OH OH - Ronald Tammen, 19, Oxford, 19 April 1953

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Today marks the 60th anniversary of Ron Tammen Jr's disappearance.

Hoping this will be the year that this puzzling case finds closure.
I'm giving the idea of CIA involvement a second look after doing some research. Beginning around the late 1940's, the CIA began looking to recruit on college campuses so the possibility does exist. Professors and administrators at certain colleges often referred names of students whom they felt had "possibilities" to the intelligence agency. Recruits had to complete detailed personal histories and submit to lie detector tests, as well as physical, psychological and psychiatric tests. In addition, they had to undergo a background clearance test of AT LEAST 4 MONTHS duration. That fits in with the blood test Tammen went for 5 months earlier, to a doctor off campus whom he never saw before or would not see again; rather secretive. Maybe he got those tests out of the way, then when his clearance time was up, he "disappeared", much like Richard Colvin Cox. I don't hold too much stock in this theory but I thought it interesting nonetheless.

After spending more time on this case this week, that CIA theory might not be far off as some people think. I used to conclude that Tammen was a victim of foul play or amnesia. But, looking through the evidence this week, looking at the actual police reports and his room in Fisher Hall, I'm starting to believe he left on his own, a decision that had been planned for some time. All his belongings in his pockets and room were left behind as was his car. In the scribbles of the police report, it mentioned the book that he was studying was a psychology book for his class and it was opened to a chapter titled, "HABITS." Perhaps these may have deliberate clues–whether intentional or not, but probably the latter and he didn't realize it at the time.

And now, depending on whether he actually had a dead fish placed in his bed and heard a disturbance outside his room in the hall, is the question of speculation. With the disturbance set aside, let's focus on the dead fish aspect. Receiving a dead fish is not a good thing. If your Italian, receiving a dead fish on your front porch or in your bed is a message to the receiver that they will be killed very soon. The mafia has always used the dead fish tactic as well as the Jewish mafia. And receiving a dead fish doesn't mean that it relates or comes from those two sources mentioned above.

But, what if... what if Tammen was already hired and working on campus for the CIA to spy on other students or a certain professor or administrative personnel? CIA have been known in the past to hire and train students before they even graduate with a degree and the CIA was certainly recruiting many young men during the Cold War era in the 1950's midwest and back east. Perhaps if there was a dead fish found in his bed, it might be possible that it could have been a message to let him know that whoever he was spying on knew about him and what he was doing.

I wonder if there was a telephone somewhere in Fisher Hall and he used it when going to pick up his new sheets? When he went to pick them up later on, he could have stopped to use a phone to tell his CIA contact that he found a dead fish in his bed. Perhaps Tammen did not know its meaning, maybe he did, and his contact told him to act normal, go back to the room because someone was coming to pick him up right away. And when they were to arrive, his previous instructions were to leave everything there because he was leaving immediately and indefinitely. No turning or going back, ever!

This CIA theory seems much more plausible and makes more sense. Look at at the givens of the time and day... it was cold and snowing, he disappears after he makes his bed. The last people to see him ever again were his next door neighbor he had been studying with and the house attendant who gave him new bed sheets. When I studied his room, I could see that his second floor window that overlooked the porch entrance to Fisher Hall was very large. If no one saw Tammen leave Fisher Hall, it is quite possible that he was waiting to be picked up by a contact and he snuck out via the window or a side fire escape on the second floor. Either he was waiting for a ride or he left after making the bed to go and meet his ride at a remote location not far away.

After looking at all of this again, this seems like a very good aspect. It seems so much more likely, than the homosexual/hate crime theory one of the current detectives believes. Not a bad theory, but there isn't much to support a hate crime against a student who was happy, well-respected, talented, and content with his life. As stated above, it's just odd he left without a coat, hat, money, ID, wallet, money, etc., on a night that was freezing and snowing. As for the money–the $11 or $12 he left behind in his wallet and the untouched $200 in his bank account...he had no need for them. Why? Because if he was cajoled by and made it into the CIA, he would have been given large amounts or frequent stipends of cash and they would have provided another bank for him–any bank, anywhere...any of his choosing.

In all, I'm starting to believe this CIA theory. And would explain his request to have his blood typed months before he disappeared. I believe someone on that campus–whether a professor, counselor, or admin, etc., was a working recruiter for the CIA and they set their sights on Tammen and he responded with rapid interest through physical tests, psychological tests, blood typing, and so on... while the CIA was... or had... already done his background investigation (in which the CIA did without the person's consent and knowledge). And it makes even more sense with the way the school officials brushed it off months and years later, especially how they reacted when they became angry and snippy with the Doctor whenever he spoke to the media about Tammen's request for his blood typing. It might also explain why the police investigation was haphazard at the time and throughout the years, and why the FBI never did anything with the case as well. Also, I now doubt that the young man Barbara Spivey talked to was Tammen that night he disappeared.

Perhaps the night of April 19, 1953 was a worst case scenario that happened unexpectedly and the CIA gave Tammen a new life, name, career, social security number, driver's license number, and home–possibly a home in another country. And with that, Ron Tammen, Jr. still might be alive today. Until they find his remains, this theory is my best bet!

Also, check out this article from Covert Action Information Bulletin, Winter 1989, pp. 25-28:

Students, Scholars, and Spies: The CIA on Campus

by Robert Witanek
You fleshed the story out perfectly. I feel certain this is what happened. Maybe that dead fish in his bed was the "get ready to go" signal.
You fleshed the story out perfectly. I feel certain this is what happened. Maybe that dead fish in his bed was the "get ready to go" signal.

Thanks. Yes, I agree that if the fish wasn't meant as a threat, it was the "get ready to go" signal. I did not come across through research if the pillow case had been taken or left behind since Tammen did not put the pillow inside of it. Anyone know?

I also wonder how many other students who may have been approached by the CIA recruiter at the university? Perhaps, other students who had been approached and declined the offer, were paid off by the agency to keep quiet after his diappearance... or perhaps Tammen was the only one who was approached.

The late journalist, Joe Cella, was so convinced through the years that he was still alive. I wonder if he also believed something like this CIA theory?
The CIA argument is interesting, but I've always felt this was a hazing ritual that somehow went wrong. Why would the CIA sneak into his room with a dead fish? It seems a little risky for such a secretive organization.
The CIA argument is interesting, but I've always felt this was a hazing ritual that somehow went wrong. Why would the CIA sneak into his room with a dead fish? It seems a little risky for such a secretive organization.

possible that the dead fish was just a ruse...it does sound like he was recruited...jmo
In two days, it will be 60 years since Ron Tammen's disappearance.

I did find a couple of new things that I found while researching Fisher Hall...

In Wikipedia, it mentions the Tammen case and Ron's roommate:

"Charles Findlay still believed he was alive and the two of them were “very, very close”. Charles was under a nervous disorder for some time after Ronald Tammen’s disappearance and still cannot talk about the situation."


But then... I also stumbled upon this on YouTube. It was a local Miami University documentary that was filmed in the mid-to-late 70's, before Fisher Hall was demolished in 78' for the Marcum Conference Center and Hotel.

The film is a half hour long in two parts with interviews of Tammen Sr., Barbara Spivey, who answered the door to the young man the night he vanished, and even Tammen's roommate.

In the second part, there was something I never knew before and it's just bizarre: assignThe last known sighting of Tammen was in early August of 1953 in New York by none other than H.H. Stephenson, who was the man in charge of the housing ments and permits at Miami University.

The Phantom of Oxford-Part 1

The Phantom of Oxford-Part 2

BBM...that is just so weird...what was he doing in NY, I wonder ?
So glad to have found this thread. I like the CIA more and more with this disappearance but I did a double-take at this :

And this is just plain spooky, a painting of Jesus, Marcia got at bible school the morning of April 19, 1953. Ron disappeared that night. It says only "one life will soon be past..."

Wait a second. His sister gets a"painting of Jesus" while at Sunday school saying a "life will soon be past"? The day he disappeared? Huh? Who gave her the picture, how did she come by it? Where is it now? Has she ever spoken about it? This could be very much linked to her brother's disappearance and I don't see it getting much more than a mention. If it is still in her possession DNA could still be extracted from it. I need to know more about this.
The CIA argument is interesting, but I've always felt this was a hazing ritual that somehow went wrong. Why would the CIA sneak into his room with a dead fish? It seems a little risky for such a secretive organization.

Ah, great point... and you've basically have answered your own question... there is always a risk––any time, any where, when working for the CIA.

I remembered after writing my CIA theory post... it was over ten years ago, I worked for an investment firm in the NW and the main boss of the entire firm was ex-CIA. Everyone told me this after I met him. His name... it was "Ron" and he had a business degree. Looking back this man would have been the same age as Tammen if he were alive at that time. But, looking back, it was not Tammen because this Ron had very blue eyes. I never asked how he was hired or what he did for the agency, but I wonder if he was recruited the same way because everyone said it was long ago.

And you have to realize, if it was a hazing or frat prank gone wrong, if there were three or more persons involved, someone is always bound to let something slip or confides to others through the years thereafter, even possibly as they get older. When it comes to a group secret, someone is always sure to slip up––either intentionally or by accident.
BBM...that is just so weird...what was he doing in NY, I wonder ?

Yeah, I, too, have been going over this in my mind the last few weeks. I have been researching Wellsville, NY and it's history. How weird and absolutely bizarre that H.H. Stephenson, who was the school's housing and permit coordinator, saw him that day in NY with a few other men. I wonder if the other men were new CIA recruits as well? H.H. Stephenson, in Part 2 of the video, was so adamant about the man being Tammen when retelling the event. You could get a sense it gave him a spooky chill when he talked about it. Perhaps Tammen was already covertly trained to keep his cool from Stephenson's stare of recognition, and if he had been asked if he was Tammen, he could have supplied new ID with his new identity to prove otherwise. But that didn't happen and I wonder why H.H. Stephenson did not walk over to ask him or at least acknowledge him by his first name to get a reaction? Whatever the case, after he and his wife left dinner, and if it was Tammen, he must have let his group know that he was spotted and recognized by someone from his school and they all high tailed it out of there.
So glad to have found this thread. I like the CIA more and more with this disappearance but I did a double-take at this :

Wait a second. His sister gets a"painting of Jesus" while at Sunday school saying a "life will soon be past"? The day he disappeared? Huh? Who gave her the picture, how did she come by it? Where is it now? Has she ever spoken about it? This could be very much linked to her brother's disappearance and I don't see it getting much more than a mention. If it is still in her possession DNA could still be extracted from it. I need to know more about this.

Yes. This is very bizarre and mysterious. I also would like to know more about the details and the painting itself. The intention of it almost yells out... "Hey, I won't be around anymore, but I'm very well alive... and with a new life!"
From my research so far, there doesn't seem to be any info about what Tammen was wearing the night he disappeared. Anyone know? I find it odd that there is nothing to go by and that no accurate clothing description was given or even released.

Also, anyone know if he spoke any foreign languages at the time of his disappearance? If the CIA theory is correct, the agency wanted him immediately, perhaps because he possessed a vital skill set, an asset to them. Could it have been related to music? What about his hobbies and favorite pastimes that he enjoyed? The simplest things might give the biggest details to the case.
Wow. You take some time away from a thread and look what happens!
So, current theory is, CIA was recruiting heavily at this time. They took both Ronald and Richard Cox. It is an interesting theory.
Just so weird to think of our government having to pull people right from society to have them join up.
Interesting thing would be to find out if the fish put in Ronald's bed was native to the pond, store bought... what. Does seem odd.

Also, if Mrs. Spivey is correct, and that was Ronald, then that would somewhat shoot down the CIA thing. Am I right on that one? Why wouldn't he have at least taken his car with him? Seems so weird that no one actually saw him leave. If I play a prank on someone (like leaving a dead fish) I want to see the reaction. Did no one confess to that. Then there was that strange noise Ronald heard. What was that? I somewhat lean in with those saying this may have been an accident.

Fantastic to see the interest in this one again.
The lines that were written on or with the painting his sister received are from a poem by Charles T. Studd called Only One Life.

Two little lines I heard one day,
Traveling along life's busy way;
Bringing conviction to my heart,
And from my mind would not depart;
Only one life, 'twill soon be past,
Only what's done for Christ will last.

Only one life, yes only one,
Soon will its fleeting hours be done;
Then, in 'that day' my Lord to meet,
And stand before His Judgement seat;
Only one life,'twill soon be past,
Only what's done for Christ will last.

Only one life, the still small voice,
Gently pleads for a better choice
Bidding me selfish aims to leave,
And to God's holy will to cleave;
Only one life, 'twill soon be past,
Only what's done for Christ will last.

Only one life, a few brief years,
Each with its burdens, hopes, and fears;
Each with its clays I must fulfill,
living for self or in His will;
Only one life, 'twill soon be past,
Only what's done for Christ will last.

When this bright world would tempt me sore,
When Satan would a victory score;
When self would seek to have its way,
Then help me Lord with joy to say;
Only one life, 'twill soon be past,
Only what's done for Christ will last.

Give me Father, a purpose deep,
In joy or sorrow Thy word to keep;
Faithful and true what e'er the strife,
Pleasing Thee in my daily life;
Only one life, 'twill soon be past,
Only what's done for Christ will last.

Oh let my love with fervor burn,
And from the world now let me turn;
Living for Thee, and Thee alone,
Bringing Thee pleasure on Thy throne;
Only one life, "twill soon be past,
Only what's done for Christ will last.

Only one life, yes only one,
Now let me say,"Thy will be done";
And when at last I'll hear the call,
I know I'll say "twas worth it all";
Only one life,'twill soon be past,
Only what's done for Christ will last.
Wow. You take some time away from a thread and look what happens!
So, current theory is, CIA was recruiting heavily at this time. They took both Ronald and Richard Cox. It is an interesting theory.
Just so weird to think of our government having to pull people right from society to have them join up.
Interesting thing would be to find out if the fish put in Ronald's bed was native to the pond, store bought... what. Does seem odd.

Also, if Mrs. Spivey is correct, and that was Ronald, then that would somewhat shoot down the CIA thing. Am I right on that one? Why wouldn't he have at least taken his car with him? Seems so weird that no one actually saw him leave. If I play a prank on someone (like leaving a dead fish) I want to see the reaction. Did no one confess to that. Then there was that strange noise Ronald heard. What was that? I somewhat lean in with those saying this may have been an accident.

Fantastic to see the interest in this one again.

I barely know the full details of the Cox case, but my impression that I got was he just wandered off with his peculiar friend/visitor or that the friend did him in.

Concerning the Tammen case, if that was him who talked with Spivey, then yes, it would eliminate the CIA theory. But, I have even more doubts about that being him. Mrs. Spivey was a family oriented woman and seemed concerned for the man who showed up at her door, especially since he seemed confused and slightly disheveled, even without proper clothing for a snowy night. I think is it really odd, a family woman of that time (1950's & late at night) did not call the police after that incident, especially afterward when she learned he was traveling by foot. If she didn't make a call of concern then, why didn't she call first thing in the morning when she got up to report the incident? I just wonder if the incident really happened and if it did, was someone else other than Tammen.

I think Tammen had very good reasons for not taking his car... it would have made him look like a runaway... or in trouble. Plus, trying to get rid of or sell a bass fiddle, he would have been noticed easily and his actions traced. Taking his car and the fiddle with him would have definitely deterred his plans for leaving behind his current life and identity at that time.

From the videos, it sounded like his dad thought that he was still alive at that time in the late 70's. I wish there was more info from the late, Joe Cella. I wonder... since he found out a lot of stuff 20 years later after the disappearance... like the sloppy case work and stuff, if he was the one that learned Tammen heard a strange noise in the hallway or basement? Because nothing is mentioned on the police reports.

Also, anyone know when the book about the Tammen case is supposed to be done and published?
I very uncertain about the whole CIA theory. For instance, the fish in the bed was left by a classmate so I doubt this was an attempt by the CIA to send a message to Ron. And I don't believe the CIA requires their agents to leave their loved ones behind with no explanation. JMO.
Ah, great point... and you've basically have answered your own question... there is always a risk––any time, any where, when working for the CIA.

I remembered after writing my CIA theory post... it was over ten years ago, I worked for an investment firm in the NW and the main boss of the entire firm was ex-CIA. Everyone told me this after I met him. His name... it was "Ron" and he had a business degree. Looking back this man would have been the same age as Tammen if he were alive at that time. But, looking back, it was not Tammen because this Ron had very blue eyes. I never asked how he was hired or what he did for the agency, but I wonder if he was recruited the same way because everyone said it was long ago.

And you have to realize, if it was a hazing or frat prank gone wrong, if there were three or more persons involved, someone is always bound to let something slip or confides to others through the years thereafter, even possibly as they get older. When it comes to a group secret, someone is always sure to slip up––either intentionally or by accident.

I'm totally unconvinced by the CIA argument, sorry.

I never said there were three or more people involved, if this was a hazing incident. I've always wondered about Ron's roommate who apparently had a breakdown of sorts after Ron disappeared. What did he know that weighed so heavily that he couldn't deal with it? Something seems odd about that IMO.
I very uncertain about the whole CIA theory. For instance, the fish in the bed was left by a classmate so I doubt this was an attempt by the CIA to send a message to Ron. And I don't believe the CIA requires their agents to leave their loved ones behind with no explanation. JMO.

Janice Pennington (formerly of the Price Is Right tv game show) married husband Fritz Stammberger in 1974. A year later, he went a solo mountain climbing expedition in Pakistan and was never seen or heard from again. His body was never found. Through the years, she thought that he was still alive and with the help of her new husband (long after Stammberger), they found in 1992 that he actually died fighting the Russians in Afghanistan. They also found out he was helping building bases for the CIA in that region. Pennington and her current husband believed he was a spy for the CIA, although that the agency did not confirm or deny it, but stated that any information given would jeopardize their intelligence operations. It was after that Pennington wrote the book about his disappearance and death in the book, Husband, Lover, Spy." So yes, it's possible that anyone with family and a spouse can disappear without notice while in the CIA.
I'm totally unconvinced by the CIA argument, sorry.

I never said there were three or more people involved, if this was a hazing incident. I've always wondered about Ron's roommate who apparently had a breakdown of sorts after Ron disappeared. What did he know that weighed so heavily that he couldn't deal with it? Something seems odd about that IMO.

No, I wasn't insinuating that you mentioned three or more people, I was just stating the possibility in regards to a frat prank gone wrong or a hazing ritual because usually they are done as a group rather than one lone individual.

So is it official and totally confirmed that a student placed the dead fish in his bed? I haven't come across anything mentioning this. I think the fish and noise heard at this point are still pure speculation.

As for his roommate, yes, that is odd. But, in the video interview in 1978, he seemed calm all those years later. But, his nervousness and uneasiness about the case afterward is very perplexing. I wonder if he was like that right away or if it started days later when Tammen was officially declared missing?
No, I wasn't insinuating that you mentioned three or more people, I was just stating the possibility in regards to a frat prank gone wrong or a hazing ritual because usually they are done as a group rather than one lone individual.

So is it official and totally confirmed that a student placed the dead fish in his bed? I haven't come across anything mentioning this. I think the fish and noise heard at this point are still pure speculation.

As for his roommate, yes, that is odd. But, in the video interview in 1978, he seemed calm all those years later. But, his nervousness and uneasiness about the case afterward is very perplexing. I wonder if he was like that right away or if it started days later when Tammen was officially declared missing?

Regarding the fish, I read it in an article on the Ron Tammen FB page. I haven't searched MSM for confirmation, so the whole fish in the bed story could be nothing but rumor.

I'm not sure when his roommate's odd behavior began, but it seems possible IMO that it was a result of Ron's disappearance. I'll see if I can find any MSM articles about it.

Thanks to my friend and fellow WSer Mary Beth for giving me the link to the Mystery of Ron Tammen FB page - https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Mystery-of-Ron-Tammen/184888364877501?fref=ts

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