Found Deceased OK - Aja Johnson, 7, Geronimo, 24 January 2010 - #3

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Ok, this is a summary of reports to OKDHS from others and does not include the events preceding 9/25/2007 where OKDHS, CHBS, and the Court were monitoring (or supposed to) for “self reports”: (I redacted some information about “Sibling 1” out of respect for her and those who love her). As difficult as it was for me to read through this report; I had to make a timeline in hopes that everyone that comes here will see the multiple layers and failures of same that go on all around us...and that this will prompt each and every reader to act on this tragedy and do everything in our power to try to stop this from happening again...even if it's just 1 other child...this leaves me speachless!

9/25/07 – 1st Report from “outsider” to Lincoln Co. OKDHS
· Aja had extensive bruising which she first said was from Hobbs.
· Aja made references to having seen a hairy groin and / or hairy butt.
· Aja reported having taken baths with Hobbs
· Aja and witness reported Hobbs “spanked” her
· Aja reported to have over 100 insect bites
· Aja reported that Hobbs told her not to let anyone see the bruises
· Aja changed story about Hobbs spanking her
· OKDHS reported that parents were resistant to change and to redirection, and insist on doing things ‘their way” regardless of the effect to the children”.

12/8/08 - Closed
· The OKDHS documented the children were safe, based on its evaluation of the risk factors: risk to the children-low level; risk factors pertaining to the PRFCs-low level; threat of harm to the children-low level; and seriousness of environmental or family risk factors-low level.

4/16/2009 – 2nd Report from “outsider” to Lincoln Co. OKDHS
· Reported that Aja talked another child into pulling his pants down and…
· Reported that Aja had been caught several times following boys into boys restroom
· Reported that parents had been notified at which time Hobbs stated that Aja needed to be busted and that she wouldn’t respect “them” if they weren’t males.
· Parent’s made excuses for Aja’s behavior
· Reported that Aja wasn’t going to counseling because parent’s wouldn’t take her
· Reported that Hobbs is a threat to the children and anyone else who questions him
· OKDHS verified that Aja was not in counseling because parents said they discontinued when counselor told older sibling she was old enough to have a boyfriend, but that they had made an appt with another counselor
· Parents denied that Aja displayed any sexual acting out in home
· Parents stated Aja had been placed inpatient treatment for threatening to burn the house down

6/2/09 – Closed
· The OKDHS documented that the stepfather, Lester Hobbs, did not use drugs or alcohol.
· The parents denied any history of domestic violence.
· The OKDHS documented in the General Parenting section of the safety assessment that the parents “appear to have the capacity emotionally and physically to care for the children.”
· The documentation further stated that Aja’s mother was “dependent emotionally on Mr. Hobbs . . .” but that the parents are “able to meet their own needs in a healthy way and cope with daily life stressors.”
· The assessment documented that the children were “safe” and, therefore, no voluntary safety plan was required. The OKDHS documented that the children were safe, as no safety threats had been identified.

6/17/09 – 3rd Report from “outsider” to Lincoln Co. OKDHS
· Reported that Aja had missed a full week of summer school.
· Sibling had reported stated that Aja was sick but was very vague regarding what was actually wrong with Aja.
· Reported that reporter was concerned that the child could possibly be too bruised to go to school.

6/17/09 – Screened-out / no case opened?
· OKDHS documented that there was “no information indicating that abuse or neglect has occurred.”

8/5/09 – 4th Report from “outsider” to Lincoln Co. OKDHS
· Reported that LE was at home for welfare check, due to Aja’s mother having made two emergency calls from the home that the father (Lester Hobbs) had been “really angry” for about a month.
· Reported that Hobbs mother and was holding car keys so she couldn’t leave
· Reported that Hobbs made Aja scrub floor with toothbrush for stealing cookies from his bedroom
· Reported that the two children were afraid of Lester Hobbs
· Reported that the two children were not safe with Lester Hobbs.
· OKDHS received addl information 1 day later that the children had made statements that the father (Lester Hobbs) “threatened to kill them with a hammer.”
· OKDHS verified / observed bruises on Aja’s leg
· Aja confirmed to OKDHS that bruises were from Hobbs
· Aja told OKDHS she was afraid of Hobbs
· Aja told OKDHS that she had seen Hobbs hurt her mother by hitting her in the head
· Mother confirmed to OKDHS that Hobbs forced the children to scrub the floor with toothbrushes
· OKDHS documented that Hobbs threatened to kill them by hitting them in the head with hammers
· Mother told OKDHS she was afraid of Hobbs and wanted to leave
· LE told mother she couldn’t go back to Hobbs or she would be putting her kids at risk and be charged with child endangerment
· Hobbs called OKDHS from Kansas and not sure when he would be returning
· Hobbs told OKDHS that he didn’t understand why Aja was removed on August 6th and denied ever hitting mother
· Hobbs called OKDHS again and admitted to making the children scrub the floor with toothbrushes
· Hobbs told OKDHS he didn’t know why the mother left him
· Hobbs told OKDHS he was going to adopt Aja the same day the mother left him
· Hobbs denied ever hitting children or holding them against their will

After 8/31/09 – Closed w/ & after recommendations to DA’s Office
· Report to the District Attorney, the OKDHS documented an overall finding of Services Recommended. Recommendations made to the family by the OKDHS included: “Mr. and Mrs. Hobbs not expose the children to any domestic violence and Mrs. Hobbs continue to protect her children from any abuse or neglect.”

9/10/09 – 5th Report from “outsider” to McClain Co. OKDHS
· Reported that Aja had serious behavior problems and her mother would not respond.
· Reported that the children were reported to be abandoned since the mother could not be found.
· Reported that the caretaker who has been taking care of the children would gladly take the children and raise them
· Reported that mother said she would not relinquish her parental rights to the caretaker because she “needs the checks.”
· Reported that children were being abused in “every way”
· Reported that Aja had been placed twice in a children’s mental health hospital.

9/10/09 (or 9/30?)– Screened out / no case opened?
· The OKDHS screened-out the referral and documented: “Not child abuse and neglect.

OKDHS Ongoing Safety Assessment (September 30, 2009), Lincoln County
· The OKDHS documented that the children were conditionally safe based on its evaluation of the risk factors: risk to the children-moderate level; risk factors pertaining to the PRFCs-moderate level; threat of harm to the children-low level; and seriousness of environmental or family risk factors-moderate level.

10/29/09 – 6th Report from “outsider” to McClain Co. OKDHS
· Reported that a six-year-old severely abused child had been abandoned by her mother and left with a neighbor and friend of the mother.
· Reported that the mother refused to turn over guardianship to the woman who was willing to care for the children because the mother had stated that “she needs the checks”.
· Reported that the mother returned the children to the home of the stepfather, Lester Hobbs.
· Reported that Lester Hobbs had “beat them to a pulp” in the past.
· OKDHS documented that the children had not been attending school for a month.
· Reported that the children’s mother and stepfather would eat in front of the children and that the children only ate beans and ham.
· Reported that OKDHS had been involved with the family before and that the children had been removed from the parents’ care several times.
· Reported that the mother was drinking alcohol and using drugs.
· Reported that the reporter feared that the children were being sexually abused
· Reported that Hobbs told sibling to watch her weight because he “likes his women thin.”

10/29/09 - Screened out / no case opened?
· The OKDHS screened-out the report and documented, “[N]o allegations of abuse or neglect.”

11/2/09 – 7th Report from “outsider” to Oklahoma and Lincoln Co. OKDHS
· Reported that the mother and Lester Hobbs had gotten back together
· Reported that the children had been with them (Hobbs and mother) for two weeks.
· Reported that after two weeks, the children were sent to live with a friend.
· Reported that the mother was arrested in Oklahoma County for unpaid parking tickets and drugs.
· Reported that before the mother was arrested, she took Aja to live with the child’s biological father.
· Reported that Aja had not been in school for a month and a half.

OKDHS Documented that:
· a court-involved child welfare case regarding the family had been dismissed in Lincoln County in 2008.
· Aja had reported that she had been living at a friend’s home in another town, but when she was suspended from school for her behavior, her mother had taken her to live with her biological father.
· Aja’s mother stated that her husband, Lester Hobbs, believed in the wedding vow “until death do us part” and that he was serious when he said it.
· The biological father signed a safety plan to keep Aja away from Lester Hobbs and not to allow Aja to leave the biological father’s home with her mother.
· The biological father also applied for and was granted a temporary custody order in Oklahoma County civil court.
· Aja had stated she preferred living with her biological father if she had a choice.
· Aja stated that Cowboy (Lester Hobbs) cut up the bike and the clothes purchased for her by her biological father
· Aja stated that Lester Hobbs made her carry the ripped clothes around.
· Aja disclosed that when she was spanked by Lester Hobbs that he left bruises.
· Aja stated that “Cowboy (Lester Hobbs) would grab her by her hair and make her clean the floor with a toothbrush . . .” and “Cowboy drinks a lot”.
· Aja was made to mop the floor with toothbrushes with one hand behind their backs and that Lester Hobbs made them both stand on their knees for long periods of time.
· Hobbs had all of them dye their hair black, because he likes black hair”.
· Lester Hobbs yelled, grabbed them by their hair, whipped them with a paddle, and rammed Aja’s head into a wall.
· Aja was afraid to talk with law enforcement about how Lester Hobbs was treating them for fear that Lester Hobbs would hear them because they were too close to the house when law enforcement had asked the children questions.

Ongoing Assessment 11/2/2009 – Oklahoma County OKDHS Reported that: (note date completed as 2/10/10)
· The safety assessment was approved by the supervisor on February 10, 2010.
· “Both children are placed outside the reach of Mr. Hobbs’ abusive manner.”
· Aja’s biological father had obtained legal custody of Aja and that he had agreed to keep Aja away from Lester Hobbs and not to allow Aja’s mother to take her from his home.
· Lester Hobbs was a danger to the children’s mother.
· The assessment concluded that the biological father of Aja appeared to have all the resources, drive, and skills to protect Aja.

OKDHS Voluntary Safety Plan–11/3/09 – Oklahoma County OKDHS Reported and documented on the safety plan that:
· the mother had agreed not to allow Lester Hobbs around Aja due to his abuse of the child in August 2009.
· the mother knew she was exposing the child to threat of harm when she chose for her and Aja to live with Lester Hobbs.
· the mother ignored her prior agreement with the OKDHS Voluntary Safety Plan to protect Aja from this threat.
· Aja was presently placed with her biological father and that Lester Hobbs “does not have access to Aja.”
· The biological father was to seek emergency custody of Aja to prevent the mother from removing Aja from his home and possibly exposing her to Lester Hobbs.
· the biological father agreed not to allow the mother to take the child from his home.
· it was agreed with the biological father that he would contact the OKDHS worker weekly to report progress in obtaining legal custody of Aja.
(my comments: looks like this “officially” closed out on 2/2010 – AFTER Aja was kidnapped)

1/25/10 – 8th Report from “outsider” to Oklahoma Co. OKDHS
· Reported that Hobbs had become a murder suspect…
Report still open at time of this report

1/25/10 – 9th Report from “outsider” to Oklahoma Co. OKDHS
· Reported that the on-call worker in Comanche County was called to Geronimo, Oklahoma, where a mother had been killed and her spouse was at large with the mother’s seven-year-old child.
1/25/10 – Screened out / Not opened
The OKDHS screened-out the report as a duplicate report having already been received

2/8/10 – Granted custody of Sibling to the person who has been caring for her all along
Someone asked about supervisors...this is the only mention of a supervisor signing off / review that I found:

Ongoing Assessment 11/2/2009 – Oklahoma County OKDHS Reported that:

The safety assessment was approved by the supervisor on February 10, 2010 and noted that “Both children are placed outside the reach of Mr. Hobbs’ abusive manner.” Also documented that, Aja’s biological father had obtained legal custody of Aja and that he had agreed to keep Aja away from Lester Hobbs and not to allow Aja’s mother to take her from his home. Additional documentation stated that Lester Hobbs was a danger to the children’s mother. The assessment concluded that the biological father of Aja appeared to have all the resources, drive, and skills to protect Aja.

Yep...supervisor reviewed it after Aja was already missing! While the documentation could have been completed before 2/10/10 - it sounds like a lot of CYA and finger pointing to me...blame the mom for all of it! Not saying she didn't share in this tragedy, just that these "professionals" certainly should have done something to protect Aja, even if her mother did not!

I am outraged and will not let this report go to the back page of anyone reporter, politician, agency, etc., mind...NEVER SHOULD THIS HAVE ENDED THE WAY IT DID!!!!

Nothing but outrageous! Inexcusable! Negligent!

Aja spent weeks on the children's psyc unit - she had to have been admitted by a doctor, hopefully a psychiatrist and not a urologist. While there, she must have been seen by social workers, psychologists, psychiatrists, psyc nurses. Wonder if this is when she was diagnosed with ADHD and put on medication. What were her treatment recommendations? And discharge recommendations? Please, don't tell me there weren't any or they weren't followed. What happened to those recommendations and why is the case worker not in jail? Why was Hobbs with his gazillion DUI's and criminal record, not in jail?
And what kind of case worker would tell a man like Hobbs to go ahead and hit Aja but NOT to leave marks????? Guess that explains the jalapeno peppers he used for punishment.
Sounds to me like there are untrained people working these cases and make decisions from a power base on like and dislike. omg poor beautiful Aja, now I really want to see the COD on her autopsy report. moo

ETA: Any locals know the name of the state hospital where Aja would have been admitted? TIA

ETA: Aja was admitted to a 'behavior' psyc unit, perhaps one with a contract with DFS or DHS. Wonder who made the decision it Aja's behavior causing her problems and not the sexual, psychological, physical, and every other abuse one can think of. Why a behavioral unit? The whole system is sick! MOO
seems like they wanted to blame aja for everything that happened and bought his pathetic 'discipline' excuses. ironically the diagnosis and medications helped aja but were irrelevent once they put her back with hobbs, now she was just more docile for him to abuse and get away with it :(
im so sorry aja.

like caylee and haliegh and shayna and jaycee and amanda and so many others, you were failed, either by the system or by the people supposed to protect you or by both. :(

rip angel
I have been up most of the night thinking about this little angel of ours! I keep trying to remind myself that she's safe now; but I can't shake the thoughts of how fearful she must have been when this yanked her away from the trailer---especially considering that she saw or heard her mother being killed!

No one, adult or child, should ever ever have to experience such fear! I pray that the sister is getting the help that she needs...although I'm not sure that it will ever be enough. The things she saw and the guilt (unfounded-of course) that she will continue to battle for the rest of her life is incomprehensible.

I am still so furious about it all! Hmmm - wonder when the tox report will be release? I know it's complete by now...what's the hold up???
My greatest hope is that the horrific life of this beautiful child will bring revolutionary change to those systems everywhere that failed her.

I am so, so heartbreakingly sorry you suffered so dearly, Aja. You will never be forgotten- not in thought, not in action.
[I snipped this to save space]

My comments: this is absolutely amazing – you mean to tell me that no one, NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON THAT WAS SUPPOSED TO PROTECT AJA, saw anything wrong with her coming back to her mother and Hobbs after her 2nd admit / discharge from psych treatment as a result of the FREAKING HOME ENVIRONMENT! And they wonder why Aja had violent tendencies or verbalized them or whatever??? H**L, I am having them now and I'm only reading!

As a former foster parent, I have to say that this happened to kids we had (in WA state) often. And it was beyond horrifying. We had 32 children over 4 years (only 5 for a year or longer), and every last one of them went back "home" at least twice after leaving us. 29 of them went into psychiatric units from our house, and then went "home" afterwards, just to end up back in psych wards, and then back "home" yet again before going back into foster care. All but 3 were aged 10 down to 18 months. I often wonder what happened to them.

Not to distract from the horrors poor Aja faced. I can't believe that this is STILL going on, and that these "professionals" continue to ignore clear and obvious danger and abuse. The best I can think is at least these 2 monsters are dead, but what kind of comfort is that? Her poor sister, wherever she is. I hope whoever has guardianship of her is getting her GOOD professional mental help, and tells her every day how much they love her.
I don't understand what kind of "system" we have out there that abuse can be documented and it isn't followed up with CRIMINAL charges? Okay sure, if a spouse doesn't want to file charges against an abusive partner, okay. But who is representing the CHILDREN?
I don't understand what kind of "system" we have out there that abuse can be documented and it isn't followed up with CRIMINAL charges? Okay sure, if a spouse doesn't want to file charges against an abusive partner, okay. But who is representing the CHILDREN?

You're exactly right; it's completely baffling.

The only insight I can add is anecdotal: my ex- is a CPS worker in San Antonio, so I know something about the process of documentation and the various services offered (or mandated) and the chain of command, DHS-wise. Do children still get hurt in S.A.? Yes. Are there sometimes failures in the system, even fatalities? Yes.

BUT: Given the sort of documentation that exists in Aja's case, would that have some bearing on the outcome? Overwhelmingly yes; yes, of course: there would be no further contact between the stepfather and the child if this sort of documentation existed in Bexar County TX, and there would not have been for some time, because even a quarter of this documentation would be enough to remove Aja from the home and into the safety of foster care, and to keep her there; CPS workers would have met with SAPD and documented any instances of cruelty toward a child, and arrests would have been made. Field workers and supervisors would have been all over this case, and would know that, if they were not, their heads would roll. And Aja Johnson would have been protected, because this case from the git-go shouted out loud and clear the eventual fatal outcome for one little girl.

But this is Oklahoma, and even though the caseworker assigned had been involved in one fatality case already, no supervisor took it upon him- or herself to watch this case at all, let alone carefully, like it deserved.
This is just a horrible injustice to Aja and her siblings. I have had dealings with our CPS and quite frankly they are a joke.

I think of her everyday, just when you think it can't get any worse we start reading about all of this. I hope that this case is a wake up call to everyone, and hope that Aja's trad. can only better our system with big changes to come. Maybe Aja's law ....
Oklahoma DHS caseworker in high-profile child deaths retires
An Oklahoma child welfare worker whose judgment was questioned in the Kelsey Smith-Briggs and Aja Johnson child death cases has announced her retirement from the state Department of Human Services.

Caseworker Yolanda Hunter will retire from the Department of Human Services at her own request on July 1 and be out on leave until that time, said Beth Scott, spokeswoman for the department.

Hunter was unavailable for comment.
Kathie Briggs said she welcomes Hunter's retirement. "I think she should have been fired rather than allowed to retire ... but at least she's not putting any other children in danger,” Briggs said.

Briggs said she believes Hunter decided early on that she didn't like Briggs and refused to listen to reports of abuse.
Hunter has worked 34 years for the state and 19 years for DHS, Scott said. Her annual salary was $32,444.87.

and more, at

Low salary equates with obtaining low quality.
The judges and the case workers should all be fired. But first-they should live with a devil like him for 4 years and endure what poor Aja endured.

I hope her father sues the pants off of all of them.

As for Aja's so called MOTHER. .... Sorry for the rant-but this is so beyond senseless for all of the people who failed this baby girl. :furious:

Horrific abuse marked last three years of Aja Johnson’s life

Published: May 27, 2010

In the three years leading up to Lester Hobbs’ abduction and murder of stepdaughter Aja Johnson, he threw lit firecrackers in her bedroom to awaken her, slashed her mattress and sheets with a knife and repeatedly beat her with a flexible ruler, a new report reveals.

Records show the state Department of Human Services received seven reports of abuse and neglect in the two years leading up to Aja’s abduction, but the agency pushed for months to keep Aja and her stepsister in Hobbs’ home, according to a death review report issued by the Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth.

Much more heinous info at link: :furious:

Read more:
The judges and the case workers should all be fired. But first-they should live with a devil like him for 4 years and endure what poor Aja endured.

I hope her father sues the pants off of all of them.

As for Aja's so called MOTHER. .... Sorry for the rant-but this is so beyond senseless for all of the people who failed this baby girl. :furious:

I would like it to go one step further. Everyday, law enforcement officers are held accountable for their actions. Some are reprimanded, some fired, and some go to jail. Why should the same rules not apply here to DHS, the court and law enforcement? Why is it that only one person has the authority to do this to a child? Why does a judge not get off his rear and check into some things or ask more questions? (I don't want to hear about case loads!) Why not have it where several people review the cases and not just one person can stop a recommendation for removal, or a lack for one. Why is it that a child has to die to get things changed? In this instance it was several! Hopefully, these people have a conscience and it will haunt them for the rest of there lives. However, nothing can bring this baby back now. We can only hope that Aja's death can save others.
Oklahoma DHS caseworker in high-profile child deaths retires
An Oklahoma child welfare worker whose judgment was questioned in the Kelsey Smith-Briggs and Aja Johnson child death cases has announced her retirement from the state Department of Human Services.

Caseworker Yolanda Hunter will retire from the Department of Human Services at her own request on July 1 and be out on leave until that time, said Beth Scott, spokeswoman for the department.

Hunter was unavailable for comment.
Kathie Briggs said she welcomes Hunter's retirement. "I think she should have been fired rather than allowed to retire ... but at least she's not putting any other children in danger,” Briggs said.

Briggs said she believes Hunter decided early on that she didn't like Briggs and refused to listen to reports of abuse.
Hunter has worked 34 years for the state and 19 years for DHS, Scott said. Her annual salary was $32,444.87.

and more, at

Low salary equates with obtaining low quality.

Not sure I agree that low salary equates with low quality. High wages don't necessarily instill a sense of justice and/or instill compassion and a desire to protect the vulnerable.

I will say that Yolanda is definitely 'low' quality and would be with or without a high salary. moo mho

Not sure I agree that low salary equates with low quality. High wages don't necessarily instill a sense of justice and/or instill compassion and a desire to protect the vulnerable.

I will say that Yolanda is definitely 'low' quality and would be with or without a high salary. moo mho

Better wages are a definite lure - it's very difficult to obtain even the most passionate, caring college graduates, who very likely have education loans to pay back, if the salary scale after 19 years on the job is, as it was in this case, $32,000. Instead, many times the least-talented accept social service jobs (and teaching jobs) because they really couldn't work anyplace else.

Is that who we want protecting our most vulnerable members of society?

Yes, great social workers do exist. But in our system, where we are bombarded from youth with the notion that high pay (and the things money can buy) equates with success, it is extremely difficult for people to devote themselves to worthwhile low-paying employment.
I would like it to go one step further. Everyday, law enforcement officers are held accountable for their actions. Some are reprimanded, some fired, and some go to jail. Why should the same rules not apply here to DHS, the court and law enforcement? Why is it that only one person has the authority to do this to a child? Why does a judge not get off his rear and check into some things or ask more questions? (I don't want to hear about case loads!) Why not have it where several people review the cases and not just one person can stop a recommendation for removal, or a lack for one. Why is it that a child has to die to get things changed? In this instance it was several! Hopefully, these people have a conscience and it will haunt them for the rest of there lives. However, nothing can bring this baby back now. We can only hope that Aja's death can save others.

Why? Do you really believe that huge caseloads don't affect case-by-case quality of the work being done? There are only so many hours in the day. The best DHS caseworkers are involved seven days a week with the problems of their clients.

I agree with the need to hold workers accountable for their actions. But bottom-of-the-barrel funding by state legislatures is the greatest cause of inadequate protection for our children. Who elects legislators? We, the public, do. No one is innocent when it comes to sharing the blame.

DHS's screened out calls often followed by child deaths, near deaths
BY RANDY ELLIS Oklahoman 28 Published: June 17, 2010


What was found
Researchers found that drug or alcohol use was reported in 136 of the 430 complaints concerning 55 of the children.
Thirty-seven of those 136 complaints were screened out by DHS workers and supervisors who concluded the substance of the complaints, including the presence or use of alcohol or drugs, did not amount to abuse or neglect.

The 37 screened-out complaints related to 27 families, and in all 27 families, DHS later received referrals that concerned the death or near death of a child.

"Very few referrals are accepted as an investigation or as an assessment based upon the use or abuse of a substance, alone,” the report states.

Read more:
Oklahoma child deaths from homicides nearly doubled in records reviewed for 2009 report
Published: June 18, 2010

The number of children who died at the hands of someone else nearly doubled in records reviewed as part of the 2009 annual report for the Oklahoma Commission on Children and Youth.

Thirty-two of the 252 deaths of children were listed as homicides by the state Child Death Review Board. In a 2008 review, 17 of 247 deaths reviewed were homicides.

Article goes on to cite that over half of the cases involved families who were served by the Temporary Service to Needy Families program; article reveals nothing about how many children were disserved by OK DHS agencies.

more at

DHS's screened out calls often followed by child deaths, near deaths
BY RANDY ELLIS Oklahoman 28 Published: June 17, 2010


What was found
Researchers found that drug or alcohol use was reported in 136 of the 430 complaints concerning 55 of the children.
Thirty-seven of those 136 complaints were screened out by DHS workers and supervisors who concluded the substance of the complaints, including the presence or use of alcohol or drugs, did not amount to abuse or neglect.

The 37 screened-out complaints related to 27 families, and in all 27 families, DHS later received referrals that concerned the death or near death of a child.

"Very few referrals are accepted as an investigation or as an assessment based upon the use or abuse of a substance, alone,” the report states.

Read more:

Looks like escalation of substance abuse/alcohol wasn't taken into account - I'm sure that lends itself to predicting the future, but maybe those families need escalating visits and monitoring. moo mho

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