Identified! OH - Troy, Miami Co., 'Buckskin Girl' WhtFem 133UFOH, 15-25, Apr'81 - Marcia King

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I'm new to this one. Here is what jumps out at me. They are quick to say no sexual assault but she didn't have panties on. She seems to have been well kept, not sure why she wouldn't be wearing panties. Also, The isotopes I think are misleading a bit. The buckskin was the only thing shown to come from the southwest. This does not mean she had ever been there. I think she is hitch-hiker from the northeast that made her way to the southeast for a bit but who is from the northeast. I would not be surprised if she is from Canada. Another thing I wonder...Could the soot on her come as the result of being on the back of a motorcycle??

The pollen from the jacket indicated the southwest, but the isotopes in her hair linked her to the north-central Texas / Southern Oklahoma area. The analysis revealed that she spent at least four months in that region prior to her death.

I would think that if she was on the back of a motorcycle, she would have more road soot on the below-the-knee portion of her pants than on the upper portion, and more on the inside half of the legs than the outside. Also, it would be very difficult to transport a dead body on the back of a motorcycle. The evidence (livor mortis) indicated that she had been transported to the scene after her death, and if she had been sitting upright and deceased, the pooling of blood in the lowest portions of the body would have been consistent with that position.
Thanks for the insight. I hadn't seen anything about Texas/Oklahoma before so that is helpful. I don't see a super strong resemblance to Kimberly but Kimberlys case is so vague, I could see many things wrong with her description. What jumped out at me is the Native American necklace she was wearing.
For the past several months, since LE announced the isotope testing results indicating that BG might have a connection to the Northern Texas / Southern Oklahoma area, I've been going through 1970's era HS yearbooks for schools in that region.

I completed the relevant area of Oklahoma, and Tarrant County, and was working my way through Dallas County, and so far, have looked through 600 yearbooks. I've found a few who looked close. But none as close as this girl from Skyline High School in Dallas - Class of 1975.


I can't say her name here. I'll just say her initials are P.A. and she shares a common name with a famous Playboy bunny/model/actress who had a 1990's TV series playing the role of a beach lifeguard, and who has been married to a couple of bad-boy rock stars.

Unfortunately, due to the fact that her name is fairly common, and there are several women with the same name and same approximate age who have connections to Eastern Texas, it is going to be fairly difficult to locate any info on her with any certainty that I have the right P.A.

I have an inquiry out with the Skyline HS alumni page on Facebook to see if anyone remembers her and can provide any info on whether she has been seen since 1981.

Just got word from Det. Steve Hickey, that he was able to locate P.A. alive. So she is not B.G.
It just occurred to me that based on the clothing she was found in, I find it highly unlikely she was wearing that outfit when she was killed. There doesn't appear to be any blood on the clothes. The jeans or the buckskin don not show any blood drops. The gash on her forehead would have really bled. Just a thought.
It just occurred to me that based on the clothing she was found in, I find it highly unlikely she was wearing that outfit when she was killed. There doesn't appear to be any blood on the clothes. The jeans or the buckskin don not show any blood drops. The gash on her forehead would have really bled. Just a thought.

Hi Finders. I have read in articles she was wearing the coat and other articles the coat was laying on top of her. Great point about blood.
Just got word from Det. Steve Hickey, that he was able to locate P.A. alive. So she is not B.G.

Thanks so much, Carl! You're a blessing to Websleuths. PA looked super similar. The search goes on!
On her Wikipedia page, it says she had a poncho. Is this her buckskin or was it a rain poncho? I'm trying to track down weather for the week of her death to see if it was raining anywhere close to Troy on those days. Anyone have an idea?
On her Wikipedia page, it says she had a poncho. Is this her buckskin or was it a rain poncho?

I'm trying to track down weather for the week of her death to see if it was raining anywhere close to Troy on those days. Anyone have an idea?

Here is the weather info that I posted last year in post #1240

After a bit of sleuthing, I was able to find out what the weather conditions were in April 1981 when Buckskin Girl was found.

The area where BG’s body was found is approximately 9 miles from the Dayton, Ohio National Weather Service station at Cox International Airport. This is the nearest NWS station for the Troy and Piqua areas.

Here is the weather info for the following dates:

Dayton NWS Cox International Airport Dayton, Ohio

Wednesday April 22, 1981

High: 62 Degrees
Low: 43 Degrees

Sunrise: 5:49 AM EST
Sunset: 7:22 PM EST

Visibility: 6 miles
Weather Events For That Day: Fog, Rain, Thunderstorm

Dayton NWS Cox International Airport Dayton, Ohio

Thursday April 23, 1981

High: 63 Degrees
Low: 50 Degrees

Sunrise: 5:47 AM EST
Sunset: 7:23 PM EST

Visibility: 7 miles
Weather Events For That Day: Fog, Rain, Thunderstorm

Dayton NWS Cox International Airport Dayton, Ohio

Friday April 24, 1981

High: 48 Degrees
Low: 39 Degrees

Sunrise: 5:46 AM EST
Sunset: 7:24 PM EST

Visibility: 11 miles
Weather Events For That Day: Rain

Here are the links to the hourly weather observations from the Dayton NWS at Cox International Airport for April 22 thru April 24, 1981.
On her Wikipedia page, it says she had a poncho. Is this her buckskin or was it a rain poncho? I'm trying to track down weather for the week of her death to see if it was raining anywhere close to Troy on those days. Anyone have an idea?

It's just what they call her buckskin jacket. The wording confused me too but apparently that's just what they referred to it as on Doe Network, so the Wikipedia writer copied it from there.
Ok so it was raining but she didn't in fact have a rain poncho
I did look at the map of her approximate location and I can't rule out an 18 wheeler dropping her. Just off of 75 down 55 I believe. If not that, then she was killed in a local house or motel. The thunderstorms would ensure that people weren't really in the area so the dumping of the body could have been fairly anonymous.
Ok so it was raining but she didn't in fact have a rain poncho
I did look at the map of her approximate location and I can't rule out an 18 wheeler dropping her. Just off of 75 down 55 I believe. If not that, then she was killed in a local house or motel. The thunderstorms would ensure that people weren't really in the area so the dumping of the body could have been fairly anonymous.

There have been a few locals from the area (both those that currently live in the area and lived in the area during the time she was murdered) who have raised doubts that an 18-wheeler would have been able to drive down that road and easily been able to get back to the highway.
There have been a few locals from the area (both those that currently live in the area and lived in the area during the time she was murdered) who have raised doubts that an 18-wheeler would have been able to drive down that road and easily been able to get back to the highway.

I'm 7 miles away from BG's grave and lived about 9 miles away from where she was found. That area was all farms. 18 wheelers are loaded up with corn and beans during harvest and drive back and forth to the grain elevator all season long. I see no reason a trucker couldn't dump her there.

Looking at this image Greenlee Rd is just at the bottom. Last one on the left intersecting with 55
Ok so it was raining but she didn't in fact have a rain poncho
I did look at the map of her approximate location and I can't rule out an 18 wheeler dropping her. Just off of 75 down 55 I believe. If not that, then she was killed in a local house or motel. The thunderstorms would ensure that people weren't really in the area so the dumping of the body could have been fairly anonymous.

Definitely. She could have been neatly rolled in a blanket or tarp, then unfurled/thrown out of a cab.....with the killer taking off with the blanket or tarp to be disposed of at the next stop.

Are there any OK/TX rodeo people on here? Could someone do up a Facebook forward of Buckskin Girl titled "Bring This Cowgirl Home"....? I don't have Photoshop or graphic design skills.

edit to add- hate to say it but if she was done in by a relative (Creepy Uncle or Speed Freak Cousin Teddy) that may be the reason for the long silence & no one coming forward. Some cultures in the Southwest have a "no snitching" code that can extend to protecting the Black Sheep of the family. I don't want to sound bigoted or rude. Maybe Buckskin Girl is a literal skeleton in the family closet.
Does anyone else ever wonder how it is possible for their to be so many UD's? It bothers and baffles me. I know the topic will open up conspiracy theories galore, but I really would like to see people micro-chipped.
Does anyone else ever wonder how it is possible for their to be so many UD's? It bothers and baffles me. I know the topic will open up conspiracy theories galore, but I really would like to see people micro-chipped.

Here's the ugly truth.

1) Unwanted kids. Literally. My half-brother was signed over to be a ward of the state (he was a sociopathic delinquent.) I've taken in a couple teenagers that were either orphaned or were too lazy/un-useful to their birth families & thus kicked out. These young people often bum around for a while until they find a place to thrive, OR they meet with foul play & become a UID.

2) Familial estrangement. Ranging from extreme abuse to financial abuse, some people react by cutting themselves off from blood relations. Leaving no one to ID someone if they literally have no one to contact.

3) Domestic abuse. The dynamic of domestic abuse is to make the Abuser an effective "God" to the victim. This extends to concealing death, or attempting to...leading to a UID

4) Mental illness. For many sufferers, being around other people can trigger incredibly painful feelings and ideas. Isolation is often a survival move. Unfortunately, this leads to vunerability.

Life is harsh and humans are fragile & fallible.
Definitely. She could have been neatly rolled in a blanket or tarp, then unfurled/thrown out of a cab.....with the killer taking off with the blanket or tarp to be disposed of at the next stop.

Are there any OK/TX rodeo people on here? Could someone do up a Facebook forward of Buckskin Girl titled "Bring This Cowgirl Home"....? I don't have Photoshop or graphic design skills.

edit to add- hate to say it but if she was done in by a relative (Creepy Uncle or Speed Freak Cousin Teddy) that may be the reason for the long silence & no one coming forward. Some cultures in the Southwest have a "no snitching" code that can extend to protecting the Black Sheep of the family. I don't want to sound bigoted or rude. Maybe Buckskin Girl is a literal skeleton in the family closet.

Hey so I'm from OK and when I first saw her picture I immediately thought oh wow she looks like someone from here. Mainly how she was dressed. Then I started looking...

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Justice for Susan Winters.
I'm pretty sure she was suggested several times. Those of you new to this thread, I know it's practically impossible to read through 144 pages. But it is a pretty safe bet that she is not one of the currently reported missing listed on Charley or other popular missing person's sites. The detectives on her case have worked diligently - as attested to by the many ruleouts. And we've all scoured those lists for years looking for BG!

She is likely either a person who was never reported missing, or her family attempted to report her missing but the police wouldn't take the report, or they took the report and in the intervening years it was purged, misfiled, etc. Somehow BG fell through the cracks. I know for a while CarlK was looking through yearbooks in TX/OK and he may still be. I know there is a Facebook page that was working on getting her seen by a wider audience. After Jason Callahan and Tammy Jo Alexander, I'm not giving up on the hope that the one needed tip will come in.
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