GUILTY OH - Sierah Joughin, 20, Fulton County, 19 July 2016 #9

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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This is the chaos the defense was hoping to cause.... stay focused on the main evidence.

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Which is why no DNA was found in the freezer. It was bleached out. Bleach kills DNA. What was on his passenger side floor of his truck that he bleached and ripped out?

Why does the defense keep talking about feces and mentioning Worsley friend.

Can they just lie like that to drag someone's name through the dirt like that if they didn't actually do anything?

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Agree. He did a clean up. Defense Lawyers do their spin. To confuse and question. IMO the lack of collecting the feces-Defense is implying LE is sloppy. Really what would the feces have told us even if they were able to extract anything.
This is the chaos the defense was hoping to cause.... stay focused on the main evidence.

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Agree. We see it at almost every Trial. When evidence is overwhelming.....attack the LE, the lab, analyst whatever. Throw out the spaghetti and see what sticks.
They did not say blood was in another pair of panties just DNA... Could be blood or just discharge.

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My understanding of what they were saying was that these were one of those items that tested positive for "blood" in the quick test. The analyst was just asked, what did your analysis find? Response was unfamiliar female DNA, Sierah ruled out.
DNA under her nails was likely degraded by the soil put it delicately weather was quite hot IIRC
Which is why no DNA was found in the freezer. It was bleached out. Bleach kills DNA. What was on his passenger side floor of his truck that he bleached and ripped out?

Why does the defense keep talking about feces and mentioning Worsley friend.

Can they just lie like that to drag someone's name through the dirt like that if they didn't actually do anything?

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Yes, the defense absolutely can drag someone's name through the dirt even if they didn't do anything. Sometimes a defense attacks the victim for their action or inaction, or family of the victim -- which we aren't seeing here so far. The defense does this with their client's approval.

I am starting to really wonder about the human feces now. Worley knew there was or would be an intense search for Sierah going on. Certainly he is no criminal genius. He might have expected if/when she was found that the feces was the first thing the crime scene investigators would see and test. I do think it is plausible he planted the feces and possibly someone else's DNA under her fingernails. He may have been trying to set someone else up.

But Worley is no criminal mastermind. The evidence implicating him is absolutely everywhere all over 3 different crime scenes. That they found degraded and random unknown DNA profiles is not uncommon. The prosecution sounds like they are doing a decent job on cross-examination pointing out the problems with DNA collection in a real-world investigation.
IIRC feces were not collected due to reasons already discussed but I don't think they/we even know if they are human. Logical assumption in a field likely animal.
I would think if there was any doubt on whether animal or human feces, it would have been tested. most animal waste is quite obvious to determine.
Yes, the defense absolutely can drag someone's name through the dirt even if they didn't do anything. Sometimes a defense attacks the victim for their action or inaction, or family of the victim -- which we aren't seeing here so far. The defense does this with their client's approval.

I am starting to really wonder about the human feces now. Worley knew there was or would be an intense search for Sierah going on. Certainly he is no criminal genius. He might have expected if/when she was found that the feces was the first thing the crime scene investigators would see and test. I do think it is plausible he planted the feces and possibly someone else's DNA under her fingernails. He may have been trying to set someone else up.

But Worley is no criminal mastermind. The evidence implicating him is absolutely everywhere all over 3 different crime scenes. That they found degraded and random unknown DNA profiles is not uncommon. The prosecution sounds like they are doing a decent job on cross-examination pointing out the problems with DNA collection in a real-world investigation.
Wow it is so sick they would do that to a family. My family has been through way to much to deal with bs like. Thankfully we have not herd that and we better not or I am sure gonna be ticked off because my family has been through enough.

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Let’s not repaint a wall just bc we got a little paint on the ceiling. If you get my drift.....

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Investigators and labs make mistakes, but this really doesn't help right now. And the follow-up reporting isn't great. If Mark Worley's DNA sample/profile somehow got scrambled with an unknown woman's, did they get another sample to profile? Did the prosecutor ask about this in the testimony today, or the investigator offer? The news site could have covered so much more of the solid testimony and evidence today.

— [FONT=&quot]"These phones on different networks were in the same general area on the same day," said FBI supervisory special agent Joseph Jensen. [7/19/2016]

— s[/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]ervice areas of towers pinged by both phones between 7:42 p.m. and 7:45 p.m. on the day Joughin went missing, showing the service areas intersected near the spot where she was believed to have been abducted while riding her bike, on County Road 6, between County Road T and U.S. 120.
Two [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]forensic scientists from the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation took the stand.:

[FONT=&quot]— [/FONT][FONT=&quot]helmet's interior bore a mixture of DNA — Joughin's and Worley's.
— [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Defense attorney Merle Dech noted multiple times on Friday that these tests offer no information on when the blood was deposited, or where the item was located at the time.

— [/FONT]
[FONT=&quot]Several items analyzed by forensic scientists bore Joughin's DNA alone: her bike handles and seat, a small towel, the ball gag that had been placed in her mouth. Worley's DNA alone was found on several items seized from his residence, and on a pair of men's sunglasses found near Joughin's bicycle.
— mix of Worley's DNA and Joughin's found on two other items: a piece of duct tape, and a rubber glove located on the east side of County Road 7, near the burial site.

— Items on her body when buried, including the socks and diaper = not suitable for comparison with any other person's DNA.

— Joughin was a "major contributor" to DNA samples found on an air mattress and a roll of paper towels taken from the barn

— Next court date: Tuesday beginning at 8:30 a.m.


— [FONT=&quot]Several subpoenaed by defense to testify were released of those subpoenas after cross examination. [I don’t know what this means.... they are ‘t going to call these people?][/FONT]

Testimony in the trial of the man accused of Ms. Joughin’s 2016 murder centered Friday on DNA and cell-phone evidence, two things prosecutors laid out in opening statements as crucial to their case.

Worley’s DNA was present on several items on his County Road 6 property, including a blanket in a barn that tested positive for his semen. Also on the property were an air mattress and stained paper towels with Ms. Joughin’s DNA, said BCI forensic scientist Timothy Augsback.

A rubber glove found on County Road 7 near the grave had both Worley’s and Ms. Joughin’s DNA, Ms. Herdeman said.
A piece of duct tape recovered during the investigation also had both of their DNA

In several instances, such as on the walls of the freezer in Worley’s barn, samples that, according to previous testimony, had tested “presumptive positive” for blood had no DNA profile, witnesses said Friday. Other items tested indicated some DNA present but it was insufficient for conclusive findings.

Items found on Ms. Joughin’s body, including socks and an adult diaper, also had no DNA profile identified.
Ms. Herdeman said that wouldn’t be surprising given the victim was buried, and “soil and any decomposition” could affect testing.

I'm catching up with early testimony, but there is pretty much zero chance,that he didn't actually sexually assault her, right? I get they might not have evidence of it, but between his searches and his props, there would be 1 main goal, right?

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Trying to get caught up. TT updated their app and it’s learning curve time again.
Pics of JW’s injuries - yes! I remember either hearing something about this or Ce’s family mentioning she would have fought her hardest.
Bellecent made an amazing point about the red shorts and riding a motorcycle. Who was wearing the red shorts??
Will the ME testify on Tuesday?
The way I understand it media is not in the courtroom but in a media room? They can’t see reactions of jury members or family members. I think that’s what I read yesterday from a reporter’s tweet.
Final thought...this was the last case I was on with Foxfire. I think he’s doing everything he can to make sure Sierah has justice.
It is absolutely FALSE the news stations/papers saying that the rubber glove found had a mix of their DNA.
It did NOT.
The rubber glove found near the burial site "insufficient data" which means they could not DNA profile the glove. The glove is a big fat zero.

Good could they get that wrong??

There are Reporters sitting in the last row of courtroom. It's usually the same 3 women. I've seen them with laptops so I have no idea how information get so messed up.
After a couple hours of searching through official documents, I found some of interest.

  • Defense witness list & additions to list


  • defense witness list.pdf
    275.5 KB · Views: 65
    246.1 KB · Views: 56
Next, documents regarding RG as witness/testimony.


  • RG WITNESS.pdf
    231 KB · Views: 50
  • RG WITNESS2.pdf
    354.3 KB · Views: 42
  • RG DEFENSE.pdf
    512 KB · Views: 51
  • RG 404B ADMISS SM21.pdf
    2 MB · Views: 59
Documents regarding FBI witnesses, testimony, limited testimony, subpena and new testimony.


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    333.4 KB · Views: 29
    1.1 MB · Views: 38
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