Found Deceased OH - Sierah Joughin, 20, Fulton County, 19 July 2016 #5 *Arrest*

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Why did he have to be on a motorcycle or in a truck? What about a four wheeler??? Most people in the country have them AND a day or two after she went missing they asked everyone in the area that had them to bring them AND a it is more feasible to move a body on a four wheeler than a motorcycle. Thoughts?

That may be because there were two teenagers tearing around the area that day on 2 red ones. I saw them myself about 5:15 pm my way.
Why did he have to be on a motorcycle or in a truck? What about a four wheeler??? Most people in the country have them AND a day or two after she went missing they asked everyone in the area that had them to bring them AND a it is more feasible to move a body on a four wheeler than a motorcycle. Thoughts?
Because his truck and motorcycle were mentioned in the search warrants and were seen being processed by BCI. There has been no mention of a 4-wheeler connected to Worley, we're all going off confirmed info.
Can anyone tell me how LE came to find Sierah? Dogs? Drone? I haven't head yet, and Also if anyone knows how long she had been there before being found?
3-4 rows into the corn field would be 6 feet into the cornfield.

"Miller said Joughin was reported missing around 11 p.m. Tuesday and that officers located her bicycle around 12:03 a.m. 3-4 rows into a cornfield along Fulton County Road T."

I'm done arguing about the corn. I stood there . If I put my hand at ground level, from where the corn sprouted..I could easily grasp 3 rows of it. the rows are planted approx. 2-3 inches apart in the ground. That's it.
I'm done arguing about the corn. I stood there . If I put my hand at ground level, from where the corn sprouted..I could easily grasp 3 rows of it. the rows are planted approx. 2-3 inches apart in the ground. That's it.

Wait a that a typo on where it was located? Cuz where I was shown and what they had cordoned off was by her home on CR 6 not T
Can anyone tell me how LE came to find Sierah? Dogs? Drone? I haven't head yet, and Also if anyone knows how long she had been there before being found?

How long she was there will have to be released by LE not me. They found her doing a search grid With his house at epicenter and they moved outwards.
Wait a that a typo on where it was located? Cuz where I was shown and what they had cordoned off was by her home on CR 6 not T

"UPDATE: The bike has been located in a cornfield near County Road T about two hours ago. There were signs of disturbance in the area, as the corn appeared trampled, Sheriff Roy Miller said. What I don’t understand is if someone grabbed Sierah, why would they try to take her bicycle and her? (Bicycle was found near the location, so bicycle was not taken.)"

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Because his truck and motorcycle were mentioned in the search warrants and were seen being processed by BCI. There has been no mention of a 4-wheeler connected to Worley, we're all going off confirmed info.

The motorcycle was probably used in the abduction, and the truck was used to transport her body to the location where it was found.
Fun fact: A typical cornfield stalks are in rows planted 3 inches apart and each row is apprx 30 inches apart from the next rows.
*added* they can be 5-10 ft high. Usually 4th of July high is 4-5 ft now it's about at 7ft.

Was he in normal everyday clothes or camo cloths?

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I'm thinking people are confusing rows of corn about 18" apart running parallel to the road; with end rows, that run square to the road. Plants are a couple inches apart in each row. Each row is about 18" apart. Looking "down the end rows" is vastly different from trying to look through the rows. The location that Sierah, Bless her, was found; is in the corner of a field; which typically has less robust plants. It has of course been trampled by the LE and Fire crews. I think we need to move past this corn stuff and give it a rest for a while.

From my own limited exposure to fields of feed corn (12 years living smack dab in the middle of it) I know that people who aren't familiar with it, generally don't get what you're trying to say when you're explaining things. My kids played in it *all the time* when it was particularly high - like now - until harvest which in s. Ontario is usually in October/November (depending on conditions).

Only because I lived in corn country, I know the first row of plants closest to the roads (or even laneway) are almost always shorter & kind of puny compared to the rows 4-5 layers deep.
Only because I know that, I'd know if I were walking or driving by, I'd know that it'd be pretty easy to see people or bikes or *something* 3-4 rows in from the road.
Only because I had to go in there and find the kids (it was a game, they always left markers for themselves but it was a while before I figured it out, the little geniuses, lol) do I know what corn stalks do to bare arms. It's not a pleasant experience, to be sure.

The kids were short & figured out how to maneuver the stalks like Corn Ninjas without getting the lacerations (for the most part). Much taller adults (like JDW) who didn't spend much time darting through corn, wouldn't be as fortunate.

Just a few random thoughts. FWIW.
Is there a purpose to argue about corn? <mod snip>
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I'm done arguing about the corn. I stood there . If I put my hand at ground level, from where the corn sprouted..I could easily grasp 3 rows of it. the rows are planted approx. 2-3 inches apart in the ground. That's it.

I think we might be talking about the same thing, but using different language. When I've planted gardens, I put seeds 2-3 inches from each other in one row, and then plant another row of seeds 18" inches away.
Exactly. The combines (tractors) need rows to drive down (30" apart)... and the seeds that are planted next to each other (2-3" apart) are also considered rows. Two types of rows.
Okay..I'm just using tow truck because that is what was said. He loaded his bike in his truck and took it to the place of abduction. He took it off the truck using ramps that I'm pretty sure he probably has..confrontation, bike back up in truck along with her. No witnesses that came forth about seeing motorcycle and him being the lying liar he is thinks he's oh so clever because all he tells LE about is the BIKE...not that he also had the truck. His truck is where they found a lot of his kidnap kit isn't it? This scenario is the first one that makes sense to me.

This is the exact scenario I had playing in my mind!
Is there a purpose to argue about corn? <mod snip>

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I agree, somewhat.

I do think that since jashrema is the verified insider, that in this instance, what she knows to be true, be assumed the truth. She has walked the field, seen the landscape with her own eyes. That should count for something.
Sounds good! We accept Jashrema's assessment since she has seen the sctual site. And we are so sorry you have to endure the pain of losing Sierah. Blessings to you and to the entire family.
"UPDATE: The bike has been located in a cornfield near County Road T about two hours ago. There were signs of disturbance in the area, as the corn appeared trampled, Sheriff Roy Miller said. What I don&#8217;t understand is if someone grabbed Sierah, why would they try to take her bicycle and her? (Bicycle was found near the location, so bicycle was not taken.)"

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Ms. Joughin, a 20-year-old University of Toledo student, was last seen Tuesday evening as she biked in rural Fulton County. Her abandoned purple bicycle was found amid trampled corn in a field off County Road 6, five miles from Worley&#8217;s house.

I've always believed her bike was found about 100 yards from her home, county road T is about 1200 yards, but 100, 1000?. 6 and T are next to each other on my keyboard. Lazy reporting?
Maybe some of the 911 calls (or calls to police) were to check how fast they come? So he can plan his next evil episode better?

I agree. Or in his evil mind having LE there would make them get to "know him as he wants them to believe he is". To prevent any further/future suspicions, if possible. it might have been a "mind game" for him with LE. Or even part of the thrill for him.
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