OK - Boy, 9, Stabbed to Death by Girl, 12, in Custody, Tulsa, Jan 2023

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DNA Solves
IMHO this is definitely uncomfortable to watch. I keep telling myself she is 12. Her behavior is unsettling. She gives the impression that she feels like she can engage with a adult and be charming. Unfortunately, I did not get a strong sense of remorse from her. Sadly, she is complicated and has some emotional issues. There is nothing pretty about any of this.., So sad for the little boy. I always wonder if and/or how anyone moves on when these terrible things happen. Young lives taken away and ruined.
During the video, when the officer or detective told the mom he had just spoken to the hospital and things were looking up or the Dr reported all positive things, I assumed the boy survived. Did he die at the hospital that evening while mom was at the police station or later on?
During the video, when the officer or detective told the mom he had just spoken to the hospital and things were looking up or the Dr reported all positive things, I assumed the boy survived. Did he die at the hospital that evening while mom was at the police station or later on?

He died at 2:30. If I recall correctly when this happened, he was in surgery.

I wonder if she could have been on Adderall for ADHD. I am thinking it isn't Acutane because she said she was on it for a while, taken off of it for a year and a half, and recently put back on it. Adderall can be prescribed at a pretty young age.

Adderall can cause Psychosis. Especially if given at a higher dose than the child needs. My step-son went in to full blown psychosis! He was taken off of it - flushed his system. The doctor said not to let him take it again or we may never get him back. He is an adult, so of course he went and got a new prescription. This time he went into a deep psychosis. He believed that the CIA was communicating with him through his Airpods. Long story for another time, but I honestly HATE this drug!! It took him a full 4 months to come completely out of psychosis - and that was with him being on an anti-psychotic drug. We really didn't think he would come back the second time.
I am so glad your step son is doing better.
Her behaviour is unsettling. She wavers between I’m sorry and normalcy. Crying and then calmly saying where the knife is.

IMO she does know what happened and why. I caught her mumbling about something “about LAST TIME”.

I get that she’s only 12 but there was no remorse. Her biggest worry was if she was going to jail.

It sounds like she’s been cutting. This girl definitely has issues and I don’t think it was a surprise something happened. Probably not this bad, but there were issues.

Very sad.
Her behaviour is unsettling. She wavers between I’m sorry and normalcy. Crying and then calmly saying where the knife is.

IMO she does know what happened and why. I caught her mumbling about something “about LAST TIME”.

I get that she’s only 12 but there was no remorse. Her biggest worry was if she was going to jail.

It sounds like she’s been cutting. This girl definitely has issues and I don’t think it was a surprise something happened. Probably not this bad, but there were issues.

Very sad.

I think the "last time" could be referring to her medication, her mother said she was on meds a year ago that made her not herself (I can remember the wording but it sounded bad) they took her off it and she went back to herself, but they had just put her back on it again recently.

I agree re her demeanour, it's like it turns on and off, she goes from almost hyperventilating to "yeah, I threw the knife out the window, I can show you" like nothing happened, then back again.
This happened in January. Mom says the 9 year old was still up because he was transitioning to a home schooling program. It would be a little unusual to make the decision to home school in the middle of the school year. The 12 year old was asked, who watches the boys, when mom was at work, and she replied that she did in another article. It would be difficult to homeschool as a single working mom. She may have had to help her brother when schools closed for COVID. The article didn’t say if she was being taken out of school, along with her brother, but there might be some resentment if she was going to have to help with his home schooling.

The mom blames this on medication which may be a big part of what happened. The mom also said her 3 children have different fathers. The article names Z’s dad who may have been her stepdad. There may be some trauma background there. Nothing can be posted here but Z’s dad has been named and trauma could be a factor in what happened.

Well, DM just posted this, so it can be discussed. This must have been a really traumatic experience for them.

Well, DM just posted this, so it can be discussed. This must have been a really traumatic experience for them.
I read this yesterday, and my heart sank. O, dear Lord. What was going on in that house?
This happened in January. Mom says the 9 year old was still up because he was transitioning to a home schooling program. It would be a little unusual to make the decision to home school in the middle of the school year. The 12 year old was asked, who watches the boys, when mom was at work, and she replied that she did in another article. It would be difficult to homeschool as a single working mom. She may have had to help her brother when schools closed for COVID. The article didn’t say if she was being taken out of school, along with her brother, but there might be some resentment if she was going to have to help with his home schooling.

The mom blames this on medication which may be a big part of what happened. The mom also said her 3 children have different fathers. The article names Z’s dad who may have been her stepdad. There may be some trauma background there. Nothing can be posted here but Z’s dad has been named and trauma could be a factor in what happened.
Changes associated with puberty could also be a factor.
I am extremely conflicted on this entire ordeal.
The girl seemed genuinely remorseful when the police came.
Her mother told police that the 12 year old never gets in trouble, is a very good kid and doesn't cuss.
I genuinely am one of those people that rolls their eyes when people start to conveniently begin using mental illness as an excuse.

But this feels a little different some how.
She had scars on her arms that imply she may be a cutter, she could shift from sheer panic and chaos quickly, she has no track record for violent behavior.

I believe that this was a psychotic break of sorts. What led to that, I have no idea.
Abuse? Mental illness? Drugs?

What type of punishment fits this crime?

The main photo, in articles, and also the one used for fundraising, is an old one of the mom and her 2 oldest kids.

Mom has her arms around both kids but she is completely turned, away from her daughter, and is smiling at her son, who is also smiling at her.

There may not have been a lot of photos to choose from or this one may have been chosen because it highlights the mother and son bond.

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I am extremely conflicted on this entire ordeal.
The girl seemed genuinely remorseful when the police came.
Her mother told police that the 12 year old never gets in trouble, is a very good kid and doesn't cuss.
I genuinely am one of those people that rolls their eyes when people start to conveniently begin using mental illness as an excuse.

But this feels a little different some how.
She had scars on her arms that imply she may be a cutter, she could shift from sheer panic and chaos quickly, she has no track record for violent behavior.

I believe that this was a psychotic break of sorts. What led to that, I have no idea.
Abuse? Mental illness? Drugs?

What type of punishment fits this crime?

I too am conflicted. I have in recent months learned a great deal about psychosis in general and more specifically drug induced psychosis. I have a close family member that I believe experienced such a phenomenon several months ago. So I have been doing a lot of reading on the subject. I don't know that we will ever get him back as we knew him before. That prospect breaks my heart and is still something I am trying to process.

The mother's statement about her concerns that a resumption of an unnamed prescribed drug feels real to me, as opposed to a mother looking for "excuses" for what her daughter has done. Pretty sure I read that the mother states the daughter's cutting started after resuming the unnamed meds. I don't know if the drug is responsible but I believe that the mother sincerely believes it may be.

The video is horrible for me to watch, my heart hurts for everyone involved, including the girl. I genuinely believe her when she expresses she has no idea why she has done this.

No matter what happens going forward, nobody wins and I don't think there is such a thing as justice in this case. Justice for all just isn't acheaivable. MOO JMO
Changes associated with puberty could also be a factor.
Totally agree.
My daughter went through some personality changes when she hit 11-12, she became more aggressive, argumentative, not listening and on. When she told me she had tried to cut herself and felt she didn't want to be here anymore, I took her to the family doc who referred her to a youth psychiatrist. They diagnosed her with ADHD and put her on medication, it worked wonders, and my happy well-behaved daughter was back. Yet, she didn't 'like how it made her feel' and wouldn't take the medication anymore. I could not and would not force her and to be completely honest, it has been hell for the past 6 years. She is highly reactive to anything she does not like or if things don't go her way. We had holes in her bedroom wall where she basically kicked the crap out of it because we told her to get off the video games as it was 2 hours past bedtime, she has destroyed her relationship with her younger brother who is also 9, the same as Zander and so much more. She ran away last October and refuses to come home, she turns 18 next week, and because she was 17 at the time, the police and children's aid cannot do anything. I see her occasionally now, and she has been thrown out of several friends' houses for lying and causing conflict within the families.
This case really REALLY hit hard on me as I saw the anger and hatred my daughter felt towards her younger brother, who, once upon a time, she doted on and wanted to be with all of the time. I feel this could have easily been my family.

This 12-year-old girl has so much weight on her shoulders now and will for the rest of her life, regardless of treatment programs, being locked up or not. I know if I was the mother, I do not know if I would be so forgiving, let alone even think of letting her near my other child.
Edited to add: I am not judging anyone, I'm just stating my own opinion. There has been mention of non-psych drugs being to blame and I doubt we will ever know which drug it is

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