OH OH - William 'Bill' Comeans, 14, Columbus, 7 Jan 1980 - #1

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How sad, when we have an ignore button. Sorry for the extra work BeeBee. You are a sweetie <3
I'm thinking the new detective have asked the family members to lay low, and it's very good advice, if that's the case. :)
How sad, when we have an ignore button. Sorry for the extra work BeeBee. You are a sweetie <3

What's an ignore button, Tulessa? Do you mean the ability to block certain posters so they don't show up in the thread? Sorry, if that's not it, I never heard of the feature you mentioned and would like to know more.
Were there any reports of animal cruelty back then? I know it's probably more likely to be swept under the rug (so the chances may be few), but since many killers torture animals first before they go over to humans, this could be an indication, providing that such delicts were not dismissed, but taken seriously at that time.
Were there any reports of animal cruelty back then? I know it's probably more likely to be swept under the rug (so the chances may be few), but since many killers torture animals first before they go over to humans, this could be an indication, providing that such delicts were not dismissed, but taken seriously at that time.

That would be an interesting thing to research, IMO.
Apologies if this info is already in the thread somewhere, and apologies for asking such a delicate question. However, I believe it is a critical question. Was there any signs of sexual activity or sexual attack?
Apologies if this info is already in the thread somewhere, and apologies for asking such a delicate question. However, I believe it is a critical question. Was there any signs of sexual activity or sexual attack?

Hi rosesfromangels, you can find this and other information in the thread

William Comeans: Media, Facts, Timeline and Maps **NO DISCUSSION** - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

4/22/80, Tuesday Coroner&#8217;s Report Released

Coroner William Adrion rules death a homicide. (Adrion may have had to put his name on all reports, as another source says Dep. Coroner Patrick M. Fardal conducted the autopsy.)
Finding is based on autopsy findings and sheriff&#8217;s department investigation.
COD: Cardiac arrest due to compression of the neck by ligature.
MOD: Petechial hemorrhaging shows he was most likely strangled.
Toxicology report shows diazepam (valium) in BC&#8217;s blood, but LE sees no evidence of personal drug use and does not know how Bill may have gotten any.
The report says Bill has internal injuries from the strangulation as well as facial hemorrhaging, but no other wounds to his body.
Coroner declares death &#8220;a very bizarre case.&#8221;

No mention of sexual activity or sexual attack, but the future dna-test of the scarf may change this, if and when.
I think someone pulled the plug on our spotlight. :scared: *picks up the plugs and looks around for an outlet to plug it in to* :skip:
No mention of sexual activity or sexual attack, but the future dna-test of the scarf may change this, if and when.
I can't comment on the first two attacks, but I believe it is unlikely he was sexually assaulted in the fatal attack. If events happened in the time frame mentioned, I doubt the killer would have had enough time to redress the victim. There has been no mention of Bill being even partially undressed. While I know that there have been cases where family members may cover or dress a body because they don't want other people to see/know about what happened to their loved one, I highly doubt that this was what happened. It would mean the father dressed him up before his other sons arrived and before the scarf was taken off & CPR attempted. When posting here, the brother seemed very open and straightforward and I think if there was any overt evidence of sexual assault, he would have mentioned it. MOO

I think the answer may lie with the scarf, but even more answers can probably be gotten from his classmates. I hope the new detective on the case spends time interviewing his friends, classmates and the upperclassmen at his H.S.
I can't comment on the first two attacks, but I believe it is unlikely he was sexually assaulted in the fatal attack. If events happened in the time frame mentioned, I doubt the killer would have had enough time to redress the victim. There has been no mention of Bill being even partially undressed. While I know that there have been cases where family members may cover or dress a body because they don't want other people to see/know about what happened to their loved one, I highly doubt that this was what happened. It would mean the father dressed him up before his other sons arrived and before the scarf was taken off & CPR attempted. When posting here, the brother seemed very open and straightforward and I think if there was any overt evidence of sexual assault, he would have mentioned it. MOO

I think the answer may lie with the scarf, but even more answers can probably be gotten from his classmates. I hope the new detective on the case spends time interviewing his friends, classmates and the upperclassmen at his H.S.

Bob tells us that their father went out with a neighbor to look for Bill, the father was not alone when Bill was found.
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - SPOTLIGHT CASE OH - Bill Comeans, 15, Columbus, 7 Jan 1980 - Family Seeks Info thru Social Media

I think that if there was any evidence of sexual assault or activity, the autopsy would have mentioned this as well.
I can't comment on the first two attacks, but I believe it is unlikely he was sexually assaulted in the fatal attack. If events happened in the time frame mentioned, I doubt the killer would have had enough time to redress the victim. There has been no mention of Bill being even partially undressed. While I know that there have been cases where family members may cover or dress a body because they don't want other people to see/know about what happened to their loved one, I highly doubt that this was what happened. It would mean the father dressed him up before his other sons arrived and before the scarf was taken off & CPR attempted. When posting here, the brother seemed very open and straightforward and I think if there was any overt evidence of sexual assault, he would have mentioned it. MOO

I think the answer may lie with the scarf, but even more answers can probably be gotten from his classmates. I hope the new detective on the case spends time interviewing his friends, classmates and the upperclassmen at his H.S.

100% agree with you. Somewhere, on this earth, PEOPLE STILL KNOW THE WHO's AND WHAT HAPPENED.

They say bodily fluid was found on the scarf, im thinking the killer's Saliva? From the struggle it would have taken in strangling Bill?

Come on guys and gals, lets keep this thread alive and kicking! Im back to believing it was older bullies who launched this terrorising bullying campaign which resulted in murder, BUT WHY? WHY BILL?

Did he see something he shouldnt have? Did he have a girlfriend that someone else loved? Did he stand up for someone else at school and piss the bullies off? Was it someone Bob's age?? An ex friend of Bob?
Bob or KatCo, you may intentionally be avoiding this question, but since I can't know for sure, I'll put it to you again. I have no idea how long Bill's first assault might have been. I know the time given for the attack is 8:30. But when did he get home?

Also, since Bill is said to have been on his way home from a friend's house that evening, how long was he actually away from home? For instance, had he just run over to his friend's for a little while? Did he go home with the friend straight from school? I understand if those are details only your parents knew at that time, but I thought I'd ask. I'm just wondering how much of a fudge factor there is around that story -- for instance, if he was covering for something he was too embarrassed and traumatized to talk about, what is the window for that attack?

I suppose I should add, did the friend ever verify that timeline? Thanks in advance.
Bob or KatCo, you may intentionally be avoiding this question, but since I can't know for sure, I'll put it to you again. I have no idea how long Bill's first assault might have been. I know the time given for the attack is 8:30. But when did he get home?

Also, since Bill is said to have been on his way home from a friend's house that evening, how long was he actually away from home? For instance, had he just run over to his friend's for a little while? Did he go home with the friend straight from school? I understand if those are details only your parents knew at that time, but I thought I'd ask. I'm just wondering how much of a fudge factor there is around that story -- for instance, if he was covering for something he was too embarrassed and traumatized to talk about, what is the window for that attack?

I suppose I should add, did the friend ever verify that timeline? Thanks in advance.

I unfortunately do not know what the timeline was for that.
Okay, now I'm a little confused, I really thought a cold case unit was already tasked with this case, too but now Bill's Twitter says:

There is no one to help solve my murder. There is no cold case team to give us answers.

What are a case's requirements to arouse the interest of a cold case team?

Also, when exactly is the new DNA testing method going to be available/usable?

I was also wondering, whether this case resp. the killer has ever been analysed by a profiler and if so, to what conclusion did one come?

Edit: were the mails put in an envelope? There weren't any fingerprints (right?) but what about the flap? Possible DNA evidence of the sender's saliva?
Okay, now I'm a little confused, I really thought a cold case unit was already tasked with this case, too but now Bill's Twitter says:

What are a case's requirements to arouse the interest of a cold case team?

Also, when exactly is the new DNA testing method going to be available/usable?

I was also wondering, whether this case resp. the killer has ever been analysed by a profiler and if so, to what conclusion did one come?

A new cold case detective is supposed to have started in February.

Re profilers etc. this is what Kathleen wrote about it:
Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - SPOTLIGHT CASE OH - Bill Comeans, 15, Columbus, 7 Jan 1980 - Family Seeks Info thru Social Media

Thousands of hours staking out the neighborhood in July 1980? Where were they September & October of 1979? Where were they January 1980? They couldn't find answers to this mystery... were they even looking? Seems they were quick to dismiss it as anything other than murder.

When I contacted the Sheriff's office in October 2011, the detective I spoke with asked some of the older detectives and they responded, "Wasn't that a suicide?"

IMHO, most of the profiling has been done here at WS and first and foremost on FB by family and friends.

I hope I am wrong about this, indeed I would be very happy if a cold case team were active and a professional profile had been made.
My impression is that LE relies on the DNA evidence, if and when.
How can someone attack three times but be completely invisible to us all. No one is that good, are they? If this is solved are we going to say, it was right there looking us in the face and we missed it all these years?

Like opening a twitter account for Bill. Twitter's been around for awhile and all of a sudden Katco sees it as an opportunity, and it is.

Ice cream was partially eaten in the house, put in freezer to go get sister, and never returned for it. It was not eaten outside. (to answer previous question)

Just thinking out loud here.

Personally, I think that the murderer is someone your family knew well. Someone that made Bill THINK that your family, or anyone else for that matter, wouldn't believe him. When the police didn't believe him because of the polygraph, that only reinforced the murderer's lie.
I'm going to touch on a few topics & items, most that have been mentioned thus far, however I am going to be focusing in on a more detailed (ie. in-depth) analysis aspect in an attempt to provide some food for thought & feedback. All insights are "IMO", so yours may vary.

The 1992 David Chereck, age 15, strangulation case in Skokie & Morton Grove, IL:
I had known about this case. Not in full detail, but sufficient info to comment. Bob, you stated "Found within two blocks of his home in wooded area".
That part is not true. He was found actually more than a mile from his house, in a wooded area in the next suburb. He was also found in just a T-shirt, pants, & socks. His shoes and winter jacket were completely missing from the scene. Initially there was considerable speculation of auto-erotic asphyxia.
This case was hugely botched from the get-go, as it's jurisdiction was fought over by an incompetent local PD (a PD that severely botched handling the disappearance of my own sister in 1970), but fell in the hands of an even more highly incompetent county "Forest Preserve" police force.
My opinion: I find it highly unlikely the perp of that case (CA "suspect", or other) had anything to do with Bill's case, for the reasons:
1. Perp drove victim far from abduction site. Perp concealed body in dense wooded area, not in very public place & plain open view like Bill.
2. Perp also stripped David of his jacket and shoes, and took them from scene (never found items, afaik).
3. Perp highly unlikely to simply commit his act within 2 blocks of your home. Far more his MO (modus operandi) to disable Bill and drive far away to a very secluded place.
4. Several more reasons, but main ones already listed are significant enough.

The "Car" (in Bill's case):
Tho I never rule out anything (tho I may keep things below 5% probability), I do not see a vehicle being used, especially for the 3rd attack/death.
1. Use of a vehicle is far more "witness-able" and "cumbersome" in a virtually slightly over 1 block radius attack. (on abduction AND the very open final death scene).
2. Use of a vehicle largest "benefit" would be to carry Bill far from the abduction point. That did not occur, in the least.
3. Use of a vehicle is far more unlikely in "spur of the moment" chances of catching Bill away from family, in front of his own home.
4. Use of a vehicle would also allow Bill to easily/readily notice it either on approach, or parked nearby the house. Or upon exit of the "occupants".
These are my main reasons for placing the use of a vehicle as "unlikely".

Use of black plastic bag & inner tube (attack #1):
1. IMO, does not afford any justification or reason as to why Bill did not see his attackers. Even in situations attacked "from behind". Probably the best way I can demonstrate this is a real life recreation of the event. Since surprise would be a necessary key element, it's hard to recreate. However, hypothetically, if you were riding a bicycle and have two people jump out from a concealed area (say a tree/bush) behind you: First, unless you were riding a bike at a bare crawl (most kids don't), you would be a fair distance ahead of them by the time they jumped out. Most trees wouldn't afford 100% concealment for a very "close up" victim.
But mainly, in the act of anyone attempting to place a bag over your head, even by surprise, there is almost always ample time to react and see that person's face.
Simply put, I place myself in any victim's shoes. I'd feel comfortable challenging anyone to be able to do it successfully to me, and not have me see their face.

It's been asked "Why those two items? Why the need for the bag? Why not just the inner tube for strangulation?"
I'm not a doctor, medical examiner, nor killer, but will provide the following info from what I know.
1. Both items would be needed for maximum asphyxiation in the shortest amount of time, thus reducing "struggle/consciousness" time to a minimum.
2. Quite simply, the bag limits breathable air to virtually close to zero air. The inner tube (or any tying item) seals the enclosure and maintains the seal. It's rather scary just thinking about it, I know. Just trying to explain.
3. But this allows use of the victim's hands (unless they are held/tied) before the point of unconsciousness, to tear off the items
4. The note left said "He was warned". Keyword is "WAS". Not "is". If Bill didn't fake that note, then to me that significantly indicates they intended him NOT to walk away alive.
5. All of these are reasons why I said in my very first post that I believe the intent of #1 attack was to kill on that date, rather than scare. I also can't answer why they used an inner tube, rather than say rope or duct tape, other than 1. possibly handy for the perps to have. 2. Due to the stretchy material, it actually would be the best material to both seal and ADD/maintain compression pressure to the throat/neck once it is tied off.

I would appreciate feedback to see what others think, or if they disagree with certain parts, and opposing viewpoints, so we can exchange ideas, and reduce the chances of going in wrong directions.

Right now I'm reviewing aerial photos of the neighborhood taken in 1971. That is the "closest" year that is available for me at present, tho typically for a fee you can order a specific year, or one much closer to 1979. The ultimate goal is to get a 100% accurate detailed view of each scene and surroundings, as if standing right there. That would be very high value as a "foundation" in any successful investigation. That is why you often see LE standing silent at a scene, turning & taking in the entire 360° around them, in deep thought.

In my thinking, I literally have hundreds of vital questions about physical neighborhood details, scene details, details on your observations between & after each attack & I also still have comments/opinions on numerous segments ("evidence" at scene, etc). However, this post is already more lengthy than I originally intended, so i will end here for now.

I agree with you. They wanted to kill him from the beginning. There are easier ways to scare someone. Ways that wouldn't leave evidence. I don't know why anyone would want him dead, but someone did.
The only thing that makes sense to me in this case, is that the killer was LE. I'm probably way off base, and hate to even type that, as my hubby was LE in Kentucky. Bob, Kat, was any LE ever under suspicion(in your eyes?). This case has floored me. Bill was loved, respected, and a fine member of the community. It just doesn't make sense. Below is a serial killer that was LE. Notice method of killing?

Robert Carl Hohenberger

Classification: Serial killer?
Characteristics: Rape - Former California sheriffs deputy
Number of victims: 0 - 7
Date of murders: 1978
Date of birth: 1943
Victims profile: Teenage girls
Method of murder: Strangulation
Location: California/Louisiana, USA
Status: Committed suicide when officers attempted to arrest him in June 1978

He was also an ex-convict though and his method of disposal was different, and all were teenagers.

Everybody was pretty much afraid to go out in the evenings," Rodermund said recently from Houston. His parents relocated there years ago, soon after their 16-year-old daughter's disappearance. "For three or four months it was sheer terror."
He also operated (gag on that word) during the evenings.


If it was LE that would explain why it was never taken seriously. But I don't think Bill would have made police reports had it been LE. I believe Bill knew his attacker(s). I just can't figure out why this case wasn't taken seriously.
Coldcase detective was promoted before he even started. Bill's case will be worked in the office "downtime." No status on when DNA will be tested.
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