OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs, money, & dog found abandoned, Oct 2009 - #3

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"I reserve the right to change my mind about this case, several times a day!"

That's for sure, SuzieQ!
"I reserve the right to change my mind about this case, several times a day!"

That's for sure, SuzieQ!

I reserve the right to change mine several times a minute - "Voluntary disappearance? What was I thinking??"
I reserve the right to change mine several times a minute - "Voluntary disappearance? What was I thinking??"

I rarely post, but this has me LOL! I do read this thread every day, and I am constantly changing my mind. I applaud those of you who debate the various theories; I don't have the mind for it, but I do so enjoy reading everyone's posts. I, in no way, am making fun of the Jamison's disappearance. It has the sense of a tragedy to me, today at least.
Okay, pardon my sudden burst of posting (got new filters for coffeemaker finally), and I fully expect a groundswell of support for "vanished voluntarily" just as soon as everyone gets home from work today (not!). So there's this: below I list 19 possibilities, in random order, to explain the family's disappearance (based on my list of several pages ago plus additions by others along the way). Rank your Top Five theories, in order of likelihood (#1 = most probable) :

A. Done in by locals (random killings)
B. Done in by locals (cash in the briefcase)
C. Voluntary disappearance
D. Drug deal gone bad
E. Done in by family (revenge motif)
F. Done in by family (financial gain)
G. Murders + suicide
H. Murder(s) + disappeared voluntarily
I. Accidental deaths - bodies still undiscovered
J. Saw something they shouldn't have; killed as a result
K. Killed by person(s) involved with land sale
L. Witness protection program
M. Killed (religious overtones)
N. Disappeared (religious involvement)
O. Rehab
P. Deprogramming
Q. Murders + child abduction
R. Abduction; family still alive
S. Anomalous event (UFOs, demon spirits, etc. etc.)

I'll go with....
5. G
4. J
3. D
2. F
1. C
TODAY I think I will try:

5. B
4. G
3. H
2. J
1. I

But, I reserve my right to change my mind at any time.
Okay, pardon my sudden burst of posting (got new filters for coffeemaker finally), and I fully expect a groundswell of support for "vanished voluntarily" just as soon as everyone gets home from work today (not!). So there's this: below I list 19 possibilities, in random order, to explain the family's disappearance (based on my list of several pages ago plus additions by others along the way). Rank your Top Five theories, in order of likelihood (#1 = most probable) :

A. Done in by locals (random killings)
B. Done in by locals (cash in the briefcase)
C. Voluntary disappearance
D. Drug deal gone bad
E. Done in by family (revenge motif)
F. Done in by family (financial gain)
G. Murders + suicide
H. Murder(s) + disappeared voluntarily
I. Accidental deaths - bodies still undiscovered
J. Saw something they shouldn't have; killed as a result
K. Killed by person(s) involved with land sale
L. Witness protection program
M. Killed (religious overtones)
N. Disappeared (religious involvement)
O. Rehab
P. Deprogramming
Q. Murders + child abduction
R. Abduction; family still alive
S. Anomalous event (UFOs, demon spirits, etc. etc.)

I'll go with....
5. G
4. J
3. D
2. F
1. C

wfgodot, this made me smile on a less than happy day (and no- not pointing fun at this case either, it too smells of tragedy to me, but still.... :) )

Not willing to hazard a ranking guess today; however I do have a somewhat stupid question that may have been already answered and I missed it. The money that was recovered from the vehicle...... where did the actual cash itself go after discovery? Was it.....marked?
My choices as of this hour.....

E. Done in by family (revenge motif)
F. Done in by family (financial gain)
B. Done in by locals (cash in the briefcase)
A. Done in by locals (random killings)
C. Voluntary disappearance
Oh what the hay...


I will go even one step further and explain my thoughts here. If anyone followed the court proceedings then you will know where I am coming from here....Bobby Sr. DIED Dec. 16 2009 if you count the business days between then and when they setteled the estate it was 70 days, by the time you take out for christmas (eve), new years(eve), MLK day, and presidents day you are looking at 64 days to get this through probate. That is like lightening speed with lawyers and judges. I know Jack was trying to push that through as fast as possible (per starlet). I am gonna have to guess it is due to the $$ they owe to the county clerks office but that is speculation. Anywho...I dont think murder suicide ONLY for the reason that I think we would have found the bodies...very hard to bury yourself once your dead. And I dont think that they would have been that cruel to the dog, oh and I dont think Sherilyn would have left Marla (her sisters ashes) at home if it was her that was the culprit. The way the truck was parked tells us that they were back in the truck and leaving (the cell phone with the picture on it was plugged into the cigarette lighter) and the truck had moved from its original position. Thats how I know they didn't get lost or hurt up there...They made it back to the truck and were leaving. As far as the locals go, I guess I really don't have anything to rule them out other than I met 3 of them, and they were 3 of the nicest people I have ever met. They are still looking for this family, and are desparate for answers. But I am sure there are other crazyies up there that I didn't meet, that the Jamisons might have met on accident. I don't think voluntary dissapearance makes much since either, kinda the same reasons but I know they had been looking for money and I don't know why they would have done that if they were going to just leave it in the truck as a prop. And same thing with leaving the dog to die. Ok my brain hurts, I will think more later and add it.
The bills were turned back over to Star who is now the guardian of all of them, and she caught up some bills from their house and put the rest in a trust for Madyson. They we not marked bills, and there was also a check that had not been cashed at the house for over $10,000 from SS. Brain....ouch, must find advil.
The bills were turned back over to Star who is now the guardian of all of them, and she caught up some bills from their house and put the rest in a trust for Madyson. They we not marked bills, and there was also a check that had not been cashed at the house for over $10,000 from SS. Brain....ouch, must find advil.

So most of the actual notes themselves, as well as the uncashed check are still available?
wfgodot, this made me smile on a less than happy day (and no- not pointing fun at this case either, it too smells of tragedy to me, but still.... :) )

Not willing to hazard a ranking guess today; however I do have a somewhat stupid question that may have been already answered and I missed it. The money that was recovered from the vehicle...... where did the actual cash itself go after discovery? Was it.....marked?

Good question. I'm pretty sure it was returned to "family" of one sort or another, after a time; at least, I think I read that. Doubly good on the "was it....marked?" I never considered that - very interesting. (I see mtrooper beat me to that first answer, as I hoped would happen!)

I'm glad I can make people smile a bit, as I sure as heck won't ever be able to figure out an actual solution to any WS case!

I found a legal pad on which I'd scribbled, dating back to the early days of the investigation. This isn't a direct quote, but it captures the spirit of the thing: "Well, hell, that's down there in southeast Oklahoma, some bad boys just came along and that was all she wrote." So my very first decision was "A." It reminded me of Flannery O'Connor's great short story, "A Good Man is Hard to Find" - it's the one with the Misfit and his honchos, who happen along and gun down a family of six in Georgia. (More random info: O'Connor sets her tale near the town of Toomsboro; "Red Oak" is also a good signifying name for a murder tale, as are the Sans Bois ["without wood"] hills.)

Then I got to thinking, and decided - being an English teacher - that some motive other than Pure Evil would work better as a narrative, so I switched to "J," figuring they'd happened onto a meth cooker, a moonshine still, a pot crop, or all three. That's still high on my list.
I believe the cash went into a bank (trust), but the checks are available.
This is my amendment to the "voluntary disappearance - but why the heck did they leave the $$$ in the truck?" theory: Briefcase full of money = $30,000+ meth buy from source close to supplier + re-sale of meth to underling at closer to street value = well over $100,000 profit, I'd suspect. Possibly closer to double that. The actual thing that bothers me isn't the money or the dog (of course the dog part rankles the heck out of me, but drugs - meth, opiates - can negate human emotion), it's their escape and destination: how and where?

Again, though, as Sheriff Beauchamp said, there is no hard, physical evidence of drug involvement, and that fact has to be taken into close consideration.
It would be great if we could get a poll set up like this! I don't know how to do it.

Any volunteers?
so, just to confirm mtrooper, are you saying that your top pick (#1) is witness protection? It sounded from your comments that you were leaning to family-related killings.
alrighty then, here are my picks du jour (or should I say picks du heure?):

#1 - F (family - financial)
#2 - B (locals - for the cash_
#3 - J (saw something they shouldn't have)
#4 - D (drug deal)
#5 - H (murder and disappeared)

(Hey wfgodot, my #6 is voluntary disappearance!)
J. Saw something they shouldn't have; killed as a result
A. Done in by locals (random killings)
I. Accidental deaths - bodies still undiscovered
F. Done in by family (financial gain)
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