OH OH - William 'Bill' Comeans, 14, Columbus, 7 Jan 1980 - #1

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Regarding the "car theory"...

It's not completely unlikely a car could have been used the night of the murder. You have to remember, everyone has their doors and windows shut (it's 30 degrees outside) and it's dark. How many cars go by your house on a given night while you are inside watching tv, doing laundry, cooking dinner? You don't know, because you are busy. It only takes a moment to "grab and go."

The walk from Bill's house to the area he was found, is about a leisurely 5 minute walk, 20 seconds by car.

I agree Kat, in that it's not *completely* unlikely a car was used on that murder date. I've been tossing it back & forth in my mind, and visualizing as many scenarios as possible. But the main reason against a car, in my mind, is pretty much spelled out in your words. The very close proximity from the abduction site (surely within steps of the family home) to only 20 seconds away by car. My logic is that if they got Bill into a car (that's the hardest part) then why not use the car to it's maximum benefit, which would be to carry Bill off to a more secluded distant location. I'm not ruling the car out, but the short "distance thing" keeps slapping me in the head, to be honest.
Regarding the "car theory"...

It's not completely unlikely a car could have been used the night of the murder. You have to remember, everyone has their doors and windows shut (it's 30 degrees outside) and it's dark. How many cars go by your house on a given night while you are inside watching tv, doing laundry, cooking dinner? You don't know, because you are busy. It only takes a moment to "grab and go."

The walk from Bill's house to the area he was found, is about a leisurely 5 minute walk, 20 seconds by car.

Bbm: I think he was watched that night (but from where?) and his movements of taking the holiday decorations down, going back and forth to the garage, and to the neighbors house provided a seize the moment opportunity.

Yes, a car could well have been around the corner, down the street, but I would be surprised if it pulled up in front of Bill's house. As Methodical pointed out, and I agree, that it would be very risky dragging someone into a recognizable car, or being recognized as the abductor, or Bill recognizing a car, first.

It breaks my heart to be writing this - but in "seeing" how the murder could have happened it also dials the doubt meter way down on wondering about prearranged meeting (s). I definitely don't think so. -IMO -If the knife belongs to the killer (s), and I think it does, it tells me Bill went unwillingly.
The bottle and knife are with LE. No word on any evidence taken off these objects. LE asked if the knife came from our house. I don't think so. We had no knife sets at the house or anything matching what was left at scene.

By the third attack when Bill went missing, the family was out and immediately searching. Amazing what you get used to, and not in a good way. Dad and neighbor went one way. Two brothers went the other way. Brothers crossed paths with a patrolling LE and he stated they thought someone was walking other way. We headed back to house, got my car, and headed toward tracks. Parked car, walked out to tracks and found Bill, Dad, and neighbor.

Do you know if LE or anyone searched the area of the actual RR tracks, in-line with the crime scene and also a bit east and west on the track area? Curious if they saw any footprints (escaping/fleeing across or down the tracks)? Snow should have been on the rock ballast/RR track area, so any shoeprints would be seen, correct?

I take it you & Mike went south on Maple? And your Dad & neighbor went north? I'm unclear where the LEO was when he thought he saw "someone walking the other way"?
The 3rd and final attack, location, and scene is quite perplexing.
I have yet to talk about it, except briefly, but have given this date intense thought. However, far too many details still are unknown to me/us.

One must ask "Why did it take place *there*??"
Here are some of my thoughts. There are certainly other reasons/possibilities, but this is how I see it at present.

1. It's not at all an ideal concealed location. In fact, after viewing both 1971 and present aerial views, it is unbelievably "out in the open". Night darkness was the "only" aid in concealment. Weather records show clear skies and temp of 27° at 6 PM down to 25° at 9 PM. Very cold, but clear, with light snow on the ground. Regarding the location Bill was found on the night of his murder, it is a somewhat concealed area. The area is located across the streets (railroad track side) and situated somewhat behind the house. It is a very dark area, no street lights, no porch lights would be on that side of the house. It was a cold night (windows and doors shut). The families living in those houses are used to hearing the trains go by and had probably have been accustomed to tuning out any outside noises.

2. If I was to guess the age range of the perp(s) based on this final day alone, I'd have to say between the ages of 17 to 19. However, when I consider details of the entire case, from the 1st attack forward, I'd have to expand that age range to also include those much older, possibly up to 30 yrs old. But an age range of 20 to 30 is very unusual for this 3rd crime scene, and the acts on this day leading to Bill's death.
This final crime scene "screams" immaturity, youthful risk taking, and one that is highly likely 17 - 19 years old.

3. How many perps?
Was it one perp on this date or two,, or three. I believe two, because one person alone faced far too many obstacles in so short a timeframe.
a.) Bill had to be either overpowered (or dominated) to be led away from right at his home. One is insufficient, two is needed. Three perps = too "noticeable", plus we never heard of 3 prior, according to Bill's statements.
b.) Two perps can keep a secret. Three perps never.

4. Why "THERE"?? (cont'd)
Besides immaturity and risk taking in excess, my thoughts are glued to those railroad tracks, but more in particular, the area both on the other side of the RR tracks and especially what seemingly is a semi-wooded area just to the east, where it appears (from 1971 aerials) that 5 sets of tracks makes a split (3 turn to the north, 2 continue to the east). This V-shaped semi-wooded area is the land between the split RR tracks, just east of the crime scene.

Everything in the area has always been entirely residential, hence many potential witnesses. The only area secluded and free of witnesses is across the tracks, especially the wooded area just down the tracks to the east.
When I was that age range, we also had similar RR track setups like this.
The perps, with Bill, headed in that direction from the get-go, and they already just crossed the outer-most residential line. Now WHY kill Bill within sight of those 3 houses on the outer-edge of the Park & Buena Vista Blvd in plain sight, when you are now at the start of the "no-witness" zone across the tracks? See my comments above. The area where Bill was found is out of sight from any of the houses.

I believe their original intention was to go across the tracks, likely to the wooded area just east. I believe "something" abruptly stopped that plan (possibly some resistance from Bill?).

The following goes "beyond" the scope of this case, but I added my thoughts:
If they had made it to the wooded area, it's quite likely, due to the family's relatively quick search for Bill, that it would have ended as assuming Bill was forcefully taken away by vehicle. It is also highly doubtful anyone would search that wooded area until much later, as most ppl probably would have assumed Bill was abducted by vehicle if Bill could not be found by foot searching around the nearby neighboring homes, due to short time frame in which he vanished. Likely, in that case, he would not have been found until 1 to "?" days later. The pathway of the railroad tracks would provide a quick getaway for the murderer(s). After killing Bill, they could have walked down the tracks, avoiding anyone out looking for Bill.
5. The knife left at crime scene:
I saw it in the YouTube video, but it only showed a small portion of the blade and riveted wood handle. It appeared to be a common looking large kitchen "chef's" knife, very similar to those manufactured by Chicago Cutlery brand.
One that's not easily toted in a pocket, but can be slid in a belt for very temporary carry. I hate to ask this of Bob, but must: Was there any missing knife of this sort from the family home? I would surely think LE had already asked that of the family, back then. No knives were missing from our house, that the LE did check.To leave it at a crime scene is either:
a). Dropped in a rush to get away fast. Perhaps they heard Bill's searchers yelling his name.b). Dropped by someone so unknowing how much evidence it could possibly provide.
c). Dropped intentionally, to deceive direction in the investigation.

6). Beer bottle at crime scene:
Originally, due to location, I felt it highly unlikely it to be unrelated to the perp(s) or the murder. Typically RR track areas and areas at the outside edge of neighborhoods are common for discarded bottles and various litter.
However, after I saw it briefly in the video, I saw it looked clean/clear (no dirty film) and also had absolutely no snow or ice on it's surface. I believe it snowed lightly within that past 24 hrs, so therefore it is highly likely this was in fact left by the killers. That bottle is typically a "fingerprint haven". Was there any word they got prints off that or anything? IIRC, you may have said no or IDK, before?

Adding my thoughts to this.
I agree Kat, in that it's not *completely* unlikely a car was used on that murder date. I've been tossing it back & forth in my mind, and visualizing as many scenarios as possible. But the main reason against a car, in my mind, is pretty much spelled out in your words. The very close proximity from the abduction site (surely within steps of the family home) to only 20 seconds away by car. My logic is that if they got Bill into a car (that's the hardest part) then why not use the car to it's maximum benefit, which would be to carry Bill off to a more secluded distant location. I'm not ruling the car out, but the short "distance thing" keeps slapping me in the head, to be honest.

Another thought on this. It may have been easy to lure Bill to the car. Bill is now in an enclosed space, unable to flee or fight back. Possible someone in the back seat grabbed Bill's scarf, strangled him (driving the short drive) got to the area Bill was found and dumped him out?
Two males, 17-20, with possibly an older male 25-30, in charge if you will. Students at high school and living in neighborhood, or close by. Something provoked in Bill's first couple weeks of high school that made him a target. Targeting escalated because of perceived weakness of victim and his unwillingness to talk. Very fast start and rapid ending, four months later. Now as adults, unknown males, still in contact locally at functions, but keep their distance from each other. An uneasy truce between them, you tell we both go down, that creates a bonded silence that helps hide their actions. Ties have been broken with the older male, who is no longer in their circle. They are married, have kids, and middle income jobs locally. They may have had some LE contact, DUI, domestic, etc.

Disclaimer:This is just an unproven, ungrounded theory with no specific facts to reinforce ideas. IMO
Brothers south on maple, encounter LE, second block. Dad and neighbor north on maple.
KatCo said:
Regarding the location Bill was found on the night of his murder, it is a somewhat concealed area. The area is located across the streets (railroad track side) and situated somewhat behind the house. It is a very dark area, no street lights, no porch lights would be on that side of the house. It was a cold night (windows and doors shut). The families living in those houses are used to hearing the trains go by and had probably have been accustomed to tuning out any outside noises.

I understand better now. I was basing my observations on Google street view, but that shows just as if you were actually driving down Park St, but in full daylight. But it still appears if any vehicle turned onto Park St, at night, as if coming from Buena Vista (mostly, as it's closer to scene) or Maple (a tad farther west), it seems the headlights would instantly illuminate the area Bill was found at. Correct? Or no?
I realize Park St probably gets few/seldom vehicle traffic.

Another thought on this. It may have been easy to lure Bill to the car. Bill is now in an enclosed space, unable to flee or fight back. Possible someone in the back seat grabbed Bill's scarf, strangled him (driving the short drive) got to the area Bill was found and dumped him out?

Let me ask this... did the lower single set of RR tracks closest to Park St exist in 1979-80, or were they added sometime after Bill's death?
Also, the "ditch" Bill was found is exactly how far off from the street edge? On google it appears to be possibly within 2' of the road? Is this accurate?
Wow, I missed some excellent sleuthing in the past few days. Lots of insightful opinions and I don't 100% disagree with any of them. While reading up on the posts I've missed, I took two full pages of notes. <Phew>

1) One thing I didn't see mentioned about the garbage bag and the inner tube - Not only are they easy to obtain (most families with kids/bikes would have both of these items) but also they are easy to fold up and put in a pocket. Easy to conceal, unlike the large kitchen knife found at the 3rd attack location.

2) "He WAS warned" note - The second attack was meant to kill Bill. I think the past tense is an important factor. The killer(s) left Bill for dead with that attempt. IMO.

3) What if Bill really did see the car before, during or after the attack but it has NOTHING to do with the attack. During that type of trauma, maybe that was all he could remember and thus brought it up. It does seem strange that he remembered it enough to identify it as a Ford Falcon or something similar (Chevy made a model like it).

4) Auto-asphyxiation - Personally, I didn't hear or read anything about this until I was in my 20's. Bill & I were the same age in Jan. 1980. That is not to say that he didn't discover it one way or another.

5) I don't feel these attacks were normal teenage jealousy or dislike especially not back in 1979/80. This was something more.

6) The Knife - As several members have mentioned, that knife would have been too big to hide for very long without drawing attention to yourself. A big knife LOOKS threatening but an adult might realize that a smaller knife would in reality be easier to conceal and more effective.

7) Bill's Dry Clothes &#8211; Where I live, it rains a LOT (13 ft a year). There are some trees and bushes that do protect you almost 100% from the rain. It appears the neighborhood streets had some trees. Bill was about 2 blocks from home. If he ran maybe most of his clothing would have appeared dry. I&#8217;m completely speculating with this one. You would think he would have some dirt on his pants (at least).

8) It&#8217;s very interesting that a LEO was out patrolling that night. It makes the third attack even more brazen.

Several of the items I wrote down aren&#8217;t important now that I&#8217;ve read further down this thread. Keep it up folks!! We&#8217;re presenting some useful stuff with varying viewpoints. I think we&#8217;re also sifting through the irrelevant points and winnowing those out bit by bit.
Original post TBM..
<trimmed>Noticed the Detective said the DNA test would be available January 13. I take that meant January 2013 as the video was posted October 2012. Has this been done yet?

I believe it was further back in the thread (not sure), but last I heard they would be testing it by end of this month, as they were waiting to finalize operations or machine acquisition for a newer DNA processing method.
Bobs post re running into an LE foot patrol when out looking for Bill.

ETA: 'foot' may be my assumption - he could have meant patrol car.
Two males, 17-20, with possibly an older male 25-30, in charge if you will. Students at high school and living in neighborhood, or close by. Something provoked in Bill's first couple weeks of high school that made him a target. Targeting escalated because of perceived weakness of victim and his unwillingness to talk. Very fast start and rapid ending, four months later. Now as adults, unknown males, still in contact locally at functions, but keep their distance from each other. An uneasy truce between them, you tell we both go down, that creates a bonded silence that helps hide their actions. Ties have been broken with the older male, who is no longer in their circle. They are married, have kids, and middle income jobs locally. They may have had some LE contact, DUI, domestic, etc.

Disclaimer:This is just an unproven, ungrounded theory with no specific facts to reinforce ideas. IMO

As unproven and ungrounded as your theory may appear, it might be worthwhile to collect - voluntary - DNA from all males aged 14 -30 who were living in the neighborhood or students at the school in 1979 -1980 and see who turns up and who does not.... :facepalm:
One can do this ahead of the DNA-testing that is planned, but still has to be done, as I understand it.
Just to speed matters up a bit and put the pressure on even more.
LEO encounter in south block was with officer in patrol car. 911 was called immediately upon noticing Bill missing.
One of the inconsistencies with the notes is that no note is left the second or third attack. Also, the notes "shift" after the first attack to being left at school. ETA: As a calling card, what does that say?

Also: Some are written, and some are cut from pieces of magazines. Why the shifting style? Multiple authors?
  • "He was warned."
  • “Blood will spill.” (Why "blood" when the MO is strangulation?)
  • “It’s your turn." (Presumably to friends?)
  • “Bill has three mths. left. ps. make the best of it.” (Why this "deadline" if they were intending to kill on the first two attacks?)
  • And one is found at Westland after Bills death.: "You're next" and is signed with a red "S." (Who rec'd this one?)
I wish we had a timeline for these notes.
[*]“Blood will spill.” (Why "blood" when the MO is strangulation?"

This is another clue that makes me think of a younger person. Blood is much more dramatic. It seems more threatening than "Choke You To Death".
This is another clue that makes me think of a younger person. Blood is much more dramatic. It seems more threatening than "Choke You To Death".

I feel that way about all of these -- that they are childish in character. If word got around school about the first note (as surely the story of the first attack must have gotten around school), I can't help wondering if more than one kid didn't think they were being funny by "teasing" Bill by putting notes in his locker. Kids can be really stupid that way -- not "getting" the seriousness of what had happened to him.
I feel that way about all of these -- that they are childish in character. If word got around school about the first note (as surely the story of the first attack must have gotten around school), I can't help wondering if more than one kid didn't think they were being funny by "teasing" Bill by putting notes in his locker. Kids can be really stupid that way -- not "getting" the seriousness of what had happened to him.

From the beginning, I also felt the notes left at school, both to Bill and his friends, had a moderate potential to have come from other kids at school, unconnected to any of the actual perps, as kind of a "copycat" terror threat (if they knew bout perps focus on Bill) or simply kids that "pick on a certain few kids" (if they weren't aware of the the perp's acts/threats at Bill).

It confused me a bit at the start, as the school notes were said to be signed in a red "S", but later on the first note sent to the neighborhood (AJT's notes, post #82) was signed with an "X".
I started to assume the first newspaper reports made a typo/error with the "S", as an "X" sig is common for threat notes, but not an "S" sig.

This is also quite an highly unusual coincidence (to say the least!), but in my sister's missing case, it also dealt with an "X" sig on evidence note, but the paper later reported it as an "S". Totally incorrect!
But now I take most news report "details", like this, with a grain of salt, as they frequently put wrong/flawed "facts".

However,, IF the school note(s) was truly signed with a red "S", then I would pay special attention to any students whose name started with an "S". Focus on first names primarily, but last names secondary.
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