OK - Donald 'Joe' Neff, 61, Poteau, 14 May 2009 - #1

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I know this adds nothing to the discussion in paticular, but growing up in that part of the state, Poteau area (especially Panama) was always considered to be a place that could be very dangerous.
I know this adds nothing to the discussion in paticular, but growing up in that part of the state, Poteau area (especially Panama) was always considered to be a place that could be very dangerous.

In what way? I'm curious if it was something like 'old wive's tales' or campfire stories or just never spoken about, but you knew! What sort of things?
In what way? I'm curious if it was something like 'old wive's tales' or campfire stories or just never spoken about, but you knew! What sort of things?

Lots of gambling, drugs, & general criminal activity... this was 25 or 30 years ago...
MMD ... just want to say how terribly sorry I am about your pain and the tremendous loss of your wonderful Father. Have read through this thread about your Dad and will read it again to make sure i'm digesting everything.

Justice does not always come swiftly, but it usually does come eventually. My stepfather was murdered and it took LE 13 years, but his "best friend" was ultimately tried, convicted of his murder, and died in prison. We always say, he didn't just kill our stepfather, he killed our Mother, who changed overnight from a bubbly, beautiful woman into a negative, paranoid and depressed person. DO NOT EVER LET THESE PEOPLE DO THIS TO YOU MMD !!

I wish you a blessed New Year, and will pray for justice for your beloved Father, for you, and for your family.

It is so hard to not let this ruin me. I have not returned to work yet. I used to be a people person, and now I wonder if I have talked with the killer. I can totally understand how this kind of tragedy can take your life. I am paranoid and I have been every since my dads murder. I am getting better. I have warned all my friends to never sneak up on me though. I worry that I would shoot first and ask questions later. I keep praying for strength, and the ability to get through this. I miss him so much. Thank you so much!!!
I was thinking about you this morning and was concerned we haven't heard from you, MMD! :hug:

Although I don't know what it would be like to be in your shoes at all, I do think I would be reacting just like you have been reacting. Are there any new leads at all? Are the detectives talking to you about things?

:praying: I will not stop praying. WE WANT JUSTICE!
Marie, how are you doing?



I make myself get up everyday and keep going, even though I don't want to sometimes. I really miss him a lot. It has been over 10 months, still no arrests. I pray that the killers will be arrrested very soon. I hate knowing that they are walking free and could kill again at anytime. Who might they kill next time? Someone out there knows information about my dads murder. I hope they realize that someone they love could be the next victim. They are also criminals for with-holding that information. I hope they are put in jail along with the killers. I hope the judgment they deserve comes quickly.:praying::praying::praying:
MMD says she and her sister didn't know how much money was in the safe, so it really bugs me who DID know in order to inform LE how much was missing.

It has been stated in Jody's thread that she apparently knew the owners of "The Bar" in Poteau, and supposedly it was sold shortly after Jody went missing on May 5. Wondering if Joe was interested in buying that business, and somebody else didn't want that to happen.

Also, any idea how old Joe's gf is, and what her criminal record is for? She sure has been kept out of the picture for some reason. Gotta wonder who she knows :waitasec:


My dad did not want to buy another bar. He actually would have sold the Long Branch. It took up a lot of time, it was more of a hobby/hang out for him. The gf has another bf and has not been heard from in months. She is only a few years older than me, and I am 38. I think she is in her mid-40's. Her bf now is older as well.
Would there be some reason Joe would have a larger than normal amount of cash in his safe?

Did he use a bank at all? I don't remember if that's been addressed. Strange for businessman not to -- JMO.

Was planning any large cash transactions (buying vehicle, loans to others, paydays, etc.)?

What kind of bar is the Long Branch Saloon?

Yes he did use the bank. No he was not planning any large transactions. The Long Branch was a karaoke bar, with 2 pool tables. The juke box had a variety of music with country and rock. He served popcorn and had other snacks available. They served beer and wine coolers only. Every Sunday my dad would cook for hours and take the food to the bar and let everyone eat for free. He would take deer chili, homemade stew, or BBQ brisket, he took all kinds of food. He never missed a Sunday. He cared about the people.
regarding post 443 by sillybilly...

"BTW, anybody know what's with the red pickup truck that is behind the crime scene tape at one point, and then not behind the crime scene tape at another point in the same video in the following link?"

At the actual crime scene the vehicles behind the sheriffs tape are...the car belongs to the first customer and the red truck belongs to the gf. The OSBI checked both vehicles before they were released. No LE vehicle was taken behind the tape. The crime scene was discovered a bit before noon and Sheriffs and OSBI stayed until early the next morning collecting evidence and studying the crime scene.
Hi mmd ... was just thinking about you and decided to check in, and here you are !! Hugs to you
...the red truck belongs to the gf. The OSBI checked both vehicles before they were released. No LE vehicle was taken behind the tape. The crime scene was discovered a bit before noon and Sheriffs and OSBI stayed until early the next morning collecting evidence and studying the crime scene.

Do you happen to know if the gf's red truck is the one LE is talking about having been seen in the area around the time of the crime?

Also, do you know if there was someone interested in buying the bar prior to your Dad's death?
there were a few passerbys that had seen a red truck. the road around the bar is slightly downhill from the bar. you can tell this from the pictures on kay sullivans realty website. so if you drove by the bar you actually made a semi circle around the edge of the property. maybe if you were driving by and not knowing you would need to recall what you saw, the vehicles may look smaller from down the slight decline to the road. i do not think her vehicle is one of interest. they checked it over before it was released and also verified that she was at work at her other job before she went to bar to work.
Hey there MMD...

Just wanted to check in with you and say hello.

Please try to have faith through this terrible ordeal. It must be hard to believe that you have made it through these awful months since your wonderful dad was taken from you, but that's the important thing - you have made it!!

What a terrific man your dad was! He cooked and fed everyone free of charge on Sundays....that is such a kind and giving gesture and says so much about the person he was.

I'm glad to see that you're back here. I will continue to keep your dad's thread "bumped" up closer to the front as much as possible. I have faith that justice will prevail for you and for your wonderful father.
It is so hard to not let this ruin me. I have not returned to work yet. I used to be a people person, and now I wonder if I have talked with the killer.

Having, thankfully, never been through anything like what you're going through, that thought never crossed my mind. What a daily chilling reminder. Honestly, it makes me respect you even more, MMD. Hang in there ... come here when you need hugs from your cyber-friends and keep us informed.

My very best to you, with a BIG hug.
Hi MissingMyDad - MMD.

What deep and mixed emotions this entire thread brings out in one. I, too, am most sorry to learn of your heartache; very glad you've found a network community here at W/S (fantastic posts, ideas, support) yet quite troubled LE seem to be keeping you at arm's length. The latter perhaps one of the toughest daily milestones to endure. Here's trusting the task force will bear fruit and indeed lessen your load. Thoughts and prayers to you.

Meantime ... here are my thoughts FWIW, indeed others have commented along similar lines - sorry if it's too long - just another theory:

You've told us (endorsed by locals in the press), what a kind, giving and caring person your father was (bless him). This in and of itself made him a 'sought-after target'. Word gets out that "Joe Neff bailed me out; feeds us free on Sundays - carries/deals with a lot of cash and is retiring soon". All of those actions translate into "great opportunity for money" to more desperate, cunning folk.

We're also told from the get-go, LE claimed "this was personal"...

You then wrote something quite poignant - very early on - regarding the (good) advice your dad gave you: "Don't ever lend more than you're willing to give away...".

Do you / LE / anyone know all the people - from family onwards - that your dad helped out? Within that group of very fortunate souls - there may be one or more whom your father decided he was not prepared to give any more?

That/those person/s may have known your father's footsteps and habits; known the best time to approach him; known his 'cash-run' timings and therefore it may very well have been your own father who took the 'missing thousands' from the safe - not for the life of him believing he'd be murdered - he left the safe door open as he may easily have done previously if in a rush, then locked the internal door - and left.

However, when he reached the bar - he may have allowed a familiar face to come in (he knew him, felt safe, if not in control) whom he'd helped before. When he said no - he may have been literally taken by surprise & side-swiped. A bloody fight ensued and the 'thousands' he himself may have taken from the safe could have been stolen . He may have been shot so as not to identify the perp and bundled into another vehicle. He could have been taped up semi-conscious so as not to arouse suspicion; the perp may not have been convinced he was dead or - to stop him defending himself.

The perp may not even have known about the $740 in his top pocket... but took his cigarettes (agree with previous poster - he's possibly a smoker) cell phone and keys. He's definitely local, definitely knew your dad - probably even went to the funeral. Are there any tapes of the funeral? Would you (and those close to Joe), all this time later, be able to identify those he'd helped out? Maybe this person would have wanted no waves; just blend in and be a part of a bigger crowd...

If you haven't seen the ME report - you wont know if there was water on his lungs (very sorry to be graphic - I'm just spelling out my thoughts. If this info has been identified, sorry - 20 plus pages is a lot to remember...).

Greed, sex, drugs, rock n roll and alcohol are key reasons for murder. The ghastly final act being of revenge ---> no witnesses & utter paranoia.

Ramble over. Many blessings. This WILL unravel; stay strong and focused, MMD.

PSA :)
So glad to see you're hanging in there, MMD. My heart remains with you and your family.

Might be worth running a background on the girlfriend's new boyfriend. If she has an alibi she may still have been involved indirectly. I find it somewhat concerning that she was able to move on and drop all association with the family so quickly, especially in a small town.
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