GUILTY OH - Two women & child killed, 13yo abducted, Apple Valley, 10 Nov 2010 #7

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for those not following this case and all it's miriad of links from the start...

it seems that this MONSTER has been pegged by neighbors and friends and most people who have ever lived in the vicinity of him as 'strange', 'bad' and other various other expletives.

He seemed to have grown up in the warren area of Ohio and than moved to the howard area where he attended HS/vocational school.

Somehow from there he ends up out in Colorado... in a similar small town like Mount Vernon, as a plumber in Steam Boat Springs, Colorado. He gets a call to a condo unit and later takes keys from that condo unit to steal a car from another condo unit. He methodically goes out, after the theft, to get 10 gallons of gas... carts them past young and old alike living there at the time (per SA interview on the case linked in past threads) and lights a fire and drives off. The SA in that case does NOT think the fire was to cover his crime.

He serves roughly six years for this crime in colorado and he is released on parole... Where does he come? yes.. back to knox county ohio. The home where he was listed as living was owned by his parents (((not throwing blame here by the way just stating his money facts... I actually feel very badly for them...))). Even though unemployed.. and seen lounging in his trees and aggitating neighbors... he only held a job for 8 days... and at that job he failed to include his criminal past upon application. He recently broke up with a girlfriend and was described by current neighbors as strange... much like the descriptions of neighbors in his youth.

He has now apparently led detectives to a hollow tree where he shoved the bodies of Tina, Stephanie, and Kody... ensconsed in trash bags. No confirmation on how they died, if they were bound, or if they were intact... but it was ensured that great care was taken to ensure the dignity of the recovery of their remains... and I know in my SOUL this Sheriff will take that to the bank.

Rest in peace

And let us NOT forget Stephanie... not much has been revealed about her.. and her name was ((I am sure as an error by the prosecutor)) left out of the presser... but stephanie, your smile was contagious..and it is a DAMN SHAME that you will not be able to share it with anyone else on earth. I look forward to seeing it someday in heaven ((and yes I plan on going there lol))

If I left anything out sorry..

Thank you. If I may add:

And let's not forget a beautiful, innocent 13-year-old girl, Sarah, who witnessed or heard something so horrific that it can't even be imagined. She was then hauled to this predator's basement, bound and gagged, and subjected to still unknown more horrors. She spent four days in what must have been abject terror. She now faces the knowledge that her mother and little brother are gone forever at the hands of a monster. We can be sure that she will never be innocent again. Her life is changed forever. May she somehow find strength and peace in the near future.

R.I.P. Tina, Kody, and Stephanie
I can't even begin to tell you how my sense of security and safety has been shattered. I always lock my windows and doors, as I grew up in the city and was always taught not to trust people. However, we moved here and I've stayed here due to how safe it is. I know this doesn't make Mt. Vernon an "unsafe place", but it does make me leary of everything now. Double checking windows and doors, driving my daughter to school and picking her up instead of letting her ride the bus, and waking up in the middle of the night periodically to check on all 4 of my girls.

I couldn't watch the press conference without crying. The horror that poor girl, Sarah, went through... I couldn't even imagine.

And thinking about how this creep lived right down the street from my oldest daughter's elementary gives me the chills. What if he targeted her?

I figure I'll probably have problems sleeping until I know this guy is in prison for good, but even then... my world has been changed forever.
Another screen shot of MH signing in at the gym. Wonder if he has a smirk like that on his face now. It's even creepier looking at his pictures now knowing what he did.
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  • screen capture 2010-11-18 MH at gym (1).jpg screen capture 2010-11-18 MH at gym (1).jpg
    118.8 KB · Views: 131
trust me... this guy is a monster to go into the future monster text books of the world....

-Sheriff says he is still in a suicide gown (presser)
-shared info on exactly where to find the bodies
death penalty deal?
Where I currently have the marker is approximately 3/4 from the intersection of Yankee & Waterford.,-82.582684&spn=0.021727,0.038409&t=h&z=15
hollye, thanks for all the great work on your map!

If you're not sure of the location, you could compare your map with the aerial footage from the video from today. Those overhead views showed the location of the LE/CS vehicles near the edge of the woods. Not sure if it really showed how far into the woods they were working, though. I'm not sure that matters, KWIM?
broke up recently with girlfriend...............would love to hear more about him from her......
she is so lucky to get away from him!
One question that keeps coming up in the back of my mind. I wonder if he has a generator?
With his electricity cut off and he being in the tree trimming business on and off for me it opens up some possibilities. Abandoned houses, camping, you name it. Some generators can be very portable. Just has my mind thinking on several possibilities. Anyone have any thoughts on this or am I way off base?
Apparently he cut the utilities off for something but I don't know if I should say here since it's all rumor. However the person I got it from got it from someone in LE. But it makes sense considering the house was lined with bags of leaves....
ok, been gone all day....Did they find the bodies? So sorry, I should have read back...
Apparently he cut the utilities off for something but I don't know if I should say here since it's all rumor. However the person I got it from got it from someone in LE. But it makes sense considering the house was lined with bags of leaves....

I'd like to hear it
ok, been gone all day....Did they find the bodies? So sorry, I should have read back...

The Columbus Dispatch has a thorough article:

"The bodies of two women and an 11-year-old boy were found stuffed in a hollow tree in the Kokosing Lake Wildlife Area in northwestern Knox County, an area that had eluded a series of non-stop searches. White hearses headed into the area just before 5 p.m. today.

"Sheriff David B. Barber said the bodies were found in garbage bags inside a hollow tree. Hoffman, 30, was a tree-trimmer with his own tree-climbing equipment."

much more at
Apparently he cut the utilities off for something but I don't know if I should say here since it's all rumor. However the person I got it from got it from someone in LE. But it makes sense considering the house was lined with bags of leaves....

Can you elaborate or provide a link?
Like I said- I probably shouldn't say since it's rumor and even if it is true, not something that should be leaked.

But use your imagination and it'll probably be correct.
Apparently he cut the utilities off for something but I don't know if I should say here since it's all rumor. However the person I got it from got it from someone in LE. But it makes sense considering the house was lined with bags of leaves....

I thought maybe he was going to torch the place. I figured the utilities were off for non payment since he has no employment.
for those not following this case and all it's miriad of links from the start...

it seems that this MONSTER has been pegged by neighbors and friends and most people who have ever lived in the vicinity of him as 'strange', 'bad' and other various other expletives.

He seemed to have grown up in the warren area of Ohio and than moved to the howard area where he attended HS/vocational school.

Somehow from there he ends up out in Colorado... in a similar small town like Mount Vernon, as a plumber in Steam Boat Springs, Colorado. He gets a call to a condo unit and later takes keys from that condo unit to steal a car from another condo unit. He methodically goes out, after the theft, to get 10 gallons of gas... carts them past young and old alike living there at the time (per SA interview on the case linked in past threads) and lights a fire and drives off. The SA in that case does NOT think the fire was to cover his crime.

He serves roughly six years for this crime in colorado and he is released on parole... Where does he come? yes.. back to knox county ohio. The home where he was listed as living was owned by his parents (((not throwing blame here by the way just stating his money facts... I actually feel very badly for them...))). Even though unemployed.. and seen lounging in his trees and aggitating neighbors... he only held a job for 8 days... and at that job he failed to include his criminal past upon application. He recently broke up with a girlfriend and was described by current neighbors as strange... much like the descriptions of neighbors in his youth.

He has now apparently led detectives to a hollow tree where he shoved the bodies of Tina, Stephanie, and Kody... ensconsed in trash bags. No confirmation on how they died, if they were bound, or if they were intact... but it was ensured that great care was taken to ensure the dignity of the recovery of their remains... and I know in my SOUL this Sheriff will take that to the bank.

Rest in peace

And let us NOT forget Stephanie... not much has been revealed about her.. and her name was ((I am sure as an error by the prosecutor)) left out of the presser... but stephanie, your smile was contagious..and it is a DAMN SHAME that you will not be able to share it with anyone else on earth. I look forward to seeing it someday in heaven ((and yes I plan on going there lol))

If I left anything out sorry..

Wow, Im so very sorry to hear this, but not surprised, I feel like a dumb arse for not reading back. Poor Sarah and all the families involved.
I thought maybe he was going to torch the place. I figured the utilities were off for non payment since he has no employment.

Well I suppose that makes sense. If he did torch the place properly and no remains or evidence were found he would be a free man. I doubt they would have found the other bodies in the tree. This guys is crazy, but extremely smart.
trust me... this guy is a monster to go into the future monster text books of the world....

-Sheriff says he is still in a suicide gown (presser)
-shared info on exactly where to find the bodies
death penalty deal?

Oh - you know it's gotta be because his attorneys advised him that DP was going to be on the table - and if he wanted to have his life spared - then tell all and they would use the info as a bargaining tool.

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