OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #1

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snipped from article~Beauchamp said both Bobby and Sherrilyn Jamison are disabled and do not work. He said Bobby Jamison was injured in a car accident, but he declined to elaborate on Sherrilyn Jamison’s disability.

The family often traveled to time-share units around the country, he said. They were originally from the Oklahoma City area, but had recently moved to Eufaula.

Family members of the Jamisons did not immediately return phone calls to The Associated Press for comment Friday.

Bobby Dale Jamison filed a civil lawsuit in Oklahoma County against his father, Bobby Dean Jamison, earlier this year in a dispute over ownership of a gas station in Oklahoma City. In the lawsuit, which is still pending, Bobby Dale Jamison alleges his father threatened his family.

The father denied those claims in a legal filing. Neither he nor his attorney immediately returned phone calls to the AP for comment Friday. end snip

Doesn't appear like the family members want to make a comment about their missing relatives. Does anyone else think that is odd. They are missing and it would seem that to bring a personal touch and humanize the missing family would be a good idea.
I think it's odd that, here in Oklahoma, our news media---such as it is---hasn't been more involved in publicizing this matter. It makes me wonder if there aren't unofficial stories circulating out there that the whole thing is a hoax, and the family's disappearance is voluntary. This would tend to put a damper on press involvement.
I think it's odd that, here in Oklahoma, our news media---such as it is---hasn't been more involved in publicizing this matter. It makes me wonder if there aren't unofficial stories circulating out there that the whole thing is a hoax, and the family's disappearance is voluntary. This would tend to put a damper on press involvement.

You would know what the talk is out there and how much talk there is for that matter. I am supposed to get alerts for any news about the search or the family but I never do! I end up having to go search on my own for an up to date (if you can call up three days ago up to date) article that just reprints the same stuff over and over. How local are you to the area they went missing from if you don't mind my asking?! TIA

ETA...I just checked out your location....lol. Just outside the middle of no place. lol..We might be neighbors but I'm not complaining. I love it out here in no-mans land, my weekly trip into town for the necessary supplies...lol
You would know what the talk is out there and how much talk there is for that matter. I am supposed to get alerts for any news about the search or the family but I never do! I end up having to go search on my own for an up to date (if you can call up three days ago up to date) article that just reprints the same stuff over and over. How local are you to the area they went missing from if you don't mind my asking?! TIA

ETA...I just checked out your location....lol. Just outside the middle of no place. lol..We might be neighbors but I'm not complaining. I love it out here in no-mans land, my weekly trip into town for the necessary supplies...lol

I'm a couple hours away from the scene of the (possible) crime. I'm also not a great source for Oklahoma news, as I don't own a TV! The recent cases---the Weleetka girls's murder, the murder of the pastor in Anadarko, and this one---all featured bursts of newsworthy activity, followed by great and lengthy silences. OSBI in OK must totally disagree with the policy of informing the public in order to get the public involved. Pitiful.
I'm a couple hours away from the scene of the (possible) crime. I'm also not a great source for Oklahoma news, as I don't own a TV! The recent cases---the Weleetka girls's murder, the murder of the pastor in Anadarko, and this one---all featured bursts of newsworthy activity, followed by great and lengthy silences. OSBI in OK must totally disagree with the policy of informing the public in order to get the public involved. Pitiful.

No TV? By choice? I live in the middle of nowhere too and no cable company services this far out, lol...so I understand. But I do have a satellite dish, my husband and the kids wouldn't last a week without tv. The only program I really "like" to watch is Judge Judy. She's better than any comedy show any day!
No TV? By choice? I live in the middle of nowhere too and no cable company services this far out, lol...so I understand. But I do have a satellite dish, my husband and the kids wouldn't last a week without tv. The only program I really "like" to watch is Judge Judy. She's better than any comedy show any day!

I watched so much TV in the first part of my life that I may manage to break even if I don't ever watch it again! I do miss sports but that's about it. I worked via the internet for several years and really couldn't stand to stare at one monitor all day, then another one all night, so I pulled the plug on the latter, and---no TV.
I am curious about the nature of Sherrilyn's disability. Since it was not divulged, makes me wonder if it is a psychiatric/psychological issue. JMOO
I watched so much TV in the first part of my life that I may manage to break even if I don't ever watch it again! I do miss sports but that's about it. I worked via the internet for several years and really couldn't stand to stare at one monitor all day, then another one all night, so I pulled the plug on the latter, and---no TV.

I am curious about the nature of Sherrilyn's disability. Since it was not divulged, makes me wonder if it is a psychiatric/psychological issue. JMOO

This is a really good question, as, if the above supposition is the case, it could speak directly to whether the disappearance is voluntary, or in some manner it was planned.
Just curious has anyone taken this over to the Forensic Astrology Forum, is there enough info to do so?
This caught my attention. Why wasn't there any childs belongings left in the car? Most people have things in their car to keep younger kids occupied on long car rides.

From what i gathered, the ride was an hour to 2 hours, if someone knows the exact length of time it would take please let me know..

A lot of kids are good in the car Madyson is 6 years old, and they did bring their dog; i'm sure Madyson adored the dog. In my experience, a lot of really young kids need toys and stuff for long car rides, yet some kids are naturally good in the car and look out the windows and are relaxed. Madyson could have fell into that category. She may enjoy looking out the window at scenery and they did have her dog in the car to keep her occupied.
I am curious about the nature of Sherrilyn's disability. Since it was not divulged, makes me wonder if it is a psychiatric/psychological issue. JMOO

I agree, i think it was. She could have anxiety or some type of mild issue. It's common nowadays. I could be totally off mark, and maybe it's something physical.. Their family doesn't tell us much so..
Excellent question. Wonder if we need to request one? Sorry I don't know how they work? I would love to read one on this family.

Same here. I checked the Astro thread after I posted this question and I did not see anything regarding this family. I'm also not sure how they work, if someone has to make a request or??? What I do know is they will need birth dates and times, etc..
This is a really good question, as, if the above supposition is the case, it could speak directly to whether the disappearance is voluntary, or in some manner it was planned.

Even if it was a mental illness, i don't think it would have to do with anything behind why they disappeared.
If she was known to have a serious mental illness, i would think that would qualify her as endangered missing without medication. We've heard nothing of the sort.
Besides even if it was her husband would have to agree to it.
Not all mentally ill people are dangerous and "crazy". Some have anxiety issues, she might have depression to some degree. It doesn't mean she'd hatch a plan to do away with her family. If she did, i doubt her husband would agree to it.
I just don't want assumptions of mental issues to launch us on the wrong track here.
I think and outside source kidnapped this family at the spot where the truck was found or at another location, then moving their truck.
I was also wondering if there are any psyc. wards in that area of OK?

Escaped mental patient theory? I doubt that is what happened.
Someone had to have known them, there was no signs of a struggle or trouble the Sheriff said. Whoever did this knew them. Why else would they all get out of the car for a total stranger? Someone knew where they were going that day or saw an attempt to do something to them. Robbery wasn't the motive, it's either personal, a thrill kill, or hunting accident cover up as someone mentioned, imo.
I'm wondering if the man got some sort of lump sum payout for the car accident injuries he suffered in the past. If so, he could have left "a significant amount of money" in the truck as a ruse, and they could be establishing new identities and living well off the remainder. Just a thought.

Does anyone know the details of the car accident that he sued and got a lump sum for?
Perhaps whoever had to end up paying him got pissed off about that..retaliation maybe?
Just throwing an idea out there..
From what i gathered, the ride was an hour to 2 hours, if someone knows the exact length of time it would take please let me know..

A lot of kids are good in the car Madyson is 6 years old, and they did bring their dog; i'm sure Madyson adored the dog. In my experience, a lot of really young kids need toys and stuff for long car rides, yet some kids are naturally good in the car and look out the windows and are relaxed. Madyson could have fell into that category. She may enjoy looking out the window at scenery and they did have her dog in the car to keep her occupied.

Eufaula to Red Oak is around an hour and a half; add another 30-35 minutes for them to find the land they were thinking about buying.
I haven't been following all that closely, but do we know if they were on SSI or SSDI? The medical requirements for a disability determination are the same, but while SSI has an asset limit, SSDI (which is based on prior work, and generally a higher monthly amount) has no asset limit. You could be a millionaire and still receive SSDI benefits.

More information at links, if anyone is interested.


I don't know how it would work with an auto accident settlement but SSD will cut a person's check way down if they get a workman's comp settlement. They did that to my husband for years. He got a very small check for over 13 years, but part of that time was a big mistake on their part and they finally had to pay us a lump sum thanks to one of their workers who finally listened to us and checked it out better. I can definitely see how that could make a person despondent if the spouse was also disabled. A settlement will only go so far then having to try and live on a small check is the pits.
I also hope LE has checked out the family computers. They could have met up with a con man hoping to sell them something related to starting a homestead on land or having to do with alternative housing. There's lots of forums that deal with living off the grid.
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