Found Deceased OK - Aja Johnson, 7, Geronimo, 24 January 2010 - #3

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I can't bring myself to read the reports. However, with the discussion on this thread, I would offer that 'missing parts' and all is probably from animal activity after her death?
I can't bring myself to read the reports. However, with the discussion on this thread, I would offer that 'missing parts' and all is probably from animal activity after her death?
The only part I'm unsure of is that there was only part of the the upper forearm with an irregular end. I guess that could be animals, but alot of times the bones separate at the joint, not somewhere in the middle.
The only part I'm unsure of is that there was only part of the the upper forearm with an irregular end. I guess that could be animals, but alot of times the bones separate at the joint, not somewhere in the middle.

It is difficult to think about what happened. And I realize that avoiding it doesn't make the truth less so. And Aja deserves no less than the truth. My heart aches so much for what happened to her, there are no words.

Just for clarification, the 'missing parts' I understand were specific to Aja, and thought to be animal activity post mortem. Tonya's wounds appear to be brutal attacks with a blunt knife. Sometimes commonly seen in drunk/high/mentally ill based attacks, that sort of thing. Did I miss where the tox came back on Hobbs?

It is difficult to think about what happened. And I realize that avoiding it doesn't make the truth less so. And Aja deserves no less than the truth. My heart aches so much for what happened to her, there are no words.

I think likely animals- or perhaps there was a pre existing wound there that drew animal attention. Disarticulated joints (via animal activity) seem to correlate more toward the environment and exposure time, imo.
ETA: the 'cut marks' underneath Aja's clothing might point to an aborted attempt on Hobbs' part to kill her in that manner, kwim?
D*mn, I hate typing this stuff.

Before we all sign off for the night, maybe we should just....remind ourselves....(if such a thing is possible) that Aja is at peace now.

Just for clarification, the 'missing parts' I understand were specific to Aja, and thought to be animal activity post mortem. Tonya's wounds appear to be brutal attacks with a blunt knife. Sometimes commonly seen in drunk/high/mentally ill based attacks, that sort of thing. Did I miss where the tox came back on Hobbs?


What do you make of the "upper part of left forearm, irregular ends" "There is no rest of the forearm and hand". I take this to mean that the forearm itself was broken. The animal activity I've seen normally separates at the joints instead of breaking bones in sections.

I haven't seen the tox either.
The 4-5 cuts vs tears exposing the cervical spine, wonder if this will be connected to the COD?
So sad, so glad she is at peace now.
I can't read the other articles or reports just thanks to all for providing interpretations, explanations, etc.

In Aja's namesake, I am going to begin actively seeking methods and opportunities to prevent another attack / incident such as this again. It is unfortunate that there will be other victims, much like Tonya and Aja and all I can do is try to help one....even if only just one...NO ONE deserves this...the problem is that "they" don't know that "they" don't deserve it...speaking for the adults anyway. As for the innocent children like has to stop! Maybe, just maybe, one adult will listen, see, hear, something...and remove their child out of these terrible situations...even if they so choose to stay.

I am so very glad Aja's at peace now...and I believe that she will be the Number 1 cheerleader for those of us who try to change the circumstances for other children like her, here on earth!

I am finding peace after reading the one article earlier today...strange, I know...but that sweet baby must have been subject to terror fits by this monster on numerous occasions...NO MORE! She will NEVER, EVER, have to live in fear...she is at peace!
That POOR POOR baby!!!! I dont want to blame another victim, but WHEN are these women going to stop bringing these monsters into their lives????

You know, I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but I DO blame the victim--Tonya--for what happened to Aja. She is the one who brought Aja into this monster's life!

I have tried and tried to think of something, any rationale, to give her the benefit of the doubt, but I just can't. What on earth could she have been thinking? This man had threatened to kill Aja with a hammer! According to Grandma he had beaten her black and blue! Why on EARTH would Tonya have ever taken Aja near that creature again? Much less lie to Aja's father about an innocent-sounding birthday party to cover up that she was doing so? :furious:

Tonya was an adult woman capable of making her own choices about whether to keep company with Hobbs. Aja wasn't. I'm sure she trusted her mama to keep her safe, and even if she didn't, she had absolutely no say in whether or not she going to be dragged into Lester's presence. Tonya had a 100-mile drive to think over what she was doing, and I really doubt that Aja, if she realized where they were going, expressed any eagerness to see the man who had beaten her and made her eat jalapenos as punishment. (Again according to Grandma.) I imagine that if Aja figured out where they were going, she probably begged Tonya not to take her there.

No, the blame for putting Aja in this monster's way falls squarely on Tonya. She knew what he was, and still she put Aja within his grasp.
Aja's father failed her as well, as Tonya was supposed to have supervised visits.
You know, I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but I DO blame the victim--Tonya--for what happened to Aja. She is the one who brought Aja into this monster's life!

I have tried and tried to think of something, any rationale, to give her the benefit of the doubt, but I just can't. What on earth could she have been thinking? This man had threatened to kill Aja with a hammer! According to Grandma he had beaten her black and blue! Why on EARTH would Tonya have ever taken Aja near that creature again? Much less lie to Aja's father about an innocent-sounding birthday party to cover up that she was doing so? :furious:

Tonya was an adult woman capable of making her own choices about whether to keep company with Hobbs. Aja wasn't. I'm sure she trusted her mama to keep her safe, and even if she didn't, she had absolutely no say in whether or not she going to be dragged into Lester's presence. Tonya had a 100-mile drive to think over what she was doing, and I really doubt that Aja, if she realized where they were going, expressed any eagerness to see the man who had beaten her and made her eat jalapenos as punishment. (Again according to Grandma.) I imagine that if Aja figured out where they were going, she probably begged Tonya not to take her there.

No, the blame for putting Aja in this monster's way falls squarely on Tonya. She knew what he was, and still she put Aja within his grasp.

I understand your rationale, as a rational person it makes sense. However, Battered Woman's Syndrome is a VERY real thing and a whole lot of woman never make it out of the first two stages. It is something that the average person can't understand, but it doesn't make it any less real. I would like to say that an "average" or "normal" person would never let it happen or be put in that position, but I have seen women go from being what I thought were "average and normal" to battered and living in the vicious circle that it creates."
This would be why the state had taken custody away from her, why they knew she couldn't be trusted to make these decisions. I won't blame the father because I think he was just trying to let Aja be a part of her Mom's family, he decided with his heart, how can you fault him for that? But it ultimately cost Aja her life and that is just a tragedy, plain and simple.
I can't read the other articles or reports just thanks to all for providing interpretations, explanations, etc.

In Aja's namesake, I am going to begin actively seeking methods and opportunities to prevent another attack / incident such as this again. It is unfortunate that there will be other victims, much like Tonya and Aja and all I can do is try to help one....even if only just one...NO ONE deserves this...the problem is that "they" don't know that "they" don't deserve it...speaking for the adults anyway. As for the innocent children like has to stop! Maybe, just maybe, one adult will listen, see, hear, something...and remove their child out of these terrible situations...even if they so choose to stay.

I am so very glad Aja's at peace now...and I believe that she will be the Number 1 cheerleader for those of us who try to change the circumstances for other children like her, here on earth!

I am finding peace after reading the one article earlier today...strange, I know...but that sweet baby must have been subject to terror fits by this monster on numerous occasions...NO MORE! She will NEVER, EVER, have to live in fear...she is at peace!

I think the best opportunity lies in educating and convincing the "other" parent not to stray from what they know is the right thing to do. This is not the first or last case where this has happened. This is the parent that we have a chance at getting through to. The parent who has custody because they and the law knew that the child would be in danger if they were with the other parent. These are the parents that need to hold fast and not give in, the ones that need to understand that it only takes one unsupervised visit for things to go horribly wrong. These are the ones we need to reach out to.
I do believe there are people so mean, so cruel, so violent, that they terrorize all those around, including immediate and extended family. I do believe that domestic violence exists and can be paralyzing to all. I do believe there are those who don't think, for one minute, terror can reign in a family - but in the case of Tanya - that's what I believe happened.

I am heartbroken for beautiful Aja and have yet to read the autopsy report - but to blame mom/dad for the cruel and heartless behavior of the man mom was with solves nothing. LE, DFS, the school, family, the courts - not a one could over ride monster Hobbs. Some people reign with terror and usually reign over those with few resources. He preyed on the weak and vulnerable and demanded absolute loyalty. Without money and resources, strength and education - getting out of that tangled web of fear that could mean your life, is difficult, if not impossible. MHO MOO
I think likely animals- or perhaps there was a pre existing wound there that drew animal attention. Disarticulated joints (via animal activity) seem to correlate more toward the environment and exposure time, imo.
ETA: the 'cut marks' underneath Aja's clothing might point to an aborted attempt on Hobbs' part to kill her in that manner, kwim?
D*mn, I hate typing this stuff.

Before we all sign off for the night, maybe we should just....remind ourselves....(if such a thing is possible) that Aja is at peace now.


In the written report for Aja it says no cut marks on the clothing.
Pardon me for being stupid, but...where does one meet men like Lester Hobbs? Where did Tonya meet him? What could she have possibly seen in him? Even his picture is creepy.
Pardon me for being stupid, but...where does one meet men like Lester Hobbs? Where did Tonya meet him? What could she have possibly seen in him? Even his picture is creepy.

Paulette - hardly stupid! Lester had several marriages and several restraining orders against him. Sadistic violence can be very natural to someone like Hobbs - along with being mean comes a charming, manipulative, caring, and on the surface loving man. LE described him as being like a jekel and hyde, a composite of unpredictable mean and good. I'm sure that as Hobbs' alcoholism became more pronounced, he got meaner and more controlling. Not sure I know that much about this kind of violent, sadistic man, but what I have read is that they are most difficult to detect. There are some present cases here on WS that discussed domestic brutality in depth.

Some women can live with family in another state, some can afford to get themselves help, some women have a ton of resources, and many think the problem lies with them - they are forever trying to change themselves. Some deal with the brutality because they are afraid for their children or for their life, or both.

I don't know where you meet this kind of man - but I do believe domestic violence exists and doesn't have boundaries as to race, income, education, or job status. Everything I read tells me these men are easy to fall in love with and impossible to get away from. Dad spent 4 years trying to get Aja and I have no doubt that Hobbs punished Aja for that.

I am well aware there are people who blame most/all moms for everything that happens - saying she should know better or is putting someone before her child. In some cases I agree with that and some I don't - in this case I don't agree. I place 100% of the blame for the deaths of Aja and Tanya on Hobbs. I would never think of putting Tanya on trial or sharing his crimes of double homicide. moo mho

ETA: there was great discussion on the Susan Powell thread about domestic violence - way back when, it was very interesting. moo
You know, I'm sorry if this offends anyone, but I DO blame the victim--Tonya--for what happened to Aja. She is the one who brought Aja into this monster's life!

I have tried and tried to think of something, any rationale, to give her the benefit of the doubt, but I just can't. What on earth could she have been thinking? This man had threatened to kill Aja with a hammer! According to Grandma he had beaten her black and blue! Why on EARTH would Tonya have ever taken Aja near that creature again? Much less lie to Aja's father about an innocent-sounding birthday party to cover up that she was doing so? :furious:

Tonya was an adult woman capable of making her own choices about whether to keep company with Hobbs. Aja wasn't. I'm sure she trusted her mama to keep her safe, and even if she didn't, she had absolutely no say in whether or not she going to be dragged into Lester's presence. Tonya had a 100-mile drive to think over what she was doing, and I really doubt that Aja, if she realized where they were going, expressed any eagerness to see the man who had beaten her and made her eat jalapenos as punishment. (Again according to Grandma.) I imagine that if Aja figured out where they were going, she probably begged Tonya not to take her there.

No, the blame for putting Aja in this monster's way falls squarely on Tonya. She knew what he was, and still she put Aja within his grasp.

Very well said. Legally she was in the wrong too...she knew what Hobbs had done, what he threatened....she knew the restrictions that the court/Aja's father had imposed...and she brought Aja to this

I don't see any reason to sugarcoat
batterd sorry. she invited him over, its not like he put a gun to her head. if she wanted to put herself in that situation, whateverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. she knew not to put AJA in that situation. if hobbs had only killed aja, and tonya and hobbs were both alive, what would we be saying? wed all want her head on a platter.........
I am really astounded that the LE in OK did not accept help from the FBI

that is simply unreal....also that people had told them this was an area where Hobbs had family and might go...why weren't they out there searching??

so many wrong turns many screw ups...starting with letting Aja go with her mother without supervision

Why do people think that other people are going to "change"? ? You would think the horrors of the past would have been reason to never let Aja alone with her mother and/or Hobbs...but here is the sad sad result

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