OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #3

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I don't post a lot but I just wanted to get my two cents in on this one. First I want to say that I find it odd that there isn't more media coverage. I had never heard of this family until this week- not sure how I missed all three threads but I don't read here as often as I would like anymore. I have not had time to read all of the threads yet but I plan to but I plan to. But from what I have read it seems likely that Bobby and Sherilyn could have been involved with crystal meth (and this is only MY opinion). There are several reasons why I think this so I am putting them in list form for clarity.

1.Bobby and Sherilyn allegedly claimed to have seen spirits-Bobby told his pastor he saw the spirits on the roof- A long time ago when I was involved with the wrong people- I knew someone who swore police were hiding in the trees around his house.This was when he had been up way too many days and was "tweaking" hard. He would peek out of his blinds and be certain that he could see them watching him. I have known of other people doing this after being up too long. Your mind plays really weird tricks on you when you are on meth.

2. The most current newspaper article told of their home security cameras showing Bobby and Sherilyn walking around in a trance like state and stopping and staring for a long time. Again, I have witnessed tweakers doing this exact same things at times. They will at times just stare off into nothing - kind of like they got lost in their own mind for a little while. Their movements just kind of off. I have seen this after someone being up way too long. Plus many people involved in drugs have security cameras set up around their house ( I do realize that many people have cameras that are not involved in illegal activity also).

3.The weird writing on the storage container thingy- I have seen people being paranoid and doing strange things like this.

4. The large amount of cash and the missing briefcase. - I am unclear on exactly how they came to have this large amount of money- Was this from his lawsuit settlement? I read ( I think) that they were on disability.

5. On an earlier post, Sherilyn's friend spoke of both Sherilyn and Bobby being depressed- Many people start use meth because it relieves their depression temporarily -not realizing that it only makes it much much worse when the dope is gone.

As I said earlier this is only my opinion and thoughts. I hope that I am wrong and that the little girl didn't pay for her parents mistakes.

I really appreciate this kind of information because I have no idea what kind of mental state a drug like that might induce in someone.

Didn't I read that the Jamesons had both been losing weight? I believe crack does that to people too doesn't it?

One thing at odds with them dealing drugs seems to me to be the lack of a big, dangerous breed dog to protect their home. Instead, they had a little fluffy one, Madyson's dog, I'd guess.
11 pages deriding someone for being a hermit? Gotta be more to it than that.

The manic side of bipolar could cause you to do that. Everything is over the top....driven.
Here's another list of "what happened?" possibilities:

* disappeared voluntarily
* drug deal gone bad
* done in by family
* murders + suicide
* murder(s) + disappeared voluntarily
* met accidental death; bodies still unrecovered
* saw something they shouldn't have; killed as a result
* killed by person(s) showing them land, or who knew where they
were looking for land and were carrying cash money; robbed in the process

What am I missing? If we go with cui bono/follow the money, family is still right up there, still maybe first on the list, because of the interesting possibilities involved with the will. If, instead, we accept the evidence in the Oklahoman article, drug theories vault to the fore. I've thought many times that, Occam's razor-wise, "disappeared voluntarily" makes the most sense - it also fits with drug-induced paranoia (and the lack of affect evidenced by leaving Maizey the dog), and would explain the missing briefcase. Killed during a robbery - another possible drug angle, too, would also explain the missing briefcase - though if that's the case somebody messed up by leaving the rather easily found $32,000 in the truck; or perhaps they met people either on the mountain or in Eufaula or Red Oak who learned they had a large sum of money, killed them, and disposed of the bodies.


* Deprogramming

i really appreciate this kind of information because i have no idea what kind of mental state a drug like that might induce in someone.

Didn't i read that the jamesons had both been losing weight? I believe crack does that to people too doesn't it?

One thing at odds with them dealing drugs seems to me to be the lack of a big, dangerous breed dog to protect their home. Instead, they had a little fluffy one, madyson's dog, i'd guess.

everyone is wrong about the drugs. They smoked occaisonal pot. And once upon a time they did meth occasionally.... Yrs ago. But once bobbys dad ended up in the hospital from a "meth overdose"-- they swore it off. I know they didnt do it after that at all. And before that it was very rare-- recreational and very occaisonal.

I wish is could explain it better. U just have to know them. Both of them were skinny people anyway. But when they were in thier depressional states, u had to remind them to eat. If i hadnt seen sherilyn for awhile, i could always tell if she had been in one of her "down" stages by her weight.
NSHENOLD, thanks. I am sure you are correct. In fact, Sheriff Beauchamp backs what you say indicating he found no evidence of them either using or selling drugs.

The purported hallucinations though, brought back the brief discussion of drug use. Some things get hashed and rehashed as typical in trying to see if anything's been missed.

As Snoopster pointed out, the hallucinations could have been strictly due to Bipolar Disorder with Sherilyn. Then again, we can't eliminate every other cause simply because she is bipolar. Do you know if she has Bipolar I or II? Prescription pain meds could account for hallucinations on Bobby's part, although they're one of the less common side effects is my understanding.
nshenold, thanks. I am sure you are correct. In fact, sheriff beauchamp backs what you say indicating he found no evidence of them either using or selling drugs.

The purported hallucinations though, brought back the brief discussion of drug use. Some things get hashed and rehashed as typical in trying to see if anything's been missed.

As snoopster pointed out, the hallucinations could have been strictly due to bipolar disorder with sherilyn. Then again, we can't eliminate every other cause simply because she is bipolar. Do you know if she has bipolar i or ii? Prescription pain meds could account for hallucinations on bobby's part, although they're one of the less common side effects is my understanding.

im sorry, i do not know if she is bipolar i or ii.....

Please forgive me if i sounded snippy. There are just so many speculations on them and they make them look so bad. I feel i must defend them. I just dont want anyone to view them in any other light than the truth.

On a side note, when they first bought that house, they were fixing it up to live in.....it was gutted when they bought it . When they were putting the formica counter tops and back splash in, it started bubbling up really bad. Sherilyn called the place they got it and told them what it was doing. The clerk said in all the years he had been doing it, he never heard of any such a thing. Immediately, sherilyn started to "rebuke the devil" from thier house. Bizarre, i know. But sherilyn was always an intense person. She was 11o% or she was nothing at all.
Nikki....In your experience of knowing Sherilyn and Bobby and to your knowledge, was that typical of them to have that much cash at their disposal? Did they always seem to be flush with cash even though they were living on disability? I just find that aspect of this so interesting that the money was left behind.

Thank you for being a voice for your friend. I sure wish we could figure out what happened here.....
nikki....in your experience of knowing sherilyn and bobby and to your knowledge, was that typical of them to have that much cash at their disposal? Did they always seem to be flush with cash even though they were living on disability? I just find that aspect of this so interesting that the money was left behind.

Thank you for being a voice for your friend. I sure wish we could figure out what happened here.....

as far as on a normal basis, sherilyn and bobby both usually carried around $1,000 cash each.

With the $32,000 - its my understanding that bobby received $64,000 in a settlement. Either this was his half of the sale of his dads land or from his previous car wreck. Sherilyn told me that it was coming and that they were splittin the $. The way they lived, it was a trip to go to the bank. My guess is that they had kept it in thier safe at home and took it with them that day intending to deposit it in the bank on the way home. Sadly, they never made it.

So here are the things that I can clear up....The writing on the paper from in the truck was GPS coordinates for the land in which the truck was found. The shipping container, that is what another guy on the mountain was doing for a house when the Jamisons were up there that day. I know that Bobby had mentioned living in the container before to his mother. I think that they really wanted to get AWAY. And as FAR AWAY as possible. When they were talking to the lady about the property he asked her several times about how rural it was. He made it very clear that he wanted somthing desolate. I also found out that he had been carrying that $$ in the truck for a while. He had kept it under there for safe keeping (didn't want Sherilynn to spend it)...Ironically enough, the money was the safe. I am trying to think if I am missing anything....
NBC is looking to run a story on the Jamisons, but I don't think it will run till the end of the year. Oh oh oh..I guess the truck was on its way out of the property when it was found on the side of the road. They had already been up to the top and looked around (there are dated pictures) and then it was like the truck was leaving and pulled over to the edge. I thought that was an important detail.
Great work mtrooper!

Oh oh oh..I guess the truck was on its way out of the property when it was found on the side of the road. They had already been up to the top and looked around (there are dated pictures) and then it was like the truck was leaving and pulled over to the edge. I thought that was an important detail.

This certainly makes it look like someone didn't do something to the family elsewhere and then drive the truck back up the mountain to just dump it there. They wouldn't have bothered to turn the truck around to face back down the mountain.
If the family had gotten into the truck and was leaving, it doesn't seem like a murder suicide thing for me.

IIRC, it was mentioned that the passenger side of the truck was up against a drop off or something and passengers would not have been able to get out easily. I invision the Jamison's driving down the road and pulling far to the right to let another vehicle pass. Only they all stopped and the truck and dog was left behind.
Huge storms in the search area right now:

The storm track shows a large tornadic cell will arrive in the following towns:

9:12 Wilburton

9:29 Red Oak
In looking at the photo of the truck again, it looks like a one lane road. Typical for back country with little traffic. Where the truck is parked the ground looks mostly dry, but I've driven plenty of ranch roads, and it can be dry in some spots and wet in others, and probably why the Jamison's truck has picked up a fair amount of mud with some dust caked on top of the mud. Mud on the doors looks dried out.

I notice a smaller set of tracks probably made by a jeep or at the very least a mid size, light truck, one narrower track on either side of the driver's side front wheel. The narrow tracks are too close together to have been made at the same time or in tandem. So one track would have been made when that unseen vehicle went up the mountain, and the other made when it came down. Darn, I wish I had a picture of the truck with the driver's side doors closed so I could see more of the roadbed. Wish there were additional pics that showed a wider field of vision.

I wonder if LCSO tested that discarded water bottle for DNA.
The "brown leather briefcase" is really bugging me. Am wondering which day it was seen on tape being put in the truck .. the first or second day they went to look at property. The briefcase seems key to me because it has not been located, and IIRC, there was a receipt from Poteau but we don't know which day it was for. Somehow Poteau factors into their last 2 days, but we still don't know why or how.

No answers, just more questions :(
Why on earth didn't LE release a picture of that briefcase last fall ... it's the one very important item people should have been looking for. Arghhhh !!!

So here are the things that I can clear up....The writing on the paper from in the truck was GPS coordinates for the land in which the truck was found. The shipping container, that is what another guy on the mountain was doing for a house when the Jamisons were up there that day. I know that Bobby had mentioned living in the container before to his mother. I think that they really wanted to get AWAY. And as FAR AWAY as possible. When they were talking to the lady about the property he asked her several times about how rural it was. He made it very clear that he wanted somthing desolate. I also found out that he had been carrying that $$ in the truck for a while. He had kept it under there for safe keeping (didn't want Sherilynn to spend it)...Ironically enough, the money was the safe. I am trying to think if I am missing anything....
NBC is looking to run a story on the Jamisons, but I don't think it will run till the end of the year. Oh oh oh..I guess the truck was on its way out of the property when it was found on the side of the road. They had already been up to the top and looked around (there are dated pictures) and then it was like the truck was leaving and pulled over to the edge. I thought that was an important detail.

So it sounds like someone pulled up beside their truck and possibly pulled a gun on them....that's the only scenario I can think of that would force the whole family out of the truck without any belonging, etc. (Or possibly they were met by two oncoming vehicles, occupants armed with with guns.) ??

So here are the things that I can clear up....The writing on the paper from in the truck was GPS coordinates for the land in which the truck was found. The shipping container, that is what another guy on the mountain was doing for a house when the Jamisons were up there that day. I know that Bobby had mentioned living in the container before to his mother. I think that they really wanted to get AWAY. And as FAR AWAY as possible. When they were talking to the lady about the property he asked her several times about how rural it was. He made it very clear that he wanted somthing desolate. I also found out that he had been carrying that $$ in the truck for a while. He had kept it under there for safe keeping (didn't want Sherilynn to spend it)...Ironically enough, the money was the safe. I am trying to think if I am missing anything....
NBC is looking to run a story on the Jamisons, but I don't think it will run till the end of the year. Oh oh oh..I guess the truck was on its way out of the property when it was found on the side of the road. They had already been up to the top and looked around (there are dated pictures) and then it was like the truck was leaving and pulled over to the edge. I thought that was an important detail.

bbm - just general questions/observations below:

Okay, second statement first: Why did Bobby think Sherilyn would spend the money, and on what? Here in OK, it's not something we regularly contend with, the urge (or the ability) to, oh, hit the stores and spend $20-30k in a day's shopping, before our other half notices the cash on hand's dipped a bit. So, the only thing to which I can connect this behavior - to Bobby's alleged fear of it occurring, at any rate - is to drugs, or to Indian casinos, and God knows we've got both of those, and in abundance, and they can both suck up the money like leeches on the jugular. Were the Jamisons given to casino sprees? For some reason, in my mind, "time shares" and "casinos" seem to fit into similar mind-sets. Maybe I'm too conservative (and certainly I've never had fun money to play with) but they both give of "easy come, easy go."

And first of course: Why did the Jamisons want to get as FAR AWAY as possible - and from whom? Again, paranoia is an illness that we associate with drugs. Yes, I know, some people just want to cast off their earthly cares and remove themselves, for whatever reason, from "the grid" - but a house on the lake in Eufaula, Oklahoma, is far enough off the beaten path (and in a lovely, natural, setting, with little population) - for most of us. A shipping container in the Sans Bois seems more "off the rails" than off the grid. Or was the family afraid for their lives as a result of family matters or threats made because of legal dealings? Here again, most people in OK would either get a gun and stay put, or have a gun on hand and buy another, prepared to defend themselves on their own land. Here, we don't up and move, we protect ourselves and our homestead.

Weird, weird, weird, this whole dilemma. Everything we learn seems, like unspooled film, to consist of a series of underexposed frames from some dark melodrama.
So it sounds like someone pulled up beside their truck and possibly pulled a gun on them....that's the only scenario I can think of that would force the whole family out of the truck without any belonging, etc. (Or possibly they were met by two oncoming vehicles, occupants armed with with guns.) ??

And yet the neighbour claims no other vehicles were seen? I don't know how far away this neighbour lives from where the family was, but in that type of quiet setting, you would think a vehicle would at least be heard coming up those roads.

The only belonging that we now KNOW is missing is the briefcase. So, i'm thinking either money or drugs. I'm much more inclined to think $$ because of them checking out property. (i.e. dealers don't normally go property hunting and think, "hey, let's take a bunch of drugs with us in case we can make a deal enroute to this property we're interested in.") They either got out of the truck with it in hand on purpose .. or someone other than them took it from the truck. That "someone" knew 2 things:

1) what was contained in that briefcase on that particular day, and
2) the precise time & location they would be at with that briefcase

The neighbour knew they were going back up there that day? Who else might have known? Who did they talk to when they returned home the night before? When and why did they go to Poteau, and who might they have been in contact with there?

There was also a large amount of money gone in the Joe Neff case in Poteau.
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