GUILTY OK - Anne Josette Hill, 16, Edmond, 10 April 2014

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Okay one thing I'm confused about is when was Annie Jo last seen? I keep reading different things. I heard she was last seen leaving a party she wasn't supost to be at. Then of course I've heard she was last seen at McDonalds. Does anyone know what the final word was?

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Okay one thing I'm confused about is when was Annie Jo last seen? I keep reading different things. I heard she was last seen leaving a party she wasn't supost to be at. Then of course I've heard she was last seen at McDonalds. Does anyone know what the final word was?

She should've been at school that day and I haven't heard that she wasn't, but no one has said for sure that she was and that's kind of annoying, because if school officials confirmed that she was in class, that would be a reliable source verifying that she was where she was supposed to be until 3:00pm. And then everyone could stop saying she was last seen at Council & Northwest Expressway, unless there is solid information that she went back to the gym after school before taking off with whoever she was hanging out with.

We don't know who's giving info about her whereabouts later that afternoon and evening or how truthful they are, so it's harder to figure out exactly where she went and when she arrived at and left each location. I hope LE is busy getting that all sorted out, and I wish they'd give us an update soon.
I thought she did go to school Friday, because she texted her mom about the job opening at the school (or was that another day). I may be assuming it was Friday, but not sure.

The mom is saying she was last "seen" on April 10th (Thursday). She woke up and left the home at 5:30am Friday to go to the gym and "supposedly" go to school.

The was last seen by one male at 4:00pm at McDonald's, although he supposedly texted her later that evening about the movies. This is the same guy who said she was talking to "bad people" at McDonalds.

Another guy said he saw her late Friday night at his brother's house watching movies when she left.

One of these two then went on to say that they walked through the park with her late Friday evening.

She texted her mom late Friday evening saying she wanted to stay out later.

Police seem to be using the 4/10 date as last seen by the mother, although she was seen on 4/11 by two boys and the gym (not sure about school though).

I think that's about right?
This is frustrating. If we need more about when she was last seen it could help us figure out if maybe this boy she walked with in the park did something to her then.
Because all they say is that she contacted someone after that by something other then fb or text. So we don't even know if she left that park. It was after all the last place her cell phone pinged...right?

Or if she went to go meet someone els.

If from the park she went to go meet someone els its possible a stranger seen a young woman alone walking to her car and took her and its also possible the boy did something to her.

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Anne Hill, 16, was last seen at a party in Edmond on April 11. Friday.

Anne's mother Lori, other members of the family, and friends handed out fliers around Bryant Square in Edmond.

I finally got data back on my phone so that was the first video I actually got to see of her mother. :( just heartbreaking to hear her say my daughter went missing. I could see the pain behind it.

Anyways based off what the mother said I'm going assume that she was with a group of people and left that night to go somewhere els and that's when something happened. Its just what the heck happen?

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She should've been at school that day and I haven't heard that she wasn't, but no one has said for sure that she was and that's kind of annoying, because if school officials confirmed that she was in class, that would be a reliable source verifying that she was where she was supposed to be until 3:00pm. And then everyone could stop saying she was last seen at Council & Northwest Expressway, unless there is solid information that she went back to the gym after school before taking off with whoever she was hanging out with.

We don't know who's giving info about her whereabouts later that afternoon and evening or how truthful they are, so it's harder to figure out exactly where she went and when she arrived at and left each location. I hope LE is busy getting that all sorted out, and I wish they'd give us an update soon.

Maybe there are privacy issues with the school revealing that info since she is a minor?
Maybe there are privacy issues with the school revealing that info since she is a minor?

Possibly, but I hope they'd let her mom know, at least. I think Annie Jo did go to school on the 11th, but if she didn't, that would open up a whole new set of questions about where she was and who she was with during that part of the day.
I don't know why it would be a privacy issue. In the case of Abigail Hernandez, the last video of her being shown is of her, at school, the day she disappeared.
I don't know why it would be a privacy issue. In the case of Abigail Hernandez, the last video of her being shown is of her, at school, the day she disappeared.

I'm just saying the school itself probably can't come out and say "she was in school that day." It would be nice if her mother clarified because I'm sure she knows the answer to this by now, but maybe the investigators aren't telling her.

As for the video, that may have been released because LE thought it would aid the investigation.
From the Find Anne Hill Facebook page:

If you know of someone that has information to share that does NOT want to go to the police we are working with a PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR Darcy Parton Scoon who is not associated with an law enforcement agency, her number is
Well, shoot. Since we have nothing new to talk about, I guess I could give y'all a little bit of insight on what it's like to travel around this part of the metro area.

Driving from the northwest or north-central side of OKC to Edmond looks deceptively easy on satellite images, but the issue isn't miles so much as traffic. Commuter traffic is pretty heavy between 7:00-9:00am and 4:00-6:00pm. Friday evenings are even worse, as people head out to restaurants or weekend trips out of town. Not quite the LA freeways, but a time-consuming and nerve-wracking PITA nonetheless, and best avoided if possible.

(Being retired, I forget about rush hour traffic until I'm smack in the middle of it, trying to get to an appointment and anxiously watching the minutes tick away because the trip is taking much longer than I'd anticipated. Happens to me every single time.)

There are alternate non-highway routes you might take, but that means miles and miles of stoplights and stop signs on city streets. A really tedious way to go, and still pretty busy during rush hour. Better to wait until traffic clears before making the trip, if you're not in any particular hurry.

None of this is necessarily significant in figuring out Annie Jo's travels during the late afternoon and evening of the 11th, just something to consider. If she left school just after 3:00pm, was at a McDonalds around 4:00pm, and spent 45 minutes… somewhere, either before or after McDonalds, and then headed off to Edmond shortly afterward, she (or whoever was driving her car) would've been negotiating traffic that's about as bad as it gets on that side of the city.



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That location is seven to eight miles due north of Fink Park on Broadway and the distance between Simpson and Charter Oak is a mile. There are some housing additions up there, but the area is not nearly as built-up as in the city of Edmond proper.

I saw another possible sighting somewhere, supposedly at 23rd & Meridian in OKC. Nowhere near any of the locations we've been discussing. Kind of a sketchy area. Not the worst part of town, but I wouldn't go walking around there at night.

Ah, here it is, down in the comments on the Find Anne Hill page:
I wonder if there's any significance to this particular intersection? Because Western Avenue is a mile east of Casady School, the opposite direction from where the search warrant was served.

I'm sure her mom is just trying to cover as much territory as she can with posters. Western and Hefner isn't far from the school, but it's also only about 4-5 miles from where the warrant was served and going in the direction of where her car was found abandoned. They've covered a lot of area already in Edmond. Probably just filling in gaps :)

FWIW there have been mulitple rumored sightings of Anne walking, two this past week. Once alone walking along Broadway in Guthrie. Another sighting with a male around 22nd and Meridian. Hopefully getting the flyers out there all over where they can is helping and will bring her home soon.

ETA: I should have finished reading before posting. Looks like the recent sightings have been posted.
Checking in to see if any anything new.... Was hoping for some good news here... sadly nothing.... It's some 20 days now; and that's a long time if she simply went into hiding because of wanting more freedom...
I remember when I was young and took off because of school/family at age 18 ... after a just week without contact, thoughts of family began to play on mind in ways I couldn't believe - wanting to hear family voices,,,, guilt over their worrying...

This doesn't look good for Anne, sadly.

ETA - there always seems to be "sightings" in missing person cases... Can't recall one ever turning out to be real, sadly..
Most recent example was the Leanne Bearden case... even their PI seemed to believe it was her towns away.... yet as we now know, Leanne had committed suicide only a short distance from home right after she went missing..
From the Help Find Anne page:

We will NOT be passing out flyers on Tuesday (today) thank you to the volunteers that were planning on coming. However, on THURSDAY we plan on meeting at Crest market on Hefner and Rockwell at 5:30 please come!
O/T - Happy 1st Anniversary OkieGranny! Your work on several cases I've followed has been extremely helpful. You are a wonderful asset to Websleuths!

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