other murders took longer than the killers thought they would take. (waiting on Gary?... Dana's double shift?) There's a neighbor almost directly across the street from Kenneth's home and the road appears to be much less traveled and "more country" than UHR... much longer to drive for a fast get-a-way in either direction after the murder. One other thing is that it was the first day of the turkey shoot so other people might be up and about very early and, the later it got the more people might be out driving to locations and getting ready for the hunt. Plus, Kenneth was an early riser according to all I've read and they'd want to catch him before he woke up. By the time they got to his house, they were probably in a fairly good hurry. Put all that together and that might be why Kenneth was shot only one time... throw the money for some personal-meaning reason... and get out of the area asap. If you shoot someone straight on in the eye, what are the chances you'd need to shoot them more than once to kill them? Probably zero. There seemed to me to be anger and hate involved the other killings with some being the targets of that hate and anger more than others. With Kenneth it seems it was more something that just had to be done without the hate or anger involved.
Jmo... and a lot of "feelings" For what those are worth (?)
I was asking about different caliber weapon that was supposedly used to shoot GR. Someone said it was in an interview with his father. Not in this one. You can feel this mans pain through video. Also, turn on CC (close caption) it was worse translation ever.
IIRC, it was in this video and the video has since been edited. I very well may be wrong though. From what I remember, Mr. Rhoden stating there were two different types of shell casings found.
I was told year’s ago that FW is worth millions. I never doubted it.

They may have stole money but it wasn’t for FW imo
Just because the older gen had some money doesn't mean they handed it to their son's family freely. Lots of well off elders will let their kids struggle/make their own fortune.
So being raised to feel entitled but not knowing how to generate the needed money to live how they wanted they felt entitled to steal and cheat.
I think the Ws could well have welcomed theft-worthy loot if there was money or easily saleable dope around like pills.
There's been rumors somewhere, can't remember, about a shatter lab. ??? Am I imagining it?
BETTYP Oh for sure...some are "considering" entering a plea. JW is the weakest link. IMO... I think the parents will protect their youngest and IV will always be the big brother, even though I think he had the weakest motive. (Only what I have seen in other cases...but who knows....it is not as if they can all sit at FW's dining table and make future plans)
"...BOTH… the judge AND the prosecutor… want to make sure the defense attorney is not being negligent or committing malpractice in advising their client or allowing their client to enter a plea of guilty. EVEN IF the defense attorney wants to commit career-suicide and throw their client under the bus for WHATEVER reason, the prosecutor and judge should be making sure it doesn’t happen."

I keep coming back to FW's only comment on this, JW had nothing to do with this. She doesn't say a word about anyone else though. I found her comment strange at best. Why not just say, my son and his family had nothing to do with this? Our family had nothing to do with this? No, only JW, had nothing to do with this. I think JW will be the weak link too.
I initially suspected DS, but it appears to me he was another victim of the W's selfishness. A lot of the important peeps in his life died, regardless of how up-and-coming his life was or is. ChSr was likely a stabilizing influence for him. How will this poor family ever repair themselves, be it Rs or Ms or Gs or who did I forget? Not to mention the biggest victims, who lost their parent.(s). The echoes of this family annihlation will reverberate through generations, lost history never made.

I thought he knew something, but I think he only knew that his cousin was likely dead, and I don't think he took any money, from him, maybe just something sentimental and it was frowned upon. The $$ I think he may have come into was likely from the Daily Mail. They pay for interviews, iirc. I think he was the only one who gave one to them. It may not have set well with the family. GR's Dad said he'd been careful about giving interviews because things had been published out of turn. There's just so much loss, all the way around, it's hard to fathom.

It is because they knew they were guilty. That kind of knowledge cannot be kept inside. It is why family and friends are asked if they observed someone acting strangely after a murder. That kind of guilty knowledge has a way of showing itself.


I don't think that they thought, that folks would care as much as they did. The weed ops would come out, and they'd chase some unseen "cartel" figures, round and round, but they didn't. They locked it down tight, and even locked down the trailers (that had to unnerve the Ws!!!). There may have been a tiny leak here or there, but there was no media for them to follow to know if they were on them or chasing their tails, til they went north, to Alaska! Had to get to them. ;)

FWIW, out of all of the mugshots, I think that JW has a most telling expression.
I was asking about different caliber weapon that was supposedly used to shoot GR. Someone said it was in an interview with his father. Not in this one. You can feel this mans pain through video. Also, turn on CC (close caption) it was worse translation ever.

I think it has been clipped from the video as I'm almost positive that it was this video that he spoke of the different shell casings found at CR1s.
I think it has been clipped from the video as I'm almost positive that it was this video that he spoke of the different shell casings found at CR1s.

I agree. I'm sure this is the video. I watched this video in the past 2 or 3 times over the weeks back then. Unless Mr. Rhoden did another interview on the very same porch with same background, same clean, plaid shirt, with the same reporter, same questions and answers given and another reporter walking up near the end... this is the video (only now edited.) I remember it so well because Gary's father really got to me.
Thank you Mittens!!!! KR; "Wasn't no doors busted down" "It was laid out"

I wish he'd lived to see the arrests and convictions.

Yes, this is the interview. Your quotes are accurate and so are Mittens. He also talked about Gary being laid across Chris's legs. It was an extended version and was up for at least 1 yr after the murders. IIRC, it was sometime last winter or fall that we realized the longer version was no longer available. Maybe I'll go back in the earlier threads later and find our discussion of it, because we did discuss it. The only info we learned about the crime scenes.

RIP to Mr. Rhoden.
I agree. Even this early in the process, some of the perps may be thinking about a plea deal. The Wagners don't need to look at the evidence, they already know what took place, what weapons were used, how victims were killed, in what order, what phone calls were made, who hacked phones and email, etc. From the indictments, they know that LE has all the electronic, internet, social media, ballistics, etc. evidence. JMO, they very clearly see the handwriting on the wall.

They may not want everyone to know what they all did. They may think by not letting it be known, they will still get respect from someone...
I keep coming back to FW's only comment on this, JW had nothing to do with this. She doesn't say a word about anyone else though. I found her comment strange at best. Why not just say, my son and his family had nothing to do with this? Our family had nothing to do with this? No, only JW, had nothing to do with this. I think JW will be the weak link too.

And maybe too she's still trying to manipulate it, as if JW wasn't involved, so he can still keep some sort of custody of SW.
Just because the older gen had some money doesn't mean they handed it to their son's family freely. Lots of well off elders will let their kids struggle/make their own fortune.
So being raised to feel entitled but not knowing how to generate the needed money to live how they wanted they felt entitled to steal and cheat.
I think the Ws could well have welcomed theft-worthy loot if there was money or easily saleable dope around like pills.
There's been rumors somewhere, can't remember, about a shatter lab. ??? Am I imagining it?

I was replying to the other poster. I can totally see the younger wagner family stealing money. And keeping it. But not using it for FW horse farm. That I can’t see. Just my opinion.
I was replying to the other poster. I can totally see the younger wagner family stealing money. And keeping it. But not using it for FW horse farm. That I can’t see. Just my opinion.
Lol I deserve that then for horning I'm on yout conversation. Sorry. Just trying to figure these folks out, FW and GWs family are a mystery. somehow all the past history crescendoed into murder.
I keep coming back to FW's only comment on this, JW had nothing to do with this. She doesn't say a word about anyone else though. I found her comment strange at best. Why not just say, my son and his family had nothing to do with this? Our family had nothing to do with this? No, only JW, had nothing to do with this. I think JW will be the weak link too.

The “Jake has nothing to do with it” comment has been in my head since the moment I first read it. It literally jumped off the screen and into my brain.

When I heard about the arrests I immediately searched for that article to reread FW’s comments.

His grandmother, Fredericka Wagner, said in April 2017 that he had nothing to do with the April 22, 2016, massacre.

“They have nothing,” Fredericka Wagner said in a 2017 Dayton Daily News interview. “Their searches have turned up zilch. Nothing. And they aren’t going to either because Jake had nothing to do with it.”

So - did the other three Ws have something to do with it and Jake did not? Or did FW slip and say “Jake had nothing to do with it” because she knew Jake was the one LE was focused on the most?”

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